Saturday, March 14, 2009

Was Oscar’s Kamau Kingara Really A Threat To National Security?

Shocking facts have been unearthed by Kumekucha about the still unsolved murders of Kamau Kingara and Paul Oulu of the Oscar Foundation, Nairobi.

According to the information the activities of the Oscar foundation duo were deemed to be a threat to national security that just had to be neutralized. Actually the organization was seen as contributing to a bigger threat in the horizon that security forces in Kenya are now busy trying to pre-empt and nip in the bud at all costs. (HINT: It is something to do with a prediction I have been talking about frequently in this blog).

Numerous murder mysteries have been solved by carefully observing the actions and movements of the victim in the last day or so before they were murdered and leading upto the last few hours. In the case of the late Kingara doing so gives out a number of tell-tale clues that just confirm the highly explosive information I have received over the last few days.

Virtually all political assassinations that have happened in Kenya in the past have used the excuse of the target being a threat to national security (read this revealing Kumekucha article from the past about the historical background of this).

Shortly before he was killed you will remember that Kamau Kingara gave a TV interview where he delivered a scathing attack on the government of President Kibaki. This was quickly followed by some strong remarks by government spokesman Alfred Mutua about the Oscar Foundation organization’s alleged links with the outlawed Mungiki sect. Everybody knows who Mutua takes orders directly from.

If you suspect that your spouse is cheating on you, one of the easiest ways of gathering evidence to prove it is by the successful recovery of deleted sms messages from their cell phones.

Hours later Kingara was dead. Was all this just a coincidence? Are all these events in the last few hours of Mr Kingara’s life pure chance?

The information I have says that it is NOT a coincidence and that the late Kingara’s activities were in fact viewed as a threat to national security (at least according to the NSIS).

What all this means is that it is highly unlikely that the real killers of Kingara and Oulu will ever be brought to justice. And more frightening, Kenyans should expect a number of unsolved murders happening over the next few months or so.

Stop Press: In my latest Confidential email newsletter I publish the hit list that is being targeted by assassins. You will be shocked!!! It’s free to subscribe send an email now to: and then follow the simple instructions you receive.

Related articles in Kumekucha you should read;

Excuse for past political assassinations and the Standard raid was national security

It is the season for many assassinations


  1. It is alleged that Oscar had a tape/CD/DVD? recording of an Central province politicians paying mungiki to kill and maim other Kenyans. How true is this? And if this tape or whatever it is that Oscar is alleged to have had was it worth spilling more blood for it?
    How many more people will loss their lives to protect a few people's lives?
    Is this not lifted just from the book of the late Dr. J.R. Ouko's murder mysteries where almost all who came across anything to do with Dr Ouko are dead too!
    Kenyans and their cover up when will it end? I wonder!

  2. Kenya siwezi rudi!
    The only dream you can have in kenya is to become an MP and nothing else. Abroad you can be anything you wish!

  3. Chris:
    You too MUST apologise for betraying our community by supporting Raila Odinga.

    Water minister Charity Ngilu on Friday publicly clashed with ODM Kenya MPs over her decision to support Prime Minister Raila Odinga in the last General Election.

    She told off MPs Johnstone Muthama (Kangundo) and Philip Kaloki (Kibwezi), saying she had no regrets.
    Drama unfolded in Kitui Town during the opening of an Equity Bank branch, as Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka, who was the chief guest, watched.
    Mr Muthama had accused Mrs Ngilu of betraying the community at its hour of need by supporting Mr Odinga.

  4. What a big yawn. Unless you can show the so called explosive info, this post is nothing but drunken bar talk. Are the drunken bar patrons high on 'Karubu' in fact your famous 'informers'?

  5. Chris:

    I don't know who killed these two fellows nor do I think killing people like that offers long term solutions, but I can understand the alarm the intimate relationship between Oscar Foundation and Mungiki must have caused in the security services.

    There is no denying that Mungiki is the most potent youth movement in existence in the country today. It has thrived in the shadows partly because of its origins and partly because it has lacked the benefits of educated people who are savvy with modern media communications. Thus, their utility to any political interest has been limited to being a source of brute force to terrorize opponents but nothing more. That is about to change.

    There is a mad rush by political interests to own and exercise dominion over Mungiki in preparation of 2012. Some political interests have gone directly while other are using proxies.

    On the recent day when Mungiki rioted, King'ara and Oulu were in Kayole and Huruma before day-break (5:30 AM) according to Oulu allegedly "montoring the Mungiki demonstrations."

    Since no peaceful demonstrations are held at such un-godly hours, what were these two people doing among members of a proscribed militia, and for whom were they working for? More specifically, who had seconded Oulu to the Foundation and what was his brief? Why did the political wing of Mungiki led by Mr. Njuguna distance itself from the events of that day? These are the questions that need answers becase anything else is conjecture.

  6. Well, the half-blind, stuttering retard of a bumpkin has invited his foreign masters to investigate. How bout waiting for that? I see little sense in engaging with your usual rumor.

  7. maybe tread carefully. if what you are saying is true then they are on to this website and the carnivore meeting - dont show up...

  8. Kingara was a threat to the Kikuyu political class.His activities were bordering on exposing the past injustices committed on the poor Kikuyus by their homeguards brothers in the name of Gema unity.
    Kingara's research has dwelled so much on land.Except the Homeguards and their children very few handworking Kikuyus own more than 1000 acres of land.So when you question the source of this land you will as well purchase the bullet that will kill you.
    The current struggle within Mungiki is another cause of his death.Without doubt just as Kenyatta hijacked the Mau Mau cause to advance his political career the son has done the same.With some kikuyu elites they are trying to penetrate the ranks of Mungiki.Anyone seen as a genuine advocate of the mungiki cause must be eliminated.Kingara happened to fall in this category.He was on the verge of giving them a genuine platform to air their grivances.This would have been a real threat to the powers that be.As they want mungiki to remain and be seen as a terrorist group.All those killed are the ones who want to reign over their confused comrades.

  9. This conspiracy-minded blogging is something we have to detach ourselves from.

    The police are doing their investigations, Raila Odinga's capriciously endorsed "independent foreign investigations" should be under way. So why don't we wait for professional findings instead of engaging in this idle speculation which, in case you have not noticed, has been confined to the fringe of extremist tabloid-like 'publications'?

    You can choose to sensationalize this hoping it will make quick political bucks for those you work for, but you should bear in mind that that is not the route to the Kenya we want. You just cannot be everything---journalist, investigator, judge, everything. Let professional investigators do their work. They will then make public their conclusions and when that happens we will demand the apprehension of those named as being behind the murders. Anyhthing else ni kupayuka tu bila mwelekeo.

  10. What is this facination that Raila has with anything foreign? The death of Ouko was investigated by foreigners and still noone has ever been brought to justice, and then the murder of Father Kaiser and the killers are still at large.

    Raila should admit he feels Kenyans are intellectually inferior including witches. He consult South African witches for directions. Bure Kabisa!

  11. oh, I nearly forgot, even something as simple as an eye test Raila has to go to Foreign - Germany.
    He is an embarrasment to patrotic Kenyans!

  12. Martha Karua at Moi University: Election Was Stolen. True Life Fraudsters

  13. Chriso aka Chris,
    It seems nowadays in Dr.Annan's Kenya what constitutes as a threat to national security varies wildly in meaning and it could range from anything to do with wrongly deciphering the composition of the members of the President's family to writing a book mentioning a sitting ministers name in connection to a public corruption scandal worth billions of tax payers money
    ....please note only the former "threat" would actually lead to an urgent press conference and maybe even the raiding of a local media house in an effort to eliminate the perceived threat-this is nonsense and has to stop once and for all

    Kibaki administration/grand coalition governmet: - please stick to following what the law says about what a threat to national security is and how the same should be responded to-stop giving us your own interpretation of the meaning of the law according to Lucy or Gobels Mutua

    Now that Oscar is dead and Standard's been raided can we be told what exactly it was that we were being protected against?or does we mean Kib.....
    shutup stupid

  14. where does the mossad fit in all this and what do they know ?? is it true mossad forewarned some elements of the govt of the impending 1982 coup? is that why some went overseas for a holiday during that period??

  15. It was probably more of a threat to personal security for some people.

    But, people always question things like the media blackout during the elections and assasinations.

    What I am telling you is that M15 and CIA exist for a reason, just like NSIS. There are some people who are a threat to national security, and at that point, a leader has to decide whether it is worth waiting for the threat to occur and do damage control or nip it in the bud. At this point, unfortunately, morality goes out of the window.

    Kenyans are yet to understand how defence, conflict resolution and negotiation work because they can only rely on the media, which is so biased, you dont even know whether to believe a story.

    Our journalists are becoming mouthpieces for the political parties, not monitors and representatives of the people.
    Their stories are sometimes a deliberate attempt to stir things up, because pretty much politics is the only thing that sells media in Kenya.

    Oscar may have been one of the few people who really believed in rights, as messed up as mungiki were, an individual in Kenya is innocent until proven guilty, which he seemed to be fighting for.

  16. Mwalimu T aka Taabu,
    karibu iwe 4-1 lakini tukakuonea huruma

    if there's only ONE United they'd better walk alone

  17. Mwalimu T aka Taabu,
    karibu iwe 4-0 lakini tukakuonea huruma

    if there's only ONE United they'd better walk alone we are in good COMPANY na kazi iendelee

  18. museveni relied on locals for oil discovery and management, sent ugandans for study; did not rely on foreigners

    "I requested them to bring me that 'expert'. The 'expert' came one evening. First of all, he was not a Ugandan; he was a Ghanaian; and, most amazingly, he was not even a scientist at all! He was an economist who worked in Bank of Uganda on import papers dealing with petroleum products," the Ugandan President told his amazed listeners.

    He said as a result he refused to sign an agreement with Shell BP and Exxon because "I had nobody in Uganda knowledgeable on petroleum issues and I did not want to sell Ugandan interest at all." President Museveni went on saying his government was forced to send two young Ugandans to study first degrees in geology, physics or chemistry so that they could study masters in petroleum science abroad.

    "Today, a core team of 25 professionals, 20 of them with Masters of Science degrees in these fields, has been put in place. It is this team that drafted our policy on petroleum exploration; did the aero-magnetic studies, using air-crafts that had started in 1982; did the seismological studies, based on land; as well as conducting some of the informed negotiations with the foreign oil companies," Mr Museveni boasts

  19. To ALL Diasporian haters:

    Kenyans in Diaspora are the new property kings!

  20. Socialist above hit the nail on the head......
    This is the early stages of a class war that will engulf the central jimbo(guess which side will win? Even with state power the status quo is bearly hanging on).....The bigoted and fumbling MKM and their bigoted central middle class benefactors have alienated all other communities and also the poor in central. Very sad.

  21. Anon 4.08, I gotta tell u this; U, like so many pple before u, are so obsesssed with this "diaspora" nonsense that it triggers laughter. You obviously think it is cool being out of the country and you have that right. What you do not understand though is that that fella who travelled the first time from Mbita to Nairobi felt the exact same thing. It is tempting to get excited, but when u read Eccleasiastis 6:6 you will understand that it is all vanity. So many pple have been there so many times, it is not cool any more.

    Anon 6.47, I am neither bigoted, fumbling, middle class nor from central. I can tell you, however, that you do not speak for me. And there are many of us. Your limited knowledge leads you to assume that you can only think differently (and this means refusing to see life and politics through your narrow dogmatic prism) if you are Kikuyu. Those who differ with the -ism that you are in so much awe of are not necessarily affluent, we are not necessarily Kikuyu (in fact that is something we get offended being associated with) and we are not robotic. We are far much smarter than that, believe me. Please, do not ever, even for a second, let stupid politicians think for you. Do not even believe anything they tell you because doing that would qualify you a fool.

  22. The people behind Oscar's execution are non other than Chief Inspector Zebedeo Maina and Corporal John Njoroge of the Kwekwe squad.look no further.

  23. Recent events in Eastern Province and Coast lead me to ask whether the muslims still in ODM. What is going on? Is it true, as alleged by other regions, that a vicious Nyanza mafia comprising Orengo, Ny'ongo, Kajuang' and Dalmas Otieno has formed aroung Raila?

  24. Anon @2:47 AM,

    You forgot Midiwo is part of the Pepo Mbaya Mafia (PMM) from Nyanza.

  25. ***Inspector Zebedeo Maina(Eagle 1) and Sergeant John Njoroge Kamau of the Kwekwe squad, CID The Kenya Police.

  26. In 2007 an ill-wind from Lake Victoria blew over Kenya bringing ethnic hatred, famine and death. The originators of that wind were the Pepo Mbaya Mafia (PMM). Now, Kenyans are wiser and will never be caught unawares again. Never again.

  27. which kenyans? Kikkuyus will forever be by themselves. You may con your cousins - embus, merus and kambas, that's all.


    Report on
    Human Rights and the Law
    Extra-judicial execution and police brutality in Kenya

    this is why OSCAR "KAMAU KINGARA" was killed by Kibaki arm of government..



    Report on
    Human Rights and the Law
    Extra-judicial execution and police brutality in Kenya

    this is why OSCAR "KAMAU KINGARA" was killed by Kibaki arm of government..


  30. Here is the leadership after 2012:

    President: Kalonzo Musyoka
    Vice President: Uhuru Kenyatta
    Prime Minister: William Ruto
    Deputy Prime Minister: George Saitoti

    If you don't believe me, lets have a bet!

  31. Kamau Kingara was a hero to a murderous group. You cannot be a hero to a criminal gang! Mungiki is a menance and MUST be wipe-out once and for all!!

  32. anon4:16 PM

    Thanks for posting this explosive report by Human Rights with the help of Oscar foundation
    my questions is ARE KENYANS FOOLISH !!ASLEEP!! OR JUST PLAIN STUPID?? how can you kenyans allow your government to slaughter your citizens like goats?? my sister is married to a kenyan and now i;m scared for her.. she can be gunned down and the police can claim she was a criminal!!


    YOUR LIST OF President: Kalonzo Musyoka
    Vice President: Uhuru Kenyatta
    Prime Minister: William Ruto
    Deputy Prime Minister: George Saitoti


    Anonymous said...

    Here is the leadership after 2012:

    President: Kalonzo Musyoka
    Vice President: Uhuru Kenyatta
    Prime Minister: William Ruto
    Deputy Prime Minister: George Saitoti

    If you don't believe me, lets have a bet!

    3/15/09 4:17 PM

  34. prof wangari mathaai

  35. I hear uk is an alcoholic??

  36. the way to get rid of police brutality and extra judicial killing is to disband the police and call in the military...and ban guns and arms...

    but what will you do about poverty??

  37. Thug Molasses Raila spent the weekend lecturing the Kalenjins about staying in ODM. He thinks that the Kalenjins are stupid. The Kalenjins can see that ODM is controlled by the Pepo Mbaya Mafia (Raila, Nyongo, Orengo, Kajuang, Midiwo, and Dalmas Otieno) and the Pepo Mbaya community is the beneficiary of most of the half-loaf the ODM got.

  38. I am disappointed by what Kumekucha has become: lots of anonymous comments probably made by one person,or a group of persons. If you feel you need to make a point, just one comment is enough. You don't have to fill the comments pages with irrelevant material and copy-pasting. Even better: why not start your own blog?

  39. this is one of the best website to get all news; if people cut and paste that gives us the news

  40. Anon @ 4.17pm.
    The ideal line up should be:

    President: Kalonzo Musyoka
    1st V/Pres: William Ruto
    2nd V/Pres: Eugene Wamalwa
    Prime Min : Uhuru Kenyatta
    1st Dep PM: George Saitoti
    2nd Dep PM: Francis Baya

    Why as above? Because as much as Uhuru or Ruto may have supporters urging them on to each be the torchbearers of the proposed KK alliance, they do not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning. Any Kikuyu or Kalenjin standing will be like waving a red rag at the bull that is other Kenyans who will simply unite under Raila to defeat them.
    In any case, Uhuru needs to be very careful with Ruto, because if he can betray Raila now, why wont he betray Uhuru later? Who is to say that Ruto is not just an ODM trojan horse sent to destroy his alliance with Kalonzo? We need to stop the pretence that Kikuyus and Kalenjins can be true friends so soon given recent history.
    Uhuru must therefore understand that Kalonzo is the ONLY reliable ally and Presidential candidate of choice he and Central Kenya can support and this must be made very clear to Ruto. Ruto should not overreach himself thinking he can make demands to Central Kenya. If he doesnt like the deal or his place in the alliance, he can always go back to ODM, chastened and with less clout.
    This is where Eugene Wamalwa comes in as he can help split the Luhya vote by keeping the Bukusu away from the clutches of ODM. The Bukusu helped Kibaki in 2007 in splitting Luhya votes(35% of Luhya votes went to Kibaki and they came mostly from the Bukusus and who comprise 20% of Luhyas), and it makes sense to not only keep them in the tent, but to give better recognition to them. It would also resonate emotionally as Eugene is not only the kid brother of the late VP, but a charismatic politician in his own right. If Ruto betrays the alliance, Eugene steps up to the plate as 1st VP and Baya as 2nd VP. Game set and match.

  41. Kimi,
    Don't you worry. It doesn't matter what line-up it will be come 2012, Raila will NOT be the next president!!

  42. I can see a situation where if Raila's game go wrong this time (as it appears likely), the Luos will be the most isolated community in Kenya. They will not only be out of govt but will be forced to live at the periphery of national politics with devastating consequences to their psyche. They should kneel and/or sacrifice before the Kalenjins to save them from the their impeding exit into the political wilderness.

  43. Anon 2.14 am. Hahahahaha, you only count yourself as a tribe member, poor you!!! You are more than a tribe, you are a person, a human being created by God. The world is now a global village and anybody can live anywhere and can marry anyone. Luos can live anywhere they want.

  44. Charles.Nairobi.
    The allegations and the rumours will continue to flyback and forth between the government and the REAL KILLER the Mungiki!
    As for the press conferences the sad truth...When a fool is cursed, he thinks he is being praised.
    Kingara rubbed shoulders the wrong way both with the government and a bloodthirsty, attention- seeking,most useless bunch of thugs! like they say ....When you know who his friend is, you know who he is.

  45. Anon 2:55 AM
    Not if Uhuru/Ruto alliance comes into place.
    They will be forced to leave Nairobi and RV by force. Can't wait for that!

  46. This post was about Oscar Kingara and has now been hi-jacked Kenyan sytle to become a forum about Raila vs Ruto and Uhuru ,please keep this B/S OUT OF HERE!!

  47. Raila's balls are in Ruto's pliers and Raila was running around RV helter skelter taking about the Luo party of ODM. Poor Arap Mibei, Kalenjins know betrayers when they see one. Not a single senior Kalenjin is employed in the PM's office after all the votes they gave to this msaliti.

  48. Chris,

    I still believe that the assisination of Kingara and Oulu, the talk about alliances are all red herring, diversionery tactics. We are nolonger talking about the food insecurity, stollen maize, grand regency, he bloated cabinet, taxation of MPs.....

    When the PM toured RV he did not even utter a single word about providing food for the suffering, he was only keen at reinvigorating his dwindling political fortunes....

    This talk about Kalonzo/ruto/uhuru etc is not helping matters. Are we not progressive enough to come up with better leaders. Most commentators agree that we need a fresh start. Are we going to get a fresh start from these guys or the perpetuation of the status quo. A guy like Kalonzo has been my MP since the early 80's and he has nothing to show (Vikii forgive me!). Does one deliver only when they are president.....

    What we need for this country is a fresh start, with a complete set of fresh hands, who will overhaul the current system and bring back the rule of law. If everybody obeys the law, we don't even need a new constiyution.....

  49. Chris,

    If i have to have someone from my jimbo who is in the current system as president, then i would gladly endorse David Musila. You only need to make a 150km drive to mwingi to see what he has done for mwingi south that has made mwingi north the subject of ridicule....

  50. JEFF,
    The man Kenya needs is Kalembe Ndile!

  51. If you are one of the thousands wrongly diagnosed with HIV, there could be hope for you:

  52. Jeff, I need not forgive u, you need to forgive yourself. Kalonzo is not my MP, has never been and will never be. If he has not been performing as MP and you keep electing him, where does Vikii come in there? Does it not say so much about your intelligence as a people? He is the one single MP in Lower Eastern who has, since 1992, been getting the easiest reelection. What that means is the people who elect him are either stupid or he has not been attending to YOUR agenda as an individual, which I am not sure he should be concerned abt.

  53. I am a dutiful reader of the blog and thanks for the work you put in.
    But ultimately I am from the school that preaches solutions, there have been problems in Kenya longer than I have been alive. All I see is mention of scoops and predictions (they always come true on kumekucha dont they), but what happens next?
    Are we organising anything or as usual just form another part of the middle class talk shop? because talk only gets you so far the same way data only becomes information depending on how ones uses it.
    Lets move to more serious nation changing stuff guys. Solutions.

  54. Kenya cannot be ruled by a Jaluo.

  55. Vikii,

    All your arguments are correct. Easily elected over the years, yes. Do i have a personal agenda? Yes. Should he care? Yes and No. Yes coz he is elected to take care of a 'collection' of personal agendas, mine included. No coz his agendas could be more important than mine.

    Does this make my point invalid? I think not. Look at my arguments again.

    My argument is that he and the others being cited here have basically been 'local' leaders, tribal chiefs at best.
    To take your arguments further, if a guy has been consistently elected by dunderheads, does he qualify to be a national leader? What sets of competencies should we be looking for when electing a national leader, e.g. president or party leader. If we can get this equation right, then your kalonzos and uhurus and rutos soon become political footnotes....

    We may see things differently, but don't you think its time you stopped being a kalonzo apologist? You are an intelligent young man who should see things as they are....

  56. Jeff aka Jeffo,
    hopefully the only agenda an elected representative of the people such as a member of parliament who really is a public servant should have is that of the people who elected him via the constitution of the country-thats not to say they don't have their own agendas but it shouldn't come first

    you asked....."what sets of competencies should we be looking for when electing a national leader...."........
    only one in my opinion.....integrity......

    but its hard to know what that looks like if the "dunderheads" who do the electing don't have it....

    integrity.....hard to have but easy to fake

  57. Chris, it's amazing how your blog has degenerated to a forum of fueling "hatred".

    These bloggers here who do not realize that whilst they are name calling, the Kibaki, Raila, Kenyatta et al kids are playing golf and sharing the spoils of what is Kenya.

    2012 will be a disaster in Kenya at this rate.

    We only pray for what is left of the Banana Republic of Kenya.

  58. This post was about Oscar Kingara and has now been hi-jacked Kenyan style to become a forum about Raila vs Ruto and Uhuru ,please keep this B/S OUT OF HERE!!

  59. Jeff, I will not call you a dunderhead, but our understanding of the word is obviously different. Here is why;

    One this post is about the Oscar murders. Prior to your comment, I had done two of my own. Neither of them talked about Kalonzo's or any other politician's ambitions or competences. You invoked my name in a Presidential debate that you guys are having here, and that I have absolutely no interest in. I do not see the connection between a President Kalonzo and the murders and that is why I have not dragged Presidential politics into a totally unrelated post. My first comment called for an end to the preemption doctrine we are perpetuating here and for the kind of maturity and responsibility that leads you to respect institutions. All I said was; It is wrong to perpetuate Kinyozi rumours for the sake of politics when we have investigators pursuing the case. The second one was a rap on those who think that the diaspora debate is so cool that it should preoccupy us and another fellow who feels people can only hold political opinions from his if they are from Central, are wealthy or are the benefeciaries of a corrupt system.

    Now tell me where my Kalonzo "apologism" comes in? You are the one who is obsessed with him for reasons best known to you. When you implore on me to stop being his 'apologist', you are conveniently trying, unintelligently if I may add, to dissuade me from supporting him even when I have NEVER asked you or ANYBODY ELSE in this forum to support him.

    Look here, friend, you are trying to force me to join in the chorus of an absolutely unnecessary Kalonzo slinging and I will not do that.

    As for Kalonzo's record as MP, I have never defended it. Part of the reason is because I really do not know it. I have been in Mwingi twice my entire life and I cannot make myself a development consultant for the area. What I have been asking though is that if Kalonzo Musyoka's record of service as MP should form the basis on which Kenyans elect their President, it is only fair that that record is weighed ALONGSIDE those of his competitors. I want you to assess Kalonzo's record together with Raila's, saitoi's, UK's, Ruto's, Martha's and those other candidates'. You cannot tell me it makes sense for us to sit here and talk of the things Kalonzo has not done as MP, judge him on that basis, and at the same time be disinterested in what others haven't done in their places of representation. You have talked of Musila (and I love him alot, I know they call him 'Meko' back there), but Musila is not running for President. Let us judge Kalonzo using the same parameters we judge his competitors. Period!

    As for the "intelligent young man" crap, how do you know me? You have no idea who I am except based on the Kalonzo "apologisnm" that I write here. Interesting!

  60. And right now as we are talking, 'The Standard', the very newspaper that has a very unprofessional slant of bias in its coverage, is carrying a story in which the Member of Parliament for Lang'ata, Raila Odinga (one of those expected to run against Kalonzo Musyoka for President)cannot account for Kshs 10 million of tax payer money meant for constituency development. In other words, assuming this is true, the money, like so much before it is STOLEN. Additionally, they are alleged to have "misused" a similar amount. In other words, only 30% of the CDF money for Lang'ata has gone to real projects in the constituency. The rest has either been diverted to private individual accounts or has financed white elephants (read more diversion)

    Hon. Kibaki, the President himself, as the MP for Othaya has overseen a "misuse" of close to kshs 9 million (12%) of the constituency budget. And that's the President.

    So dont tell me to sit here and start addressing village politics-induced grievances. Let us talk about real tangible embezzlement of public resources by members of Parliament some of whom you are working hard to present to me as the alternatives we need. That is cheap, very cheap and I aint buying it.

  61. leftist govt wins in El Salvador
    they promise to reduce poverty

  62. what election reforms have been put into place?

    will there be a repeat of election violence?

  63. I bumped into a person who sold his property to Kenyatta. He had no choice in the matter. He received less than market value. Years later he complained to
    UK. UK said he knew nothing....can this person make a presentation to the truth and reconciliation comittee???

  64. is it true that obama said he read kenya's constitution and if one of the parents is kenyan the child remains kenyan....does that mean foreign kenyans can one day vote in kenyan elections? Israel...maybe then the kenyan president will be a technocrat...

  65. I dont care about the homeguard/ mau mau shit, it doesnt matter in this century (by the way my grandfather was a pure mau mau). I also dont care who mungiki is fighting for, all i know is that in advancing their cause they have beheaded/ killed innocent kenyans (mostly kiuks) and extort money from them to avoid working hard like the rest of us. And if the Oscar guys were killed for this then they deserved it. I would not hesitate to put a bullet in anyones head if he threatened my family/ life/ livelihood be it politicians/ homeguards/ mau mau and all the motherfuckers out there. As for Raila supporting Mungiki it is very clear; he is doing so because the people dying on both sides are Kikuyus. If luos were dying he wouldnt have supported them. He is doing so to exploit politically the divisions in the kikuyu community period. Where is Osama? someone needs to hire him to blow up parliament!SOBs

  66. This post was about Oscar Kingara and has now been hi-jacked Kenyan style to become a forum about Raila vs Ruto and Uhuru ,please keep this B/S OUT OF HERE!!

  67. Jeff is of course a typical kenyan. the people blogging here claim they want a differnt leadership but in actual fact they still want leaders who bring handouts (so called development). I have met a few "educated" fellows from mwingi and one thing common with them is: they are very critical of kalonzo. They say "he cannot assist anybody". You always get the impression they mean he does not assist them to partake in the "eating" taking place in Nairobi. I work for a big company in Nairobi and one thing I have noticed is that whenever there is a change of MD, the new MD's tribemates have very high expectations on what he will do for them. That is why I think the diasporans blogging here have very little understanduing of how a real kenyan thinks.

  68. This post was about Oscar Kingara and has now been hi-jacked Kenyan style to become a forum about Raila vs Ruto and Uhuru ,please keep this B/S OUT OF HERE!!

  69. Kamau Kingara was a thug posing as a human rights activist. I am happy the idiot was shot with his kihii assistant. Do you remember Nyakanyi the woman bank robber who died in a hail of bullets in tanzania a while back? She was kamau kingara's sister. It is a family of thieves and gangsters. His death was nothing political. It was just the end of a crime story

  70. Raila is facing a huge revolt in nyaza

  71. Anon at 10:25 pm:
    Wow, such strong feelings!
    Your last line is especially tough, though.......tantalizing.

  72. Its very sad that in the 21st, Kenya is still entangled in endless murder. Whatever the reason, let it not evade the sense of humanity in us all.


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