Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kumekucha HITS 1,000,000

Executive Blood Harvesting Season is Here - Taabu in his element.

Yesterday was a very sad day for Kenya with the assassination of an opposition MP under circumstances that are still very far from being clear.

But something worth celebrating also happened yesterday and I had just began to write this post, when the news of the assassination broke.

Yesterday the Kumekucha counter on our main site registered ONE MILLION HITS.

1 , 0 0 0 0 0 0 !!!

We thank you all wonderful people out there for making this happen. It is a proud moment not only for me but for all those who blog here regularly. It illustrates the victory and sheer power of citizen journalism at a time when our country's media is more opressed and intimidated than it has ever been in the history of Kenya. My joy is that many times it has been our readers and visitors who have broken major stories here.

Congratulations, Kumekucha and Kumekuchans.

P.S. Kindly note that the moderator will prompty delete any comments that attempt to advertise any product or site in the comments section. If you want to advertise anything to the captive ad mainly Kenyan audience here, our rates are dirt cheap and there is no need to behave so crudely. Just send an email to umissedthis at yahoo dot com for details about our rates if you're interested in reaching a million eye balls and counting. We are also willing to listen to your story if you feel that we should allow you to advertise here for FREE.

Executive Blood Harvesting Season is Here

Two MPs down in under 36 hours. With the death of Ainamoi MP David Kimutai Too, the sharks have their jaws wide open ready to claim their next suitable victim. Kenya is paying the ultimate price of having IMPUNITY as a national and official policy. Why then can't murders take cue from the top and do the necessary to squeeze a life and another there for either speculative passion or official reasons?

Kenya remains a country in both self denial of national deception and steady grand match to self-destruction. No parent cannot stop his kids from misbehaving if he fails do lead by example and from inform. So why would a police constable not execute an MP given a template of a President getting away with daylight ELECTORAL THEFT. For those doubt that fact and shamelessly asko for proof please go back to Mars, you are aliens here on earth.

Ours is a country that has become a theatre of contradiction. Just look at policemen now partnering Mungiki who were hitherto chopping the cops' head a few months ago. Instead the ordinary Kenyan who were up in arms against Mungiki's beheading are now the cannon fodder aka STOPPERS of both police bullets and matchetes. Political fortunes can really change drastically for the less 'INDUSTRIOUS'.

By the way the Kibaki government does no need a manual on political assassination given its composition. They have been there since Pio Gama's death in the 1960s. And with 21st Century technology their work is even make much lighter.

With an 'EFFICIENT' police force that knows the cause of death before it even happens, it couldn't get much politically manageable. Mark you only Kenyan police can afford to tear gas the dead and mourners. Now they have graduated to prescribe infedelity to the dead. That is reversed honour Kenyan style for you.

Well, that is two votes less and woe unto you if you are an ODM MP whose blood attracts and has higher affinity for stray bullets. We haven't seen anything yet, BADO.