Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Kericho man urges Ruto to resign immediately | Kenya news

Kericho man who overheard a crucial discussion explains why President Ruto has no option but to resign. Explains why nothing that Ruto does, will work.
There are those who believe that a constitutional crisis will unfold in Kenya if and when President Rutois forced out of office by the current ongoing serious pressure from GenZs. Actually, and maybe surprising for most, nothing can be further from the truth. A very revealing Kumekucha video.
It has been anticipated for many weeks. Indeed people started talking about a Ruto/Raila government as early as in 2023. So why are Kenyans so shocked and disgusted when it has finally happened? What does it all mean politically?
As President Ruto continues to back-pedal and even desperately seek new coalitions with the opposition (ODM in government), many Kenyans have missed the ingenious ways the GenZs have stuck to, to get us here. And especially the latest tactical victory that completely defeated brute force in the Tuesday 23rd July 2024 protests.
What has been happening behind the scenes between Raila and Ruto is more than fascinating and proof that we live in extra-ordinary times and Kenya politics has changed forever.
The government and President Ruto suddenly change their tone towards the protestors and the president issues a very stern warning to Gen Zs promising that protests in Kenya have ended. What does it all mean? What is really happening behind the scenes? What is bound to happen next?
President William Ruto's imminent exit from power can be sensed by many politicians who believe that it is coming, based on their recent actions and political decisions. But there is another accurate way to predict just how soon it may happen... sooner than most think.
Why are Kenyans getting so emotional about the government of national unity that is coming that will include both Raila and Ruto cronies? The answer to that question points you with precision to the future of Kenya and what is about to go down.
Veteran journalist Macharia Gaitho's morning drama brings out into the open the chilling lows that the DCI and police have sunk to. And gives us a terrifying glimpse on what other Kenyans may have gone through. And the really big mystery is that these unconstitutional moves will not help the Ruto regime stay in power, rather they will definitely quicken its' exit.
16th July protests confirm Ruto and Kenya at point of no return | Kenya news --- As the anticipated 16th July protests unravel, a number of key issues about the future of Kenya are confirmed and become as clear as day. It is not looking good for the old Kenya.
A sleepy slum area called Kware in Mukuru kwa Njenga, Nairobi suddenly captures worldwide attention. But even more mind blowing is how the discovery was made in the first place. But even as Kumekucha prepares his analysis big breaking news arrives from the US. What does it all mean?
Even as police IG Japheth Koome abruptly resigns, we focus on his former boss Interior CS Kithure Kindiki. His story and what was really happening behind the scenes in his interior docket is not only intriguing but he and other individuals will soon need to make some very touch decisions. Even though they are no longer in office. Here's why.
One would have expected the firing of the entire cabinet, in he last few hours (which has only happened once before in our history) would have caused a lot of excitement amongst most Kenyans. It did NOT. Instead the vast majority of Kenyans are making it clear that they want Ruto and the entire Kenya Kwanza regime gone. Clearly Ruto's move in bowing to one of the Gen Z demands has not had the desired effect the government anticipated. A revealing Kumekucha analysis.
A very revealing video that goes deep behind the scenes to unmask the individuals behind the political abductions that have been on the increase in Kenya. Even as the government makes very spirited efforts (which seem to be in vain) at dialogue and a possible government of national unity that most Kenyans seems to be against.
Raila Odinga joins President Ruto in the presidential signing of the IEBC act and announces a dialogue initiative with Ruto. A move that has left Kenyans reeling with shock and livid, even as Gen Zs announce that they want no part in it. What does it all mean?

Ruto still doesn't really get it. He's not available to logic. He still wrongly believes that he can somehow outwit, out-manoeuvre and outlive the protests and the protestors. 

To make things worse, he has a bunch of cowardly and deluded old-school parasites around him, who actively shield his view and encourage him to ignore the unflattering ugly reality around his crumbling fortress, with the enemy already breaching the moats.

But even if he prefers to indulge in magical thinking, it's a fact that he's already essentially played all his cards, short of declaring martial law and ruling by fiat. 

In his attempts to tame the situation, he has been faced with diminishing returns at every corner. The old tricks can't work no more. If he was a sane person, he should have come to the realization by now that sometimes, strength lies in coiling back and recalibrating. But who am I to advise Ruto? He's headed for self-immolation and nobody can meaningfully help or stop him.
The Shujaaz memorial concert at Uhuru on Sunday was packed with Gen Zs and what emerged was a loud and clear political message. But the problem is that the other side is listening but not hearing. Kenyans need to take careful note of the advisors to State house that are suddenly very influential. And here is what they are planning.

Will Ruto resign or is Gen Z a passing cloud?
Most Kenyans are yet to smell freedom from the Ruto regime.
Exposure of Ruto regime secrets is now seemingly on steroids. Kenyans are on the verge of being overwhelmed by too much sensitive information in too short time, so much so that processing it all is a challenge. And it seems not even our favorite most liked politicians will be spared.
There are some things that are still hidden from Kenyans even as the Ruto regime continues to crumble to the Gen Z and long suffering Kenyans in general. For instance, why was the coverage of the protests on Thursday 4th July different from what happened previously. What did Kenyans fail to see that they should have noted? What did the Ruto regime not want them to see?
Believe it or not, the question now is how long President Ruto can cling onto power. And there are quite a number of very solid reasons why this is the only possible conclusion to the current high-wire political drama unfolding in Kenya. There are also clear glimpses of a new very different Kenya already loading.
2nd July 2024 maandamanos explode in many parts of the country, the Kenyan crisis deepens even as Ruto continues digging himself deeper in a crisis he is yet to fully understand. And then Raila and ODM pounce in their first major presser since it all started.
The Presidential roundtable press interview of Sunday 30th June was watched by millions of Kenyans worldwide. Their reaction is a clear indicator of what we should expect. Even as some super fascinating facts emerged from the hard questions the 3 journalists asked on behalf of Kenyans.
Too much drama in Kenya just now. Protesters outside Nakuru State house, candle lighting ceremony at Uhuru park to honour those who have lost their lives as former Nandi hills legislator Alfred Keter is abducted from his vehicle on the way from church with his screaming family watching on helplessly.
Amid expectations that were too high, from Gen Zs and long suffering Kenyans, June 27th does not emerge as an upgrade of June 25th. Still, too many signs and indicators emerge from the drama of the day telling us that the limping Ruto administration is still in very grave danger.
Now Ruto won't sign the finance bill and flanked by UDA MPs says the Bill is GONE... The reasons why are obvious and highlighted in this video.
25th June is a day that will go down in the history of Kenya as a day like no other. The day protesters invaded parliament in the ongoing tax protests. It was indeed a terrible day that also had a message that most have still missed.
The story of Dr. Austin Omondi, Billy Simani (Crazy Nairobian) and the very latest of Shadrack Kiprono (Shad) is compelling and very instructive. It tells us that President Ruto's administration is still seeking answers and information on the Gen Z explosion in the country that is demanding that Finance Bill 2024 is shelved, amongst other demands. And in a strange twist the government is actually emerging as a source of incitement to the mother of all maandamanos. A deep and very revealing Kumekucha analysis that exposes a lot and gives a glimpse into the near future politics.
Events have been unfolding in Kenya way too fast for most analysts to sit down and analyze the far-reaching implications. And even as we enter the 7 days of rage announced by the mostly Gen Z protesters, for most the fear on the unknown is still lacking lots of critical information. A most revealing Kumekucha video.

Who is financing the Gen Z movement in Kenya? Is it really being financed by anybody? What about the extra-ordinary planning behind it all? Kumekucha's investigation unearths some surprising angles and some very shocking ones too. All point to one thing... this Gen Z initiative is unstoppable.
The anti-Ruto and anti-tax protests in Kenya pick up momentum rapidly spreading to many other towns in the country. Even Eldoret, the home town of William Ruto is not spared. But it is in Nairobi where the high wire drama goes well and beyond the expected.

A most extra-ordinary thing suddenly happens in Kenya. Protests with no political leaders or party are led by Gen Zs and end up having such a huge impact, that suddenly Finance Bill 2024 is in the most serious trouble any government sponsored bill has ever been in the history of Kenya. Where did they come from? How did it happen with a generation that has always ignored politics?
Moments before 64 year old Julius Mwangi Irungu, (Jowie's dad) breathed his last on 15th June 2024, he had a vivid vision showing him the future of his son. It portrayed a very unexpected ending to the drama that saw his son, Joseph Irungu charged and convicted of the 2018 Monica Kimani murder.

A recent Infotrak survey confirmed that an overwhelming 87 per cent of Kenyans are strongly opposed to Finance Bill 2024. And yet it seems that over half of parliament is set to vote for it. So who exactly do those MPs represent? What will the most likely consequences of Tuesday 18th June 2024 be? Will the efforts of Azimio and the re-branded Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua garner the numbers to defeat the government bill? Some very surprising answers to those questions emerge in this Kumekucha in-depth analysis.
The Makadara courts drama leaves Kenyans in utter shock. But there is a much deeper story to be told that is more than scary.
President Ruto called retired President Uhuru Kenyatta to discuss delays in payment to him as per his retirement package. But hold on a second... does that make sense? Or is something strange and unbelievable happening here?
Plus Rigathi Gachagua's heavy hand luggage on a commercial domestic flight.

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