Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Friday, October 29, 2010

Three Down, Now KACC Steps on Live Wire

UPDATE: Mayor Majiwa finally throws in the towel and steps aside. But the real test now begins when KACC steps on the live wire that is Anglo Leasing and Goldenberg. PLO, say your last prayers and never say you were never warned. You will know the true owners of Kenya now that you have dared fly so close to the sun oblivious of the fact that your wings are waxed. OLE WAKO.

This is turning out to be an historic week for the reborn nation under the new constitution. The week began with Ruto's date with court to answer charges of fraudulent land deals. This was promptly followed by Nairobi Mayor Majiwa having breakfast at KACC offices before being charged in court for his involvement in the cemetery scam. And even before the rowdy councillors would shout PNU/ODM, today the net widened for bigger catch, PS Mwangi and his minister who both stepped aside after seeing the writing on the wall in capital letters.

As if they are taking a cue from last week's post on this blog, Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula and his permanent secretary Thuita Mwangi have today voluntarily stepped aside to pave way for investigations into the Tokyo scum. In deciding not to wait for where the axe was most likely going to fall next on the chopping block the two birds of a feather have astutely chosen to dodge rather than bite the bullet and live to fight another day

Make no mistake about it, it was only a matter of time before President Kibaki would have suspended Hon Wetangula from the cabinet; after all the almost retired 3rd president of the republic is on a roll, and whether condemned or not for his actions he is in the process of leaving behind his legacy which he wants to be remembered by. Minister Wetangula and his lackey have made the decision easier for the President by opting to gracefully exit stage left and thus help maintain proof that the political illusion of the new promulgated constitution at work.

Simply stated, its time for the spirit of our new laws to be put to work even before the ink dries on the letters that spelt them out. By Wetangula not waiting to be suspended he is sending albeit reluctantly the message that Kenyans of all ages who have lived through 3 administrations contemptuous of the law have yearned to hear all their lives: no one is above the law and the rules must be obeyed by both great and small. And let us give credit where it is due the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission are finally matching their bark with their bite in being seen to and doing justice in the fight against corruption with measured punches that are only just beginning to aim past their institutional weight. They still have a long way to go but they most deservedly can receive a pat on the back Kumekucha style

Meanwhile the baton is slowly but surely being passed onto you and I, the true owners of the county. Kenyans are slowly crawling out of self imposed IDP exile in their own country to discover their voice is beginning to be heard and they can have a say in how they want the affairs of their country to be run. Whereas its too early to shout "free at last" the signs of what the future portends for us are hopeful if we keep up the momentum. But brace yourselves because the ICC has not made its move yet in what will be the ultimate test of the nation's melded fabric under a new constitution

We must not delude ourselves to rush in popping the champaigne just yet. The cancer of TRIBALISM is not in any hurry to depart from our shores. But all the same the vice couldn't save Wetangula's neck even when surrounded by Wekesa, Shitanda and Eselli at his darkest political hour. Next head please!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Leader's Curse: Damned for Action and Inaction

There is no honour among hyenas, and who cares? The PM Raila had no power to suspend a minister because he is not the appointing authority and now he is taking all the flack for same. Well, masters of impunity must be feeling like fish tossed out of water. Their political epitaphs were scripted with golden letters of constitutional promulgation on August 27.

President Kibaki suspended Hon William Ruto from the cabinet and Raila is paying the heavy backlash bill. And the whole saga gets even more paradoxical for Kibaki who would have been vilified if he did not act and just he is being criticized for his action.

Next neck on the chopping block is Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula following the damning parliamentary report on Tokyo scam. The committee's indictment is so damning on Wetangula so much so that his hitherto securely locked closet has left his Kanu-era worms crawling from the shelves.

After unsuccessfully attempting the typical Kenyan political gimmick of drumming tribal support to cover your stinking back, Wetangula has his head squarely placed on the block. But don't count on any consistency in suspension yet. This is Kenya and political premium reigns supreme. Wetangula will either go Ruto way or Ongeri way depending on his weight on the succession and political balance.

With no regard to morals, Kenyans have the leaders they deserve. Look no further than the bigoted comments in support or condemnation of the fraudulent politicians. Even the Diaspora are playing ball with pedestrian analysis of which political alliance will win 2012 elections.

A nation living in denial is one immaculately paving her path to self destruction. Ruto and Wetangula do not have to wait to be suspended if they respect the laws they are paid to make. But this is Kenya where politicians shamelessly on camera secure in the knowledge that they have their tribe in the pocket.

The new constitution may be better compared to the previously tattered on but both never condoned fraud. Until we reboot out national mindset and accept the simple truth that morals cannot be legislated, Wetangula and company will continue ripping us off collectively as a country as we cheer and re-elect them as our top most diplomats.

It is no coincidence that both Ruto and Wetangula were our chief negotiators at Serena following the 2007/8 near Armageddon. We only condemn impunity from others and not when two junior embassy officials (Mburu and Muchiri) masterminds such a gigantic national fraud and get promoted for the same.

Woe unto a people living a beautiful national lie of pretense.