Friday, August 29, 2008

Beware Of The Clear Thinking Kenyan Voter

Ouma (real name with-held) would never have imagined in his worst nightmare what was about to happen as he happily collected his Kikuyu wife from maternity and took her and their bouncing new baby boy home to Kibera. This was at about the time that post-election troubles broke out for the first time.

On their way home, Ouma and his wife met a rowdy group of Luos who proceeded to cut his wife and baby into pieces in front of his very eyes. The response came hours later from the Akorino in the area who cut down dozens of Luos in search of Ouma whom they wanted so as to settle scores. Ironically the man who hid Ouma and thus saved his life was a Kikuyu man. He risked his own life terribly to save the life of Ouma.

The informant who passed on this heart-rending tale to me says they have not been sleeping too well since they learnt about it.

Sadly there are many stories from the worst chapter of Kenya’s history that will probably never be told. The wounds inflicted are much deeper than many people think. However what is surprising is the resilience of the Kenyan people and their eargerness to put the past behind them as they keep their eyes focused on the desired goals. What has become clear to this blogger is the sharp contrast between the ordinary folk of Kenya, down there struggling to survive and the rest of Kenyans sitting in comfortable air-conditioned rooms making hate comments in a blog like this one.

That is the good news.

Reading this blog, one would be forgiven for thinking that the country is about to break into a vicious civil war. Fortunately there is much less tribalism down there in the grassroots than most people will ever realize. Ordinary folk don’t really care about tribalism. Indeed important lessons have been learnt from the troubles of this last January that will help fight the cancer of tribalism pretty effectively in the years to come.

But what has amazed me most of all from my latest of the frequent research I do, to keep my feet on the ground, is how clear in their thinking the masses in Kenya are right now. This is in sharp contrast to all the confusion and uncertainty we see in the media these days concerning our politics. Basically the people want nothing to do with corruption and they want a new beginning, and they want it yesterday. Real change for a better tomorrow. Amazingly many care less what tribe that “Moses” who will lead Kenyans to a new promised land happens to come from. As long as they can be trusted.

Methinks the people who are in for a serious shock are the political class. Despite what people think, the next presidential race will have some very strange names running right at the forefront. And that is coming from a man who told you here that Senator Obama would be the next president of the United States when most people were still asking; Barack who?

P.S. History continues to be made in the American presidential race as McCain picks little-known Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential running mate. This means whoever wins history will be made because even if we do not have a black man in the White House, we will have a woman Vice President for the first time ever.



    Another Kibaki export.

  2. Obama Exclusive From The Democratic Party Convenvetion!!!

    Obama refused to highlight his Kenyan heritage….he in fact wants to forget it.

    Chris, Obama has categorically laid it out very clearly once and for all. He has told the world that he was shaped by the ABSENCE of his father…not his presence.

    In his entire life, he only met the Sr. Obama for a few weeks when he was 10 years old.

    Obama does not consider his mother's and father's relationship as marriage; he told the whole world that theirs' was a very very BRIEF UNION….i.e. a respectable way to say ONE NIGHT STAND.

    More to come…..

  3. His Kenyan father was barely mentioned in his speech. Instead, he spoke about his Kansas grandparents.

  4. Chris, thank you for this heart-felt post, but I think you should have done it long time ago. Still better late than never!

    Yes, I read in NY times that during the height of post election violence, some Luo families in Kisumu risked their own lives by sheltering Kikuyus in their own homes knowing all too well what would have happened to them if found by marauding gangs. It also reported in Naivasha, a Kikuyu family took a Luo family and hid them from Mungiki menace. These kinds of stories just make you realise all hope is not lost in Kenya. I think we should honour these true Kenya heroes who shunned hate and stood up for decency in those difficult circumstances. GOD BLESS THEM.

    Kenya has always been known as an oasis of peace and stability until nascent ODM came along with this stupid idea of majiboism. I will give an example of Kajiado (apparently the richest district in Kenya), Masaai and Kikuyu communities lived together harmoniously for many years and due to inter-marriages and assimilation many masaais are now Kikuyus, a good example George Saitoti. But when the masaais people heard of majimbo, they translated it into; it is our time to reclaim lost land.
    What most people don't realise is, ODM strategy of majiboism was aimed in galvanising the country against Kikuyu in order for the ODM to win.
    This type of dirty politics should never be allowed to happen again. You campaign with your manifestos and ideas but please leave tribes alone- they belong to Kenya and God put them there.
    Kenya is for all, and any future wanna-be government must never make this mistake again.

  5. Spot on kwale,even the famed kumekucha has never tried to delve deeper as to how the calls for majimbo contributed to the events of post 2007 elections.They prefer to bury their heads in the sand and harp on other theories as long as they dont touch odm.


  7. Kenya is ready for MAJIMBO. It is a cause worth fighting for, it is an idea whose time has come.

    Had the thief sitting pretty in Statehouse not stolen the elections of 07, Kenya would not have experienced what we did. So Kwale, stopping blaming it on people's or the masses interpretation of MAJIMBO.

  8. leave kwale, he is an idiot paid to write what he does. Pnu dimwits come in all forms: apart from the duck snoozing at statehouse and his veep waiting on the sides for his boss to kick the bucket so that he can onja SH, you can smell them on these blogs from afar.

  9. Nobody can take away the truth in your post, Chris. It is true the people of Kenya are much better than the proconsuls some politicians imagine they are. And they can still upgrade and improve on that.

    What is worrying, however, is your level of deceit and dishonesty. Chris I will tell you the truth; You have had so much to do with the grievace-mongering and incitement that has been responsible for the animosity against certain communities that your attempt to wash away the guilt will just not do. You cant exonerate yourself. I expect you to be proud of your party's number one policy--the policy of anarchy, barbarity, bullyng and myopia.I thought you were always proud of your party's playbook, that of seeking to generate support by appealing to a combination of resentment and envy. Are you on your way to Damascus? Well, bon voyage!

    People talk about tribalism in Kenya. It is as though Kenyans (accross tribes) do not hang out with their colleagues at their work place. It is as though any Kenyan has anything against another specific Kenyan from a different tribe. The tribalism that we see in Kenya is purely born out of the backward politics some people have been so eager to advance. A politician sits down and decides that such and such a community is the biggest stumbling block to their grand march to Statehouse. They try to win that community's vote and when they reealize there is a zero chance of doing so, they start a smear campaign against that community. The goal is simple; Try to reap a harvest of bitterness by culivating some imaginary grievances. To such a politician and those like him, the focuss should always be on old "injustices" and not future opportunities. It doesn't get more backward than that, does it?

    Unless and until Kenyans see politicians for who they are, and unless and until they ae smart enough to tell between right and wrong, truth and lies, this country will prove to be irredeemable.

  10. Why was Molasses Raila not invited by his "cousin" Barack Obama to the Convention in Denver? Why did Obama's campaign tell Molasses that he should not talk to the press untill the convention was over? Simply put, "What is Molasses considered toxic to Obama's political career going forward?"

    While I support Obama wholeheartedly, I find his changed attitude toward our Messiah highly objectionable!!!

  11. The guys talking about Obama's convention speech. Am in the US and this is what I will tell you. Obama is trying to win an election in America not Kenya. He knows where he is from and his roots. Believe me, you cannot win an election in this country by proclaiming you are proud of your African roots. Talk of being patriotic which the republicans will hammer him for to death. He mentioned about his Kenyan father in passing and he has a reason. He is a politician bent on winning an election and not just campaigning. Please have your facts and thoughts right!!

  12. Chris,

    Progress towards ethnic harmony will only be realised when Kenyans learn to recognise the lies that are spewed by politicians every 5 years. Kenyans need to be able to think on their own.

    How can a whole tribe be led by one person to believe that your neighbour, a person you grew up together, and with whom you are watching both your kids growing together, is your enemy and he is the cause of your misery? And that the only solution to your misery is to eliminate them? You can not explain this in human terms.

  13. Tofiq
    Dont be naive , kenyans are not going to elect Obama president , it is americans and as such he has to identify with them and make them reassured that he is an american like them , remember his identy or nonamericaness for that has been a target for the republican attack machinery.In the convention obama repackaged himself because to win this election he needed to do that like yesterday , the new Obama categoricaly made it clear where his loyalty lies and took positions that are clear and brisk ,he also told the americans what he will do for them if elected , i think he did a great job, long live barry.

  14. I think that it is time we as kenyans stopped drinking the ribena and believing that we are an oasis of peace and admit that we are just as African and 3rd world as Rwanda, Congo, Zimbabwe and all our sister countries in Black Africa who are capable of hacking your neighbour to death. There is nothing special about Kenyans. When subjected to certain environment, majority will access their survival instincts, much like the blacks in New Orleans who started looting and destroying property during Katrina.

    If the GK and leaders are really serious about never seeing a repeat of last years clashes, then they had better hire a team of psychologists and socialogists and statasticians to study the conditions by which many Kenyans live by and their view of the country, it's leaders, the economy and so on.

    Saitoti beefing up security and then claiming that we shall never witness such events; Kibaki advocating wanafunzi wachapwe to curb riots and other such thoughtless of the cuff pseudo wisdom and directives is simply applying a bandage to a cancerous limb or body part.

  15. Jeff, how can a certain community think that they are the only "hardworking" people, the most entrepreneurial whilst all the others lazy and envious?

    How can a certain community think that its cultural traditions are far more superior than others and look down upon the rest when they have been welcomed with open arms into those very communities that are sources of their bread and butter?

    How does a community rally behind daylight robbery of a people's will despite having waited patiently for 24 long years to rid the GOK of ineptness and rally behind THEFT simply because he is one of your "own"?

    Self assess, look in the mirror, and be candid, and therein lies your answer.

  16. Anon 12:48, I will not be surpised if your not Taabu. I am not Jeff but I think your'e the one to look into the mirror. What you have just said there reveals your insecurity, self low eestem and inferior complexity. If thats how one community feels about themselves so what?

  17. What's up Chris,

    It's true that Kenyans yearn for peace. And like Phil always says, it starts with a representative constitution. I hope we'll get one soon.

  18. Obama did deliberately downplay his Kenyan roots but I believe it is not for lack of appreciation but rather due to political expediency. He needed show Americans that he shared their tough would that have been against a magnified backdrop of a man who sired children all across the world, never bothered to provide for them and literary drank his life to the dregs?

    Obama still loves and appreciates his Kenyan roots. But his dad looms like that crack head in the family whom you always want in the back burner.

  19. For a clear perspective on Obama's feelings and view of his Kenyan heritage, why not buy his book Dreams From My Father?

    Obama was raised by his white grandparents. His father left him when he was 2 years old and divorced his mother when he was 4 years old. His father returned for a short visit when Obama was is his early teens and that was the last time he saw him.

    Obama is American through and through. In his book he doesn't talk of having fun during his visits to kenya. Instead, he narrates about the poverty he saw in Kenya. The guy never grew up in Kenya. So it is not hard to see why he embraced his American heritage. Hell, it's to his advantage. If anything, after the nonsense that we saw traspire last year in Kenya, why would anyone in their right minds want to proudly proclaim that side of their heritage?

  20. Kumekuchans, has anybody noticed that Sam Okello has never said anything about Obama?


    1. Chief of General Staff General Jeremiah Kianga

    2.Police Commissioner Maj-Gen Hussein Ali

    Military fails to shake off torture claims in Mt Elgon

    Updated 5 hr(s) 50 min(s) ago

    By Dennis Onyango

    After months of trying to sanitise their operations in Mount Elgon, the police and the military are in the dock again, accused of subjecting residents to a double tragedy of the same torture they had suffered in the hands of the Sabaot Land Defence Force (SLDF) militia.

    The Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU), in a new report, describes the Government’s response so far as "an insult of the intelligence of Kenyans," and calls for fresh inquiry.

    Chief of General Staff General Jeremiah Kianga
    The organisation wants the Attorney General to investigate the claims of torture and institute a public inquest into cases where human remains have been found.

    Only early this month, hundreds of Mt Elgon residents took to the streets demanding that the military remains in the area, a development some say was stage-managed.

    The protesters said they would also leave the district if the military officers moved out, fearing there would be fresh attacks by remnants of SLDF.

    But the report IMLU released this week paints a different picture; that of a community that suffered double tragedy.

    IMLU says it gathered "credible evidence" that 278 survivors it interviewed were systematically tortured or subjected to cruel, degrading treatment or punishment by security officers and the militia. IMLU laments that Operation Okoa Maisha is characterised by "secrecy and lack of transparency and accountability.

    It is "not intended to preserve law and order but rather systematically engage in gross human rights violation on a population hitherto terrorised by criminal gangs.

    "The military operation must and should be subject to public scrutiny and accountable to the tax payers and the military officers are subject to civilian jurisdiction over crimes committed in the course of their duties," it reads in part.

    The report also talks of "credible allegations" of enforced disappearances of persons in custody of both the police and the military.

    "The systematic nature of torture and accompanying magnitude targeting a specific communal group amounts to a crime against humanity as enshrined in the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court which Kenya has signed and ratified."

    Police Commissioner Maj-Gen Hussein Ali

    "All persons arrested for screening and interrogations have been subjected to torture whether subsequently charged in courts or not," the report, titled Double Tragedy, adds.

    It says that the mass arrests, subsequent prosecution and denial of bail for suspected SDLF militias, have caused even more problems. It has clogged the administration of criminal justice system in the region and created congestion of "historical proportion" in penal facilities in Bungoma, Kakamega and Kitale as well as most of police stations.

    IMLU says about 27 per cent of the torture survivors interviewed had been arrested by both the SLDF and the army.

    Most of these people had their body parts, especially ears and hands, chopped off by the SLDF and were therefore an easy target for the military— a tragic case of running from the frying pan into the fire.

    A 44-year old teacher who suffered in the hands of SLDF and the military narrated his ordeal: On October 3, 2006, the SLDF took away his household items, demolished his house, then killed his brother.

    On April, 22, 2007, 18 members of SLDF followed the teacher and beat him thoroughly.


    "They also cut my hand and hit me on my right ear. They messed up (sic) my teeth; both the top and bottom ones. One of the men urinated in my mouth and they forced me to swallow it.

    "They then took me to Cheptabururu area and made me remove my shirt. They made me carry a sack of potatoes for 6km.

    "They even asked me if I support them. They killed two other people who were with us. They later released me and told me not to say anything. I was not supposed to seek any medical advice too. They told me that if I disobeyed them they would find me and kill me," the teacher told the IMLU team.

    A year later, on June 20, this year, the teacher met some army men at Chesikaki. "They grabbed me and started to beat me as they stepped on me and slapped me. They took my ID and looked at it and when they saw that I was from Chwele they stopped beating me. They asked me where the militia could be found. They had kicked my genitals and I doubt that I can now procreate. My ears and chest were also injured…." the teacher narrated.

    Another victim had his house torched and his ear chopped off by SLDF and was also tortured by the military.

    A resident of Masaek village, his woes started on April 10, 2006, when SLDF arrested him.

    "They took me home at 11pm. They asked me to remove my clothes and told me to untie the seven cattle that I had. They also demanded money and my wife gave them Sh7,000 and in the process they also took away my TV set," he said.

    The militia assaulted him with a knife and forced him to carry the items for about 15km.

    "Then they then cut me on the left ear and tied me to a tree upside down. They detained me for two days and when the police came they ran away. When I went back home I found they had torched my house."

    A woman who once lived in Chepkururu but moved to Chwele said the SLDF killed her husband on August 11, 2007, as he looked after cattle.

    On May 11 this year, police officers stormed her house as she nursed her two children.

    "They asked me where my husband was and I told them he was dead. They took me and my new-born baby and they made us walk for a distance of about three kilometres. I started bleeding as I had just given birth.

    "One of the officers noticed that I was bleeding heavily. He then kicked me on the back and ordered me to go back home. Some of the officers were also in army uniform. I have a constant problem with my back and the bleeding keeps on coming back. I have never sought treatment," she said.


    1. Chief of General Staff General Jeremiah Kianga

    2.Police Commissioner Maj-Gen Hussein Ali

    Military fails to shake off torture claims in Mt Elgon

    Updated 5 hr(s) 50 min(s) ago

    By Dennis Onyango

    After months of trying to sanitise their operations in Mount Elgon, the police and the military are in the dock again, accused of subjecting residents to a double tragedy of the same torture they had suffered in the hands of the Sabaot Land Defence Force (SLDF) militia.

    The Independent Medico-Legal Unit (IMLU), in a new report, describes the Government’s response so far as "an insult of the intelligence of Kenyans," and calls for fresh inquiry.

    Chief of General Staff General Jeremiah Kianga
    The organisation wants the Attorney General to investigate the claims of torture and institute a public inquest into cases where human remains have been found.

    Only early this month, hundreds of Mt Elgon residents took to the streets demanding that the military remains in the area, a development some say was stage-managed.

    The protesters said they would also leave the district if the military officers moved out, fearing there would be fresh attacks by remnants of SLDF.

    But the report IMLU released this week paints a different picture; that of a community that suffered double tragedy.

    IMLU says it gathered "credible evidence" that 278 survivors it interviewed were systematically tortured or subjected to cruel, degrading treatment or punishment by security officers and the militia. IMLU laments that Operation Okoa Maisha is characterised by "secrecy and lack of transparency and accountability.

    It is "not intended to preserve law and order but rather systematically engage in gross human rights violation on a population hitherto terrorised by criminal gangs.

    "The military operation must and should be subject to public scrutiny and accountable to the tax payers and the military officers are subject to civilian jurisdiction over crimes committed in the course of their duties," it reads in part.

    The report also talks of "credible allegations" of enforced disappearances of persons in custody of both the police and the military.

    "The systematic nature of torture and accompanying magnitude targeting a specific communal group amounts to a crime against humanity as enshrined in the Rome statute of the International Criminal Court which Kenya has signed and ratified."

    Police Commissioner Maj-Gen Hussein Ali

    "All persons arrested for screening and interrogations have been subjected to torture whether subsequently charged in courts or not," the report, titled Double Tragedy, adds.

    It says that the mass arrests, subsequent prosecution and denial of bail for suspected SDLF militias, have caused even more problems. It has clogged the administration of criminal justice system in the region and created congestion of "historical proportion" in penal facilities in Bungoma, Kakamega and Kitale as well as most of police stations.

    IMLU says about 27 per cent of the torture survivors interviewed had been arrested by both the SLDF and the army.

    Most of these people had their body parts, especially ears and hands, chopped off by the SLDF and were therefore an easy target for the military— a tragic case of running from the frying pan into the fire.

    A 44-year old teacher who suffered in the hands of SLDF and the military narrated his ordeal: On October 3, 2006, the SLDF took away his household items, demolished his house, then killed his brother.

    On April, 22, 2007, 18 members of SLDF followed the teacher and beat him thoroughly.


    "They also cut my hand and hit me on my right ear. They messed up (sic) my teeth; both the top and bottom ones. One of the men urinated in my mouth and they forced me to swallow it.

    "They then took me to Cheptabururu area and made me remove my shirt. They made me carry a sack of potatoes for 6km.

    "They even asked me if I support them. They killed two other people who were with us. They later released me and told me not to say anything. I was not supposed to seek any medical advice too. They told me that if I disobeyed them they would find me and kill me," the teacher told the IMLU team.

    A year later, on June 20, this year, the teacher met some army men at Chesikaki. "They grabbed me and started to beat me as they stepped on me and slapped me. They took my ID and looked at it and when they saw that I was from Chwele they stopped beating me. They asked me where the militia could be found. They had kicked my genitals and I doubt that I can now procreate. My ears and chest were also injured…." the teacher narrated.

    Another victim had his house torched and his ear chopped off by SLDF and was also tortured by the military.

    A resident of Masaek village, his woes started on April 10, 2006, when SLDF arrested him.

    "They took me home at 11pm. They asked me to remove my clothes and told me to untie the seven cattle that I had. They also demanded money and my wife gave them Sh7,000 and in the process they also took away my TV set," he said.

    The militia assaulted him with a knife and forced him to carry the items for about 15km.

    "Then they then cut me on the left ear and tied me to a tree upside down. They detained me for two days and when the police came they ran away. When I went back home I found they had torched my house."

    A woman who once lived in Chepkururu but moved to Chwele said the SLDF killed her husband on August 11, 2007, as he looked after cattle.

    On May 11 this year, police officers stormed her house as she nursed her two children.

    "They asked me where my husband was and I told them he was dead. They took me and my new-born baby and they made us walk for a distance of about three kilometres. I started bleeding as I had just given birth.

    "One of the officers noticed that I was bleeding heavily. He then kicked me on the back and ordered me to go back home. Some of the officers were also in army uniform. I have a constant problem with my back and the bleeding keeps on coming back. I have never sought treatment," she said.

  23. Si all kenyans know kibaki is a thieving rigging thug and a murderer!so what is new? he should be hanged soon for all the innocent kenyans he ordered dead dead dead dead!!! kibaki mpumbavu sana mavi ya kuku yeye..

  24. Anonymous said...

    anon 3.23
    Kibaki the murderer can only beg us to pay his senile wife kshs 400, 000 for his low libido. At 79, the fellow cannot stand up to the occasion. and guys are still waiting for this hanger on to deliver anything? pleeeeeeeeeeeeeze!!!

    4:18 AM


    Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usin Gishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.


    Daily nation kikuyu gutter press surprise surprise looked for an incest story from Usin Gishu District Eldoret!!!!ha!!ha!! ha!! ati trying to derail the facts of incest which as we all know is a tradition in Central province

    by the way in central province it is father and daughter, brothers and sisters, mothers and sons and first cousins too!!
    I'm laughing at the daily nation newspaper but guess what KUMEKUCHA should be happy it shows that this kikuyu paper has been reading your blog very closely


    because the incest story on this blogs as been on the heated discussions for several months- so of course the nation journalist had to travel to the rift valley to look for an isolated case- to remove central province of headquarters of incest from the glare and facts....

    central province = incest..... period.


    Yesterday is a long time ago, let's try to forget its pains, and darkness, and start over again.

    Election(s) 2012 should never be allowed to be destructively limited to "this party or that party, this ethnic group or that ethnic group, this gender or that gender, these rural folks or those urban folks, thess Kenyans on the home-front and those Kenyans in the diaspora."

    But Election 2012 should all be about seeking a functional government that will be efficient as well as electing representatives that will be accountable at all times.

    We all know that a house divided cannot stand on its December 12, 1963 foundations. Time has come [after forty-five years of constant dark and destructive tribal politics] for all Kenyans to figure out out how they recognise and avoid being blindly divided along faulty ethnic lines that are politically driven by well known seasonal and evil politicians that continue to live in our midst and in constant service of their own personal agendas and evil ways.

    The choice is ours. 2012 will be knocking at our political and social doorsteps in a matter of months.

    Time will tell how our wise and well informed choices will lead our nation and its people into a more a mature political climate and a better future for all.

  28. It looks like the sicko is back, posting comments after comments as usual. This disturbed man has nothing good to contribute to this blog and i wonder why the hell he is wasting space here?

    May the womb that carried him be cursed forever and may he suffer disaster after disater and experience an awful death.

  29. @Anon 11:39 PM You said: "It looks like the sicko is back,posting comments after comments as usual. This disturbed man has nothing good to contribute to this blog and i wonder why the hell he is wasting space here?

    May the womb that carried him be cursed forever and may he suffer disaster after disater and experience an awful death."
    How do you know that the sicko is a man? This mentality that it is only men who can do dumb things must end PRONTO.

  30. well

    kriegler's verdict is known,

    the rest will just be details

  31. Another good thing being proposed, the age limit of the presidential candidates is going to be reduced to 65 years. That means if it goes through, raila will not be elligible to run for president come 2012. Haleyuiah!

  32. Anon 1:29, men are usually the sickos, like your Prime Minister who believed he was cheated the presindency when it is now proved he DID NOT win.

  33. 4:04 AM
    The Sicko full of Alzheimer is your senile kibaki wewe shenzi sana the thief thug kibaki stole elections and slaughter many kenyans in the process- Kibaki will be hanged like Saddam Hussein or jailed or .....
    Look around you in the world all the leaders that committed crimes of humanity against their own people have been sentenced to life in jail, killed or hanged- next is your mpumbavu Kibaki..

  34. luos are afraid of murders. any one who kills is regarded among the community as a haunted one(even in self defense). any normal luo would not wish that the curse fall upon his family and descendants. I am yet to get any confirmation of any kikuyu killed in Kisumu by a luo.

    Mungiki/kikuyu can easily kill. killing is their hobby, cutting a human being into small pieces, carrying the head to another door etc and of course they are all THIEVES LED BY THE DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.