Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Alfred Mutua Beats Kalonzo Musyoka In Ukambani Polls Popularity Showdown

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"Mutua is our Obama" -Machakos voter-

2013 is bound to be remembered as the year
when old politics started to crumble. Nothing illustrates this more brutally than what happened in Ukambani yesterday. While the country's attention was firmly focused on the by-elections in Bungoma and Bomachoge another by-election for a county assembly seat in Machakos saw an Alfred Mutua man win an election, almost by a landslide, against a man Kalonzo Musyoka had backed and campaigned for vigorously.

What???? Isn't Mutua that Man who senator Johnson Muthama described as a political novice and most analysts including this blogger agreed??

And even more surprising is the fact that all Governor Mutua did was to tell a rally 3 weeks ago that he preferred Oliver Nzeki of Chama cha Mapinduzi to the candidate being pushed by his own Wiper political party (Francis Ngunga). The word "preferred" coming from Mutua was more than enough for Machakos voters.

Meanwhile The Wiper party and CORD coalition spend money in big rallies and campaign events for their candidate. Mutua's candidate avoided rallies and embarked on a low key campaign that among other things reminded the voters of the governor's good word on his behalf.

Clearly the voters spoke loud and clear about who is calling the shots now in  Ukambani and rather than it being their party leader it is the political "novice." WOW!!!

Amid all the controversies and old sins by the usual old suspects, the truth is that Kenyan politics is shifting dramatically from the old order. Fascinatingly while the business community has been quick to realize that the profile of the typical consumer in the country has changed so that chances of selling anything successfully without targeting the youth is now impossible, politicians in Ukambani have been a little slow in reading the writing on the wall. Most notably the Wiper party has continued to practice old vindictive petty politics.

For instance the party has been busy in recent weeks "revenging" against MPs who refused to step down for Kalonzo Musyoka to get back into parliament after CORD lost the presidential elections. This has been done by making such childish moves as frustrating the legislators and demanding that some of them resign their positions in house parliamentary committees.

In the old days such moves would excite Ukambani voters and give them plenty to gossip about (the Kamba love to gossip). Now it seems the effect is the opposite at best and in some cases may infuriate the people in Machakos.

For all intents and purposes it seems that Kalonzo Musyoka's political career is well and truly over. This has to be the beginning of the end for him. 
Read the crazy crazy list of articles that even Kumekucha was terrified to publish and some of them are about Kalonzo Musyoka's little known sins. Mind boggling information on Kenyan politicians and politics. Get it in your email inbox in seconds.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Raila Favour Part Of URP Fury Against Uhuru

The Kalenjin community are very emotional and headstrong people and what may start out as a small disagreement can quickly blow up beyond all proportions and cause serious chaos.

And that is why tensions have risen and political temperatures in the country are recording new highs shortly after the president's visit to Rift Valley.

Retired president Moi hailed from the community and understood his people rather well. And that was the only reason why he got out of a very tight situation during the last elections he participated in for the presidency in 1997. Most Kenyans do not know it but there was such strong bitterness and opposition against Moi (most notably from the Nandi sub-tribe of the Kalenjin) that Mwai Kibaki's campaign team in the Rift Valley at one point recorded that massive votes for Kibaki could be forthcoming from the province. Things got so bad at one point that Moi was being openly booed and shouted down when he tried to campaign in certain areas of the vast vote-rich and constituency-rich province. Kibaki in sharp contrast was being wildly cheered.

Moi handlers were desperate and only won the day on voting day by telling the Kalenjins the only thing at the time that would make them see red. They told the people that Moi had resigned himself to losing to a Kikuyu who would jail him (and maybe even hang him) alongside ALL prominent Kalenjins (including the popular ones amongst the people) and the suppression of the Kalenjin even in the Rift Valley would be unbearable. That worked and the community trooped to polling stations on voting day to vote Moi albeit grudgingly. Incidentally the same strategy was attempted in 2007 with the circulation of posters depicting Kalenjin leaders lining up to be hanged by Raila (assuming he won the presidency). It did not work. One would have to be very lucky to use the same trick successfully on the crafty Kalenjins.

But back to the current woes deep within JUBILEE. What started out as a clever strategy by URP to keep Ruto relevant has suddenly and unexpectedly taken a new dangerous turn after the President's unsuccessful tour of the Rift Valley. Somebody somewhere seems to have taken some salt and rubbed it on old wounds of the folks in Rift Valley and now even former Prime Minister Raila Odinga's name has emerged with talk about a major fertilizer contract linked to a Raila company that should have gone to URP people instead.

GET the collection of articles Kumekucha feared to publish and you will have FREE access to the Kumekucha Raw notes and read the rest of this explosive story you have been reading. All you need to do is get the articles that Kumekucha feared to publish.

Read the crazy crazy list of articles that even Kumekucha was terrified to publish. Mind boggling information on Kenyan politicians and politics. Get it in your email inbox in seconds.