Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Real Rulers Of Kenya Are Moi And Biwott

Some months back regular readers of this blog scoffed when I said here that one of the biggest hindrances to a new beginning in Kenya is retired president Moi. Many months later Kenyans have discovered how powerful Moi really is.

Who else can get the government to break the law it is supposed to uphold and carry out a shoddy so-called coup in Kanu and in broad daylight throw out the legitimate officials and replace them with a bunch of nobodies going nowhere? Persons totally bankrupt of any new ideas?

And it does not stop there. The government is clearly ready to confront and crash any move aimed at reversing what has happened in Kanu, even if it ends in bloodshed. After all what is the big deal if one or two rowdy ODM supporters die attending a demonstration that the government has already declared illegal?

However the big question Kenyans should be asking themselves is why can’t Moi bear to let go? What is he protecting? What is he hiding? Why is it that certain Kenyans seem to be so terrified of the Biwott/Moi camp? The same Biwott/Moi camp that has been linked to death threats on both the Goldenberg commission and the Sunguh committee that was set up to investigate the still unsolved murder of former foreign minister Robert Ouko? Incidentally nothing has yet come out of either set-ups which were run at great expense to the Kenyan tax payer. Does that in itself not tell you what is really happening.

My fellow Kenyans has it not yet dawned on you that Moi is still president? Oh yes, the de jure President is Kibaki, but the de facto president is definitely Daniel T. Arap Moi. Little wonder that nothing has really changed.

P.S. One other reason why Moi and Biwott are more powerful than Kibaki is because they have a "Mafia" to deal with people who don't play ball. Clean-politics President Kibaki does not.

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Biwott Faction Takes Over Kanu: The Danger That Looms For The Shaky Kibaki Administration

Nicholas Biwott spent a lot of cash last week but it certainly wasn't in vain. The Kerio South MP with quite a past is said to have virtually single-handedly financed the whole exercise of transporting over 4,000 Kanu delegates to Mombasa where they stayed at five star hotels and ate like kings. The whole Thing wouldn't have cost him less than Kshs 10 million. Phew!!

Uhuru Kenyatta and Kanu MPs allied to ODM also spent a lot of money hosting (mostly the same delegates who went to Mombasa, at Kasarani. The fact that it seems to have al been a waste of time, is no doubt one of the things that has made the Kenyatta faction so angry. My rough estimate is that Uhuru and company spent about Kshs 6 million.

There's lots of money in Kenya, you just need to know where to look.

But even as analysts try and fully understand what an official opposition leadership change actually means, there is a very clear danger ahead and all indications are that the shaky Kibaki administration is headed for yet another shaking. This was very clear from remarks made by both axed former Kanu chairman Uhuru Kenyatta and his sidekick, William Ruto. They said that they were waiting for Biwott to attempt to take over the instruments of the official opposition leadership, Nay, they in fact dared the Kerio South MP "to try".

Whatever happens, you can be sure that the Kenyatta camp that is currently seething with rage that will not be easily quenched is already plotting on how to go about exacting their revenge for the "under the belt" punch that they have just received from the Biwott faction. Uhuru Kenyatta has already ruled out going to court.

When you put the ODM-sympathetic MPs together with the aggrieved Kenyatta faction of Kanu MPs, you have enough numbers to cause plenty of mischief and even an attempted vote of no confidence in parliament against President Kibaki is not out of question.

It seems that parliament is going to be split right down the middle with two warring factions determined to go for nothing short of each others' jugular. Whatever happens it will certainly be a very interesting run up to the general elections.

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