Thursday, November 20, 2008

Criminal Saboteurs of Hague Express

The kicking and screaming is over and the political elite settling for the local tribunal option secure in the knowledge that their scalps are safe. But not so fast, time is ticking and this post-election issue may not prove as easy as other occasions when they selfishly gang to feather their nests.

The ICC has certified that Kenya is a JUDICIALLY FAILED STATE. And without plastic patriotic blinkers they are spot on. Waki the Kenyan must have seen it coming. No wonder the Hague noose tightens with every passing day. In one week, the MPs have breathed fire and brimstone and promptly followed it with full pack of ice all in equal measure. Well, scoundrels manifest themselves in all shapes and sizes.

Our legal scoundrels must be rubbing their hands in glee in salivating at the impending fat cheques and crowded diaries. Our poor and tattered constitution will soon be the subject of merciless shredding as these mercenaries invent legal loopholes to derail Hague Express. Make no mistake, all the present political heat with commensurate light have eyes singularly trained on the predictable and abused gift of presidential clemency to murderers. And towards that end, Kibaki will not disappoint lest he risks exposing the nasty contents of the political can.

The PEV was no ordinary bloat on our national fabric. The MPs are only cheating themselves by thumbing their chests in minting shortcuts that will only succeed in unwittingly watering impunity. Thank God Waki’s Hague option insulates us from being help as a collective collateral and hostage in the MPs' murderous schemes to swim in our blood.

No therapyspeak
But the MPs are not alone. They are in good company of many Kenyans weaned on impunity must be sheepishly smiling ear to ear brandishing hollow sovereignty as they bend over once more for the MPs’ ultimate ride to self-preservation. At least Waki gave us Annan and his team of EMINENT PERSONS who must earn their labels.

It is no time for THERAPYSPEAK. Our Mps are as guilty as sin itself. They are running roughshod exploiting the chronic lack of leadership within our shores. The present lot have disabused us of any hope in the so-called younger generation of leaders. The little devils are fast overtaking king Lucifer in all matters abominable and scandalous to the national good.

Democracy is one word that has been used and abused with equal zeal. The MPs may form all the available committees they wish to buy time but they better they are only fooling themselves. All the gimmicks to derail the Hague Express will not deter the locomotive from ultimately leaving station Nairobi for Holland. It may take long but it will surely head carrying fully-paid passengers. It remains a matter of when and not if.

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  1. Nanilisema Hague iko na wenyewe:)
    Take the example from Rwanda!!
    Kagame's sister in crime..(the Plan with leaders that was shot down)...
    They caught up with sister Kagame and now she is going to say the whole truth(kufinywa kabisa)..
    Kagame is shaking and Kibaki went to console him:):)

    Na bado Hague express is waiting..

    Kenyans MP's are behaving like scared rats.. running around and screaming all over "lawyer" to derail Waki report.. waste of money it will not work.. Hague is not the kibaki law courts:):) na wata juta!! They ones that have innocent kenyans blood on their hands trust me will be frog marched to Hague...

    Kagame is shouting and getting the same Rwandan citizen who went through Genocide(he is using school kids) to demonstrate against the French government and Hague) - Kagame sure looks scared and Foolish and as for Kibaki supporting him!! (well they will soon be in the same Hague cell)

  2. Ha!ha ha he!he!
    "Criminal Saboteurs of Hague Express"

    My friend this is not the Martha Karua and Kibaki courts or Justice system.. where cases like Anglo leasing and goldenberg, grand Regency -flourish! This will be the "HAGUE" and nobody from PNU or ODM involved in the death of innocent kenyans will get away with it..



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  4. This issue is getting more hilarious by the day. A couple days ago it was Kibaki "opting for the cheap option" and today it is MPs "trying to secure the safety of their scalps". As sure as the sun rises in the east, we will be reading yet another eye-catchingly fancy statement in the not-so-distant future. It's good humour though. Not too shabby!

  5. 5:55 PM

    Vikii I like the way you dig your head in the sand and refuse to accept the reality in Kenya as it stands! call it hilarious or a joke - if that helps you sleep at night then good for you..

    But.. the Hague express for Kibaki, Uhuru, Ruto and any other members who have innocent kenyans blood on their hands will happen..

    nobody will be able to stop it.. the days of hiding and sweeping CRIMES under the carpets is over my friend.. Hague is the first step for the change all kenyans are waiting for..

  6. vikii

    my brother, let me make a suggestion. we need to move on, since evidently the authors are "not getting it right", how about you write/post on some of these topics/issues and give your take on these or perhaps any other topic of your own liking.

    we've been here on kumekucha several months (years actually) so its alarming that we do nothing else but continuously find fault and criticize all the time. And yes am aware this cuts both ways.

    lets even make it a contest if we must on which topics get the most intelligent responses that help kenya move along

    Over to you bro.

  7. "..... Hague is the first step for the change all kenyans are waiting for.."
    Anony 6.10, first of all, I am also kenyan----born and raised.

    Two, I am not burrying my head in the sand. There is no sand around here. If I may tell you the truth, if I was in any decision-making position, we would not be talking about whether or not to try suspected criminals. We would not even have had to wait for Waki. That matter would have been resolved ages ago. Expeditiously.

    urxlnc, you want me to compete with you on essay writing? That's a battle I would lose even before we start it. Thanks, but no thanks. But I am sure there are people who would be willing, able and excited to take part.

    On a serious note now, why this outburst? Have I said anything that is out of the ordinary? Did you not find it a little odd that when ODM Members of Parliament demanded a local tribual providing for the possibility of Presidential Clemency, my good brother, Taabu chose to instead attack President Kibaki about THEIR fancies? You certainly have not noticed how the resolutions of today's (yesterday's?) ODM PG are now being attributed generally to "our Mps" or "the Mps", have you?

    Look, I am not here to derail your conversation. I am here to express my opinion, which, to be frank with you, will more often than not be a little too hard to like. Now if intelligence means singing along with you guys even when I dont like the tunes, that is the kind of intelligence I do NOT need. It is the exact kind of 'intelligent response' I wouldn't want my post to elicit!

  8. "..... Hague is the first step for the change all kenyans are waiting for.."
    Anony 6.10, first of all, I am also kenyan----born and raised.

    Two, I am not burrying my head in the sand. There is no sand around here. If I may tell you the truth, if I was in any decision-making position, we would not be talking about whether or not to try suspected criminals. We would not even have had to wait for Waki. That matter would have been resolved ages ago. Expeditiously.

    urxlnc, you want me to compete with you on essay writing? That's a battle I would lose even before we start it. Thanks, but no thanks. But I am sure there are people who would be willing, able and excited to take part.

    On a serious note now, why this outburst? Have I said anything that is out of the ordinary? Did you not find it a little odd that when ODM Members of Parliament demanded a local tribual providing for the possibility of Presidential Clemency, my good brother, Taabu chose to instead attack President Kibaki about THEIR fancies? You certainly have not noticed how the resolutions of today's (yesterday's?) ODM PG are now being attributed generally to "our Mps" or "the Mps", have you?

    Look, I am not here to derail your conversation. I am here to express my opinion, which, to be frank with you, will more often than not be a little too hard to like. Now if intelligence means singing along with you guys even when I dont like the tunes, that is the kind of intelligence I do NOT need. It is the exact kind of 'intelligent response' I wouldn't want my post to elicit!

  9. vikii

    there are many events taking place all around kenya, the authors on this blog select a few which they write on and give their views also inviting comments including yours that point out the flaws in the arguments or agree with the authors.

    no one is expecting you or anyone to join either the choir egg throwers and divergent views definitely enrich all of us. its the ritual am wondering about.

    my point is there are other events that we can also look at that help build kenya and kenyans rather than spend energies on the perceived mistakes or misconceptions we could at least provide the much needed variety.

    the challenge is misplaced trivia, and certainly not the thrust of my comment for which i apologise.

    the inclusion of ODM this, PNU that, is probably an unecessary inclusion in this exchange.

    fyi - inasmuch as an argument that resonates with personal conviction is pleasant while the one that does not, aggravates, am sure there are many here like myself that are just interested in the truths and information gleaned from the exchanges. for that am always indebted to those like yourself that identify or address fallacies or flawed reports.

    however, the point is, why dont you present other topics that can also help build kenya(ns). lets not deflect that request to the trivia of essay writing

  10. It is very good that the politicians, especially those from ODM are now feeling the pain and fear Kenyans went through. Hague will in no doubt teach ODM a lesson, and change the destiny of Kenya. No party is today as troubled as ODM. They cant even take a single party stand. A selfish lot, warmongers and scycophants. They are now wetting their pants.

  11. "..the challenge is misplaced trivia, and certainly not the thrust of my comment for which i apologise."

    I like your sense of false modesty.

    urxlnc, while I don't want this to be mistaken for a contest of ego against cajolery, I am inclined to tell you that I reserve the right to make a post at a time and on a topic of my choosing. I don't need any prodding towards that end. I also have the right to read anything posted on blogs with unrestricted visitation and to comment as I please (as long as I do not insult anyone). You have that right too, and you know what--I pledge not to violate yours. I wont even try!

  12. vikii

    very well

    have a great weekend

  13. Kikuyu mind7:45 PM

    The only people wetting their pants are those who ordered the police to shoot and kill innocent Kenyans?? and who might that be??
    1. Emilio Mwai Kibaki

    and I guess Michuki has to follow if only the central province stop supporting him and Kibaki for the continuous execution of their mungiki tribesmen.... over to you pal.

  14. Vikii
    Stop hiding behind ODM.. yes keep digging your head in the sand...
    you and the rest of Kenya add the international community watched in broad daylight the police shoot innocent kenyans dead.. it was shown all over the world... orders given by yours truly Kibaki..

    Vikii you can't cry over spilled milk!! Kibaki is going to be Frog marched to Hague upende usipende.. his proof of murder is solid as gold... the rest have to proof their innocence.. period!

  15. 8.08, I have heard that so many times before its getting a little old. But I hope that is indeed the case. That will be my joy, buddy.

    urxlnc, I notice your decision to abdicate your duty to police people out of partisanship. How I wish you can be a little fair in your reprimands.

    I will try to have a great weekend. You do the same.

  16. 8:46 PM
    Hey Vikii lucky you -waaoow! your weekend starts on Friday?? :) where to my lady?? have a nice one.

  17. Vikii,

    You have the intelligence to rise above the fray. With your eloquence you can shape the discussion in this blog instead of engaging in partisan trivia!

  18. Taabu,

    You never listen, do you? There is no Express destined for Hague. Mambo yote tutafanyia hapa hapa nyumbani kulingana na desturi zetu.

    We will form a local tribunal, examine and count the names in the envelope. If Waki has put more names of ODMers (especially Ruto) than from PNU, then we will know that Waki was an agent of Kalonzo. Na tutapiga DOMO DOMO mpaka waliokaburini waamke. In order not to derail Kalonzo Express to state house, Mzee Kibaki will declare amnesty for all. By then many of the so called witnesses will have died of natural causes. And then 2012 will be at our door step and the international community will be dashing to come supervise the elections to stop a repeat.

    That is how we are going to do it. Wachana na hiyo mambo ya Hague. Au wewe umetumwa?

  19. Kalembe Ndile has advised Kenya Airways to start practice runs to the Hague as that route is going to be very lucrative, including a stopover in Eldoret to pick up more passengers.

  20. Raila is wasting his time to think that the Kikuyu will ever vote for him. It is a big waste of time and energy.

    These people have been thoroughly brain washed by their wazee's since the late 1960's to HATE LUO'S. It is a HATE that is so irrational, pathological and demented that it will not easily go away even in the face of reason.

    Just to illustrate how sick they are: When Obama - this is an American but the the Kikuyu's still saw him as a "Jaruo" and directed that same hatred that they have for Luo's and Raila towards him - and Hillary were contesting for the Democratic party ticket, virtually all Kikuyu's both here at home and in the diaspora were rooting for Hillary Clinton and even later when Obama won the Democratic ticket, they were all rooting for John McCain. Ask yourself why? The answer is a bit too obvious...

    If you observed them carefully, you would have noticed that they were directing the same irrational HATRED that they have for Raila and Luo's toward Obama (they used to refer to Obama in secret and private as "Jaruo" and "Kihii").

    Raila, it is a waste of time to court the Kikuyu vote. These people are mental cases. They are sick. These people are a people whose value systems, norms and ethical standards are warped. STEALING, DECEPTION and FRAUD is their forte.

  21. anon 6.49, why do you think they hate "jaruos"?

  22. This is Anon 6:46 AM again,

    I forgot to add this (a continuation from my earlier comment at 6:46 AM):

    And after Obama won they were all in shock and disappointment. Most of theme were wearing very long sad faces and had this deflated look in their eyes - their false sense of "reality" had suffered a big jolt, as if their worst nightmare had just come true.

    I repeat once again, these people are sick, mental cases.

  23. Anon 6:51 AM,

    You asked: why do you think they hate "jaruos"?

    This hatred, like I mentioned earlier on, is so irrational, pathological and demented. a bit "difficult" to explain.

    However, what I do Know is that their wazees in the 1960's were engaging in massive corruption and looting of Kenya's finances and resources, and this is very important and very ironical: the vast majority of Kikuyu's were the biggest victims of the corruption and looting by their wazees. It was only a very tiny and "select" group of Kikuyu's who "benefited" These were mainly the homegaurds, their families and a few close associates.

    To cover up their crimanal activities and to make the Kikuyu's not to realise what was actualy happening, a smoke screen and scapegoat had to be created to divert their attention. They had to make sure that their own fellow Kikuyu's did not realise that their own fellow Kikuyu's were RAPING them economically. Enter Jaramogi and Luos... The rest is history.


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