Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Kibakis Lead by Example and from Infront

Speak of austerity and being sensitive to the prevailing tough economic times and President Kibaki together with the First Lady are miles ahead of the pack. They have JOINTLY rejected the 8 vehicles driven into State House lawns by government officials without consulting them.

Kibaki is walking the talk and disabusing all the doubting Thomases who have been deriding him that he as lost his hitherto cutting edge. By delivering the Sh 50 million-worth limos, the officials must have been reading from the old sycophantic script of wanting to please the king while milking kickbacks from the dealers with inflated quotations. But alas, shrewd economists Kibaki know when to call their bluff.

And whoever thought that Lucy only makes headlines for all the wrong reasons must be boiling in shame. The First family is united in showing Kenyans good manners and living responsibly. State House is in no need of luxuries beyond the present superlative class.

What is more, Mr J.K. Mutua, State House's chief financial officer has been fired. After him the other big schemers who purchased the vehicles must be smarting from eggs plastering their faces. They better shop elsewhere to meet their fanciful financial obligations which they had budged for using kickbacks from the deal.

It is insulting to the institution of the presidency to be bought such average class of vehicles. A country's CEO and his dear wife deserves better. Mutua and company must have been prepared to pay the ultimate painful price and surely they did.

But wait a minute. The President may not be done with these scoundrels yet. He may as well just fire them or worse still call in the tried and tested dragon slayer Aaron Ringera. Otherwise the superlative PR from the PPS would amount to naught.

And while at it our selfish ministers must either follow the boss of pack their bags. But I guess they have been fantastic students so far after seeing the tiff with their PSs on parastatal appointments. After the President overruled KAA in re-appointing Muhoho, Ministers Sambili, Balala, Nyong’o and Ntimama have all done the boss proud.

Less foul mood
It is such token gestures from the President in leading from the top and by example that separates him from the other pretenders populating our borders. Don’t be surprised to see the DPM relinquishing thousands of acres of land in the footsteps of the President. In no time IDPs will be missing in our political appendix.

Cheap minds may reduce Kibaki’s resolve to playing to the gallery but why not if the auditorium if full? Thank God for LESS FOUL moods.


  1. for all you know, these cars were probably returned not because of the president's fortitude due to hard economic times etc...they probably ordered the wrong brands.
    what i am trying to say, is that for all that has gone wrong, i find it hard to dig down and commend the president for rejecting these vehicles. its a gesture TOO LITTLE that has come TOO LATE!


  3. If Kibaki wants to lead by example he should first return the 2007 election he stole, by sanding down and handing himself and core to ICC, to answer charges of crime agents innocent Kenyans 5000 dead, shoot to kill orders, and he should explain where he hid the NARC dream

  4. This is just another PR exercise masterminded by mutua , how can such a big purchase be done in your household and yet you have no idea.All those cars will be retagged with private plates and driven by private citizens close to the the echlons of power ,kenyans are fools na mutakaliwa milele.

  5. At what point did Kenya become such a pessimistic society?

  6. 8:08, I agree - this is a very poorly executed PR strategy. Were there no procedures to prevent the procurement in the first place?!!! . This is an insult to our intelligence.

  7. The cars will be sold to 'friends & family' at mitumba prices... and GoK will be forced to pay D T Dobie the difference.

  8. This is balderdash! Where was Lucy when Kibaki was trouncing the MOU. Where was Lucy when Kibaki dishonored the IPPG. Where was Lucy when Martha Karua was misadvicing the President. And in any case who is the president - Lucy or Kibaki. Now they have Jimmy coming on the scene - Lord have mercy!!!!

  9. the Kibaki family is a disgrace to the society. they have people without toilets at mathare, idps and ill equiped hospitals ...then we spend billions on elections whose outcome was already known, on census of no use, on referundum of no value, name it!

  10. Anon 11.49 i agree, in addition, where was Lucy when Raila sneaked her sister in to be consulate in US, where was she when Raila bought his own fleet of top class mercs last year. She is not a genuine defender of the masses

  11. Just who on earth is advising the first family on how to redeem their tarnished legacy, Kumekucha bloggers?

    I totally agree this was a poorly executed PR exercise to hoodwink our gullible masses and yes- it worked liked a wonder pill.

    The Kibakis should not stop there, we know the First Lady's office has been idle for the last 3 years although we pay millions in rent, so why not just shut it down?

    Millions are also used to pay PNU spies in ODM like Tony Gachoka who has since been smoked out and now William Ruto, do we really need all this wastage when we still have NSIS?

    According to Mars Group, state house still has over 150 vehicles and 200 bodyguards that also cost millions to keep. We also have idle state houses and lodges that Kibaki doesn't know where they are located, so why not just turn them into schools, hospitals, kids orphanage or simply house destitute IDPs?

    Prezzo should not just stop there, he earns a cool Ksh 3.5M per month for doing almost nothing, why not take a pay cut? Why should he earn more than US president or British PM? Don't forget on top of his bloated salary, he also earns monthly bonuses, wages and dividends from his many companies spread all over the world.

    I think the PR stunt was sickening especially when most Kenyans are starving and facing constant water and electric shortages and rampant gun crime. Even PS Murugu has just died after being attacked by ruthless gun totting gangsters, no one is safe.

    Kibaki's legacy is tarnished and no political gimmick or whitewash will ever salvage it!

  12. Anon @1.24 you said
    "the KIBAKI FAMILY is a disgrace to the society. THEY have people without toilets at mathare, idps and ill equiped hospitals ...then we spend billions on elections whose outcome was already known, on census of no use, on referundum of no value, name it!"

    Are these duties for the Kibaki family or the GCG which is supervised and coordinated by the Rt Hon Prime Minister? Isnt he the CEO of Kenya Ltd while Kibaki is the Board Chairman?


    Confidential sources last evening revealed State House Chief Finance Officer was removed following controversial purchase of eight high-class vehicles the First Family ordered returned to suppliers this week.

    The news broke as questions spiralled on how Sh40 million deal, complete with paper trail between the ‘purchasers’ and the ‘vendors’ could have reached the signing and delivery stage behind the First Family’s back. Though the fate of Mr JK Mutua, who was in charge of purchasing at State House was not immediately clear, our sources were firm he would not be working from State House and the purchase is under investigation.

    "As we speak now there are new developments because the Chief Financial officer has been suspended over this matter," sources intimated.

    The officer was suspended as Toyota Kenya and DT Dobie — the companies that supplied the vehicles said to have cost at least Sh40 million — pondered the next step because to them it was a sealed deal.

    DT Dobie and Government signed the requisite documents and Kenya Revenue Authority has registered the vehicles for GK. This implies the Government could be forcing the firm to take back what it already legally owns.

    "It has never happened before that a client has ordered for vehicles we deliver and then the owner rejects them," the firm’s marketing manager Ms Josephine Njuguna said. Njuguna said her company was still consulting on the way forward as the matter was unprecedented. Each of the four Mercedes Benz S280 series goes for Sh5 million, but if customised the cost could even go up threefold.

    Toyota Kenya confirmed selling Toyota Prado vehicles to State House "as ordered", but declined to give the size of the fleet. But the firm’s marketing manager Ms Benda Kithaka confirmed each luxury vehicle cost Sh4.7 million, duty inclusive. "For us to deliver a vehicle to our client it must be registered and fully paid for," she added, but declined to give details. Kithaka said all the Government procurement procedures were followed.

    The rejection of the vehicles by the President and his wife, condensed into a one-page statement dispatched by Presidential Press Service, also triggered questions on who could have made the decision to buy the vehicles in a rush to beat the deadline of closing the financial year.

    Another an unanswered question is the Lucy's involvement in what should be a routine Executive and administrative issue at the Presidency.

    The flurry of questions also turned attention to the fact that in unprecedented move, and through formal State House communication, the President and First Lady Lucy, were enjoined in the executive order on the return of the vehicles. Five times in the statement sent to newsrooms on Wednesday, the quoted and unquoted text is attributed to: "His Excellency the President and Her Excellency the First Lady…"

    It opened with the line: "His Excellency President Mwai Kibaki and Her Excellency the First Lady Mrs. Lucy Kibaki have directed that eight vehicles bought without their authority for use in State House be immediately returned to the dealers ... As an immediate measure we are ordering the return of the eight vehicles that were purchased without our knowledge."

    Another Hilariously pumbavu episode delivered by Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki and Lucy.


    "We are looking into the matter and since it especially involves the Kibaki and Lucy. This complicates the matter even further," Ms Njuguna (The D.T Dobie Marketing Manager) added. The DT Dobie official said they had received a purchase order from the Government on the vehicles and they were duly authorised and had no choice but to deliver as per the agreement as they were fully paid for and all the required procedures followed and fulfilled.

  14. This seems to be decision from Rucy. Mutua referred to Lucy as Her Excellency the first lady.When did she get that title and is she a co- president to make decisions on what vehicles they need to use. I thought the title is reserved only for the president and even the PM had to be referred as Right honourable.

  15. MPesa said
    "Millions are also used to pay PNU spies in ODM like Tony Gachoka who has since been smoked out and now William Ruto, do we really need all this wastage when we still have NSIS?"

    Why is it that ANYONE why shows slight oppostion to Raila from within is INSTANTLY accused of being a spy? Rutos complaints are clear and very genuine:

    1. Why does Raila want him to bear PEV blame while Ruto was merely following instructions from him?

    2. Why has Raila taken 50% of the ODM share and given it to his tribe while he was chosen on an anti-tribalism platform?

    3. Why has Raila, who promised during campaigns to defend the Mau settlers renaged his promise without alternatives?

    4. Why is Raila denying that he promised to support Ruto in 2012 if Kalenjin supported him in 2007 and refusing to honor this pledge?

    5. Why does Raila treat Ruto this way despite the latter covering up the formers son maize scam?

  16. Anon @ 7/9/09 1:39 AM

    We already know this and both sides of the tribal and political divide agree that Lucy is MAD
    so anything else ????????? YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWNNNNNNN

  17. Anon 1:30 AM,

    I agree entirely with you when you said:

    "I think the PR stunt was sickening especially when most Kenyans are starving and facing constant water and electric shortages and rampant gun crime. Even PS Murugu has just died after being attacked by ruthless gun totting gangsters, NO ONE IS SAFE.

    Kibaki's legacy is tarnished and no political gimmick or whitewash will ever salvage it! "

    He STOLE his way back to power only to subject us to more of his silly and stupid upumbavu

  18. Jimmy to win the presidency in 2012by a landslide beating Raira by 1 million votes!

  19. Dont you guys think Jimmy looks like Obama, seriously, take a close look. This guy will sweep kenya off its feet!

  20. Anon said
    "He STOLE his way back to power only to subject us to more of his silly and stupid upumbavu"

    No body denies that Kibaki stole even a child or insane person knows this. Lets now focus on Raila since Kibaki is past tense anyway. Is Raila?

    1. Corrupt? Yes
    2. A tribalist? Yes
    3. A killer? Yes
    4. A Liar? Yes
    5. A pretender? Yes
    6. Nepotic? Yes
    7. A reformer? No
    8. Different? No

  21. MPesa trust me Jimmy will sweep you off your feet
    A breath of fresh air, another brand new copy from the lovely first couple Kibaki and Lucy. The HANDSOME CHARISMATIC REDEEMER of our time,

  22. Jimmy kiboko ya Raira, Ruto, Uhuru, Karonzo, Martha!

  23. Taabu,
    i'm not sure which was the publicity stunt-returning the cars or the fact that the first president actually did something

  24. Everyone angrees that Njimmy wiro ngive Raira a run for his mbesa

  25. lucy is president of thr republic of kenya thats the point they are trying to make....ask gove spokesman Dr. Mutua.

    Sir Alex

  26. Anon 2:07 AM,

    Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki is not past tense. He is still with us; farting very loudly all over the place.

    Your wild, infantile and irrational obsession with Raila will not help you at all.

    I would advise you to concentrate in ridding youself of this irrational hate you have of Raila as you are a very mentally sick individual.

    You are wasting your time hating Raila. I would also advise you to help in ridding central province of the Mungiki's and the Vigilante's who are causing havoc with your necks (Chopping your head off!).

  27. Anon 1:58 AM,

    You must have lost your mind. Ati Jimmy, handsome like Obama. Kwenda huko! That hippo resembles a fat LUCY.

  28. anon said
    "I would advise you to concentrate in ridding youself of this irrational hate you have of Raila as you are a very mentally sick individual."


  29. Anon @ 7/9/09 2:56 AM

    Am sure you look like a KIRAKA yourself. I dare you to post your picture here! Jimmy would truly look like Obama compared to some of you kamomgoz

  30. Anons i agree. Jimmy will deal a POTENT blow to the shock of many of you here! Who will be kenyas 4th President? Though Jimmy is rotund, he will pass katikati yao!

  31. Just reading the comments on nation about Raila's declaration that he is ready to face the ICC...its seems its took the wind out of the sails of the ant-raila camp.......Just because gema planned, rather overtly to cause chaos had the rigging not gone according to plan.....does not mean that ODM did the same.....the problem with this gema ppl is the simply do not want to accept that they misread the whole situation.....poor planning thats what happend, bangled up a rigging that even 'stupid' MO1 could do half asleep. Its timing, timing timing...there many ways to skin a rat election rigging was not he solution at the time there was too much tension something was going to have to give and it did......
    problem with greed is thinking gets easily suspended.....

    Sir Alex

  32. Anon 3:27 AM,

    In your RAGE (irrational hate) you forgot to include this in your quote about what I commented:

    "You are wasting your time hating Raila. I would also advise you to help in ridding central province of the Mungiki's and the Vigilante's who are causing havoc with your necks (Chopping your head off!)."

    Bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha,

    Your pumbavu rage has really made me laugh. Go on, get more annoyed until your eyeballs pop out and fill us with more laughter.

  33. The Kenyan Presidency is a disgrace. Almost no accountability at the very highest levels and no will to reform the office. No wonder Obama stealthily skipped us.

  34. Off topic, but it remains to be seen if the political class will be able to outsmart the ICC. Maybe this is their hour of reckoning.

  35. I know this Chief financial officer, his name is actually Kimeu,he used to be a Police reservist based in central police station and when Kibaki got elected as president,he wiggled his way into the corridors of State house,those who know him say it was just a matter of time that he got exposed in a scandal,he has been wheeling and dealing and i can say the chickens have come to roost!!

  36. Anonymous said...
    The Kenyan Presidency is a disgrace. Almost no accountability at the very highest levels and no will to reform the office. No wonder Obama stealthily skipped us.

    Our views:

    This is the Presidency Tom Mboya helped to create, yet, his admirers like Chris and Waweru want us to believe how great a leader he was.

    A leader must be judged by the institutions he creates. The corrupt and dictatorial presidency we have in Kenya today, is the lengthened shadow of Mboya. That is his legacy.

  37. Condolences to the family of PS Kinuthia of Sports. Thugs have taken the life of a promising Kenyan.

  38. Anonymous said...

    Condolences to the family of PS Kinuthia of Sports. Thugs have taken the life of a promising Kenyan.

    7/9/09 5:25 AM


  39. Anon said:

    "You are wasting your time hating Raila. I would also advise you to help in ridding central province of the Mungiki's and the Vigilante's who are causing havoc with your necks (Chopping your head off!)."
    Bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha,"

    Well we are used to the stupidity of Railas prostututes here who everytime they are cornered and unable to answer good questions they play the usual Mungiki card. I will repeat the questions the umpteenth time so you know we havnt forgotten.

    Why did your god:
    1. 'Grab' 50% of the ODM cabinet to his tribesmen;
    2. Appoint his incompetent siblings to govt positions eg water pouring Oburu and chemistry mwalimu Akinyi;
    3. Spend 850 million buying and renovating shell/ BP hse just to have a palace in town while 80% of kenyans live below poverty line;
    4. Complain furiously about a VIP toilet and red carpet before hunger stricken kenyans;
    5. Demand a salary equal to that of the President 'with immediate effect while 90% of kenyans are jobless;
    6. Go on a fruitless world tour costing the taxpayer millions of shillings with NOTHING to show for it?

  40. Well, we are used to ODM goons in this blog celebrating peoples death. They celebrated Bongos death, yet their god does the same things Bongo did with less powers. Now, as usual, they have assumed Gods seat of judgement and taken the moral high ground by judging kinuthia. We didnt expect less from baboons who never see their 'kundule'. Ngoja kifo chako ndugu, maybe you will die syphoning fuel, or looting in another PEV, then what will we say of you? MBWA WEWE

  41. Anon 7/9/09 5:35 AM
    Was he hanyaring you? coz you seem to be very sure!

  42. Anon 5:44 AM,

    I shall try to help your pained soul. We recognize your questions for what they are. These are the questions you always ask whenever your face has been plastered with lots of rotten eggs courtesy of Mwai "pumbavu" Kibakis silly and stupid conduct.

    You ask these questions so as to try and divert attention from the subject of the post - since it is most likely very embarrassing to you that your "god" - Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki - can plaster your face with so many rotten eggs at once and repeatedly.

    If you still do not get my drift, then let me tell you that your "questions" are not worth answering. That is why we simply ignore you. Like I said, it would be a waste of time engaging you.

    I shall repeat again:

    "You are wasting your time hating Raila. I would also advise you to help in ridding central province of the Mungiki's and the Vigilante's who are causing havoc with your necks (Chopping your heads off!)."

    Bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha,

    Your pumbavu rage has really made me laugh. Go on, get more annoyed until your eyeballs pop out....

  43. Sir Alex,

    Raila at 65 thinks, like many kenyan criminals, that if we go hague it will take another 30 years before he is brought to justice. By then, he will be bones. Well he can do his confidence games, we know nature has its ways of metting justice

  44. Anon 5:50 AM,

    We are not celebrating the PS's death. Why would we celebrate? We have nothing to gain from his death.

    Plus again, you seem to loudly forget that you panua mongrels were very busy and loudly celebrating the deaths of ODM MP's last year.

    We refuse to stoop to your level. It is a sad thing that the PS died from GUN TOTING CARJACKERS; we see nothing to celebrate about. Condolences to his family and friends.

    Infact if you ask me, all I "get" - if I can use this word - from his death is the reminder that NO ONE IS SAFE in this country. The security organs have totally failed. But, then again, it's not a surprise, they helped Kibaki to STEAL the elections of December 2007 instead of making sure that they were free and fair.......

  45. Kwanini ODM wankaza shonde anxiously waiting for word from SA on Muthaura? he, guys, you cant be that inhuman!

  46. Its unbelievable that grown ups like anon 7/9/09 6:02 AM and 7/9/09 6:32 AM would log in here to post crap.

  47. This was a good move similar to that one when Kibaki declined to allow his salary to be increased.

    However what care does Kibaki give the people of Kenya by rejecting these 8 vehicles but not returning over 100 that have piled up in State House? If it was not purchased using our taxes then I've got no issue. Some of these actions can be like Uhuru Kenyatta saying he cares about Kenya and because of that he is going to donate 100 acres out of 22,000 acres he owns. I can't have any problem in this one either if he acquired the land in a clean way, after all we should always give thanks even for the little we have been given, but then I'll have a big problem since the land belonged to us.

    So, if Kibaki wants to show us true leadership he should also see how to dispose off the more than 100 vehicles and reject this year state house budget for vehicle purchase of Kshs 70 million and channel the money to worthy projects like irrigation project in Kamba region e.t.c.

    I'll also not leave Raila on this, sorry but rather on a different matter. Here is a 'leader' who is so engrossed with image like Soita Shitanda.

    He recently got 'born again' and I hope he'll follow the example of one of the greatest leader in the history called Jesus. One sacrifice I would have wished him to make was to refuse the purchase of Shell BP house at a cost of Kshs 700 million and implore the government to use this money to upgrade houses in Kibera.

    If you saw Saturday magazine, mantalk, there were houses shown in Soweto slum, this are permanent house made of concrete slab and brick wall. It can cost Kshs 200,000 for a 12x9feet house. This money could have made 3,500 units in Kibera, and add to it community toilets don't you think people in Kibera could have lived a better life?

    Unfortunately it didn't happen this way, and that's why I see we have 'leaders' who siphon a 'drum' of resources from us then give us a 'spoon' and expect us to thank them and vote for them the next election.

    If given an option of Ndingi Mwana a Nzeki and Cardinal Otunga, I'll definately go for Cardinal Otunga because of the sacrifices he made for us. Sometimes a leader has to forsake his comfort for the sake of his people. That's what we expect from our leaders.

    I don't like our leaders pretence of helping the poor through their foundations which if you dig deeper you find they make profits!

    What loss can Kalonzo go by forsaking his 6 months salary and starting a project in Kamba region that will start bidding farewell to hunger during dry seasons? Or has he left this to NGO's and few churches?

    What Kibaki did and majority of leaders in our government do is like giving us a spoon of water from a jerrican they have, to quench our thirst and expect us to say, "this is true leadership."

  48. anon 6:38 AM,

    Nothing in Kenya in unbelievable. Just Look at Kibaki and Lucy's latest silly antics!

    All these unbelievable things start right at the top, where even legitimacy is in doubt because Kibaki STOLE, just like Robert Mugage of Zimbabwe, the presidency that he now occupies.

    If you think that these "unbelievable" things will stop, sorry to disappoint you, Kibaki and Lucy have more "unbelievable" shenanigans up their sleeves that they have not used yet.....

  49. Philip, the Shell/ BP hse will not only cost 700m but an additional 150m in renovation. You havent considered costs of furniture, equipment and even the usual 'facilitation'. We can therefore confortably say it will cost 1 Billion. Redo your math

  50. Anon 7:11

    Thanks for your correction, point noted. Infact the money to be spent here can do more work!

  51. how on earth can they receive 8 new vehicle in this though time in the first place????????
    thieving kibaki and his family has got to vacate state house ASAP!

  52. Anonymous said...

    Anon 7/9/09 5:35 AM
    Was he hanyaring you? coz you seem to be very sure!

    7/9/09 5:53 AM



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