Monday, July 27, 2009

Mau and Hague Kicks Massive Political Storm

No surprises every Kenyan has all over a sudden turned into an opinionated environmentalist. That is typical Kenyan modus operandi of waxing knowledgeable and patriotic when expedient.

Granted, there is no doubt Mau destruction is more than a crisis. The encroachment never stated yesterday but the concern heightened when the effects hit us home and hard in our kitchens and bathrooms.

Poor Mau settlers are just pawns caught in the political cross hairs. Moi was not smart enough to buy elite political support by auctioning Kenya. Instead he settled for basic indivisible need of survival - peasantry.

Following Moi’s whistle, the vultures landed in Mau scavenging for every arable carcass. They curved choicest large pieces for themselves which they registered under phantom companies. In the meantime token parcels were dished out to the real settlers to create a resemblance of equity and honesty.

The ruinous Moi would have known better investment in lucrative business with the state and Arabs. Grabbing Grand Regency at least leaves water flowing in Nairobi taps. Now with the poisonous effects of past impunity hitting our taps, the pain if personal and all the fake environmentalists are all out of the woodwork foaming at the mouth.

Rotten head down
With our shameless penchant to live collective national lies, we conveniently fail to read the REAL POLITCS masked in the present Mau debate. Forget the Bondo fish lunch that only succeeded in expanding political egos in effort cool the Hague heat.

We respectfully flagged the free fall in 2007 and Kenya will never be the same again. The cabinet is dutifully pulling in opposite direction secure in the knowledge the edifice is rotten from the head down.

Ours is doublespeak immortalized. While on one hand people are waxing triumphant on new tribal alliances, Ruto cannot afford to exploit the MORALLESS and fractious government to advance his selfish political schemes. He is only doing exactly just like the others by fighting tooth and nail to retain his tribal lordship tag.

Nobody knows much about land in Kenya than the DPM Uhuru Kenyatta and he made it known all the way from US where he is on official duty. He couldn’t wait to strike it hot by reminding all and sundry about compensation. Speak of wolves drafting constitution to govern herd of goats.

And UK is in good company. The measured, peaceful and God-fearing VP joined the campaign calling for full compensation of settlers relocated from Mau Forest. Any politician will be left salivating at the Rift Valley vote basket no matter the price. Game 2012 is on.


  1. Guka wa Obama7/27/09, 3:40 PM

    You have avoided discussing the cowardice exhibited by your deity but now that the devil you hate has spoken, you can open your cowardly pen and write about real politics.
    Hiyo ni mambo zamani, in reclaiming Mau and the Nairobi River, Raila promised Michuki support and the old man said he is gonna do it by hook or crook if you know what I mean.
    Trust me its gonna be by crook and Raila is a master of that!

  2. Luckily people have fogotten that Kibaki is the one who issued the most titles to the Mau settlers just before the 2005 referundum.... the assumption is that Moi dished out the land, but Kibaki dished out more acres of Mau than Moi - check your facts.

    Now Rao should ask himself how this helps him now. Even if he tries to divert the attention from the Hague, it will not change. Lets see if the Fish+Ugali he had with Kibaki is going to help him at reach a decision at the cabinet. Toothless who will loose yet another around of convincing and they cannot do anything.

    Watch this, though I support them in what they are trying to do with Mau, I fear thatt he minute they do focefull evictions, the chaps being evicted will cause more harm by burning down another 100,000 acres. We can surely afford to compesate the 2k or so people as arson is the next likely strategy.

  3. The interesting times are here, it seems it take only Fish and ugali lunch to neutralise the bull(Kirgit) in the house. Surely the PM will no longer be held in ransom by the RV Mps.

    Did I read today that ODM Nyanza Mps have the balls to dare Ruto leave the party. No one should underestimate the power of Ugali in Kenyan politics.

  4. Wondered for how long you could continue pretending the Mau was not an issue.Glad you have removed the blinkers and unplugged the ears!

  5. Whether everyone wants to be an enviromentalist is neither here nor there. We have reports by real scientists. We should act on them. While am not a fan of the PM, i acknowledge he wants to act even at the expense of political support (though I think he has decided kiuk support is more important than kaleo support. well, the kiuks have the "girl" he wants).

  6. If there was any justice in this banana republic called Kenya, large scale Mau land grabbers would have been whisked from their mansions to the high court for grand corruption and then to Kamiti. Small scale settlers who were duped and sold/given land by power barons can be relocated elsewhere at minimal expense and fuss.

    But of course, impunity reigns supreme in this country. We have to BEG on our knees for these scumbag thieves to leave the Mau while waving a huge cheque. It's called rewarding criminals. Crime pays big time in Kenya if you have the guts to threaten war by crying out that dark forces want to "finish" your tribe. It always comes to tribalizing and poisoning everything by cowering behind your community when things go hay-wire.

    I don't want this spineless govt to dish out my hard earned taxes to these big scale scroungers camping on Mau which was gazetted decades ago as protected land. I also don't want this weak kneed govt to take donor loans in my name to compensate the Mau spongers. I say SMOKE them out now!

    The criminals must not win the day, not this round! And Raila must now release the Mau report for all to see the land grabbers of this vital water tower. It won't surprise you that the large beneficiaries are the ones crying out loudest and also wanted by Moreno Ocampo for genocide.

    They can dig their heels in for now but one gets a special feeling that they could actually be on their last lap on impunity race. They could actually be sniffing their last breath as free men before they get locked up. And of course when they eventually get locked up in prison they will get a card from me saying "careful when you shower, don't drop the soap!" he he he

  7. About Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki:

    "People should not forget that Kibaki is the one who issued the most title deeds to the Mau settlers just before the 2005 referundum to buy political support - votes - for his "bananas" camp. Previously, Amos "the stock market is not a fish market" Kimunya had declared that their title deeds were just MERE PIECES OF PAPER and had them forcefully evicted very inhumanely from the Mau.

    .... The assumption is that Moi dished out the land, but Kibaki dished out more acres of Mau than Moi"

    About Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi:

    "Moi was not "smart" enough to buy elite political support by auctioning Kenya like Kibaki has been doing. Instead he settled for basic indivisible need of survival - peasantry.

    Following Moi’s whistle, the vultures - the Kalenjin political elite - landed in Mau scavenging for every arable carcass. They curved choicest large pieces for themselves which they registered under phantom companies. In the meantime token parcels were dished out to the real settlers to DECEPTIVELY create a resemblance of equity and honesty."

    Poleni sana. The Chickens have come home to roost.

  8. Now Uhuru "Millions of acres of grabbed and stolen land" Kenyatta and Kalonzo "msaliti" Musyoka (these two are very pumbavu leadership material) are joining the thieving Kalenjin political elite, who are DECEPTIVELY crying foul as if to fight for the rights of the small squatter, for reasons that have all to do with political expediency AND NOT THE PRESERVATION OF THE MAU FOREST.


  10. You have run out of ideas you ageing, recycling scumbug.
    The illustrous Kenyan Pundit has some intriguing stuff on there. See on cattle rustling and insecurities in Samburu. It's Kenya too......

    ps: Ruto will rise above the ashes. The Kikuyu/Luo alliance is an empty one. Ruto should walk right out of the Jaluo party. The Coastals are biding their time and will do the same. Once that happens Emilio will tell Raila that he (Emilio) tried really hard.....

  11. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I do not think this "friendship" between Raila and Kibaki is genuine, and whatever little of it their is will not last.

    Why? This Kibaki fellow is not known to be an honest person. He never keeps promises; he breaks them at the earliest "opportunity." He is a serial betrayer. He is a very FRAUDULENT character.

    I hope I am wrong on this but their is one thing I know and it is this: Any friendship with a fraudulent character such as Kibaki will not work as that very important attribute of character called TRUST is alien to him.

    Raila, tread very carefully. Remember Kibaki has betrayed your trust more than once in the past. Their is a song by the late Misiani Owino that says that "bim en bim" (a baboon is always a baboon). It applies to Kibaki. Kibaki will always be a Kibaki.

  12. "Raila, tread very carefully. Remember Kibaki has betrayed your trust more than once in the past."

    Sounds like the deranged, somewhat blind hobo bumpkin is either a saint, a big fat fool or exceedingly cunning. When you think back to Orengo,Ochudho and Prof. Nyongo, then check out the New KANU (anyone remember that, with mama n baba?), then think through the various MoUs (with Kibaki, with Muslims) and so on until you reach his murderous incitements against the Kikuyu, its not hard to figure out hobo's inclinations. Kibaki and Lucy should enjoy the fish. As for me and my house (of mumbi)we shall be eating elsewhere and it certainly shall not be fish.

  13. Anon 3:14 AM,

    Those are the same tired, weather beaten lies we've heard over and over again. They are boring. Only characters filled with hate, lies, fraud, deception and theft as their primary values to live by choose to believe such drivel.

    Repeating lies a thousand times will never make them become the truth. They always have been, are and will always remain LIES.

  14. More lies from Anon 3:14 AM:

    He alleges Railas "murderous incitements against the Kikuyu,"

    Anon 3:14 AM, that is a big fat lie. And you are shameless liar.

    You and your kind are always very quick to provide links to youtube. Toa moja where Raila is shown saying what you have falsely accused him of saying. We, Mwambu and I, have repeatedly challenged you over this several times; you have failed to "deliver" and still you have the nerve to spew and fart blatant untruths over here.

  15. But at least we know that molasses too has no permanent loyalties.See how badly off Ruto is being left after blindly supporting Raila's ambitions.Remember too this man has flirted politically with the late Wamalwa,in Ford K.Been with Moi,in Kanu-NDP co-operation and betrayed them?So who says the man is a saint?Not forgeting the man is a serial party wrecker,ODM to him might be just history,he maybe already thinking of the next political vehicle for 2012,leaving Ruto holding the ugly baby they conceived together that is PEV!

  16. The Kalenjin community should stand up to Ruto and tell him to chill out. Millions of people will suffer if Mau isn't saved, and the Kalenjin are already feeling the brunt of it, just for some political points by Ruto. Kenyans, wake up! These so-called leaders will make you suffer if you follow them blindly!

  17. Where are the lies?

    Raila's incitements led to Kenya's first and tremendoulsy brutal post election violence. That is well known and there is a youtubu video to support it. Search VERY carefully. I will not do your slimy work for you! Butthead!!!

    I will not go into what happened to Orengo and Ochuodho and into Nyongo's changing political fortunes or into all those shortsighted alliances that delivered zero.

    But what I do know (and unlike you and your zealots) with extreme certainty is that the sun does not rise and set in Raila's hairy bum.

  18. Anon 4:03 AM,

    I repeat it again: repeating lies, distortions of the truth and half truths will never make them to become the truth.

    On the Mau issue, I support William Ole Ntimama when he says:

    "Compensating the Mau Forest settlers would be setting a bad precedent by rewarding land grabbers and criminals. 90 per cent of those currently living in the forest are from adjoining districts and have "crossed boundaries, valleys and rivers" to settle there illegally."

    Mau Forest is Kenya’s largest water tower and 12 rivers, among them those that run through the Maasai Mara Game Reserve and others that drain into Lake Nakuru, are at risk of drying up and Uhuru "Millions of acres of grabbed and stolen land" Kenyatta and Kalonzo "msaliti" Musyoka should stop playing pumbavu politics with such a serious issue by demanding compensation of these illegal settlers from adjoining districts who crossed boundaries, valleys and rivers to settle in the Mau forest illegally.

  19. I am not a fan of Raila but I think his moves are as a result of being frustrated by Ruto. Raila did not dump Ruto, it is Ruto who is self destructive and that is why he finds himself in this political Waterloo.

    Ruto might leave ODM as he has threatened but I don't see an avalanche of ODM from RV following him. The proposed KK alliance might not save him, he might end up in the political Siberia

  20. Anon 4:28 AM,

    You ask "where are the lies" and then you repeat them right away. Wewe ni Mbuzi sana.

    About the youtube video, you are the ones who attribute these various silly things to Raila. The burden of proof is on you. You do not come here, spew and fart lies and then ask us to do your dirty work for you - ati by helping you get the proof. PUMBAFF!!

    The burden of proof is on you, and, this time, leave your hairy and bushy buttocks out of this. Proof is all you are supposed to supply to support your silly allegations against Raila. Prove me wrong by providing the youtube link.... Although I know you will fail as Raila never said what you attribute to him.

  21. Anon 4:28 AM,

    You ask "where are the lies" and then you repeat them right away. Wewe ni Mbuzi sana.

    About the youtube video, you are the ones who attribute these various silly things to Raila. The burden of proof is on you. You do not come here, spew and fart lies and then ask us to do your dirty work for you - ati by helping you get the proof. PUMBAFF!!

    The burden of proof is on you, and, this time, leave your hairy and bushy buttocks out of this. Proof is all you are supposed to supply to support your silly allegations against Raila. Prove me wrong by providing the youtube link.... Although I know you will fail as Raila never said what you attribute to him.

  22. These Odmorons can drive you crazy,their illogic is so maddening.Kalonzo chooses to work with Kibaki and they have never forgiven him.Traitor,msaliti,opportunist,self seeker,they have all called him.Raila then does a 360 and all of a sudden realizes the need to work with Kibaki to move the country forward(same reasons Kalonzo cited earlier).But no,you dont hear the same expletives heaped on him,this time it becomes strategy and whatever fancy word they want to describe it.Now if you ask yourself,who between Kalonzo and Raila had the foresight to know what is good for the country?Is it kalonzo who immeadiately saw the threat facing the nation immediately after the disputed elections or is it Raila who comes to his senses almost two years after driving the country to the brink and this after being pushed to the wall by Ruto?

  23. Mai ma Nguku7/28/09, 5:35 AM

    Kalonzo is the man Kenya has been waiting for! Long live Kalonzo wa Musyoka the next president of republic of Kenya!!!

  24. Anon 5:27 AM,

    You are a real panua mongrel. Spinning lies and then trying to pass them off as the truth, Pumbavu wewe. It will not work.

    You allege that Kalonzo had the
    foresight to know what is good for the country. What a ridiculous statement! One of the most ridiculous ones I have ever heard.

    You continue "kalonzo immeadiately saw the threat facing the nation immediately after the disputed elections" and decided to work with Kibaki....

    That is Hog excreta. What you saw Kalonzo doing that day of December 30th was his abetting of the THEFT of the elections by putting undue pressure on Samuel Kivuitu to release the FRAUDULENT presidential election results despite everyone, including Kalonzo himself, knowing that they were riddled with so many anomalies.

    So, Anon 5:27 AM, stop the blatant pumbavu lies. Kalonzo msaliti was not doing it for country. He was doing it for himself by abbeting the theft of the elections so that he could, as he says, "pita kati kati."

    Had the elections not been stolen by Kibaki and Co, Kalonzo would just be a mere MP today. He got the position he has by virtue of being an accomplise to the electoral theft of Dec 30th 2007. Any talk of patriotism on Kalonzo's part is pure hog excreta and it will not wash.

  25. Mai ma Nguki @ 5:35 AM,

    Your name says it all: Wewe ni mavi ya kuku. Your sense of judgment is also similarly soiled by the same substance - mavi ya kuku. No wonder your choice is Kalonzo.

  26. Kibaki has finally succeeded in splitting ODM with the now all but yet to be announced Ruto decamping. ODM is all but dead. Raila has now even told Ruto to go to hell! What should concern Raila is Uhuru supporting Ruto on Mau and contradicting Kibaki and there is no immediate reprimand. What is that? I think Raila has been sucked into a well laid trap and the path is being cleared for an Uhuru Presidency courtesy of the Kalenjin and the KK alliance. The Kalenjin are in no hurry for the Presidency and would be content being No 2 in an Uhuru Govt where they would have real clout. There wont be any Luo/Kikuyu alliance and if there is it wont last, as usual.

  27. The MAU FOREST and Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi

    I hope you guys have noticed that there has been a VERY LOUD SILENCE from former president Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi as regards the Mau forest issue.

    Why? He was the main creator, facilitator, architect and engineer of the whole mess while he was in office.

  28. Anon 6:54
    kindly leave ex-president Moi out of this.We are dealing with the current,why do you want us to read history books?If you're thus historically inclined,you can wait your turn before the recently constituted Bethwel Kiplagat chaired TJRC if you have the real facts and not just farting here!

  29. Yaliyotabiriwa, yamefika. How fast was that? I thought it would be next year, but it has happened...Lets wait and see what happens in the next few days. From reliable sources, I think, Kalonzo...Luwere!!!, unless Eastern Province change their mind.


  30. KIRGIT AB TULWO!7/28/09, 7:30 AM

    Yes! Game is on... Injeraz...Ruto doesn't lead the kalenjin...he only represents them.
    One thing you should all know about kalenjins is that, we don't have leaders, we have messengers, and Ruto only expresses sentiments shared by the community, they mau issue has nothing much to do with politics as some would want it to be, but simple arithmetic and logic.Who gets paid? who doesn't?
    FACT: there had been an eviction attempt before, and this saw Administration police torch houses and beat peasants who had nowhere to go and who didn't manufacture the government title deeds they had.So, when the people on the ground decide that they will not be forced out of their homes that they've occupied for forty years without decency or alternative plans, it has nothing to do with Ruo, but everything to do with welfare.
    FACT: Kalenjins give a hoot about presidency right now,we had one for 24 years, thankfully, no other living Kenyan will lead for that long. 24 years of pure uselessness to the larger community.Save for few individuals who got employed at posta and the armed forces, as kikuyus are in treasury and administration police, it was a presidency that didnt benefit the common man, and so we are not bothered by it..we only care about welfare, and its unfortunate that mau falls geographically on kalenjin lands, we'll move the people, but decency and common courtesy must prevail, as we are no pushovers. Bomb us if you must, but we don't know how to stand by ad watch our women and children beaten and pushed around in the name of conservation. We base a lot in cultures, and once kenyans understand some situations in detail, they'll realize that its not too much to ask.
    Indeed, the game is on...

  31. In the meantime, lets have a HA HA HA time. We need it.

  32. @KIRGIT

    "Ruto doesn't lead the kalenjin...he only represents them.
    One thing you should all know about kalenjins is that, we don't have leaders, we have messengers, and Ruto only expresses sentiments shared by the community,

    I can't recall the Kalenjins ever voting or anointing Ruto to be their messenger unless the process was executed in the dark somewhere in the forest and away from the media.

    Even if we assume it's true Ruto is the special one chosen by the community, did you really have to choose a war mongering fraudster with so many grand corruption cases in high court and No.1 suspect on Waki genocide list?

  33. The problem with Raila is that he is very trustful to the point of foolishness. He truly gets blinded by promises of grandeur. I'm sure part of their talks with Kibaki entail emphasizing his post as PM.
    The mere fact that he is seen as walking right next to the president and the fact that Kalonzo is essentially in oblivion must make Raila the self inflated leader he believes he is.

    I mean, really, in this Kenya, who in their right minds can trust Kibaki on anything?

    Raila is letting down ODM.

  34. while we were dinning in an eateria in buffallo ny a friend mentioned that jomo junior is gay doe anyone have evidence for this claim? i'm just asking!

  35. One sad and painfull truth that must be stated is that Kenya,as a banana country with banana leaders and equally banana citizens,won't see change in our geopolitical arena not unless Jesus returns!
    It won't,not with the kind of talk we daily come across in the vijijis.Tribalism is the order of the day and this monster is eating up especially the youth whom are supposedly tomorrow's leaders.This replica is seen even at the universities,the cream!!

  36. When are we going to stop hero-worshiping our politicians and following them wherever they lead us into?Because going by some of my fellow citizens' comments here i find that trait abounding.For chrissake we're in the 21st century and few are uneducated,at least some of you folks here!

  37. It doesn't matter if Raila lost the support or rift valley politicians.The winds that blow from lake Victoria to the complex result in rainfall that is beneficial to all Kenyans thus it is a win win situation when Mau is saved.It is important to note that he hecklers like Kuttuny will all die one day leaving their constituents in a depleted environment so let us stop politicizing this issue and look to the future.


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