Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Most popular Kumekucha articles on Facebook

Everybody is on Facebook these days and it has become a very important source of traffic for Kumekucha cutting edge political posts.

Below I have listed the top 10 most shared Kumekucha articles on Facebook.
Click on the articles you missed and ENJOY!!

1. You Missed This: The Nakumatt Supermarkets Money Laundering Mystery

2. You Missed This: Masai African Tribe Sexual Secrets: Sex Tourism And The Nude Tribe That Attracts Wh

3. You Missed This: Open email letter to Ocampo: Kenyans want you to go straight for these 3

4. You Missed This: This evil man called Moi

5. You Missed This: A Page From The Waki Report: Should These People Be Given Amnesty?

6. You Missed This: Joshua Kulei: Little formal education but extremely street smart

7. You Missed This: Orgasmic Statehouse Calculations

8. You Missed This: Has Raila made this deal with Kibaki?

9. You Missed This: Three Down, Now KACC Steps on Live Wire

10. You Missed This: Cabinet ministers and their famous girlfriends

Christmas shocker Extended by PUBLIC DEMAND!!!!!!
Somebody sent me an angry email calling me fake for offering such a gift when I know everybody is away from their office computers for the Christmas holidays. I have therefore decided to extend this offer for a very limited time only. Please tell all your freinds about it.

My free special gift to all of you this festive season is the FULL digital version of my best-selling book
Dark secrets of the Kenyan presidency. It is the whole entire book, not a single page has been left out. It is in pdf format. It is what my clients have been paying Kshs 1,350 for. Just send a blank email NOW to

Do it now, the offer is still ONLY for a very limited time.


  1. I wonder who is "Kumekucha's person of the Year" or woman...and why? Go on Chris and tell us. Remember this is a political blog, so don't tell us eti David Rudisha. My person of the year is none other than Martha Wangari wa Karua. As a matter of fact, I wish Kenyans could for once consider a woman president for the very first time. We ought to think deeply about a woman prezzo calling the shots from the big house on the hill. Who has bigger 'balls' than Martha. Of course she's not perfect, she's not a saint, but she has proved many times she has guts and stamina. Male politicians and presidents in Kenya have brought nothing but tears, mass murder, corruption and tribalism. I urge all Kenyan women who are indeed the majority to back one of their own. They should stop the jealousy and envy amongst themselves and back Ms Karua. I believed she would make an excellent CEO of this once great nation.

    I also take this great opportunity to wish all Kumekuchans a truly blessed 2011. Be it active members, snooping journalists or sleeper cell members from NSIS who frequent this blog to gauge the political mood on the ground.


  2. I urge all Kenyan women who are indeed the majority to back one of their own. They should stop the jealousy and envy amongst themselves and back Ms Karua. I believed she would make an excellent CEO of this once great nation.

    Ha! Please don't be that vague. You actually think its about women supporting women? You don't have to be a typical stereotype despite your education and knowledge ... its a choice you know.

  3. It is just unfortunate that Martha Karua belongs to the wrong tribe, otherwise she would have had my vote but because of tribe, I will waste mine elsewhere.

  4. As a matter of fact, I wish Kenyans could for once consider a woman president for the very first time. We ought to think deeply about a woman prezzo calling the shots from the big house on the hill. Who has bigger 'balls' than Martha. Of course she's not perfect, she's not a saint,


    May God give us wisdom to realise that the STATE and INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY WORSHIP/IDOLATRY is as futile as the GOLDEN CALF worship of the Israelites.

    Lord, may you give us more Yacouba Sawadogo. Men and women like Yacouba, who explode the excuses of men by seizing common situations and make them great.

    Lord, give us men like Yacouba who do not lose their individuality in a crowd. Men of courage who have convictions and not afraid to say NO, though the whole world may shout, YES.

    Lord, instead of so many STATE and INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY worshippers, give us men like Yacouba, who, although dominated by a mighty purpose, do not permit one great area of their lives to mutilate their manhood.

    Lord, instead of so many STATE and INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY IDOLATERS, give us a few men like Yacouba, who are larger than their calling. In other words, men who consider it an insult to their occupation to value it as a means of getting a living.

    More so, Lord, give us men like Yacouba, who reject the RECEIVED WISDOM such STATE and INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY WORSHIP, which is nothing, but, foolishness of the gone generations:

  5. My person of the year would have to be Gitobu Imanyara. He's the only activist who has kept the fire burning & is fighting for a fair & just KE. The others got into the system & are too busy stuffing their snouts at the trough to do anything meaningful for the country. Most of the hot files/dossiers in parliament are tabled by him from the drug baron saga to Ouko's murder. If he were ever to vie for the presidency, I would "beg to support"!

    Karua, brave & ballsey as she may be, is a flip-flopping gun for hire. She was a tenacious pitbull for Kibaki against his foes before she saw the light & now barks from the back benches with equal venom. She's damaged goods as far as I'm concerned.

  6. The rumour mill has it that Martha has some Luhya blood in her. If true, how about focussing on that aspect and we all 'beg to support' her.

  7. OK so far I have three nominations for Kumekucha person of the year 2010. Can I have some more nominations today. I will announce the winner on 31st December 2010 9 am Kenyan time.

    No minations so far;

    1. Martha Karua

    2. Gitobu Imanyara.

    3. COE (commitee of Experts)

    Chris Kumekucha

  8. @ Chrisso.

    What about man like PLO Lumumba? He has been saying lots of nice nothings while putting the same to action. Also Rannerberger? I hope the drug runners and corrupt thugs won't think evil about harming this kid. PLO we pray for you, keep up the spirit. Wewe ni wetu!

    @ Mwarangethe.

    Cut the bull and nominate your person here had greatest impact on the great Kenyan public.

  9. What about the young Mohamed Abdikadir? Too bad he's a Kenyan-born and bred- of Somali origin and tribalist Kenyans will never vote for him among top 1,000 even in a million years!

  10. I watched and listened Manu Chandaria being interviewed on K24 and Citizen. He's my man of the year without a doubt! Hard working Kenyan-Indian billionaire whose industries are in more that 100 countries. Has only 4 suits to wear!!! Helps rehabilitate thousands of street kids. Has a big foundation which gives back to poor Kenyans by digging bore holes, paying fees and has created 1,000's of jobs locally. Dr Manu Chandaria is my man of the year, period!

  11. I will go for Caroline Mutuko. She has used her breakfast show to educate her listeners, unlike many who resort to gossip adn idle talk.

  12. Party Animal Caroline Mutoko is a great presenter. But it's about time she settled down and stopped wild clubbing. She has millions in her bank why can't she get a man and sweet kids. Settle down old bird!

  13. I thought we had a woman prezo already calling the shots from statehouse. Leteni ingine

  14. Chris is a LIAR and always like to promote this out-dated blog at any cost.
    Chris like people to see him as a progrossive person while we know he is another retrogressive kenyan who can't tell who is to be trusted and not.

  15. @Chris,
    You must be such a CREDIBLE liar so much so that even detractors cannot resist visiting KK. And the joke is on ........

  16. Kumekucha Princess12/29/10, 1:43 PM

    Thanks M-Pesa, I don't always agree with you but on that one, you have my high Five!

    According to history, women makes some of the world most fantastic leaders.

    I have few women I want to pay tribute to:

    First Indra Ghandi, you all know her story.... remarkable woman ....of courage and tenacity!

    Second, before a woman took over Liberia, the West African state, that country knew nothing but war, poverty, blood money… and more war.
    In the short time Mrs Ellen Jean Sirleaf, (the first elected female head of state in Africa) has been in power (2005- to date), she has managed to reduce the national debt by more than 60% . She has also managed to forge a good international image, which has seen her named by Forbes, Times and Newsweek as one of the top 10 best leaders in the world. Moreover, she managed to set up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (something Kenyans can borrow a leaf from)with a mandate to "promote national peace, security, unity and reconciliation" by investigating more than 20 years of civil conflict in that country.

    How about this? - when Britain was governed by 2 women (Yes 2 women at the same time!), Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for a period of 15 years, (YES, 15 years under 2 skirts!)that country enjoyed a period of good stability and prosperity that was not seen since Victorian times, another Legendary English Queen by name Queen Victoria. Every single railway line in Britain was built during the Victorian era (1819-1901)! She is credited for authorising and commissioning the constructions of more than 600 Great Britain's Railway lines… need I say more?

    How about the modern day President Critina Herdanez of Argentina? Since she came to power in 2007 this Latino Woman has made some of the most incredible changes ever seen in Argentina and whole of S. America ….need I say more?… (check her achievements in wikipdeia).

    It's about time Kenya experience the beauty of Female president. Trust me you will never regret it. (Go for your usual men, and you will continue to labour under the same yoke of oppression you have been since 1963).

    Electing a Female leader will be a TRUE change - not only politically, but it will also be a social transformation.

    Martha Karua has proven time and again she got what it takes to be a good Leader!

  17. I must have missed something here. Are people talking about the same Martha Wangari Karua/Njoka that we saw on TV during 2007/08 bloodbath? If so please tell Paul to remind us he was Saul and own up. Otherwise we must be ready to pay dearly for SMS.

    Good leaders are characterized by CONSISTENCY and not opportunistic CHAMELEONIC character alterations crafted to serve selfish interests. LETENI INGINE please.

    Humulity is a must trait. Martha has an avalanche of the opposite.

  18. I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm afraid of the day a woman will be elected Kenya's president.

    Truth be told before the start of the 2011, that I'm extremely the closeted chauvinistic type and very much aware of my chauvinistic patriatism and traditional surroundings (just like 89% of Kenyan men out there); I can't presume the election of a female president won't take an emotional toll on me and my kind.

    Most things considered, I would rather have a female president for change after decades of frustrations, disappointments, endemic corruption, impunity, demagoguery, economic backwardness (call it underdevelopment if you will), and systemic negative ethnic infection of our local, regional and national politics, institutions and psyche.

    I have waited and waited for real political change, rural and urban economic growth, respect for the constitution, law and order, some degree of national cohesion and transparency under the current and previous adminstartions, but to no avail.

    Most things considered, I join those who want to experience some real shift in the country's political arena, and reiterate that give a chance to Martha Karua and other qualified women politicians who have proven track records and political spines to leader the country into the next decade.

    So far, "our tribes" have failed the country, our tribal chieftains have failed our regions, the tribal mafia and cartel have ruined the peacful coexistence that once prevailed among our people from all walks of life.

    Let's seek and support good women politicians, not the status quo types, and give those with a spine a chance to nurture the country and lead it in a better direction.

  19. @Kumekucha Princess,
    I wish to state that I understand where you are coming from, but I beg to defer, Martha Karua unfortunately will NEVER be PORK. The current breed and Crop of women leaders that we have today don't have the resume / calibre to lead this great Nation.

    It's like you have either deliberately chosen to omit FACTS in regard to the female presidents that you have outlined and have chosen to only paint them as MODEL LEADERS!

    The History of Sirleaf is well known, having established vital contacts with the World Bank during her tenure there ( Like our own Emilio) she has been able rightly so through GOODWILL from the godfathers of WB,but has she stopped the Illegal blood diamond trade?

    The Argentinian Prezzo mmmmh, the Hubby was President before her and he streamlined the economy, yaani kuinyorosha kabisa when it was in the dogs, he could not run for office again because he had done his max term, so the wife was elected from the goodwill the Argentinians had on his hubby so know the wife continues to "rule" well.

    But all is not lost for women leaders, women can elect there own, aren't they the MAJORITY? Kenya is still NOT ready for a woman PORK, our Kenyan mamas with their jealousy for each other, can't happen anytime soon.

    They should aim for other POWERFUL positions first e.g. AG, Chief Justice, House Speaker, Commissioner of Police, and General of Armed Forces.

  20. How about this? - when Britain was governed by 2 women (Yes 2 women at the same time!), Queen Elizabeth and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher for a period of 15 years, (YES, 15 years under 2 skirts!)that country enjoyed a period of good stability and prosperity that was not seen since Victorian times, another Legendary English Queen by name Queen Victoria. Every single railway line in Britain was built during the Victorian era (1819-1901)! She is credited for authorising and commissioning the constructions of more than 600 Great Britain's Railway lines… need I say more?


    Why does propaganda hold so much among the masses?

    As concerns the so called golden age of England, have you ever heard of looting of Spanish gold and silver which the Spanish had looted from America?

    Haven't you heard of the looting of gold and silver from India which was used to start the industrial revolution?

    Haven't you read about the looting of China using OPIUM looted from India? We have not talked about Africa etc.

    As concerns the "Thatcher era" and "Cameroon era" and such, why not see this as a start for your research:


    As for Liberia, we ask, how much has the PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY of its people increased?

  21. Oh! Mwarangethe will never accept anything called success, if it is successful it's branded propaganda, anyway, prof teach the ignorant KK masses.

  22. Anon 11:15 PM

    You probably wrong living in a sort of semi-denial life situation laced with a self-imposed paternalistic ideology, but it's your life and you seem to be trying to live the best way you can.

    I just would like to clarify one thing, which is, it's okay to wish as you may but you will never ever understand where some of us have come from, where we are coming from, where we are at this juncture, where we are going, and where we want and hope to be going before or by the end of 2017.

    My thinking has been - and still is, that I don't want to immerse myself into a cultural worldview that still believes that a fifty year old country like Kenya does not have a generation of highly educated, well informed, capable women, including a hybrid of smart businesswomen, professionals and women politicians, born raised, educated in Kenya and elsewhere who can take up the reponsibilities of ushering the overdue changes within some of the nation's highest offices.

    An country can never realise its full potential if it fail to recognise and utilize half of its brain power, population and leadership experise (muscle).

    I do undertsand that we all have the right to own opinions and it must be respected at all times. I will let it rest.

  23. Kumekucha Princess12/30/10, 3:46 PM


    Did Britain prosper under Maggie Thatcher or not?

    Answer a simple Yes or No.

    Whether the prosperity came from plundered gold or not, that was not the issue here.

    ...And stop starting propaganda when there isn't one.


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