Wednesday, March 04, 2009

How Kibaki and Michuki Plotted and Executed The Standard Raid at State House

Raid on Standard newspapers was carefully planned in State House Nairobi

The motive behind the March 2, 2006, police raid at the Standard Group offices has remained top secret to date.

However Kumekucha today unveils the secrets behind the raid based on interviews from two of President Kibaki’s aides privy to the "Government operation."
In February 2006, President Kibaki chaired a meeting at State House, Nairobi, which was attended by the then Minister for Internal Security, Mr John Michuki, Mr Stanley Murage, Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura, NSIS Director General Michael Gichangi, the then CID Director Joseph Kamau, among other State House operatives.

Despite the gravity of the matter under discussion, the Commissioner of police, Maj Gen Mohamed Ali, was not invited. This was purely a Nyumba ya Mumbi affair. The House of Mumbi had been rattled.

There was tension and anger in the room. The NSIS chief tabled two pieces of paper which he told the meeting had two explosive stories the Standard Group was planning to publish. This blogger has seen and read the two "articles" the Standard was alleged to be planning to publish.
Bank Robbers Fled Into State House Nairobi, Gates Opened
The first "article" was about how Kibaki, when he was the DP chairman and was vying for presidency in 1997, allegedly travelled to Southern Sudan to meet with Al Qaeda founder and world’s Number One terrorist Osama bin Laden to solicit funds for his presidential campaign.

In the second "article", the author was discussing Kibaki’s failing health in January and February 2003, shortly after he was sworn in as president. The “article” even quoted Raila Odinga saying there was going to be a snap election within the year (implying Kibaki was dying/would be dead to warrant a snap election).

What shocked this blogger was that the person who authored the two “articles” did not have any sense of journalism. They appeared like the raw copies readers often pen and send for mailbox consideration. The “articles” were written in poor English and had no news value and had broken all rules of journalism

The two “articles” were shallow in details, short pieces and were not quoting any authority or source. They were like opinion pieces. Judging from the journalistic expertise of this blogger, those “articles” were not written by a trained journalist and no serious newspaper could publish them in that form. The “articles” were highly seditious and lacked any proof and no editor in his right mind could even consider them for publication.
How Kibaki's Government Was Paralyzed By State House Cartels
According to Mr Gichangi, the two articles were leaked by an NSIS mole/agent at the Standard Group. The mole/agent claimed he downloaded the articles from their newsroom computers. This is why the police squad dismantled and took away computers from the Standard offices.

The Standard had previously published an exclusive explosive story about President Kibaki having a second wife, Mary Wambui. They had also published other stories that did not please State House.

Daily Nation, on the other side, had published an exclusive story revealing how President Kibaki had collapsed and hit his head against a staircase in State House leading to the highly publicized admission at the Nairobi Hospital during his early days as president. Then rumours hit the country that President Kibaki had been pushed off his wheel chair by his burly wife in her characteristic fury.
According to our sources, the gathering was concerned the media had "grown big horns" and State House feared they were up to no good and they could publish more damaging material unless checked. There was great concern the media frenzy was aimed at humiliating the new president and exposing him to public ridicule. The two “articles” were tabled as evidence of how the media had overstepped its mandate. President Kibaki spoke less but he endorsed the decision to raid the offices of the Standard Group to pre-empt the publication of the two “articles” and to send a strong message to other media houses. President Kibaki was made to believe Kalenjin forces were ganging up and using the media to undermine his regime. He swallowed the bait.

Those present regarded Nation Media Group as somehow pro-Kibaki. Daily Nation had also been forced to denounce their story on Kibaki collapsing and offered an apology. It was also argued that attacking NMG would be disastrous because of the influence the media giant had in the country due to the Aga Khan factor.

The Standard Group was regarded as too hostile and it was seen as the voice of former President Moi, who was then in bad books with the Kibaki regime, his son, Gideon, William Ruto, and anti-Kibaki elements. There was suspicion that the Moi family – which had hand-picked and placed in key positions staff from the Kalenjin community at the Standard Group – could have been behind the scandalous reporting.

The meeting, under President Kibaki, instructed Mr Kamau to use any means at his disposal to stop the publication of the two “articles”.

Mr Michuki and Maj Gen Ali were at loggerheads and the meeting agreed the commissioner could not be trusted with the top secret plot. There was growing pressure from a section of Kibaki’s loyalists to sack Maj Gen Ali. Maj Gen Ali, who was fighting for survival, was close to the then Standard CEO Tom Mshindi. Raila Odinga was also baying for Maj Gen Ali’s blood after police shot dead three children and a milk vendor in Kisumu during protests over the Wako draft.
Maj Gen Ali rubbed Raila the wrong way when he claimed those killed wanted to raid Kondele police station and arrogantly said he had no apology over the shootings even after evidence showed police had shot dead innocent people. Raila was demanding sacking of the commissioner. Mr Michuki said Maj Gen Ali should be kept in the dark to avoid leakage of the information. The Standard raid offered Maj Gen Ali a lifeline as he leaked secrets of the Artur brothers and Raila softened his hard-line stance for the commissioner to go.

Mr Kamau was instructed to personally handpick loyal officers to do the job and make it so lean as to avoid any leakage. The officers who were approached were first warned of the deadly assignment ahead without details. Those who developed cold feet were left out. Finally, a squad of 15 officers, mainly from the dreaded Kanga Squad, was formed and rehearsed on the mission ahead. They held regular briefings with Mr Kamau. The squad received technical support from the two Artur brothers. The Artur brothers came up with the idea of wearing hoods to cover their faces. The Artur brothers coordinated the raid on the ground on that fateful March 2nd date.

The original plot was to bomb the entire I&M Building housing the Standard Group editorial department and KTN newsroom and studio and their printing press in Industrial Area. The hooded officers developed cold feet and opted for the “softer” way they carried the operations instead of bombing the entire premises. They feared the bombing idea could bring unrest in the country.

One of our sources believe the “articles” appeared to have been authored by Dr Alfred Mutua and planted at the Standard newsroom by NSIS agents/moles. NSIS claimed the copies were downloaded from computers at Standard Group offices. This gave President Kibaki the excuse to raid the media house.

Mr Michuki later confirmed the raid was a police operation and quipped: “If you rattle a snake, you must be prepared to be bitten by it.” The snake in this case was President Kibaki.

Other controversial articles on Michuki & Kibaki

Kibaki and his wives: Blame lies with Kibaki only


  1. Chris,
    And you thought we are done yet? Bado. The gate will be shut very tightly and Kenya's tenants have no option of shipping out but must shape up to the auctioneers.

    The bottom line is anything premised on the DECEPTION-FRAUD-THEFT trinity is NOT SUSTAINABLE. More of the same begets the same vice albiet painfully and costly too.

  2. Taabu...



    Is the English language that limiting?

  3. "A Nyumba ya Mumbi affair. The House of Mumbi had been rattled."

    These Kikuyu pieces of shit are the bane of this country. Anyway siku za WEZI ni 40. and like Taabu has just commented, anything premised on the DECEPTION FRAUD and THEFT trinity is NOT SUSTAINABLE. More of the same begets the same vice albeit painfully and costly too.

    Lucy and Kibaki's present pain, torment and embarrassment is part "payment" of Kibaki's FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT trinity. He is reaping some of the "fruits" of the seeds of FRAUD, DECEPTION and THEFT he has sown. More are yet to come in future - more painful, tormenting and embarrassing.

  4. Anon 7:13 AM,

    The problem is not Taabu. The problem is your cultural "values" and "norms," they reek of and are limited to DECEPTION, FRAUD, THEFT and living a LIE.

    Taabu is just calling it as it is and what you are is DECEPTION, FRAUD, THEFT and living a LIE.

  5. Am not a Kibaki apologist but seriously Chris you should be ashamed of yourself for posting half truths and assumptions and trying to pass it as info from your sources.Much as we have come to hate Dr.Mutua,he was once a brilliant journalist whose achievements you are probably still dreaming about so if the notes you are talking about were poorly written,then surely they couldnt have come from him.Dr.Mutua only became what we know of him now after he accepted that govt job as it has so often happened to countless brilliant people once they join government.Dont know what kind of stuff they serve in those govt offices.

  6. Kenya is a Kikuyu Kingdom, they will reign over you for a thousand years to come!
    If you don't like it, move over to USA or trace your roots back to south Sudan.


  7. Chris aka Chris,
    ati raiding media houses is a pastime of "nyumba ya Kibaki"----

    lucy outdid by storming Nation in pyjamas alone at night so Emilio responded by raiding Standard with an army also at night

    Lucy: 1 Emilio: .5

  8. Chris,
    Why are you not noting the good performance of Kisii students at KCSE?
    They top all schools this year!

  9. sounds far-fetched....soon i'll be hearing how he solicited funds from 50 Cent before the 2007 elections.

  10. Where is kalamari? An arrest warrant has been issued against President Al Bashir!

  11. Is it true black men have a long crooked dick?

  12. Chris,

    The person who fed you this nonsense must be laughing like hell for you swallowed silly like modern day Kariuki Chotara.

    FYI Muthaura is not a member of House of Mumbi, he is from Meru.

  13. ODM can divorce PNU and go get married to Joseph Kony in the jungles of Congo. These people are so damn even high school lads are better.

  14. Molasses Raila is at it again in Malindi. He stole seven acres from the squatters. Now the squatters want his makende. That is why he talking of renegotiation of NARA as a diversion. He hasn't finished swallowing the maize his son stole. It won't work this time. Mwivi mjinga huyu.

  15. High alert over Mungiki. Luos better have your trousers down, your free circumcisers are on the way.

  16. Kenyans have a stupid way of rubbishing the achievements of others. Chris, Dr Alfred Mutua is a much better journalist than you will ever be. I remember the Msafiri column he used to write in the nation and it was better than anything you have ever posted here.
    FYI, the guy was an associate professor of Media studies in Australia and Dubai before he made the mistake of serving a government that doesnt recognise talent when they see it. Hate him or like him, he has defined what government spokesman does.Na umeze kiwaru, he is a much better journalist than most.
    Ama who did you want to be government spokesman? Tony Gachoka? Puleeeeese.

  17. This reminds me of pre election times 2006-7 .the way ODm guys gloated esp in jukwaa....watakuwa in power .today they are not..never will and if they want to start genocide again waanze watkiona cha mtema ngo. wao ni bure tu, nyani tu .

  18. A case of supermarket tabloidism taken overboard.

  19. This blog was getting boring. Keep up the good work and keep us entertained with juicy rumours. I also heard a little bird that Ruto maize scam was a conspiracy theory planted by the kikuyu. and ohh...I before I forget another one...Cecil Miller is actually a Kikuyu and they where plotting to steal another election. I mean just look at the guys face. He is not dark and does not have a big flat nose and any suspicious that he linked to the house of mumbi cannot be tolerated, thats why the ODmers rejected him!...Don't we love this sh*t! Thats why we keep coming back to this blog.

  20. Cecil Miller? the guy even has this Kikuyu accent from a distance that never seems to leave the house of royals even if they school in the UK. Kweli kizungu ilikuja na meli, halafu ikapanda reli. hahahahhahahahaahhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

  21. Panua mongrels never cease to amuse with their DECEPTION, FRAUD and OUTRIGHT LIES.

    To those who claim that this blog is boring and or full of rumours, well, I have news for you, it's not a must for you to come here. Go elsewhere, preferably a place like Mashada where Kyuks like to live very exhorbitant lies, lies that only SLAPS from Lucy can wake them up from.

    Taabu is right, you people are sick. You believe in and practice the gospel of DECEPTION, FRAUD, THEFT and living a big LIE.

  22. Anon 11:24 PM
    Do these kikuyu people speak with a Kikuyu accent - President Kibaki, Jeff Koinange, Esther Passaris, Peter Kenneth, Julie Gichuru..... and myself? No!

  23. Lots of rubbish here. Your sources can't be any good. Kibaki wasn't at the meeting that planned the raid. The President doesn't chair or even attend these types of security meetings. Muthaura does as the chairman of the National Security Advisory Council.

    Ali was not out of the loop because of any 'House of Mumbi' conspiracies: He was simply out of the country at the time.

    The false info being acted on wasn't given by an NSIS mole. It was blabbed by a drunk political journalist trying to collect a bribe. As for what exactly it was: you have it party right, but there was another more explosive claim involving the Arturs that I'll not repeat.

    All the same, very entertaining piece. Pity it plays so obviously to the haters of all things Kikuyu.

  24. Kikuyu's = THIEVES, FRAUDSTERS, MUNGIKI, CAR JACKERS, PROSTITUTES & CONMEN & WOMEN. Nothing enterprising, industrious or hardworking about these creatures of shit.

  25. The problems compounding this country don't lie with the ravenously corrupt politicians. They, are merely a symptom of what is clearly expressed here. Ignorance. No matter how well versed or reasoned the words are constructed, any generalized or insinuated references to a specific tribe or people as being the vector of our nations tribulations, is as ignorrant as it is vile. Should all the politicians by some fortunate twist of chance happen to die in one day, our nation could never rise with such foolish and diseased thought being spewed freely by an indignant collective. The troubles in this nation lie within us. Within our minds is the disease and the cure. We are men first, Kenyans second, tribesmen after.

  26. yes the Agakhan factor:

    Pluralist societies are not accidents of history. They are a product of enlightened education and continuous investment by governments and all of civil society in recognizing and celebrating the diversity of the world’s peoples.
    Speech on Democratic Development, Pluralism and Civil Society delivered at the Nobel Institute - Oslo, Norway, April 7, 2005 (AKDN)

    If our animosities are born out of fear, then confident generosity is born out of hope. One of the central lessons I have learned after a half century of working in the developing world is that the replacement of fear by hope is probably the single most powerful trampoline of progress.
    Address by His Highness the Aga Khan to the Tutzing Evangelical Academy Upon Receiving the "Tolerance" Award - Tutzing, Germany, May 20, 2006

  27. Atlanta, Georgia, 18 April 2008
    Delivering the Peterson lecture at the annual meeting of the International Baccalaureate programme in Atlanta

    “In the years ahead, should we not expect a student at an IB school in Atlanta to know as much about Jomo Kenyatta or Muhammad Ali Jinnah as a student in Mombasa or Lahore knows about Atlanta's great son, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.?,” asked the Aga Khan.

    my view: I say Kenyatta was a great leader - there was peace, security, ethnic tolerance, enough food....

  28. The post by Anon 5:45 am and subsequent are what this blog and Kenya need. Kumekucha is a reflection of Kenya and reading posts here just shows how low we are as a country. At least there is some hope.

  29. Chris,

    That is not the truth. It is totally different from that. Very, very different. I think the informant is either wrong or was pulling a fast one on you.

    Some people have seen the real thing. The Police and WHOEVER, overacted to a rumour. It was not that one or any of those two...


  30. Learn 2 stroke uncut dicks..tutashinda..oooh tulishindwa..ooh tuliibiwa ohh tulidinywa ooh tunadinywa ...aaah odm .if corruption has to end odm has to jukwaaist respond ..Shidwe(yes with the accent)

  31. "To those who claim that this blog is boring and or full of rumours, well, I have news for you, it's not a must for you to come here."

    We just like to know what tribalist morons like you are thinking. Your Kikuyu phobia isn't very surprising.
    You are a serious mentalist.

    "Kikuyu's = THIEVES, FRAUDSTERS, MUNGIKI, CAR JACKERS, PROSTITUTES & CONMEN & WOMEN. Nothing enterprising, industrious or hardworking about these creatures of shit."

    And to think you engaged your brain before writing the above statement.Have you taken your meds?

  32. Kenyans be on the watch out. Mungiki has taken all of Central. Gema is running in all directions. They will soon try to reach coast, Lake, Western, NEP, RV to occupy your land.

    Stop them and bring them back to where they belong. Let them kill themselves.

  33. Kenya is a failed state:

    For those who dont see, there are problems in Keya ahead.
    The president who never addresses any press conference does it when the issue of his family comes up
    the trouble is that Kenyans dont believe in him at all. He is a poligamist by any standards.
    This week has been disturbing. The MINGIKI menace. A real threat to National security.
    While nobody can can stand with Mungiki's ways of doing things, all accept that they are exploiting a very potent line.
    The rulers have let Kenya down.members of Mungiki are the down troden of the earth.
    Can Mungiki die/disapppear? NO!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kenya is in trouble.
    Mungiki was always a favoured outfit by the Kenyan leadership.But the same leadership let them down.
    In the list was said that Kibaki and Mois chesen heir wa Uhuru Kenyatta. a name that Mungiki dont want to hear.
    Mungiki is larger than The Kenya government
    I dread to see Mungiki and the Kalenjin together. Willim Ruto is the saviour of Kenya under any formula. He caontrols the Kalenjin Terrain.

    Kenya is in Problems.

    A civil war is imminent before 2012.
    Kikuyu old gaurad led by Kibaki and Michuki are the problem
    How i wish this old guard left the scene. At leat for their offsprings


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