Angry Ruto men vow to crush Gachagua BUT here's why the DP will win | Kenya news

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Mungiki Going For Raila Head

Central Province leaders are cleverly scheming to use the Mungiki menace enable Raila make his own political noose. Unless the Prime Minister knows something that ordinary Kenyans are not privy too, Njenja Karume and co are cleverly hiding under Raila’s pragmatic and proactive suggestion to engage the Mungiki militia in dialogue to cleanse their bloodied trails.

PNU is rediscovering its DECEPTIVE traits by pretending to hail the gesture to talk to Mungiki knowing very well they are the PRINCIPAL financiers and beneficiaries of the murderous edifice. True to their characteristic these chaps are more than willing to export their local problems to the rest of Kenya when it suits them most. Their script is so predictable so much so that you need not think very hard to see them eventually turning around demonizing their subject of collective hate when crunch time beckons.

Mungiki has equally perfected DECEPTION and taken it to new level in pulling wool on our eyes when they shamelessly claim to have supported and voted for ODM. And the lies don’t stop there. Maina Njenja takes it a notch higher by rubbing it in that by extension Mungiki considers itself as part of the coalition government. So we must assume that those foul-mouthed gangs led by Ndura Waruinge in the streets of Nairobi in support of Kibaki during the post elections violence were aliens from Mars.

Clever political extermination
Politics of DECEPTION as personified by Kibaki has been exposed for what it is and only his cronies continue flying the kite. Reminds you of the script to make Kenyans believe the mirage of 6% that never was or singing themselves hoarse being proud Kenyans. Raila must be very careful in his attempts to cultivate a national and reconciliatory personality given the people he is dealing with. Raila is one person the Kikuyu political elite will not forgive in a hurry and any they will manipulate any opportunity to EXTERMINATE HIM POLITICALLY.

Raila must be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in dealing with Mungiki. This is one multi-headed hydra which will promptly mutate to consume him. Mungiki's oath lies elsewhere and their objective of TRIBAL SUPREMACY and PURITY have no place for other Kenyans outside Central province and Kikuyu Diaspora. It defeats the tenets of basic political logic why Raila would want to prove to be a hero while REAL Mungiki principals and beneficiaries Uhuru and Kibaki are selfishly guarding their counsel.

Raila and ODM by extension stand to lose badly. At best many ODM supporters will be left confused at the thought of embracing this Kenyan mafia. ODM stands the risk of losing the heart and minds of civilized Kenyans who will readily distance themselves from anybody or organization seen to be pandering to BEASTS who specialize in skinning heads of toddlers in the 21st Century.

Moody Awori Snubs Kalonzo Committee

Samuel Kivuitu continues to provoke Kenyans says ECK is ready to run byelections

Former Vice President Moody Awori knows a lot about the prisons department, after all it was his pet project during his tenure as the second highest authority in the land.

In declining his appointment today by new VP Kalonzo Musyoka to chair a committee to look into the Prisons crisis, the former VP made it very clear that there was no need for such a committee. He pointed out that a detailed strategic report was already available that addressed virtually all the grievances of the prison wardens and all that is required urgently is implementation.

This is the second person in as many days to decline to take their seats in Kalonzo Musyoka's committee. Just yesterday former Prisons boss Abraham Kamakil also politely refused to take up his appointment to the Kalonzo probe team.

It is amazing how a presidential candidate of the recently concluded general election who had promised the people change and new leadership is falling back on old and tired ways of dealing with problems which will surely not work this time. (See my raw notes this week to discover some shocking facts from Kalonzo Musyoka's past and present).

The whole strategy behind these committees and commissions of enquiries has been to reward a politician's croonies with plum jobs at the expense of the tax payer. So despite the fact that Moody Awori produced a strategic plan, it seems that Kalonzo's committee will repeat the task and his predecessor too, while no action at all is taken.

However if this is what Kalonzo has in mind, he had better think again, because the wardens are serious and their plight needs to be addressed and addressed immediately, forming committees to tell the minister the obvious is just a waste of public funds.

As this blogger has said here before, this is clearly a problem that the VP is not capable of handling and this is becoming clearer by the day. The sad thing now is that the country may end up being thrown into yet another serious crisis by the time Kalonzo's blundering hand is through with this.

Angry husband allows wife to keep boyfriend