Monday, March 16, 2009

"Titanic" Coalition Government Fails To See The Icebergs Ahead

As VP Musyoka admits that the coalition government is the cause of Kenyan’s many problems

You, my dear readers must be pretty sick by now of me telling you how I love movies.

My apologies as I indulge you in yet another movie. This one perfectly illustrates the situation in Kenya for me.

The movie is Titanic. Did you watch it? But let me say something before I talk about the movie.
The "unsinkable" Titatic shortly before it's maiden and only voyage. Is the coalition government about to hit deadly "icebergs"?

Former UN secretary general Kofi Anan thinks that the coalition government will hold and so do so many other prominent people. However Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka gave what must be his most controversial speech yesterday and confirmed what we have been saying in this blog and what Kenyans have been saying all along. The VP says that a coalition government is the worst possible kind of government we have ever had. He then went on to blame all the problems facing the country on the coalition government of which he belongs.

This statement from the Daily nation article on the speech was the killer blow for me;

Mr Musyoka bluntly described a coalition government as “the worst form of governance” which allowed politicians to endanger people’s future with impunity. Read the full article.

Now you have heard it from the horses’ mouth.

Back to Titanic. The movie was of course based on a real life tragedy where the biggest steam ship of it’s time, the Titanic sunk on it’s maiden trip from Southampton, England to NewYork City America.

The huge luxury ship employing the latest technology of the time was touted as being unsinkable (We have been told that the coalition government will hold and is unsinkable until the 2012 elections).

In the movie version a budding romance between two characters from very different worlds (played by Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winselet) takes place within the ship. The unlikely romance is held together despite everything by true love which is proved in the end. (The “romance” between PNU and ODM is held together by greed and corruption as VP Kalonzo Musyoka confirmed yesterday.)

And so the unsinkable Titanic hurtled full speed towards NewYork oblivious of the great dangers ahead in the form of icebergs.

The coalition government is hurtling full speed towards 2012 with ,members stealing and grabbing like there was no tomorrow, but like just as the Titanic never reached new York…EVER, the coalition government will never see 2012. The ship sunk on 15th April (1912) and in my vioew the coalition government will collapse a few weeks after that same date this year.

What icebergs do I see ahead?

Good question. Methinks that it will be all about the economy. Most economists think that the country will have been hit by the effects of the wolrd economic melt down by May this year. And without the “glue” that holds the coalition “romance” together i.e. plenty of cash to loot, what are the chances of it surviving?

I would like to think of the Kumekucha blog as that first officer at the top of the Titanic who saw the icebergs looming in the dark horizon and did his best to raise the alrm. The ship tried to turn to avoid the deadly icebergs but due to it’s great speed at the time, it was all too late.

Read more about The titanic

We were right and wrong about the coalition in this Feb 28th 2008 article

Will The grand coalition government collapse in this way?


  1. Charles.Nairobi.
    Kalonzo should know that Do not call the forest that shelters you a jungle!
    At the end of the day its Kenyans who feel the brunt of cheap politics.
    As it is now there are serious water shortages in Nairobi and a host of other problems the govt seems least concerned with?
    MP's are busy LOOTING CDF funds through proxy companies!
    "If you are building a house and a nail breaks, do you stop building, or do you change the nail?"

  2. Only a brand new constitution and fresh elections without Kibaki, Raila and Kalooser will do. Kibaki needs a rest, he's too old, tired, sickly and 'kaliwad' by his first wife.

    Demagogue Raila has has no fresh ideas and should bow down so as to concentrate on his Molasses stuff at the same time keeping his wayward sons out of trouble.

    Clown Kalooser is of course an opportunist who happens to be a remnant of the despotic Nyayo era. For all those decades, what has he done for his poverty-stricken backwater Ukambani? You guessed it right... absolutely nothing! Male modelling will do for him outside life in parlimanet.

    On Oscar Foundation's boss being murdered in cold blood by the State, my take is that he became more famous in death than through his works. But still I don't think he was more "dangerous" to the Govt than say, Githongo, Khalwale, Muite(who's being sued by spoilt rich Kibaki kids), Ababu Namwamba (who has deeply implicated 1st lady in maize scam) or even our beloved blog Kumekucha! He may have been a sacrificial lamb to silence the critics of the govt but it won't work and shouldn't work.

    The fact is that over 5,000 mostly young and jobless Kikuyu men have been executed under Kibaki's watch who ironically happens to be also a Kikuyu. You can't take that FACT away!

  3. Kalonzo is right, after all this form of government was formed down our throats by western power as both feuding parties refused to budge. Now come 2012, if we don't have a new breed of leaders, free from being tainted by the past. Whom will we vote for, after all, all those with ambitions to President's to form the next government are already in government. Echoing Ruto's own words "Are you expecting angels to come from heaven to form a government" Meaning its just the same old wineskins we have until new fresh people emerge.

    Even if most bloggers here being ODM who may say Raila has been reduced to a toothless dog as can't bite on corruption that's a big fat lie. Am still waiting for Raila to show us the measure he promised to show are being taken to tackle corruption he promised on a TV interview. He is already a month late from the time he revealed he will do that.

    And from columist in Standard newspaper who hit the nail on the head, ODM shouldn't excuse their impotence in delivering reforms and try spin in on us call it forced abstinence from an unholy union.

  4. On March 16, 2009, it was reported that:

    "Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka has announced an alliance with Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Internal Security minister George Saitoti."


    On March 17, 2009, it was reported that:

    Mr Musyoka bluntly described a coalition government as “the worst form of governance” which allowed politicians to endanger people’s future with impunity.

    “I must admit that a coalition government could be the worst form of governance that Africa has seen,”


    Good Lord. On 16th March, 2009, Kalonzo announces the intention to form an alliance which will lead to another coalition government in 2012. Fast forward and on the following day, he denounces coalition government as the most dangerous form og government.

    What should a reasonable mind make of these two statements?

  5. Mwarang'ethe,

    That tells us that Kalonzo is a reasonably prudent politician who knows how to hedge his bets. The most successful politicians rely on alliances to achieve their objectives without necessarily forming coalition govts. Ditto Kalonzo.

  6. Anonymous said...

    That tells us that Kalonzo is a reasonably prudent politician who knows how to hedge his bets. The most successful politicians rely on alliances to achieve their objectives without necessarily forming coalition govts. Ditto Kalonzo.

    Our response:

    So, what kind of govt. will he form with PNU etc then?

  7. But Chris I heard that its the illuminati who sunk titanic? R a believer of consipiracy theories?

  8. M-Pesa, if you are a Mungiki sympthaiser, many of the house are not!
    Mungiki MUST be wiped-out once and for all with every mean necessary including extreme brute force!

  9. Chris aka Chris,
    i don't agree with Kalonzo that coalition government is the worst possible kind of government one can ever have-a bad workman always blames his tools-if coalitions can work in other countries around the world why can't it work in ours?i mean what makes us so special that we just have to fail?

    If this coalition is a bad government its because its full of bad people like the big 3, and the fish always begins to rot from the head-in essence Kalonzo was saying that he has rotted and was trying to excuse the strong stink emanating from his lack of substance

    The coalition are struggling to barely do even a half-decent job of governance,forget about doing a good job and if they are honest(which they're not) they will point the finger of blame squarely at themselves as individuals rather than trying to shift the blame on anything else but themselves and their lack of integrity

    Lucy needs to step into this row-tell us Lucy, will the coalition government "sink" before 2012?

  10. With the equipment they had those days, they didnt see the iceberg in good time to change course.

    In the Titanic Romance the boy died. So who between odm and pnu will die?

    Good people drop this nonsense of an "outsider" being president. The next president of Kenya will either be raila, kalonzo, uhuru, ruto, mudavadi or Saitoti. And if you bring an "outsider", how can we judge him/her without a record in politics/high office or are we going to be asked to "believe". There is a reason why governors tend to become president in the US: there is (an executive) record to be judged on.

  11. Coalition Goverment is going to FAIL. This pepo mbaya from lake Victoria is to blame. Before they came into the goverment Kenya was doing fine. Agriculture output under Kipruto Kirwa was the most productive in kenya history. There was also major improvement in the ministry of Local Govt, Foreign Affairs, Trade & Industry, Health, Tourism and others.
    These Lakeside Mafia are cursed people!
    If ODM did not try to force a coup, our country would be doing very well.

  12. One Wife Man(formerly Joe the choma man),

    That this coalition government that we have in Kenya is the worst possible kind of government one can ever have is something that I totally agree with.

    Other coalitions around the world e.g Israel and the European countries succeed because they are generally founded WITHOUT - I repeat, WITHOUT - FRAUD, DECEPTION and OUTRIGHT THEFT in mind.

    This coalition that we have in Kenya is as a result of brazen THEFT, FRAUD and DECEPTION that occurred on December 3Oth 2007.

    It is because the elections of December '07 were BRAZENLY STOLEN that we have this crazy animal of a government. It is a universal principle of life that anything founded on THEFT, FRAUD and DECEPTION will never yield "good fruits"

    It is very interesting, laughable and very amusing to hear one of the people (Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka) who enabled the THEFT of the elections to "succeed" now complaining. May be it's a case of the chickens coming home to roost.

    Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka, you do not abet a CRIME and expect to sit preety and have a good time full of joy and happiness for "a crime well done". It does not work. It will never work.

    I thougth you, Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka, were a "man of God," christian and saved? Real men of god are supposed to know that STEALING does not pay. So, stop your hypocritical complaining. You were one of the major causes of this mess that Kenya is in.

  13. Kalonzo should be arrested for aiding crime. if the govt is bad what is doing fighting over protocal,

  14. Kalonzo should be arrested for aiding crime. if the govt is bad what is doing fighting over protocal,

  15. Kenya govt spends billions on hospitality, maua, chai, parties na kadhalika and then we have 222 mwezi sitting in parliament under taxpayers' expense.

    Mimi Kenya siwezi rudi. I shredded my kenyan passport into pieces. The country does not exist. gone to mbwas!

  16. Anon@3:26,
    i assume you're NOT Lucy but just in case you are..niaje fast lady?i'm NOT ktn or standard BUT i do have a question mathee; who is Ma........?

    I agree that the grand coalition was founded upon the wrong principles of a marriage of inconvenience rather than to serve our needs as kenyans but we all know this is a transitionary administration put in place to accomplish one thing only-ensuring Kenya never again suffers a repeat performance of the botched 2007 elections;

    my point is they still have a job to do and complaining or crying foul all the time won't get it done-they need to get on with the job or else quit-we're tired of complaints and whining all the time as if Dr.Kibaki and Dr.Raila don't see each other one on one every other day and as if they can't talk to one another and openly air their greivances without involving the whole country in their sideshows

    you know what it is? these guys LOVE taking us for hard rides on our backs, and every time we allow them to indulge. now who is the hypocrite?

  17. CDF money was mainly misused by constituencies populated by Jaluos.

    Kisumu Town West,

    Kisumu Rural


    What does that say about this pepo mbaya from Lake Vikii?

  18. Believe it or not, Kenya inflation rate is the highest in Africa(except of course Zimbabwe) with 28.3% as of current! The other closet country is Egypt with 23.6%. The lowest is Morocco with 4%.
    Hard to believe, we are heading Zimbabwe's way!

  19. One Wife Man(formerly Joe the choma man) @ 4:14 AM,

    This is Anon@3:26 again,

    Don't worry, this is not Lucy. Lucy has signature behavior that is very unique to her: SHE SLAPS, SHE SLAPS VERY HARD. Non of that occurred with me.

    You said also:

    "They (Grand Coalition Govt.) still have a job to do and complaining or crying foul all the time won't get it done-they need to get on with the job or else quit-we're tired of complaints and whining all the time as if Dr.Kibaki and Dr.Raila don't see each other one on one every other day and as if they can't talk to one another and openly air their greivances without involving the whole country in their sideshows"

    Well, the FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT did not stop after the elections were STOLEN, it continues upto now and will continue. Yes, the Accord was signed on February of last year but it is not being applied fairly, there is a lot of monkey business going on. There is still a lot of FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT being practiced, especially by the PNU side. They are not sincere, they still want to continue with the STEALING.

    You heard John "the rattlesnake" Michuki stating the other day in his back yard of Muranga that "their is NO sharing of power between Kibaki and Raila and that Kibaki has all the executive power na amesimamia serikali sawa sawa - he is in full control"

    Now, in such circumstances, it would be very naive to expect anything constructive, positive and productive from this GCG that is riddled with and reeks of FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT right from the top (Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki). Any positive hopes were heavily misplaced.

    Nothing positive can come of any situation/position founded on FRAUD, DECEPTION and OUTRIGHT THEFT. The "best" that can come out of it is for the FRAUDSTERS, DECEIVERS and THIEVES to live in denial and fool themselves that all is well - a pumbavu assumption that is bound to, one of these days, blow up in their faces. We have been seeing bits and snippets of this in the form of continuous embarrassing events that cast them in bad light, the most recent being Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki's embarrassing press conference to tell us that his only wife is lucy.... Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha... You ain't seen nothing folks, more nonsense will be visited on us by these clowns. One of them being this:

    I shall repeat again that it is a universal principle of life that anything founded on THEFT, FRAUD and DECEPTION will never yield "good fruits"

  20. Anon 2:44 AM

    Of course Mungiki ought to be wiped off the face of the earth. The question is.. "HOW?" Should our police be the judge, jury, prosecutor and executioner? Then what's the point of having our courts and judges who are paid such huge salaries? The FACT is that under Kibaki's govt over 5,000FELLOW Kikuyus have executed by the dreaded Kwekwe squad. 400 young Luos were also shot dead for demonstrating over a stolen elction whereby the president was hurriedly sworn in at night without pomp and colour.
    Extra-judicial killing is still going on this time under under Kibaki-Raila govt!

  21. Anon you say:
    Mimi Kenya siwezi rudi. I shredded my kenyan passport into pieces. The country does not exist. gone to mbwas!

    No one is forcing you to even think about Kenya so shut the fuck up!

  22. A person who is vp (and therefore knows what he is talking about) has confirmed what we have been saying here: that grand theft is underway. Ati "it is like ministers are under instruction to steal as much as posssibe to fund their parties". Now this is very very serious. Under instruction from who? There are only two principals. Knowing how careful this guy normally is, something is afoot.

  23. Top Kenyan banned from US

    Isn't obvious who has been on corruption news lately?

  24. M-Pesa,

    You have changed so much! Are you the same M-Pesa we had last year by this time? Or r u are looking to be accepted by Kumekucha stone throwers? Why stoop to that level? Be yourself, don't try to please anyone! Don't allow anyone to dicate how you think or what to say. God gave you the right and will to life including freedom of speech so don't allow others to force you change your thinking!

  25. does 'empty suit' kalonzo have any solutions as the VICE PRESIDENT? - he is supposed to echo what his boss says and not seek unnecessary attention by making statements for which he has no solutions . This is akin to Kibaki saying the same things so who is supposed to stop this corruption?
    Folks, ignore this inzi, he does not have any solution nor is he just about to take the initiative to stop the vice, because as usual, he is sitting back, enjoying the trappings of power and hoping to be toshwad.

  26. How can the coalition govt work when Pepo Mbaya Mafia occupy PM, Immigrations, Lands, Manpower, and Medical Services? How? How?

  27. Anon 6:02 AM,

    You, with your twisted and bigoted mind, seems to think that anyone who does not agree with you, i.e blindly takes the panua thinking of fraud, deception and theft is not:

    * Being him/herself.

    * Is trying to please someone/anyone

    * Allows others to dicate how they think or what they say.

    * Has allowed others to force them to change their thinking.

    This is total BULLCRAP. Absolute nonsense!

    Anon 6:02 AM, you are one of those fools who have deceived themselves that what they think and what they perceive to be "true," however warped and misplaced, to be reality. Well, I've got news for: your "world" is a FRAUDULENT one, a DECEPTIVE one and a Pro-THIEVING one. This is very pumbavu thinking! A false "reality!"

    No wonder your kind, Mungiki, have resumed and are very busy chopping your fellow tribesmens heads off in OTHAYA, KIRINYAGA and EMBU. Anon 7:02 AM, THIS IS THE REAL PEPO MBAYA. This and you are very disgusting.

  28. Folks, coalitions are not the ideal forms of government anywhere as they are a result of negotiations after neither party gets a mandate to rule. We can argue based on the ECK results that no one had the mandate to lead Kenya, with Kibaki being the president but Raila having the majority members of parliament. Of course these results are very controversial and even Kriegler said we may never know who won the elections.

    So the bitter pill to swallow was to form this monster. But trust our two lieutenants...they made sure they have two (42) cabinets in one(21), to take care of regional and political interests, but worse still they decided to appoint all the corrupt people into the government. Only those who did not play to the gallery e.g Jirongo were side-lined.

    Look, this form of governance works in Germany, but it has only 16 cabinet ministers?

  29. The ill-wind from the lake blew over Kenya in 2007 and brought with it artificial hunger, rape and death. Unless all communities wake up the way Kalenjins are waking up, this ill-wind will drive Kenya back to stone age.

  30. Anon 7:29 AM,

    You, just like 6:02 AM, are another fellow living in denial and a fraudulent "reality"

    The REAL reality is that the ill wind from the Mt Kenya/Central blew over Kenya in December 30th 2007 and brought with it A STOLEN ELECTION that has given birth to all this nonsense that Kenya has been going thru since the beginning of 2008.

    Oh, and about "waking up," it is you and your ilk who seriously need to wake up from your drunken stupor of FRAUD, DECEPTION and THIEVING ways. Look at how your brothers, the Mungiki neck choppers, are behaving. They have resumed and are very busy chopping your fellow tribesmens heads off in OTHAYA, KIRINYAGA and EMBU, Your people are SAVAGES. You are the real PEPO MBAYA!

  31. Anon 7.57am, you have really made me laugh, where is the evidence that every GEMA supported FRAUD and DECEPTION?

  32. Anon 9:29 AM,

    Wewe ni Mbuzi sana. That is a very TIRED question. A pumbavu one at best.

    You resemble a person who has just farted very loudly and then asking me who farted and where "that" awful smell coming from. Your 'question' was answered - by you - before you even asked it.

  33. The titanic touch got me laughing, but most of us knew the coalition wont suffice and in my opinion the iceberg has been hit and water is sipping in the vessel already...

    As for Kalonzo Musyoka, such a statement followed by a letter of resignation and bringing in a vote of no confidence in the coalition would have his best move but the guy does not play chess.. That move would have sent MPs helter skelter and a way out of the coalition born.

    Otherwise the backdrop of murder looting raping shooting kidnapings corruption impunity killerpolice and our usual Kenyan vice will haunt PNU and ODM equally.

    Pepo-mbaya or not,Mungiki or not Raila(read luo's) will NEVER rule Kenya.period.mupende ama msipende,thats the cold truth.

  35. Kenya simply CANNOT be ruled by HIV carrires! A Jaluo WILL NEVER rule Kenya!


    ...Kenyan Cabinet Minister faces US travel ban...


  37. Uhuru not qualified for top seat..

    By KOIGI WAMWEREPosted Tuesday, March 17 2009 at 18:56

    Mr Uhuru Kenyatta has also declared his intention to vie for presidency in 2012. As expected, his loyalists are beating drums for him.

    But what qualifies him to lead Kenya?

    One needs to do something patriotic to deserve leadership. What has Uhuru done for Kenya to deserve leading it?

    When Moi tyrannised Kenya, Uhuru, Kalonzo Musyoka, Musalia Mudavadi, William Ruto and others like them did nothing. Does this qualify Uhuru or Kalonzo for that matter, to lead Kenya?..........


  38. kumekucha, please....we are counting on you to expose the culprits who have been slapped with the visa ban by america.we are counting on you!name and shame...!!!!

  39. me thinks it's kiraitu murungi.

  40. These jaluos are stupid assholes, ati "name and shame those slapped with visa ban to America"? the moronity displayed by these people here is unbelievable! maybe they are bewitched people and blinded by overgrown foreskins!

  41. Will the stupid anons stop invoking tribalism in all their posts. Jaluo this, Jaluo that, Kikuyu this...eish, shame on you.

  42. We should divide kenya into tribal regions and we will have no more Kikuyu this, Luo that!
    Luos move back to west and leave kikuyu and their allies in Nairobi. Problem solved.

  43. How can Luos lead Kenya when majority of them are on Antiretroviral drugs. We need healthy people with healthy mind to lead our nation. All the Luos I know are on this medication.

  44. Corrupt Kenyans banned from America

    Watch this:

    1.Kibaki's Vs Muite- This where everyhing is. Muite has some influence on America. Remember Matiba's time and te "goat eating Ambassador"?
    2.Maize scandal-American embassy has complained in the last few days
    3.Raila-dont under estimate his "closeness" to Obama
    "Tough" Kibaki-In view of the bann (of course he knew it before it became public

    In a nutshell, me thinks that Obama's power will start being felt in Kenya.The bann is a start and it will really rattle the snakes in Kenya.

    Lets watch the game.We love it!

  45. I speak for my self and i stand corrected, i dont think all of a sudden icebergs just appeared!! They've always been there, we are used to them:"drive around with pot holes", Only that me and the other mwanainchi try to be comfy though we can never be!!
    the only thing we can advocate for is a completely clean and different leadership .

    « Reply #28 Today at 6:08am »
    Finance Minister, Uhuru Kenyatta has a duty to stop the payments that he exposed as fraudulent: It is time to admit failure of the fiduciary duty by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Joseph Kinyua, who is the Accounting Officer and custodian of Kenyan tax payer’s money.
    Feb 27th, 2009 by Mars Group

    Today, the 27th of February 2009, Joseph Kinyua, the Permanent Secretary in the Treasury and Accounting Officer at the Ministry of Finance knows that the Government has not cancelled the Irrevocable Promissory Notes on the Midland Finance deal.He is aware that no money was ever received by the Government of Kenya by his own admission to justify repayments. Kenya has had an opportunity to prove this Fraud by cooperating with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office, where they have identified Anglo Leasing beneficiaries, including the Midland deal.

    The PWC report has concurred with the findings of Kenya’s Controller and Auditor General that the Government of Kenya has never received money from Midland Finance and Securities Ltd and that the Government of Kenya does not Know who Midland Finance and Securities Ltd is.

    So, who did the Government of Kenya enter into this deal with? Who did the Attorney General, Amos Wako confirm was Midland Finance and Securities Ltd? How did Amos Wako confirm that money had been delivered to the Government of Kenya as stated in his legal Opinion? Wako in his legal opinion says “In my opinion the Credit has been fully authorized and signed and delivered on behalf of the buyer and is legally binding upon the buyer in accordance with its terms.”

    In Light of Mr. Kinyua’s admission and the commitment by the Attorney General, it is clear that we need the intervention and assistance of the International Community, and in particular the immediate cooperation with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office.

    The truth, Mr. Kinyua, will set you free!

    The Midland Deal:

    On 29th May 2003, less than 150 days after Mwai Kibaki was sworn in as President of the Republic of Kenya, and after his famous pledge that Corruption would cease to be a way of life in Kenya, “Corruption will now cease to be a way of life in Kenya and I call upon all those members of my government and public officers accustomed to corrupt practice to know and clearly understand that there will be no sacred cows under my government.” Mwai Kibaki 30 Dec 2002 his Government entered into contracts with “Ghosts” for fictitious credit loans to Kenya. The supply contracts are also fictitious. The Midland deal is one of 18 such scams.

    The Administration Police Telecommunications Network (2003):

    Midland Finance and Securities Limited, ostensibly of Geneva Switzerland, non-existent according to the Controller and Auditor General is the contracted financier in this agreement. It allegedly lent the Government of Kenya Euros 49.65 million (Ksh 4.4 billion). Even though no money was advanced to Kenya, the Government of Kenya issued to Midland Finance and Securities Limited, (36 Thirty Six) Irrevocable Promissory Notes Promissory Notes No. GOK/OP/ APTCN/01 to GOK/OP/APTCN/036. These 36 Irrevocable Promissory Notes were issued on May 29th 2003 and fell/fall due for payment in the following order.



    Promissory Note Date of Issue Date of Maturity Amount( Euros)

    GOK/OP/APTCN/01 29th May 2003 29th October 2003 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/02 29th May 2003 29th October 2003 779,854

    GOK/OP/APTCN/03 29th May 2003 28th February 2004 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/04 29th May 2003 28th February 2004 730,543

    GOK/OP/APTCN/05 29th May 2003 29th June 2004 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/06 29th May 2003 29th June 2004 681,936

    GOK/OP/APTCN/07 29th May 2003 29th October 2004 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/08 29th May 2003 29th October 2004 649,884

    GOK/OP/APTCN/09 29th May 2003 28th February 2005 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/10 29th May 2003 28th February 2005 601,629

    GOK/OP/APTCN/11 29th May 2003 29th June 2005 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/12 29th May 2003 29th June 2005 549,500

    GOK/OP/APTCN/13 29th May 2003 29th October 2005 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/14 29th May 2003 29th October 2005 519,914

    GOK/OP/APTCN/15 29th May 2003 28th February 2006 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/16 29th May 2003 28th February 2006 472,716

    GOK/OP/APTCN/17 29th May 2003 29th June 2006 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/18 29th May 2003 29th June 2006 422,700

    GOK/OP/APTCN/19 29th May 2003 29th October 2006 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/20 29th May 2003 29th October 2006 389,944

    GOK/OP/APTCN/21 29th May 2003 28th February 2007 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/22 29th May 2003 28th February 2007 343,803

    GOK/OP/APTCN/23 29th May 2003 29th June 2007 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/24 29th May 2003 29th June 2007 295,900

    GOK/OP/APTCN/25 29th May 2003 29th October 2007 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/26 29th May 2003 29th October 2007 259,974

    GOK/OP/APTCN/27 29th May 2003 28th February 2008 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/28 29th May 2003 28th February 2008 214,889

    GOK/OP/APTCN/29 29th May 2003 29th June 2008 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/30 29th May 2003 29th June 2008 170,509

    GOK/OP/APTCN/31 29th May 2003 29th October 2008 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/32 29th May 2003 29th October 2008 130,004

    GOK/OP/APTCN/33 29th May 2003 28th February 2009 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/34 29th May 2003 28th February 2009 85,976

    GOK/OP/APTCN/35 29th May 2003 29th June 2009 2,538,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/36 29th May 2003 29th June 2009 42,300

    The Irrevocable Promissory Notes were supported by a legal opinion dated 17th June 2003 from the Attorney General, Amos Wako, who states that each Promissory Note is valid, binding and enforceable as hereunder

    Legal Opinion of the Attorney-General of Kenya

    1. As Attorney-General and Principal Advisor to the Government of the Republic of Kenya, I am requested to give an opinion to the effect that the Supplies Credit Financial Agreement for Nationwide Dedicated Digital Multi channel Security Systems Telecommunications Network has been duly authorized or ratified by and signed and delivered on behalf of the Republic of Kenya and is legally binding according to its terms.

    2. I have considered such documents including laws as I have deemed necessary for the purpose of the opinion expressed herein and the following in particular: -

    (a) A document described as the Supplies Credit Financial Agreement for Nationwide Dedicated Digital Multi channel Security Systems Telecommunications Network dated 29th May 2003 made between the Government of the Republic of Kenya -(the Buyer’) and Midland Finance and Securities Limited (the Seller) in respect of Credit amounting to EUROS 49,650,000 (FORTY-NINE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND EUROS).

    (b) A document described as a Contract Agreement for Nationwide Dedicated Digital Multi channel Security Systems Telecommunications Network.

    (C) Promissory Notes No. GOK/OP/APTCN/01 to GOK/OP/APTCN/036

    (d) The External Loans and Credits Act Chapter 422 of the Laws of Kenya

    (e) The Constitution of the Republic of Kenya

    3. In my opinion the Credit has been fully authorized and signed and delivered on behalf of the buyer and is legally binding upon the buyer in accordance with its terms.

    4. I set out in the paragraphs following the reasons by reference to which I have formed the opinion herein.

    The External Loans and Credits -Act Chapter 422 of the Laws of Kenya empowers the Buyer under agreements or other written instruments, to borrow or obtain sums, in

    Currencies other than Kenyan currency from any other person or government, upon such terms and conditions as to interest, repayment or otherwise and in such manner as the Minister responsible for Finance may think fit.

    The Act further provides that all sums so obtained shall be expended only on purposes for which provision is made in the estimates of expenditure approved by Parliament and that no such goods or services shall be purchased on credit under the Act except such as are required for purposes for which provision is made as aforesaid.

    The Act further provides that the Minister or any person specially authorized by him in writing in that behalf may execute such agreements or instruments as may be required in connection with the Act.

    5. The Government is thus empowered to obtain Credit without prior approval of Parliament, the only statutory procedure involving Parliament being that the money obtained be expended only on purposes for which provision is made in the estimates of Expenditure approved by Parliament.

    6. The Agreement was signed for and on behalf of the Buyer by MR. JOSEPH MBUI MAGARI, PERMANENT SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF FINANCE as authorized
    by HON.DAVID MWIRARIA the Minister in charge of Finance in the Government of the Buyer.

    7. By virtue of Section 99 of the Constitution of Kenya, all revenues or other moneys raised or received for purposes of the Government of Kenya are paid into and form the Consolidated Fund from which no money can be withdrawn except as may be authorized by the Constitution or by an Act of Parliament (including the Appropriation Act) or by a vote on account passed by the National Assembly under Section 101 of the Constitution.


    8. In my opinion therefore: -

    (a) The BUYER has the power to enter into this AGREEMENT and has taken all necessary actions which are required for the execution, delivery and performance of the AGREEMENT,

    (b) The Buyer has duly obtained all approval consents and authorisations and has duly effected any other declarations filings or registration with any Government authority or agency which are required or appropriate in connection with the execution delivery and performance within the Republic of Kenya.

    9. As at the date of this opinion all the statutory provisions quoted herein are ill force and effect as part of the Laws of Kenya.

    GIVEN THIS 17th DAY OF JUNE 2003



    Amos Wako: Incompetent or Part of the Fraud?

    Amos Wako, Kenya’s Attorney General of 19 years, has issued several of these legal opinions. Illegally binding Kenyans to pay Ghosts. But even more strange is that these Ghosts have now sued the Attorney General in our courts in Kenya. And they have obtained orders prohibiting KACC from investigate them. No one in Government thinks that part of proving our case of Fraud against these ghosts would be to arrest them, since they are obviously known. How else did they challenge Kenya’s Attorney General and win?. The question must now be asked, What is Amos Wako’s Role in Anglo Leasing? Why is Amos Wako not cooperating with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office?

    Money for Nothing

    On The Administration Police Telecommunications Network (2003) contract Mr. Kimunya said to Parliament, on May 2nd 2007 that the project was worth Ksh 4.423 billion, and further, that this project had never started and was still the subject of protracted issues. Mr. Kimunya told Parliament that no promissory notes were issued against this project and that there was no refund against the said project because no payments had been made by treasury. This is untrue.

    The same debt is recorded by the Controller and Auditor General as including payments (as of June 30th 2005) of Ksh 613,500,529.60 being the principal and Ksh 74,225,411.90 being interest. In total the Government has paid Ksh 687,725,491.50 for a project that never started. It is not true that no payments were made.

    Corroborating the Controller and Auditor General is the fact that the debt is recorded in the external public debt register with amount repaid on the so-called loan as of June 30th 2005 being Ksh 613,500,530 (a difference of 40 Kenya cents!). Note, Globotel Incorporated, the contractor and the financier, Midland Finance and Securities are said by the Controller and Auditor General to be non-existent.

    By the end of June 2006, the people of Kenya were stated to owe Midland Finance and Securities Limited Ksh 3.185 billion. Kenya is committed to pay Euros 2.5 million every three months until June 29th 2009.

    The Minister of Finance, Amos Kimunya misled Parliament and to prove that Maoka Maore MP tabled copies of the 36 Irrevocable Promissory Notes that had been issued to Midland Finance and Securities Limited. Shocked, Mr. Kimunya retorted that the notes Maoka Maore had just tabled were copies of the Cancelled Irrevocable Promissory Notes that were in his safe at the Treasury.

    What is P.S Kinuya’s Role?

    During a meeting in may 2007 at the Treasury ,called by the Permanent Secretary for Finance, Joseph Kinyua to discuss public concern about the Anglo Leasing, invited representatives of civil society requested to see the Anglo Leasing irrevocable promissory notes that Finance Minister Amos Kimunya had brandished at a press conference. They could not have been more stunned when Mr. Kinyua told them that the Irrevocable Promissory Notes which Amos Kimunya the Minister for Finance had told Parliament were in his safe were actually in the custody of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission. The line from Treasury was that KACC was still investigating the notes and they are evidence which must be kept safe. KACC was quick to deny that they had the Promissory Notes. Did Kinyua tell the truth? This also begs the question, why did Mr. Kimunya tell a press conference and Parliament that the notes are kept in a safe at Treasury? Who should Kenyans believe, between the former Minister for Finance, Amos Kimunya and his accounting officer, the Permanent Secretary for Finance , Joseph Kinyua?

    The Problem at the Treasury:

    But more seriously, it shines the spotlight on the role of the Treasury in grand corruption and how it has in successive scandals avoided accountability to other institutions and acted in an opaque manner.

    One problem Kenya has to urgently deal with is that Treasury is not accountable to Parliament and kept the contracting of the bogus loans, underpinning the Anglo Leasing scandal, shielded from legislative scrutiny in breach of the External Loans and Credits Act which requires Parliament to be informed of such debt by the Minister of Finance. To date, for example, the detailed separate audits of the 18 security related contracts known as Anglo Leasing worth Ksh 56.33 billion, have never been tabled in Parliament.

    But it is not just Parliament that has been kept in the dark. The Central Bank of Kenya has been side-stepped by the Treasury for decades as it borrows recklessly especially since the mid 1980s. During the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry, it became clear that tens of billions of shillings were spirited out of the country as a result of Kamlesh Pattni’s various export compensation and foreign exchange trading schemes during the early 1990s. Concerned that institutional loopholes might still exist in 2004, the Commission of Inquiry requested the Governor of Kenya’s Central Bank, Andrew Mullei, to provide information about the CBK’s procedures in handling GOK money. The May 11, 2004 letter is illuminating in its comments on foreign payments and the National Debt Office. As of that date the CBK was processing over US$550 million (Ksh 43 billion) annually in external payments on behalf of the GOK with a large proportion being debt service payments.

    Section 31 of the Central Bank of Kenya Act states that the CBK shall administer any payment agreements entered into by Kenya, and the Bank shall be consulted by the Government in negotiating any payments agreement. Nevertheless in practice, the CBK has been kept out of the loop. Indeed in 2004, the CBK was lobbying for amendments to the External Loans and Credit Act to compel the Government to consult the CBK in all external loans borrowing. The amendment has never been enacted.

    So, the situation in 2009 remains as it was in 2004. Although the Permanent Secretary for Finance, Mr. Joseph Kinyua, said that he issued a circular abolishing the use of promissory notes and to stop commercial credit agreements of the Anglo Leasing type, the Government does not have to consult with the CBK before it borrows money abroad. In fact the Government is not obliged to give full disclosure of external payment agreements it requires the CBK to administer. As regards external commercial public debt, the Central Bank is legally bound to pay without protest so long as the instructions given to the Bank by the Government are proper and there are sufficient funds to honour the transaction without querying the underlying transactions.

    This is what happened during the entire Anglo Leasing series of payments of commitment fees, principal repayments and interest servicing from 1997 to date.

    Even more frightening was the admission by the PS for Finance and other senior Treasury officials to civil society representatives that there are false entries in the country’s national external debt register. These were apparently inserted between 2001 and 2004 and cover the Anglo Leasing type 18 security related contracts. It would appear that despite having cleaned the external public debt register in 2001, after hiring Lazard Brothers the Government has in just 4 years loaded the external public debt register (and wananchi) with close to 1 billion dollars worth of fictitious credit and debts.

    Unfortunately these debts are secured by irrevocable promissory notes and binding contracts, that make it extremely difficult for the Government Of Kenya to avoid making payments to what it has called ghosts. Even though the Controller and Auditor General found that not a shilling in credit was ever provided by these ghosts to justify issuing promissory notes.

    Price Water House Coopers Contracted to Audit Kenya’s Controller and Auditor General

    Negotiations were the true reason behind the hiring of Price Water House Coopers for up to US$ 1.372 million (Ksh96 million) to conduct forensic audits on the 18 contracts, even after the Controller and Auditor General completed the same task in 2006.

    A close reading of the very first page of the description of services in the PWC contract shows that PWC was hired to look at the evidence held by the Government of Kenya in respect of 10 contracts entered into between 2002 and 2004, and to render expert advice to the Government. It then says this expert advice may be used as a basis for renegotiating or terminating the contracts.

    The GOK hoped that the PWC report would provide it with a tenable negotiating position vis-à-vis suppliers and financiers who have sued or are threatening to sue the GOK, a fact admitted to civil society representatives this past week by the Permanent Secretary for Finance, Mr. Joseph Kinyua. Such negotiations actually pre-date the hiring of PWC in December of 2006, and prompted the Attorney General Amos Wako to issue a public statement in October 2006 denying that he had engaged Freshfields, the London solicitors, to negotiate with Nedermar Technologies BVI, Ciara Systems and Universal Satspace, which have brought legal proceedings against the Government of Kenya related to 3 of the Anglo Leasing type contracts (respectively Project Nexus, Project Flagstaff and the VSAT network for the Postal Corporation of Kenya) Collectively these three contracts were worth over Ksh 8.2 billion.

    In the DEBT management report dated may 2008, Treasury has reported that after all the PWC audit findings were consistent with the Controller and Auditor General’s earlier findings namely that,

    The projects were overpriced
    Government funds were being used to implement the projects leading to reverse financing whereby the Government was paying interest on its own funds
    There were violations in Public Expenditure and budgeting Laws
    There was evidence of Corruption which will form a basis for further investigations by KACC
    Promissory notes were issued in some contracts and that in cases where Promissory Notes were issued, it has been argued that the Government is exposed and may be required to honour the promissory notes in the future. However, the Government position is that there is no exposure due to the following:-
    The Government has claims against the creditors to whom the Promissory notes were issued. None of these creditors has presented the notes to the Government of Kenya even those that have fallen due. Kenya Anti – Corruption Commission has been investigating these creditors and it is unlikely they can present the Promissory notes for Payment
    If the Promissory Notes were discounted to third parties, there is potential Risk, the Government circulated a caveat Emptor on 17TH December warning third parties not to discount the Promissory Notes since they are subject to investigations for fraud. It was Circulated through SWIFT to all banks world Wide, advertised in media and posted in the Government website.
    .(Note here: Kenya Anti – Corruption Commission has been prohibited by the High Court of Kenya from Investigating the Midland Deal after Midland sued the Attorney General in Kenya)

    The Story of the Caveat Emptor:

    Six days to the General election on December 21st 2007, Mr. Kimunya and Mr. Kinyua (as the Accounting Officer, treasury) issued an caveat emptor for the promissory notes in a local daily.

    Today, the same Ministry has taken out half page Adverts in the Nation and Standard newspapers, suggesting that Mars Group Kenya is unpatriotic, peddling falsehoods, and supporting the Anglo Leasing Crooks. Here are the Mars Group “falsehoods” Amos kimunya spent the entire year 2007 misleading Kenyans about the status of Anglo leasing type contracts and Irrevocable Promissory notes and now in 2009, the PS Kinyua, is wasting tax payers money paying for advertisements that say nothing in response to the sad fact that his ministry has illegally bound Kenyans to pay for a Loan he admits was never advanced and which is a Fraud for which none of his collegues in the Government of Kenya have been punished.

    Treasury stands accused of pathetic stewardship of our public resources which threatens to cost this country Ksh 56 billion at the very least and kshs 112 Billion for the double rip off. If the debt register contains false entries, Kenyans have no way of knowing how much they owe to external creditors and on what terms. In effect the Permanent Secretary has disclosed that there is a multi billion shilling hole in our books comprising what are obviously unconscionable debts. What are the implications of such a hole in the budgeting process which the same Treasury is undertaking? What, if any, provisions are being made, and what is the basis for making provisions, for repayment of foreign loans which are fictitious to put it mildly. In any democracy this would be enough to cause the wholesale resignation or sacking of the top brass at the Ministry of Finance!

    Parliament must as a matter of urgency challenge the Treasury and the Minister for Finance to make a definitive statement on the status and legitimacy of the External Public Debt as matter of urgent national importance.

    Without transparency in this matter of national debts, there will be little point in continuing to maintain the fiction, that the government of Kenya has the capacity or will to unravel this shameful system failure and corruption scandal. Kenyans must stop the abuse of borrowing powers by Treasury.

    Kenyans are in Luck: Finance Minister, Uhuru Kenyatta, the former Chair of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee that investigated Anglo Leasing is now in charge.

    The opposite of Impunity is accountability. Kenya needs public officers of Integrity. PS Kinyua, and the Attorney General have reached their sell by date. They have no such integrity. It is time for Kenyans to call it for what it is. It is necessary to get rid of them so that we can at the first instance stop losing money, secondly prosecute them and third recover our stolen funds. They are obstacles to Justice and together with others have caused Kenyans to be impoverished and generations to pay for their crimes, economic and against humanity.

    What wonderful luck has befallen Kenya. Uhuru Kenyatta is now Minister for Finance. Uhuru Kenyatta investigated Anglo Leasing in his capacity as chair of The Parliamentary Accounts Committee and tabled his report in Parliament in 2006.

    It is now over1068 days ( almost 3 years) Since Uhuru Kenyatta and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee gave the Government of Kenya 60 Days to respond to its report on the 56.33 Billion Shillings Anglo Leasing Scandals. (28th March 2006).No one knows better than Uhuru Kenyatta, what the 18 Bogus Anglo Leasing deals are, Kenyans are lucky that the Minister For Finance Uhuru Kenyatta is finally in the executive and can put an end to these Anglo Leasing Payments.

    He can also investigate the curious role his Permanent Secretary has played in handling what should have been a straight forward issue by proactively protecting the interests of Kenyans by providing the courts with sworn evidence that contrary to the claim by Midland, no money was lent to Kenya and therefore the suit has no basis.


    « Reply #28 Today at 6:08am »
    Finance Minister, Uhuru Kenyatta has a duty to stop the payments that he exposed as fraudulent: It is time to admit failure of the fiduciary duty by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Joseph Kinyua, who is the Accounting Officer and custodian of Kenyan tax payer’s money.
    Feb 27th, 2009 by Mars Group

    Today, the 27th of February 2009, Joseph Kinyua, the Permanent Secretary in the Treasury and Accounting Officer at the Ministry of Finance knows that the Government has not cancelled the Irrevocable Promissory Notes on the Midland Finance deal.He is aware that no money was ever received by the Government of Kenya by his own admission to justify repayments. Kenya has had an opportunity to prove this Fraud by cooperating with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office, where they have identified Anglo Leasing beneficiaries, including the Midland deal.

    The PWC report has concurred with the findings of Kenya’s Controller and Auditor General that the Government of Kenya has never received money from Midland Finance and Securities Ltd and that the Government of Kenya does not Know who Midland Finance and Securities Ltd is.

    So, who did the Government of Kenya enter into this deal with? Who did the Attorney General, Amos Wako confirm was Midland Finance and Securities Ltd? How did Amos Wako confirm that money had been delivered to the Government of Kenya as stated in his legal Opinion? Wako in his legal opinion says “In my opinion the Credit has been fully authorized and signed and delivered on behalf of the buyer and is legally binding upon the buyer in accordance with its terms.”

    In Light of Mr. Kinyua’s admission and the commitment by the Attorney General, it is clear that we need the intervention and assistance of the International Community, and in particular the immediate cooperation with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office.

    The truth, Mr. Kinyua, will set you free!

    The Midland Deal:

    On 29th May 2003, less than 150 days after Mwai Kibaki was sworn in as President of the Republic of Kenya, and after his famous pledge that Corruption would cease to be a way of life in Kenya, “Corruption will now cease to be a way of life in Kenya and I call upon all those members of my government and public officers accustomed to corrupt practice to know and clearly understand that there will be no sacred cows under my government.” Mwai Kibaki 30 Dec 2002 his Government entered into contracts with “Ghosts” for fictitious credit loans to Kenya. The supply contracts are also fictitious. The Midland deal is one of 18 such scams.

    The Administration Police Telecommunications Network (2003):

    Midland Finance and Securities Limited, ostensibly of Geneva Switzerland, non-existent according to the Controller and Auditor General is the contracted financier in this agreement. It allegedly lent the Government of Kenya Euros 49.65 million (Ksh 4.4 billion). Even though no money was advanced to Kenya, the Government of Kenya issued to Midland Finance and Securities Limited, (36 Thirty Six) Irrevocable Promissory Notes Promissory Notes No. GOK/OP/ APTCN/01 to GOK/OP/APTCN/036. These 36 Irrevocable Promissory Notes were issued on May 29th 2003 and fell/fall due for payment in the following order.



    Promissory Note Date of Issue Date of Maturity Amount( Euros)

    GOK/OP/APTCN/01 29th May 2003 29th October 2003 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/02 29th May 2003 29th October 2003 779,854

    GOK/OP/APTCN/03 29th May 2003 28th February 2004 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/04 29th May 2003 28th February 2004 730,543

    GOK/OP/APTCN/05 29th May 2003 29th June 2004 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/06 29th May 2003 29th June 2004 681,936

    GOK/OP/APTCN/07 29th May 2003 29th October 2004 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/08 29th May 2003 29th October 2004 649,884

    GOK/OP/APTCN/09 29th May 2003 28th February 2005 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/10 29th May 2003 28th February 2005 601,629

    GOK/OP/APTCN/11 29th May 2003 29th June 2005 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/12 29th May 2003 29th June 2005 549,500

    GOK/OP/APTCN/13 29th May 2003 29th October 2005 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/14 29th May 2003 29th October 2005 519,914

    GOK/OP/APTCN/15 29th May 2003 28th February 2006 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/16 29th May 2003 28th February 2006 472,716

    GOK/OP/APTCN/17 29th May 2003 29th June 2006 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/18 29th May 2003 29th June 2006 422,700

    GOK/OP/APTCN/19 29th May 2003 29th October 2006 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/20 29th May 2003 29th October 2006 389,944

    GOK/OP/APTCN/21 29th May 2003 28th February 2007 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/22 29th May 2003 28th February 2007 343,803

    GOK/OP/APTCN/23 29th May 2003 29th June 2007 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/24 29th May 2003 29th June 2007 295,900

    GOK/OP/APTCN/25 29th May 2003 29th October 2007 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/26 29th May 2003 29th October 2007 259,974

    GOK/OP/APTCN/27 29th May 2003 28th February 2008 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/28 29th May 2003 28th February 2008 214,889

    GOK/OP/APTCN/29 29th May 2003 29th June 2008 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/30 29th May 2003 29th June 2008 170,509

    GOK/OP/APTCN/31 29th May 2003 29th October 2008 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/32 29th May 2003 29th October 2008 130,004

    GOK/OP/APTCN/33 29th May 2003 28th February 2009 2,536,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/34 29th May 2003 28th February 2009 85,976

    GOK/OP/APTCN/35 29th May 2003 29th June 2009 2,538,000

    GOK/OP/APTCN/36 29th May 2003 29th June 2009 42,300

    The Irrevocable Promissory Notes were supported by a legal opinion dated 17th June 2003 from the Attorney General, Amos Wako, who states that each Promissory Note is valid, binding and enforceable as hereunder

    Legal Opinion of the Attorney-General of Kenya

    1. As Attorney-General and Principal Advisor to the Government of the Republic of Kenya, I am requested to give an opinion to the effect that the Supplies Credit Financial Agreement for Nationwide Dedicated Digital Multi channel Security Systems Telecommunications Network has been duly authorized or ratified by and signed and delivered on behalf of the Republic of Kenya and is legally binding according to its terms.

    2. I have considered such documents including laws as I have deemed necessary for the purpose of the opinion expressed herein and the following in particular: -

    (a) A document described as the Supplies Credit Financial Agreement for Nationwide Dedicated Digital Multi channel Security Systems Telecommunications Network dated 29th May 2003 made between the Government of the Republic of Kenya -(the Buyer’) and Midland Finance and Securities Limited (the Seller) in respect of Credit amounting to EUROS 49,650,000 (FORTY-NINE MILLION SIX HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND EUROS).

    (b) A document described as a Contract Agreement for Nationwide Dedicated Digital Multi channel Security Systems Telecommunications Network.

    (C) Promissory Notes No. GOK/OP/APTCN/01 to GOK/OP/APTCN/036

    (d) The External Loans and Credits Act Chapter 422 of the Laws of Kenya

    (e) The Constitution of the Republic of Kenya

    3. In my opinion the Credit has been fully authorized and signed and delivered on behalf of the buyer and is legally binding upon the buyer in accordance with its terms.

    4. I set out in the paragraphs following the reasons by reference to which I have formed the opinion herein.

    The External Loans and Credits -Act Chapter 422 of the Laws of Kenya empowers the Buyer under agreements or other written instruments, to borrow or obtain sums, in

    Currencies other than Kenyan currency from any other person or government, upon such terms and conditions as to interest, repayment or otherwise and in such manner as the Minister responsible for Finance may think fit.

    The Act further provides that all sums so obtained shall be expended only on purposes for which provision is made in the estimates of expenditure approved by Parliament and that no such goods or services shall be purchased on credit under the Act except such as are required for purposes for which provision is made as aforesaid.

    The Act further provides that the Minister or any person specially authorized by him in writing in that behalf may execute such agreements or instruments as may be required in connection with the Act.

    5. The Government is thus empowered to obtain Credit without prior approval of Parliament, the only statutory procedure involving Parliament being that the money obtained be expended only on purposes for which provision is made in the estimates of Expenditure approved by Parliament.

    6. The Agreement was signed for and on behalf of the Buyer by MR. JOSEPH MBUI MAGARI, PERMANENT SECRETARY, MINISTRY OF FINANCE as authorized
    by HON.DAVID MWIRARIA the Minister in charge of Finance in the Government of the Buyer.

    7. By virtue of Section 99 of the Constitution of Kenya, all revenues or other moneys raised or received for purposes of the Government of Kenya are paid into and form the Consolidated Fund from which no money can be withdrawn except as may be authorized by the Constitution or by an Act of Parliament (including the Appropriation Act) or by a vote on account passed by the National Assembly under Section 101 of the Constitution.


    8. In my opinion therefore: -

    (a) The BUYER has the power to enter into this AGREEMENT and has taken all necessary actions which are required for the execution, delivery and performance of the AGREEMENT,

    (b) The Buyer has duly obtained all approval consents and authorisations and has duly effected any other declarations filings or registration with any Government authority or agency which are required or appropriate in connection with the execution delivery and performance within the Republic of Kenya.

    9. As at the date of this opinion all the statutory provisions quoted herein are ill force and effect as part of the Laws of Kenya.

    GIVEN THIS 17th DAY OF JUNE 2003



    Amos Wako: Incompetent or Part of the Fraud?

    Amos Wako, Kenya’s Attorney General of 19 years, has issued several of these legal opinions. Illegally binding Kenyans to pay Ghosts. But even more strange is that these Ghosts have now sued the Attorney General in our courts in Kenya. And they have obtained orders prohibiting KACC from investigate them. No one in Government thinks that part of proving our case of Fraud against these ghosts would be to arrest them, since they are obviously known. How else did they challenge Kenya’s Attorney General and win?. The question must now be asked, What is Amos Wako’s Role in Anglo Leasing? Why is Amos Wako not cooperating with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office?

    Money for Nothing

    On The Administration Police Telecommunications Network (2003) contract Mr. Kimunya said to Parliament, on May 2nd 2007 that the project was worth Ksh 4.423 billion, and further, that this project had never started and was still the subject of protracted issues. Mr. Kimunya told Parliament that no promissory notes were issued against this project and that there was no refund against the said project because no payments had been made by treasury. This is untrue.

    The same debt is recorded by the Controller and Auditor General as including payments (as of June 30th 2005) of Ksh 613,500,529.60 being the principal and Ksh 74,225,411.90 being interest. In total the Government has paid Ksh 687,725,491.50 for a project that never started. It is not true that no payments were made.

    Corroborating the Controller and Auditor General is the fact that the debt is recorded in the external public debt register with amount repaid on the so-called loan as of June 30th 2005 being Ksh 613,500,530 (a difference of 40 Kenya cents!). Note, Globotel Incorporated, the contractor and the financier, Midland Finance and Securities are said by the Controller and Auditor General to be non-existent.

    By the end of June 2006, the people of Kenya were stated to owe Midland Finance and Securities Limited Ksh 3.185 billion. Kenya is committed to pay Euros 2.5 million every three months until June 29th 2009.

    The Minister of Finance, Amos Kimunya misled Parliament and to prove that Maoka Maore MP tabled copies of the 36 Irrevocable Promissory Notes that had been issued to Midland Finance and Securities Limited. Shocked, Mr. Kimunya retorted that the notes Maoka Maore had just tabled were copies of the Cancelled Irrevocable Promissory Notes that were in his safe at the Treasury.

    What is P.S Kinuya’s Role?

    During a meeting in may 2007 at the Treasury ,called by the Permanent Secretary for Finance, Joseph Kinyua to discuss public concern about the Anglo Leasing, invited representatives of civil society requested to see the Anglo Leasing irrevocable promissory notes that Finance Minister Amos Kimunya had brandished at a press conference. They could not have been more stunned when Mr. Kinyua told them that the Irrevocable Promissory Notes which Amos Kimunya the Minister for Finance had told Parliament were in his safe were actually in the custody of the Kenya Anti Corruption Commission. The line from Treasury was that KACC was still investigating the notes and they are evidence which must be kept safe. KACC was quick to deny that they had the Promissory Notes. Did Kinyua tell the truth? This also begs the question, why did Mr. Kimunya tell a press conference and Parliament that the notes are kept in a safe at Treasury? Who should Kenyans believe, between the former Minister for Finance, Amos Kimunya and his accounting officer, the Permanent Secretary for Finance , Joseph Kinyua?

    The Problem at the Treasury:

    But more seriously, it shines the spotlight on the role of the Treasury in grand corruption and how it has in successive scandals avoided accountability to other institutions and acted in an opaque manner.

    One problem Kenya has to urgently deal with is that Treasury is not accountable to Parliament and kept the contracting of the bogus loans, underpinning the Anglo Leasing scandal, shielded from legislative scrutiny in breach of the External Loans and Credits Act which requires Parliament to be informed of such debt by the Minister of Finance. To date, for example, the detailed separate audits of the 18 security related contracts known as Anglo Leasing worth Ksh 56.33 billion, have never been tabled in Parliament.

    But it is not just Parliament that has been kept in the dark. The Central Bank of Kenya has been side-stepped by the Treasury for decades as it borrows recklessly especially since the mid 1980s. During the Goldenberg Commission of Inquiry, it became clear that tens of billions of shillings were spirited out of the country as a result of Kamlesh Pattni’s various export compensation and foreign exchange trading schemes during the early 1990s. Concerned that institutional loopholes might still exist in 2004, the Commission of Inquiry requested the Governor of Kenya’s Central Bank, Andrew Mullei, to provide information about the CBK’s procedures in handling GOK money. The May 11, 2004 letter is illuminating in its comments on foreign payments and the National Debt Office. As of that date the CBK was processing over US$550 million (Ksh 43 billion) annually in external payments on behalf of the GOK with a large proportion being debt service payments.

    Section 31 of the Central Bank of Kenya Act states that the CBK shall administer any payment agreements entered into by Kenya, and the Bank shall be consulted by the Government in negotiating any payments agreement. Nevertheless in practice, the CBK has been kept out of the loop. Indeed in 2004, the CBK was lobbying for amendments to the External Loans and Credit Act to compel the Government to consult the CBK in all external loans borrowing. The amendment has never been enacted.

    So, the situation in 2009 remains as it was in 2004. Although the Permanent Secretary for Finance, Mr. Joseph Kinyua, said that he issued a circular abolishing the use of promissory notes and to stop commercial credit agreements of the Anglo Leasing type, the Government does not have to consult with the CBK before it borrows money abroad. In fact the Government is not obliged to give full disclosure of external payment agreements it requires the CBK to administer. As regards external commercial public debt, the Central Bank is legally bound to pay without protest so long as the instructions given to the Bank by the Government are proper and there are sufficient funds to honour the transaction without querying the underlying transactions.

    This is what happened during the entire Anglo Leasing series of payments of commitment fees, principal repayments and interest servicing from 1997 to date.

    Even more frightening was the admission by the PS for Finance and other senior Treasury officials to civil society representatives that there are false entries in the country’s national external debt register. These were apparently inserted between 2001 and 2004 and cover the Anglo Leasing type 18 security related contracts. It would appear that despite having cleaned the external public debt register in 2001, after hiring Lazard Brothers the Government has in just 4 years loaded the external public debt register (and wananchi) with close to 1 billion dollars worth of fictitious credit and debts.

    Unfortunately these debts are secured by irrevocable promissory notes and binding contracts, that make it extremely difficult for the Government Of Kenya to avoid making payments to what it has called ghosts. Even though the Controller and Auditor General found that not a shilling in credit was ever provided by these ghosts to justify issuing promissory notes.

    Price Water House Coopers Contracted to Audit Kenya’s Controller and Auditor General

    Negotiations were the true reason behind the hiring of Price Water House Coopers for up to US$ 1.372 million (Ksh96 million) to conduct forensic audits on the 18 contracts, even after the Controller and Auditor General completed the same task in 2006.

    A close reading of the very first page of the description of services in the PWC contract shows that PWC was hired to look at the evidence held by the Government of Kenya in respect of 10 contracts entered into between 2002 and 2004, and to render expert advice to the Government. It then says this expert advice may be used as a basis for renegotiating or terminating the contracts.

    The GOK hoped that the PWC report would provide it with a tenable negotiating position vis-à-vis suppliers and financiers who have sued or are threatening to sue the GOK, a fact admitted to civil society representatives this past week by the Permanent Secretary for Finance, Mr. Joseph Kinyua. Such negotiations actually pre-date the hiring of PWC in December of 2006, and prompted the Attorney General Amos Wako to issue a public statement in October 2006 denying that he had engaged Freshfields, the London solicitors, to negotiate with Nedermar Technologies BVI, Ciara Systems and Universal Satspace, which have brought legal proceedings against the Government of Kenya related to 3 of the Anglo Leasing type contracts (respectively Project Nexus, Project Flagstaff and the VSAT network for the Postal Corporation of Kenya) Collectively these three contracts were worth over Ksh 8.2 billion.

    In the DEBT management report dated may 2008, Treasury has reported that after all the PWC audit findings were consistent with the Controller and Auditor General’s earlier findings namely that,

    The projects were overpriced
    Government funds were being used to implement the projects leading to reverse financing whereby the Government was paying interest on its own funds
    There were violations in Public Expenditure and budgeting Laws
    There was evidence of Corruption which will form a basis for further investigations by KACC
    Promissory notes were issued in some contracts and that in cases where Promissory Notes were issued, it has been argued that the Government is exposed and may be required to honour the promissory notes in the future. However, the Government position is that there is no exposure due to the following:-
    The Government has claims against the creditors to whom the Promissory notes were issued. None of these creditors has presented the notes to the Government of Kenya even those that have fallen due. Kenya Anti – Corruption Commission has been investigating these creditors and it is unlikely they can present the Promissory notes for Payment
    If the Promissory Notes were discounted to third parties, there is potential Risk, the Government circulated a caveat Emptor on 17TH December warning third parties not to discount the Promissory Notes since they are subject to investigations for fraud. It was Circulated through SWIFT to all banks world Wide, advertised in media and posted in the Government website.
    .(Note here: Kenya Anti – Corruption Commission has been prohibited by the High Court of Kenya from Investigating the Midland Deal after Midland sued the Attorney General in Kenya)

    The Story of the Caveat Emptor:

    Six days to the General election on December 21st 2007, Mr. Kimunya and Mr. Kinyua (as the Accounting Officer, treasury) issued an caveat emptor for the promissory notes in a local daily.

    Today, the same Ministry has taken out half page Adverts in the Nation and Standard newspapers, suggesting that Mars Group Kenya is unpatriotic, peddling falsehoods, and supporting the Anglo Leasing Crooks. Here are the Mars Group “falsehoods” Amos kimunya spent the entire year 2007 misleading Kenyans about the status of Anglo leasing type contracts and Irrevocable Promissory notes and now in 2009, the PS Kinyua, is wasting tax payers money paying for advertisements that say nothing in response to the sad fact that his ministry has illegally bound Kenyans to pay for a Loan he admits was never advanced and which is a Fraud for which none of his collegues in the Government of Kenya have been punished.

    Treasury stands accused of pathetic stewardship of our public resources which threatens to cost this country Ksh 56 billion at the very least and kshs 112 Billion for the double rip off. If the debt register contains false entries, Kenyans have no way of knowing how much they owe to external creditors and on what terms. In effect the Permanent Secretary has disclosed that there is a multi billion shilling hole in our books comprising what are obviously unconscionable debts. What are the implications of such a hole in the budgeting process which the same Treasury is undertaking? What, if any, provisions are being made, and what is the basis for making provisions, for repayment of foreign loans which are fictitious to put it mildly. In any democracy this would be enough to cause the wholesale resignation or sacking of the top brass at the Ministry of Finance!

    Parliament must as a matter of urgency challenge the Treasury and the Minister for Finance to make a definitive statement on the status and legitimacy of the External Public Debt as matter of urgent national importance.

    Without transparency in this matter of national debts, there will be little point in continuing to maintain the fiction, that the government of Kenya has the capacity or will to unravel this shameful system failure and corruption scandal. Kenyans must stop the abuse of borrowing powers by Treasury.

    Kenyans are in Luck: Finance Minister, Uhuru Kenyatta, the former Chair of the Parliamentary Accounts Committee that investigated Anglo Leasing is now in charge.

    The opposite of Impunity is accountability. Kenya needs public officers of Integrity. PS Kinyua, and the Attorney General have reached their sell by date. They have no such integrity. It is time for Kenyans to call it for what it is. It is necessary to get rid of them so that we can at the first instance stop losing money, secondly prosecute them and third recover our stolen funds. They are obstacles to Justice and together with others have caused Kenyans to be impoverished and generations to pay for their crimes, economic and against humanity.

    What wonderful luck has befallen Kenya. Uhuru Kenyatta is now Minister for Finance. Uhuru Kenyatta investigated Anglo Leasing in his capacity as chair of The Parliamentary Accounts Committee and tabled his report in Parliament in 2006.

    It is now over1068 days ( almost 3 years) Since Uhuru Kenyatta and the Parliamentary Accounts Committee gave the Government of Kenya 60 Days to respond to its report on the 56.33 Billion Shillings Anglo Leasing Scandals. (28th March 2006).No one knows better than Uhuru Kenyatta, what the 18 Bogus Anglo Leasing deals are, Kenyans are lucky that the Minister For Finance Uhuru Kenyatta is finally in the executive and can put an end to these Anglo Leasing Payments.


  48. Kalonzo the musaliti the thug who watched kenyans being slaughtered while seating on the VP dais- shenzi kabisa.. he will pay dearly for all the innocent dead kenyans just like kibaki who says it was wanaichi who were killing each other and it was not he Kibaki's fault.

    Kibaki forgets the shoot and kill order he gave the police to shoot kenyans in broad daylight this old goon named Kibaki should be hanged like president Saddam Hussein of Iraq!! Mpumbavu yeye sana ... my cousin died and the shenzi goon is Kisii land throwing the blame at ordinary Kenyans?? Kibaki and his family must pay for all the dead kenyans... he thinks Kenyans have forgotten?? No No NO!!

  49. US slaps life travel ban on mystery minister

    The United States on Tuesday fired its first salvo against corruption in Kenya's Grand Coalition Government by slapping a travel ban on a Cabinet minister.

    US ambassador Michael Ranneberger refused to disclose the identity of the minister, citing US privacy laws, but hinted he had been involved in corruption for a long time and was also a suspect in the violence that hit the country after the 2007 elections.

    The first ban on entry into the US on a Grand Coalition minister came as the US urged President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga to crack down on the growing official corruption.

    Mr Ranneberger said the affected minister would soon be notified of the visa ban, which will include his spouse and children. “The United States has added another name to the list of those permanently ineligible to enter the US due to engagement in official corruption,” he said.

    Mr Ranneberger, however, clarified that the ban is not related to the latest maize and oil scandals.

    In the five years of the first Kibaki administration, the US banned about six ministers from entering that country because of suspected involvement in corruption. The UK also took similar action.

    On Tuesday Mr Ranneberger warned that Washington was getting concerned at the rising number of corruption cases within the Grand Coalition and failure to effect critical reforms.

    Special tribunal

    He mentioned the failure to push through a law establishing the Special Tribunal for Kenya, the slow pace of the review process, and extrajudicial executions as stains on the credibility of the coalition government.

    “It (government) has got to start taking action against impunity because we are concerned about it. This coalition has within it vested interests that do not want to see an end to impunity,” he said.

    He said that the gains recorded in the first eight months were being eroded by blatant looting and extrajudicial executions that were going unpunished.

    “During the first eight months, the grand coalition did a lot of stuff and beginning this year. It has hit obstacles of impunity since January and we want it to end,” he said during a press conference at his residence in Muthaiga, Nairobi.

    The ambassador also expressed his dismay that the Kenya Police had rejected an offer for the FBI to help with investigations into the killing of two human rights activists from the Oscar Foundation.

    “The Prime Minister has accepted the offer of FBI officers coming in to assist in the investigations but the police have not. Is there something they want to hide? The FBI is ready to start work and if accepted, I will have them on work in 10 minutes,” he said.

    Maize and fuel

    The decision by the US comes against a backdrop of frantic efforts to save more than 10 million Kenyans facing starvation, incessant bickering within the coalition, threats of a split in ODM, divisions within the coalition and inaction on cases of corruption mainly involving maize and fuel.

    Last week, the envoy came face to face with the problems when the first batch of 10,000 tons of white maize from the US was denied entry by a health inspector at the Port of Mombasa.

    Mr Ranneberger had to write to Prime Minister Odinga asking for his intervention, and then personally travelled to Mombasa to receive the maize.

  50. anon2:44 AM

    who is mungiki?? " oops I think they are the police elite thugs going around killing Kenyans.. those are the real mungiki's the same ones who killed the Oscar foundation president.. those are the mungiki's and their other label is "Police force employed by Kibaki"

  51. meanwhile the poor kenyans are still poor with no security, enough food and proper medical care

  52. anon4:22 AM

    it says stop pigering umalaya in luo land ... you are making them broke... the kikuyu malaya that you are...

    I never saw Anglo leasing or Charter house or transcentury, add grand Regency scandals in Luo land!! did you??
    Thieves, thugs and malaya's originate from central province most kenyans know that^^^^^ do you?

  53. The US travel ban on the 'Minister' for corruption is good to get rid of the culture of impunity and corruption. On the other hand, does the US realize to some people the ban realy means nothing? It is no longer the era everything was US. There are people who even have no desire for visiting US, for it makes no positive difference in their lives, and in any case other states are emerging up with better deals and nice opportunities. So the so called US should take more serious action to task the government to eliminate corruption than this visa ban nonsense. It is just comic play for newspaper headlines.

  54. anon2:01 PM

    Lets start with facts: if you want to abuse Luo's how about this!!

    1. Kibaki - Alzheimer( add incest with his daughter Judy which produced a daughter-

    Aids Aids Aids!!! OOOh my good.. suicide cases in central province in only 2 years more than 10,000 dead aids related case.. while deaths listed as pneumonia ha!!ha!! who are kikuyu's kidding
    (HIV) Positive Ministers and MP's from central- and threaten me I will post doctors reports from /south Africa.

    1. Martha Karua
    2. Uhuru Kenyatta
    3. Saitoti
    4. Michuki
    5, kabondo wa kabodo
    and the list goes on ******HIV HIV and I guess we the tax payers pay for their expensive medication while kenyans are going hungry... why??



  55. ANON8:58 PM

    Did you read between the lines on the US ban on the minister?? frozen accounts like Mobutu of Congo!! everywhere the minister has stashed his or her money.

    USA said this minister has been doing it for a long long time and they have been watching and done their own investigation, that means that the minister was in the NARC GOVERNMENT before proceeding into the coalition government.
    to me it means a Kibaki right hand man.


  56. Ranneberger is the viceroy of kenya. He is the boss of the two principals.

  57. There is a very high likelihood the minister banned from travelling to US has recently crossed swords with Raila. Some of the "investigation evidence" may have come from the PM's office. What if Ambassadour Ranneberger is being used to settle internal political scores with an eye on 2012. That would be scandalous.

  58. I like this, its a must read

    How Grand Coalition became a roadblock

  59. anon 1:11 AM

    Yup the usual kikuyu bullshiate the score Kenyans have is with Kibaki and his police and mungiki goons slaughtering and beheading kenyans

    So where does Raila fit in this??
    Anglo leasing
    Grand Regency
    Charter house scandals all this corruption falls under Kibaki's NARC docket... like the Ambassador said this individual Ministers has been involved in corruptions for years(read Kibaki's party-Narc-PNU) and was also involved in the slaughter of Kenyans using mungiki meetings at statehouse in December 2007

    My friend post your nonsense elsewhere maybe in your central province blogs... most Kenyans can name you a few Ministers under kibaki's party that fall under that headline..

    shame on you.

  60. Chris,

    NCCK is petitioning for fresh elections and is collecting 1 to 2 million signatures for the same. They should direct the public on the locations of where they want us to go and sign those petitions because I wish to avail myself there immediately.

  61. mama5:29 PM

    NCCK the group of religious leaders who hide under the beds when the Kibaki government was slaughtered innocent kenya's and never apologuised to Kenyans for not standing up?? are you nuts? sign what petition?
    what elections?
    let them start telling Kibaki to step down since he rigged last elections and secondly the party that won the elections called ODM should be in power without a coalition shiate government.. you sincerely think that kenyans have forgotten what happened?
    and do you really think that kenyans want to go to the next elections without the new constitution in place?? I hear that is what Kibaki and his protegees Uhuru Kenyatta, Kalonzo Musyoka want to happen so that there is more bloodshed and ringing to push Uhuru in power by force.

    1. Bush kibaki's friend who congratulated him for rigging the elections is not in power- so go tell Kibaki and his cronies that he wants to put in office it will not happen..

    add he is stupid enough to disown a second wife called Wambui and a daughter called Winnie any man who disowns his own child is a worthless fool. kibaki does not deserve to be in statehouse the thieving goon is an embarrassment to kenyans


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