Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Monday, September 08, 2008

PM Raila Tops Kibaki, Parliament in Gallup Poll

The latest GALLUP POLL released this afternoon shows a huge majority of Kenyans rate Prime Minister Raila Odinga far much ahead of President Mwai Kibaki in approval of their leadership. The same poll indicates Raila to be much more popular than Kibaki.

Prime Minister received an approval rating of 85%, while President Kibaki rated at 63%, Parliament at 67% and the Grand Coalition Cabinet at 63%.

Not surprisingly, the U.S.-based pollster's interview with 2,200 people across Kenya's eight provinces showed that a whopping 70% believe that the last December 2007 presidential vote was "dishonest". 57% believe Raila Odinga won the presidency while only 25% think Kibaki was the victor.

Robert Tortora, Gallup’s Chief Methodologist and Regional Research Director for sub-Saharan Africa operations released the report in Nairobi this afternoon. The poll was conducted in June/July this year.

Read more...... Nation Media: Strong public approval for PM

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Political Rewards: Dare Rebels, Deride Projects

Kenyan politics never lacks sparks and spices. The heat in each political party seems to hitting a crescendo every weekend. The product is an interesting and potentially explosive mix ambition and tension. While ODM is trying to contain its so-called rebels, the iron lady is going bare knuckles with Uhuru and all the pretenders of the throne waiting in the wings for coronation. And the calculative Dr. Steve is waiting in the wings to bag the trophy from the resulting spoils of war.

Behind all present political scheming lurk ambitions cleverly clothed lest the players burn their political houses by acquiring the traitor tag. These smart politico are torn between the competing tenets of ambition and its unavoidable side effect tension. But that doesn’t stop Martha from going for the jugular and aiming at Jomo Junior’s soft under belly.

Poor Uhuru must be gritting his teeth anytime Karua takes the microphone. And she never disappoints just like she did again this weekend by reminding all and sundry that the era of propping political PROJECTS ended with the previous regime and would not work in the prevailing political situation.

The fluid Kenyan politics can sometime even confound the most experienced. Prof Kiarie Kinuthia is left torn between political pragmatism and respect. While Kajiado councilors would want George to do the necessary by throwing his hat into the ring, the good Topology professor knows better that THERE COMES A TIME! In Muthengi you find a mathematician who truly values time and knows the benefits derivable from perfect timing.

At stake in all these schemes is the Gema vote basket. Prof Kimya must be dutifully praying that Karua burns both her political bridges and fingers and the son of Jomo retreats to the warmth of shell Kanu. And abracadabra miracles galore once the political coast is clear.

Payback time
No politician will stake his or her neck without a price. And if you don’t give it them, they come out fighting for it. How smartly they do that may as well demarcate the difference between success and failure. One Bill is doing it and cannot wait any longer to play second fiddle to son of Moses in the Pentagon hierarchy business.

Now enter Martha and you witness Wangari's intestines boiling with rage and disappointment after being sidestepped and seeing the dividends from her LABOUR directed to UK's political bank account. The lady from Gichugu is firing from all cylinders and out fighting tooth and nail. Only time will tell her destiny with certainty.

The next four years promises interesting political times for Kenya with plenty of twists and turns. Pretending to predict or have a roadmap of how Kenya's political landscape will evolve is to be naive at best or merely engaging in an OBTUSE EGO trip at worse.