Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ruto’s U-turn: Mau Pressure Hits Critical Mass

Arap Ruto must have seen it coming. The mob ganging against him was growing bigger by the day and he was destined to go only one direction, down. But given his numerous somersaults this July he didn’t mind joining the choir ordering settlers of Mau out.

And the present Mau heat has engaged creative conspiracy theories from overtly political Kenyans. While some are now begrudgingly supporting Raila’s resolve to solve Mau no matter the political cost, other are gleefully crafting his political eulogy.

The Mau crisis provides a platform to prove true leadership. We can now compare and contrast doers and fence sitters who wake up from their slumberland only to fire a junior purchasing officer for cheap buy PR on expensive limos.

You have to give the devil his dues when Ntimama comes out unequivocally and declares that Mau must be conserved at whatever cost, political or otherwise.

Devil's dues
True Kenyan style we are comfortable playing politics with such grave issues that will only bequeath desert to our future generation. Expect more fireworks from the fractious cabinet tomorrow.

Shameless extortionists will continue demanding their last pound of political flesh. In the mix are marinated tribal alliances that leave all here waxing like original pundits.

The heat may intensify and acquirer a different colour when Jomo Junior arrives in town from the US. His press release was a tip of a massive iceberg. He knows his boss is a sitting duck without feathers and contradicting can as well be the default mode to advance moribund KK alliance. Na bado.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mau and Hague Kicks Massive Political Storm

No surprises every Kenyan has all over a sudden turned into an opinionated environmentalist. That is typical Kenyan modus operandi of waxing knowledgeable and patriotic when expedient.

Granted, there is no doubt Mau destruction is more than a crisis. The encroachment never stated yesterday but the concern heightened when the effects hit us home and hard in our kitchens and bathrooms.

Poor Mau settlers are just pawns caught in the political cross hairs. Moi was not smart enough to buy elite political support by auctioning Kenya. Instead he settled for basic indivisible need of survival - peasantry.

Following Moi’s whistle, the vultures landed in Mau scavenging for every arable carcass. They curved choicest large pieces for themselves which they registered under phantom companies. In the meantime token parcels were dished out to the real settlers to create a resemblance of equity and honesty.

The ruinous Moi would have known better investment in lucrative business with the state and Arabs. Grabbing Grand Regency at least leaves water flowing in Nairobi taps. Now with the poisonous effects of past impunity hitting our taps, the pain if personal and all the fake environmentalists are all out of the woodwork foaming at the mouth.

Rotten head down
With our shameless penchant to live collective national lies, we conveniently fail to read the REAL POLITCS masked in the present Mau debate. Forget the Bondo fish lunch that only succeeded in expanding political egos in effort cool the Hague heat.

We respectfully flagged the free fall in 2007 and Kenya will never be the same again. The cabinet is dutifully pulling in opposite direction secure in the knowledge the edifice is rotten from the head down.

Ours is doublespeak immortalized. While on one hand people are waxing triumphant on new tribal alliances, Ruto cannot afford to exploit the MORALLESS and fractious government to advance his selfish political schemes. He is only doing exactly just like the others by fighting tooth and nail to retain his tribal lordship tag.

Nobody knows much about land in Kenya than the DPM Uhuru Kenyatta and he made it known all the way from US where he is on official duty. He couldn’t wait to strike it hot by reminding all and sundry about compensation. Speak of wolves drafting constitution to govern herd of goats.

And UK is in good company. The measured, peaceful and God-fearing VP joined the campaign calling for full compensation of settlers relocated from Mau Forest. Any politician will be left salivating at the Rift Valley vote basket no matter the price. Game 2012 is on.