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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Oligarchies Unite for The Final Assault on the Sheeple

Since at least July, 2011, we have witnessed some major political moves which we fear many have not noticed, or, understood their full bearings in the scheme of things. At the headquarters of the the Western Empire, we witnessed some CREATED drama about debt ceilings and all that, live on the CNN and such other propaganda channels. So as to resolve this created circus, both Democrats led by NERO Golfer HOOVER Obama, and the Republicans agreed to form an unconstitutional super - committee of 12 TYRANTS. These 12 TYRANTS were mandated to to find out where cuts in the USA’ government must be made. Needless to say, it must also, “decide” who shall plundered more so as to raise more revenue to bailout the OLIGARCHY.

Once these 12 TYRANTS who are working BEHIND CLOSED DOORS like the Kenyan KANU of 1980’s decide who shall be plundered, their findings must be adopted by the USA’s Congress or automatic cuts must come into place. The question is, if the 12 TYRANTS who are conducting their business behind closed door meetings can order the elected leaders of the American people, we ask, where is democracy in all this? The main deal is this. The farce that goes for the Western democracy (which we call OPIUM SESSIONS) is now dead. Times are too serious for even the farcical democracy. Live with it!

That famous "evil" genius Machiavelli, wrote this:

". . .I have not found among my belongings anything as dear to me or that I value as much as my understanding of the deeds of great men, won by me from a long acquaintance with CONTEMPORARY AFFAIRS and a CONTINUOUS STUDY of the ANCIENT WORLD; these matters I have very diligently analyzed and pondered for a long time, and now, having summarized them in a little book, I am sending them to Your Magnificence."

Machiavelli, although totally misunderstood by those who call him devilish, taught us very valuable lessons on human character. Let us therefore, heed his counsel and travel to the ancient world for some insight on contemporary affairs. Leaving out a lot of details on the whole affair of war between ancient Athens and Sparta, we just note that, in 411 B.C., Athens, having been at war with Sparta and its allies since 327 B.C., was becoming FINANCIALLY EMBARRASSED and socially exhausted. To remedy the grave situation, they IMPOSED NEW TAXES on IMPORTS and EXPORTS, but, all this did not work. In other words, AUSTERITY was not working.

As a result of the deteriorating economic which must as a rule lead to social, cultural and political deterioration, the Athenian’s GOVERNING ELITE, i.e. the oligarchs, decided to overthrow the Athenian "Democracy." We put the word in this manner because, honestly, there was no democracy in Athens. So as to organize the OLIGARCHIC COUP, the oligarchs met secretly with a guy called ALCIBIADES, who had been exiled from Athens, and, who was working for the King of Persia who had in turn formed an alliance with Spartans. Having agreed to have Alcibiades recalled to Athens to lead the oligarchic coup, they sent another guy called PISANDER to plead Alcibiades case in Athens.

Unfortunately, most people in Athens did not like the idea of overthrowing the Athenian “democracy.” Even some Generals did oppose the coup. These generals were the first casualties of the coup. So as to convince the Athenians who were against the idea of an oligarchic coup, he would call them separately and ask them something like this: Now that, the Spartans and their allies have joined hands with the Persian King who is supplying them with money, ships, men etc which we do not have, can Athens survive unless we bring the Persian King on our side? Seeing the grave situation as it was, they would reply, clearly, it was not possible. Having gotten this answer, he would then speak straight to them and tell them this:

Well, then, that is impossible unless we have a MORE INTEGRATED GOVERNMENT, with the powers in FEWER HANDS, so that the King may trust us. At the moment what we have to think about is our survival, not the form of our constitution. We can always change that later, if we do not like it. And we must bring Alcibiades back, because he is the only person now living who can arrange this for us.”

Having made it clear to the Athenians that, they had “no choice at all,” and they could change the constitution later if they wished, they gave in. In other words, the Athenians gave in to the idea of a UNITY/COALITION GOVERNMENT which was in fewer hands. This brings us to the 2011 drama.

A few days ago, the Prime Minister of Greece, announced a referendum whereby, the Greek people would have voted to accept or reject the genocidal austerity measures required by the EU and the IMF (read oligarchy). Within a few hours, he was “forced” to scrap the referendum. On top of this, he was “forced” to resign with his post taken by a TECHNOCRAT chosen by all major political parties in a government of NATIONAL UNITY which will push for the austerity measures. So, why did the Greece Prime Minister do this? Simply, he was orchestrating a crisis so as to suspend the right of the Greek people to vote on any measure dictated by the rotten and degenerate oligarchy running the world affairs. For instance, the News Sky reported that:

Greece's Prime Minister has scrapped plans for a referendum on the eurozone bailout plan - telling Sky News he never wanted it to happen. The surprise climbdown, confirmed by the country's finance minister, came after emergency talks in which the opposition party called for early elections and immediate approval of the rescue plan. There are now unconfirmed reports that leader George Papandreou he has struck a deal to step down and hand power to a new coalition government if they help him win a confidence vote on Friday.” Source:

There you have it. The whole circus was meant to bring in an oligarchic government which means that, whatever decisions the single party state makes for the benefit of the oligarchy must be followed by the Greek people. And, the new Prime Minister, Papademos wasted no time in telling us what his job is.

For instance, speaking to the British Establishment propaganda house, i.e. the BBC, we are told that: the new Greek Prime Minister Lucas Papademos has said the priority of his incoming coalition cabinet is to seek unity to keep Greece in the eurozone. "The choices WE make will be decisive for the Greek people," he said, adding that the euro was vital for prosperity. "The path will not be easy but I am convinced the problems will be solved faster and at a smaller cost if there is unity and consensus," he told reporters. Source:

And, if you have doubts who is his boss, here is his answer:

"The participation of our country in the eurozone is a guarantee for the country's monetary stability. It is a driver of financial prosperity," Papademos said after getting the mandate to form a Cabinet. "I am not a politician, but I have dedicated most of my professional life to exercising financial policy both in Greece and in Europe." Source:

Let us translate this jackal language for you. Monetarism is a concept of Empires, imperialists, jackals and hyenas. That is why for instance, as the Spanish Empire received more gold and silver from the mutilated, raped and murdered “Indians,” it was collapsing. As concerns FINANCE, just know this. Finance is a parasite on the real economy. As we all know, ticks can only be fat when the host is dying. In the same manner, the financial prosperity he talks about, must come at the expense of the real economy where most of the Greek people live and work. As such, when he says he has dedicated his life to financial policy, he says, he has dedicated his life to parasitism.

And, this brings us to the Italian circus. As the circus in Greece was “dying down,” Italy was subjected to a massive financial attack which drove its interest for 10 year bond to about 7%. This was the “hard evidence” required to prove that, Mr Berlusconi, elected by the Italians in their wisdom or folly, was not up to the job. So, what is the solution? Simple. Form a government of NATIONAL UNITY led by TECHNOCRATS such as the former EU commissioner Mario Monti so as to enact the “reforms” required by the oligarchy.

However, before the Italian President (we are told he is, just like the Queen of England, Sweden etc a ceremonial decoration. What a LIE told to the humanity since 1848?) could accept the resignation of Mr Berlusconi, he had to ensure passage of some draconian austerity measures which include: an increase in VAT, from 20% to 21%, a freeze on public-sector salaries until 2014, the retirement age for women in the private sector will gradually rise, from 60 in 2014 until it reaches 65 in 2026, the same age as for men, measures to fight tax evasion will be strengthened, including a limit of 2,500 euros on cash transactions, there will be a special tax on the energy sector and above all, that employers must be allowed to hire and fire people more easily if business is to be given a freer hand. What about this Mario Monti as compared to the Italians who will be fired and hired like the feudal serfs. He is a SENATOR FOR LIFE. Source:

But, who is behind these suspensions of what are already farcical democracy? Again, we turn to the British Establishment mouth piece where we are told that, in the past few weeks a kind of politburo has emerged. This POLITBURO of the United Oligarchic Republic of Europe is made up of three “democratically” elected leaders, i.e. the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-Claude Juncker, the Prime Minister of Luxembourg.

In addition to the three “democratically” elected leaders, we have other FIVE TYRANTS on the table. In its propagandist manner, the BBC sanitises the FIVE TYRANTS this way:

Also at the table are five others chosen by their peers: Jose Manuel Barroso and Ollie Rehn from the European Commission; Herman Van Rompuy from the European Council; Mario Draghi, the new president of the European Central Bank; and all the way from Washington (but really from France) Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF.” Source:

We do not know who are the peers who chose these 5 TYRANTS to lord over Europe like the feudal lords. However, we hope, we have shed some light on what is really going in the Democratic West. But, do not worry at all, for, just like Pisander assured the ancient Athenians, we are assured by the BBC that this is called leadership in extraordinary times, for in BBCs words:
But what is interesting about this inner core within the inner core is that it has begun to flex its muscles. Leadership - that is what we have all been crying out for, isn't it? It has been pressure from members of the Frankfurt Group which has helped unseat recalcitrant prime ministers in Italy and Greece. That may raise questions about democratic legitimacy, but these are extraordinary times. Source:

Now, we seek not to express any views about measures, policies, follies etc taken which have led to this crisis, or any measures wise or foolish and childish proposed to solve the crisis. What we wanted to point is this:

The oligarchy has gambled big and lost. Instead of accepting their losses as one would expect in a free market which they preach to us, they have decided to unite under such names like unity, consensus, coalition, technocrat led governments, bipartisan committees and such pompous names so as to force down the “throats” of the masses their laws of plunder. Actually, may be, the French author, Linguet was damn right in correcting Mr Montesquieu’s juridical illusions when he noted that, The Spirit of Laws is Property.” If not so, are we not now witnessing massive legal changes in the so called Democratic West, so as to: (a) protect the oligarchy's stolen property, and (b) legalise future robbery by the same oligarchy?

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Why Kenya is in VERY Serious Trouble

I got rather amused the other day reading what very many worried Kenyans had to say about our youth joining the ranks of Al Shabab. They all had the same simple solution; create jobs for the youth.

This illustrates very clearly the growing divide we have in our beloved country between what I call the have-something and the have-nothing-with-little-or-no-hope-for-tomorrow. This is an extremely dangerous divide and it grows wider (and rather rapidly at that) by the day. Those have-something comfortable readers of Kumekucha seated in some office in a high rise building in Nairobi belching and farting some heavy lunch and pretending to be very informed about Kenya versus that vast majority of Kenyans seated in some single room somewhere trying to figure out where their next meal is going to come from… and how to avoid meeting anybody from the long list of people they owe money. The interesting thing is that a vast majority of these folks do indeed have a job.

I find it quite a challenge explaining what these guys feel when they go into a supermarket to buy 2 kilos of Sugar that they are going to share out with 3 other families (who all contributed) and find themselves right next to a fellow Kenyan at Tuskys who has just casually spent Kshs 15,000. These less fortunate Kenyans can only stare in envy because they have the kind of wallets that would pass out in shock if they contained even half that kind of money at any one time, no kidding.

That’s why I laugh when our professional and extremely well-educated class suggest that we create jobs to save our youth from Al Shabab. I laugh and cry at the same time because history tells us that shortly before the French revolution somebody wondered why the starving masses didn’t go for cake if they could find no bread.

But there is more than that on my mind this morning. We have the most careless and reckless president in the history of our country leading us into a war with Al Shabab. Most of the local press seems to have missed a major point here. Wars cost money… a lot of money. Why isn’t anybody talking about that. How are we financing this war? And this comes at a time when we are facing perhaps the most serious economic crisis the country has ever seen since it was birthed in 1963.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have lots of patriotic blood running through my veins and I am well aware that we had little choice in the matter at hand. But considering the fact that some Al Shabab heavies are so cosy with some characters in government (a story so sensitive that it can only be published in my raw notes), couldn’t we have found another solution to this problem? Something more appropriate to the times and the situation? After all America went to war against the Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and years later what is the result?

This is the reason why I am preparing a set of posts to help Kenyans survive the coming hard times and even see the massive opportunities amid all the serious problems and catastrophes that we face and will sink deeper into in the weeks and months to come.

Post on Prime Minister to follow soon.