Thursday, February 07, 2008

Selective Justice: Stolen Elections and Visa Bans

When the US government announced that it had slapped a visa ban on a group of 50 Kenyans suspected to have instigated post-election violence, it also effectively turned 10% of Kenya’s national assembly into ‘genocide suspects’. It will be a big shame and embarrassing to these foreign governments if no arrests are made soon.

Government spin-doctor Alfred Mutua could not hide his glee and has already posted a statement at his official website ‘welcoming’ this visa ban. Mutua went as far as urging the US and Canadian governments to name these suspects so as end speculation. In his excitement, Mutua went further to encourage other global powers to emulate the USA and Canada.

It seems Mutua is making an assumption that the action by US and Canadian embassies hurts the ODM more than the government. Mutua conveniently forgets that nearly all vernacular FM stations are pro-government and as well as the PNU pre-election rallies were the main channels of hate speech that, other than the stolen presidential vote, have been the single most contributor of the sad state of affaris in Kenya right now!

However, speaking at Hon. David Too’s memorial church service earlier today, ODM supremo Raila Odinga said: “The only crime ODM has committed was to win a general election”.

Not to be left behind, the Kenya Police Commissioner has also enticed the public with monetary rewards if they could come forward with information that will lead to the arrest and successful prosecution of the instigators of post election violence. One wonders if TV footage that captured young men armed with crude weapons attacking their neighbours right in front of the eyes of Ali’s police officers were Tom & Jerry cartoon shows.

Why should our ‘duly elected’ government and police who retain the power to investigate, arrest and prosecute the so-called suspects sit on their laurels and wait for foreign governments to mete out punishment to these criminals?

Observers find it strange that those who are suspected of having instigated 1992 and 1997 tribal clashes that killed an estimated 3000 people and displaced nearly a million are roaming freely while also dining and wining with Kenya's spoilt cabinet ministers. These are the same characters who have milked the public coffers dry through Goldenberg and Anglo leasing scams!

Is it not government-sponsored Mungiki adherents who beheaded tens civilians including children just a few months ago? No one has ever been charged with these heinous crimes to this day. The fact of the matter is that the (former?) Mungiki National Chairman is an avowed political supporter of the PNU side! Mungiki itself has claimed responsibility of killing an MP and they stand accused of murdering tens of civilians in Nakuru and Naivasha areas. Individuals who should otherwise be locked inside a maximum security prison are now privileged to grace PNU high tables at presidential functions and lead demonstrations in down-town Nairobi in support of an illegitimate government!

It is certainly not lost on observers that the culprits of ethnic clashes are strongly against ODM lawfully assuming power and are firmly on the side of PNU government! This is not to say that those responsible for instigating the current clashes (if at all they did) should be let scot-free!

Infact, it seems justice is going to be selectively applied because it has already been forgotten there exists a group known as Sabaot Land Defense Force and those who they have been killing in Mt. Elgon are not human beings and their case does not deserve to be discussed at the UN Security Council. Even as the mediation efforts go on, people are dying in Mt. Elgon without anyone raising a finger!

The so-called ethnic cleansing is an agenda that PNU are pushing forward so as to sabotage the Annan peace process and divert the attention of the international community from their own serious crime of stealing an election and killing innocent MPs.

This is a serious issue that requires to be analysed and resolved from a historical, social, political and economic point of view. Perhaps if PNU would pay attention to what Njoki Ndungu had to submit to the US congress then we could begin to move forward as a united and peaceful nation.


  1. Kibaki, Uhuru, Karua top US visa ban list

    The US and Canada have made good their threat to ban warlords from taking their warmongering to America. To complicate matters for the badits at SH, it can now be confirmed that Uhuru Kenyatta, Martha Karua, John Kimendero Michuki and Gerorge Saitoti have been banned from the US owing to their roles in the stolen election and the attendant violence. The ps internal security Mr Gituai and a number of senior business executives including Jimnah Mbaru and the people associated with Kibakis PNU campaign and who are involved in business are also banned from US soil. Also included in the role of banned people is the police chief Ali and two ODM politicians whose identities we cannot reveal until we confirm.

    Their family members who are already in the US are also affected by the visa quagmire. We have since learnt that Wetangula, who recently stepped on the toes of the UK by summoning the High Commissioner to protest about the former colonial master's reluctance to legalise Kibaki's theft of the Presidency, was spared. Not for long. Kenya recently banned Edward Clay from setting foot in Kenya, an event which is sure to raise temperatures between London and Nairobi at the wrong time.

    This is a reversal of the coup that Kibaki had waged in diplomatic circles in Addis. This comes as music to the ears of many reform campaigners. A lose of the diplomatic war means the pnu brigade are suffering a credibility crisis. In the past, UK, has imposed a ban on Biwott, Mwiraria and Murungaru all PNu kingpins.

    Kibaki's visa slap is a diplomatic waterloo for Kenya's bandits at SH because it is the ultimate price. Kibaki's camp must be turning green with envy because the fearless human rights campaigner and head of the state funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, Maina Kiai is basking in international limelight including being given a slot at a Senate hearing in Washington. At the Senate hearing earlier today, Kiai asked the world to freeze direct aid to Kibaki and instead fund NGOs and to push for the formation of an interim administration to steer the country towards new credible elections.

  2. Can we have the list. This my prediction of the ten

    kibaki and Lucy
    Martha Karua
    Police commissioner
    Amos Kimunya
    Beth Mugo

    Bashir (MP Kisumu town)

    Mutua will fall like an egg

    Ojonya Kal Ber (Sudan-Wao)

  3. It is sad that lives have been and are still being lost but something good may be borne of this mess that has befallen Kenya. I know it's difficult to say that to someone who has lost a relative or is living on borrowed food and borrowed shelter and this is not meant in any way to ridicule the victims. It is also difficult to ask them to look at their massacred relatives as martyrs but when the sun finally shines on Kenya and the present madness is over, those who lost their lives as a result of the post election violence are the ones who will have paid the ultimate price for the change that Kenyans are looking for. Too bad that change turned out so costly while we could have easily got the same through proper management of the ballot process.

    The future is bright for Kenya because present and future leaders are now learning the hard way that they can no longer rule without the mandate of the people. They're also learning that the people are not to be ruled with impunity. As Lucy put it some time back, being a president is not a joke. Someone must be learning in old age that trying to rule a people whose mandate you do not have makes Lucy's an understatement.

    Kenya is not hopeless yet despite the goofs coming from her leaders. And the people have their eyes wide open. Even the warmongers and hardliners will not acknowledge it in public or even to themselves but they're learning something.

  4. The US and Canada have made good their threat to ban warlords from taking their warmongering to America. Bandit President Kibaki and his family are top on the list. To complicate matters for the badits at SH, it can now be confirmed that Uhuru Kenyatta, Martha Karua, John Kimendero Michuki and Gerorge Saitoti have been banned from the US owing to their roles in the stolen election and the attendant violence. The ps internal security Mr Gituai and a number of senior business executives including Jimnah Mbaru and the people associated with Kibakis PNU campaign and who are involved in business are also banned from US soil. Also included in the role of banned people is the police chief Ali and two ODM politicians whose identities we cannot reveal until we confirm. PNU tops the list of diplomatic lepers with eight banned.

    Their family members who are already in the US are also affected by the visa quagmire. We have since learnt that Wetangula, who recently stepped on the toes of the UK by summoning the High Commissioner to protest about the former colonial master's reluctance to legalise Kibaki's theft of the Presidency, was spared. Not for long. Kenya recently banned Edward Clay from setting foot in Kenya, an event which is sure to raise temperatures between London and Nairobi at the wrong time.

    This is a reversal of the coup that Kibaki had waged in diplomatic circles in Addis. This comes as music to the ears of many reform campaigners. A lose of the diplomatic war means the pnu brigade are suffering a credibility crisis. In the past, UK, has imposed a ban on Biwott, Mwiraria and Murungaru all PNu kingpins.

    Kibaki's visa slap is a diplomatic waterloo for Kenya's bandits at SH because it is the ultimate price. Kibaki's camp must be turning green with envy because the fearless human rights campaigner and head of the state funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, Maina Kiai is basking in international limelight including being given a slot at a Senate hearing in Washington. At the Senate hearing earlier today, Kiai asked the world to freeze direct aid to Kibaki and instead fund NGOs and to push for the formation of an interim administration to steer the country towards new credible elections.
    Read it all that

  5. Anon at 5.35, thanks for adding a lot value to this post.

    Can you give a link for your source?

  6. It seems that the chickens are coming home to roost for the likes of Ruto and Mzee Sirma. These are the same people who sent goons to kill Gideon Moi.
    Its amazing how people here can be soo one sided. Yes, some PNU MPs are among the five. But let me tell you, ODM's Ruto and even your Arap Mibey is not far off.

    RUTO, BASHIR, RAILA arap Mibei and Sirma among others are never to set foot in the USA and their kids who study in the USA will be deported!.
    Ati Ruto used to be the CU -Christian Union--Represantive for Rift Valley students when in Nairobi University. It seems the guy has backslidden and is headed to the depths of hell.

  7. Phil, why waste time with Alfie Mutua? Mute the guy and go with your life, if you pay attention to him you will always be annoyed for no good reason, Anyway i won't comment on that i am reading the papers and salaries for civil servants have been delayed including teachers.....Why waste money on paying police/mungiki extra cash/allowance not bearing in mind the repercussions.....By the way where is the hard talking minister for finance who thought 8 billion was a lot of money, I thought he said that the economy will revive....These ministers dont think, the other day Beth say we are a sovereign state forgetting that the citizens of the sovereign state can't afford to go to the beaches and parks....I loved what Hersi replied was it a wish or a fact that we really didn't need the Europeans.....Kimunya is still chest thumping and yet a third of the workforce has been laid off where does he think he will collect tax from? Tell him those people that they are using to terrorise Kenyans collect money from matatus and yet they don't pay tax to the govt, Lastly why the heck would they be paying MPs their january salary and yet they only worked one day this year?

  8. @ Kipruto Arap Ngetich, your comments are very true, see here

  9. Kirui watch your tongue, you will be surprised who you find in heaven...That is if you yourself will make it. You think heaven is like US and by the way who is Bashir...Can you get your facts right ODM has no MP called Bashir.....Kwanza si you know you have been banned from Rift Valley yourself just like the PUNU Councillors in Migori who have gone on self exile to TZ........By the way who will want to kill Gideon Moi? What is he worth?

  10. Funny how pple take fake ID's to hide their true colors what are they scared of?
    If you cannot be anonymous just called yourself Kamau if you are one or Odhiambo no need to impersonate!

    Hallelluyah for RAO the genius who can do so many things yet Kibaki fake Gava cannot not prosecute him!Now he has been joined by 1 Samoei Ruto.
    Why are pple so shallow like this??

  11. Martha Karua's going back to Kenya.

    She was the brains behind Edward Clay's personna non gratta.

    So stupid she should have waited for her kids to finish their education

  12. Phil, did you say ....'Mutua conveniently forgets that nearly all vernacular FM stations are pro-government ..'

    You must qualify that statement by stating that one SK Macharia hogs all the village frequencies from Mulembe to Inooro. Add Kameme whose one enjoys the libido of top cop then you have extra paste of tribal jingoism.

    As for Mutua spare your breath. The clone must have landed a dream job from Dubai. Those who are old enough know one Masafiri on Friday DN and he hassn't come out of that shell. Clay Muganda is more serous and intelligent.

    Major Ali is right to ask for (rewarded). He has no time left after keeping Rose company. Otherwise he has his job taken care of by phone buggers.

    So my dear bro Phil wacha upumbavu wewe. Mavi ya kuku. Wacha kazi iendelee ya kumaliza Kenya.

  13. Phil,

    What a relief! I was beginning to wonder when you will publish this story (a day is gone since it broke). Now can your trusted sources give us the names, please?

  14. martha karua better be on that list for real everytime that woman opens her mouth 'ethnic cleansing' or is it 'genocide' occurs.

    dont people know when to shut up-she's the worst inciter for violence the international community should take note.

  15. Why does the USA pretend to be "governing" Kenya and controlling who should do what and what.

    "The US government has told 10 Kenyans suspected of having a hand in post-election violence that they could be barred from entering the United States along with their families, a US embassy official said Thursday".

    USA seems to be fanning chaos in Kenya more than any other party and should leave Kenya do its' "Political" stuff, whether by Killing or understanding.

    Kwani you think, we can't get democracy without USA and others.One Community can't decide the fate of other communities.

    We need to find "Truth and Justice" which seem is eluded us from 1963.

  16. The list is published and the twist on nomination slots too. See this interesting blog

  17. The Violence started because people wanted "change" and someone somewjere decided to overrule them.

    Out of "anger", the Public resounded by fanning their anger on each other.

    Ruto in any case is being taken as a scapegoat.It must be remembered that, he was attacked before the General Election in Kisii.

    No one raises the doubt that Ruto was a "King" in Rift Valley and when Rift Valley voted for Raila Odinga, it wasn't Ruto who told them to "make violence" but the people themselves chose to show their anger.

    Why didn't RUTO make any violence prior to 2007 elections?

  18. kirui arap ngetich,

    It will be easier for you to pick the "anonymous" identity rather than showing your unequalled buffoonery by putting on a Kalenjin name when neither your marauding Mungiki mother nor your derelict father was never, has never and shall never be a Kalenjin. Kumekucha doesn’t force anyone to show his/her real name, therefore since you can’t write your true name of Mwangi Gichegu wa Mugunada, just pick the “anonymous” identity and it will suffice; otherwise every other message that you may have passed across will get lost as people fall from their chairs laughing at your naivety, temerity and heartrending ingenuity.

  19. You said.. "It seems Mutua is making an assumption that the action by US and Canadian embassies hurts the ODM more than the government."

    Actually its more like you making the assumption.

  20. Boys,

    Dubai Counterfeit: the rabbit-eared Alfred Mutua was compelled to put out the statement as much as he knows how counter productive it is. The reason was to package PANUA as not fearing the ban since they are innocent and seek a way of consolation before the sledge drops hard on the PANUA mafia squad. Otherwise, everyone knows that all Kikuyu Ministers, businessmen and one Wetangula who has rigged in Sirisia are already banned. The UK will go further since it was provoked by the Thief-in-Commander's foot soldiers. It was the strategy of calling a thief before he draws the attention of passersby and calls you one, only that PANUA hordes have always been poor at strategy and tactic. This latest move proves their silly posturing.

  21. Taabu, pumbavu ni wewe. Huyo mbuyu yuko oteto hata toboa. Huskii ata leo noma imezuka serena, nikaa tiyari wamekatisiana lakini anan ni mvumilivu (ale mbivu nini?).....

    kenya ni yetu wote; masapere, majaka, malunje,makale - huskii rundo yote.

    Jeff, (umepotea sana, job niaaje?) hold your horses, the names are here but we shall only publish an authenticated list. Reads like who is who in Kenya's current and past governments.

  22. hellon okello,

    You can try another name. The first was a miscarriage. Sorry for the loss.

  23. to Hellen Okello: It is surprising (or knowing you maybe not) that you come out of the closet now to post a comment here. Or is it that the subject reminded you of our own problems when the US threatened you to be expelled given you just two weeks time? What lies did you tell them to get your illegal stay prolongated? Maybe you can now be of assistence to these people 'how do I cheat and convince the US to revoke their decision?' and then you can write another book on this subject !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am sure, Sam will pick up the idea - what do you think????????

  24. the headlines on this story in both the daily nation and the standard were misleading (perhaps intentionally), if you read both articles closely.

    the daily nation article states

    The letters were personally written to the individuals by the envoy, asking them to explain why they should not be blocked from travelling to the US...

    and the standard article admits

    The US Embassy in Nairobi, however, clarified that the travel advisory may not be an outright ban but is an indication that the individuals may not be welcome in the US.

    something that ranneberger has mentioned more than once, including in that interview w/ the standard this week, is that

    We have identified a number of people that could potentially be subject to these visa restrictions. Obviously I’m not going to disclose names but suffice it to say that the people in question are from both sides. These are, however, cases being reviewed. Those who jeopardise talks will also be considered.

    doesn't that sound more like a threat?

  25. Allow me to hit on this Kipruto Arap Ngetich one more time. Sure enough you are not a Kale and I agree with Kimeli. I’m a kale and I writing this right now in Eldoret. If you think Rutto incited the Kales against other communities, do you think he also incited kales to burn houses of other kales who supported Kibaki? Was Rutto in Aldai, Kapsabet, Eldoret, Kajibora, Iten among others. Did he ask the Kales to burn moi’s house among others? This was merely a retaliation against the oppressors and them who supported thieves, the heathen and wicked in their souls. The elders of the Kales had long realized and advised the kales that this Kibaki is slowly killing and eroding our people and the advice was to back up Raila to see if he can bring some better life and changes to the community. But when you and the Kikuyus who were living here didn’t not listen to their words of wisdom, the only exception was to get rid of them. How then do you bring in Rutto while all media was dead? How did reach out to all those people while fighting with President Raila for justice in Nairobi. You sick son of a bitch. If you were surely a kale and living in Rift Valley, I would burn your house myself.

  26. Threat or no threat, their rating is down and the form 16A will soon show the results. Watch the soap unfold.

  27. @ annon shallow what if you are "kale" is that going to affect the price of tea in China or better yet the current crisis in Kenya. So what if you are in Eldoret writing from there as we speak. WHO CARES...are we supposed to bow down you Mr. "Royal Kale"???? People like you give Kenyans a bad name, or better yet humans as a whole.
    Why question If Kipruto Arap Ngetich is "kale" or not...that is non of your business…. unless someone died and made you god. Check yourself thoroughly, it seems here that you are the one who is sick and delusional.

  28. Come on guys stop settlinge-scores. It is enemy and emotions better spent elsewhere - copy the bible or dictionary. Let us respond to teh main post instead of falling for diversion that UNFAIRLY crticize Ruto. Kenyans know better about smear campaign based on reverse logic. They tried on RO and now Ruto, washindwe.

  29. Anon @8:20.

    I was merely supporting and protecting our son Hon. Rutto. It’s the same way some are supporting Kibaki when they all know that he is a thief plus he and his friends supports Mungiki. I think you ought to check yourself too. Did you ever heard that no matter how stinking and irritating one is that that person will always be welcomed in their homes? Did you ever hear that? Ask Lucy aka the psychic why she is still sharing the same bed with a vampire cum genozide thief. Ask her and check your head.


  30. Anon at the very top, then you show this evidence if its only uhuru, karua and kibaki. When kikuyu's and any perceived pro-PNU person were being hacked to death in the few days after the announcement, was it them organising this violence? Get real, start by actually mentioning certain ODM people because we damn well know they are the biggest perpetrators. You didnt hear people in Othaya wielding machete's first at their luo neighbours. And all this selective whatever nonsense. The US will obviously have their own agenda at hand, and im pretty sure that they have banned both PNU and ODM people. So, even those who sponsored mumgiki will be there surely, and besides, mungiki have attacked kikuyu's even, so dont get it twisted, they are radical and are opposed by many kikuyu's ok?

  31. This is a hate blog..

  32. Let me address this so called Kiprui arap Ngetich, you are a loser!, and thats just to start with.
    we are not fools and kenyans are not people to be joked with. How do you know Ruto? How does you know where he went to school? where are you spreading hate? dont be like that.
    Now, we know many people are happy because Ruto has been banned from USA, but is USA heaven? is that it? Ruto is free to travel to places like Egypt, south Africa or even Togo. So that is not the end.
    Dont be happy ati because Ruto will be prosecuted, dont be happy at all!

  33. Ruto was and still is a posh thug. Trying to defend him? Impossible, dont be surprised if he's on that list of travel bans

  34. Anon@9.11 thas why we are saying that dont be happy at all. Why is everyone all of sudden very happy because Ruto has been banned tovisit USA, Europe, UK, Asia, Russia, UK and most likely Britain? Your day is also coming

  35. @ annon 8.48 you are soo predictable, the Mungiki ,Karua, Lucy insults are getting so old....cant you be more creative ???I guess you are a bitter jobless "kale" as you proudly say " from Eldoret" who cannot make sense of his own life so he has taken it upon himself to make sense of the lives of others. You presume that just because certain individuals do not agree with your views we will read your nonsensical verbiage and not retaliate? Keep dreaming .

    and anon 8.54.. Very interesting ..when individuals are bashing kikuyus left right and center it so not hate blog..but when we answer back all of a sudden it is??Please check your definition of "hate blog" goes both ways.

  36. Phil - what's the story on men "visiting" Gideon's home? Please advise.

  37. @ KALEO...kwani Ruto is a god or ginni in a bottle that will come and grant you three wishes? Ruto doesn't not even know you from Adam or could even care less. You sound very un-intelligent...Ruto would probably be embarrassed that you are "attempting" to act as his "counsel" on this matter have a big Zero to bring to the table.


    Annan: UN denies room bugging claims

    Story by NATION Reporter
    Publication Date: 2/7/2008
    The United Nations has denied reports that a hotel room belonging to its former chief, Mr Kofi Annan, in Nairobi had been bugged.

    An official at the UN said the reports appearing in a South African media outlet were false.

    The official said there was a mechanism which was being used on a daily basis to detect whether the room was bugged or not.

    Efforts to get comments from Mr Annan himself were futile as he was held up in mediation talks between PNU and ODM for the better part of Wednesday. His usual press briefings after the talks did not take place.

    South Africa’s Independent Newspapers had reported Wednesday that Kenyan peace talks were in tatters after it was discovered that Mr Annan’s hotel room had been bugged.

    The paper said it had learnt from “multiple, reliable and impartial sources” — both in Kenya and abroad — that the former UN secretary-general’s business and personal conversations were being intercepted after a thorough search was carried out on his Serena Hotel room on Tuesday evening.

    “Kofi’s security aides found the device yesterday,” one source explained.

    Mr Annan is said to be “livid”, but it is not yet known how he will react to the Tuesday night revelations.


  39. Kenyans were respected in the whole world as hard-working people.

    What has ashamed us is the stolen election. This is the direct cause of violence never experienced in our Kenyan paradise before.

    These people with their frontman Kibaki are the culprits and no one else. I dont see where Raila, Ruto, Kosgey, etc come in. I am not an ODM supporter but a true KENYAN looking for justice.

    Stop abusing one another: We are too good to support a devil. Are we NOT brought up as Christians or God fearing people? Are we Kenyans so stupid, that we can not differentiate between wrong and right?

    Serious Violation of Democracy is the problem and Kibaki brought it after Kenya gave him a mendate to clean "Moi's dirt". Kibaki refused.

    Please argue like educated and a civilized people.


  40. Anon 9.13, Im not being happy because it shows there is a fundamental problem with the sort of people we elect to lead us. There are Kenyans who have fought tooth and nail for their country but dont have the funding to run for office or even as an MP. It is sad that we are always presented with a bad list to elect from an never really complain.

  41. @ anon 9.34 ..True indeed Kibaki stole the elections and robbed Kenyans of their democratic right.Raila, Ruto and Kosgey is no angels either, they are actually far from it don't incite violence and plan ethnic cleansing way before election results are even announced and expect to get credit for it. Raila will never see the inside of State House ..not now ,not ever. Maybe Castro will have better luck picking up where his father left off. As for Kosgey and Ruto..they are just recycled material from the Moi Regime hungry for power at whatever cost.

  42. anon@9.46, good argument, too much broken english and poorly constructed sentences. I would be embarassed to entertain overtures of publishing from you.

  43. @ceo publisher, are you sam okello?

  44. What?!!!!!!!!!!!! Njoki Ndungu made no mention of MAJIMBOISM?

    Her constitutional recommendations are good but we need an entirely new constitution.


  45. @ CEO publisher…. please put your money where your mouth is...broken English ??? Where?? This is merely just a blog and not the "Business Weekly". Is that what you do in your spare time??? Proof read threads? That’s Pitiful

  46. Anon @ 7.01 a.m.; I agree, Ruto is the scapegoat of Rift Valley Province.

    What we have witnessed in Kenya was the direct result of mass discontentment. Only those who have misgoverned this country are responsible.

  47. Anon@9:30 you are right Annan was not bagged. He was BUGGED and why would you cut-and-paste a tabloid (DN) please and more so jana's? We are serial 'denialists' sivyo? Even Kibaki didn't steal votes and beauty queen Lucy never slapped a fly, ama?

  48. Anon @ 9.58; Even I am not amused. Why are we dancing around issues.

    The fact is that this country needs a new constitution and we cannot move forward without majimboism.

    Leteni Ghai draft!!

  49. Kibaki is a thief and whosever believeth in him shall have to leave the Luo, Luyha and Kalenjin land and go back to his begotten land and rot and rest in eternity hell. It doesn’t matter whether his followers are his tribes mate or not but so long as that soul is so wicked, get the hell out of our vicinity. If Raila and Rutto is wicked, we will deal with him. How about cool boy Mr. Mudavadi for President?

  50. Yes, The solution to 90% of Kenya's current and future potential problems lie in the passage of the BOMAS CONSTITUTION.

    Ndungu should have recommended that the entire constitution be overhauled instead of picking on bits and pieces.

  51. Bomas Draft? Last time I checked DOMers went round the country condemnationing it just because arap mibei was not fully satisfied with the powers of the premiership. So we have to harvest what we have sewn.

  52. Phil, whats wrong with you? the UN has said categorically that the Room in Kofi Annan;s house was NOT BAGGED...whats so hard to understand there?

  53. Ultimate in life: yani you did'nt get it.... "BAGGED" ..... "BUGGED" DAAAAA

  54. MWANDISI; WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!

    What ODM condemned was not the Bomas 2002 draft but the altered draft that the government put forward for referendum.

    That draft diluted almost everything in the Bomas draft and THAT IS WHY KENYANS CONDEMNED AT THE REFERENDUM!

  55. WTH?!!! Yani there are still Kenyans out there who do not know why the PNU constitution draft was rejected?

  56. KUMEKUCHA: Could you please put up copies of the 2002 draft on your website?

    Let Kenyans see that it was more than just a premiership issue; You could zero in on the section on LAND and DEVOLUTION OF POWERS.

    Guys if you have a library nearby with the 2003 Standard edition that published the first draft (not 2005) copy it and read it.

  57. @anon 10.10 listen to yourself , you think there is gold in Luhyia,Luo and Kalenjin land???.Who in their right mind would want to reside in Kisumu? Have you seen what it has been reduced to? Believe me you do not need to chase anybody out of there, they will leave on their own accord.
    As for Mudavadi being a choice for a presidential candidate, we need leaders and not followers for that job and realistically he is the latter

  58. Kenyan are obsessed by the word president!! And Statehouse!! Why?

    We need leaders who are responsible and not too powerful. Kenya is suffering because the Big Man misbehaved.

    When a small man on River Road steals 50/=Ksh, the whole mass goes for his life lawlessly. Kibaki stole more than 500,000 votes and now you see how the vessel exploded. Even Boyle's law could not describe it. (It was expected, no scapegoats please).

    We need many presidents in Kenya. President of the National Assembly, President of the Government and President of the Nation, each with a defined duty to carry out. We also need Presidents of the Provinces to initiate regional development.

    I remember how a friend was arrested in Nbi with a briefcase bearing the word "President". What a craze.

    At the moment a Kenyan president is a god and feels to be above the law. People coming from his region pray that the god remains with them and that's why they support him so blindly.

    KENYA DOESNT NEED gods, we need sensible leaders and Kibaki is surely not one of them.


  59. KIMANI; Thank you for thinking beyond the current crisis.

    That is why we need an entirely new constituion. One that devolves the presidents powers to various regions and the grassroots.

    All that is already provided for in the Ghai draft.

  60. Phil....The GOD of Lies, Hate and Propaganda with disciples like Taabu and Okellos

  61. they think that the wako draft is the bomas draft panuas fungeni virago pamoja na livondo mrudi shule!!! i tell you we are not on the same level with these people!!

  62. @ Ultimate in Life please go study some basic English, you are being made a mockery out of and it is indeed hilarious .
    Bugged-transitive verb hide listening device in something: to conceal an electronic listening device in something
    Bagged-transitive verb put something in bag: to put something into a bag

    Get the drift???

  63. anon@10:57 You meant to say they are not on the same level with us.... right?

  64. anon@10:59 you kill me... kudos

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. yeah laibon they (pnu) are not on the same level with us (odm)

  67. Moderate the site now!!

    I Support moderation of this facility.
    All bad eggs from elsewher (eg.mashada,misterseed, PNU-direct,Mutuas etc ) have found refuge here.
    We need to keep a higher level of discussion, as used to be

  68. I hope those who have invested through Dyer & Blair have now stopped any further association with that business.

    Ur money was used to fund Mungiki.

  69. 'Kenyan govt arming gangs'
    07/02/2008 16:39 - (SA)

    Cant get worse-Mungiki tawala ( and Karume.Uhuru in background in GEMA clothing)

    Nairobi - Kenya's opposition on Thursday accused the government of purchasing firearms to equip tribal gangs involved in ethnic cleansing.

    "The Kibaki administration continues to use taxpayers' money to purchase firearms for PNU militia," Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) secretary general Anyang Nyongo said at a press conference.

    He also accused President Mwai Kibaki's Party of National Unity (PNU) of "raiding official armouries" to arm pro-government militia, including the Mungiki.

    "These militias are then unleashed to kill innocent Kenyans protesting the flawed presidential elections," Nyongo said.

    ODM leader Raila Odinga charges Kibaki robbed him of victory in the December 27 poll. The dispute ignited a wave of nationwide violence that has killed more than 1 000 people and displaced 300 000.

    Political protests quickly turned into bitter clashes between rival ethnic groups, pitting notably Odinga's Luo and allied tribes against the dominant Kikuyu tribe of the president.

    The ODM issued a statement charging the government had ordered firearms from a Chinese company and produced facsimiles of an exchange of letters between the purported dealer and Kenya's provincial administration.

    The government dismissed the accusations and charged the opposition was seeking to undermine mediation efforts currently led by former UN chief Kofi Annan.

    "These accusations are preposterous," government spokesperson Alfred Mutua said. "These accusations are not helping the talks, they are undermining dialogue."

    "The opposition is reacting this way because they know some of their leaders are involved in ethnic cleansing and the truth is starting to come out."

    Both sides have exchanged accusations of acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing since the violence erupted, mainly in western Kenya.,,2-11-1447_2266333,00.html

  70. The Economist online has the following Leader. Anon@5:35AM - The credibility crises just got worse.

    Stop this descent into hell
    Feb 7th 2008
    From The Economist print edition

    President Mwai Kibaki must be persuaded to compromise or he may lose a country

    SIX weeks after Mwai Kibaki stole an election, the bloodshed and ethnic cleansing in swathes of Kenya are getting frighteningly worse. Parts of the country are in danger of sealing themselves off (see article). Areas where a medley of ethnic groups once lived together are being ripped apart in tribal mayhem. The economy is rapidly deteriorating. The export of tea, coffee and flowers, big foreign-currency earners, has slowed drastically. Tourism is plummeting. Whole towns have been paralysed, as ethnic cleansing has spread, with Mr Kibaki's fellow Kikuyus, who run thousands of businesses outside their own heartlands, being chased out or even killed. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced.

    Mr Kibaki has been hoping that time is on his side, that the violence and anger will burn itself out, that the opposition led by Raila Odinga will gradually be forced to accept a fait accompli, that the African Union and leaders of countries close to Kenya will rally to the incumbent in their usual clubbable manner, and that Kenya's biggest trading partners and aid givers will shrink from penalising him because general sanctions would hurt Kenya's many poor. But this happy (for him) outcome seems a distant prospect. If Mr Kibaki is to save his country, let alone his presidency, he must give ground. Otherwise Kenya will move beyond saving. This would be terrible not just for Kenya; it threatens the well-being of the entire region, for which Kenya and its capital, Nairobi, have long served as a hub of political moderation and economic bustle. Landlocked Uganda and Rwanda are being hurt. Goods are piling up in the region's main port, Mombasa.

    The international bodies and countries that might have been expected to squeeze Mr Kibaki into seeing sense have been incoherent. The Americans first endorsed Mr Kibaki's flawed victory, as he has been an ally in their war on terror, then withheld approval, then sent out confusing signals after their State Department's head of African affairs said, rightly, that ethnic cleansing was happening. The British and their European partners have been more united in disapproval but have yet to present a real plan. Next door to Kenya, Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni, himself the beneficiary of a constitutional fiddle to give himself a third term, has been alone in granting full support. The Chinese, whom Mr Kibaki is looking to for economic and moral support, have unhelpfully sneered that multi-party democracy is ill-suited to Africa.

    This leaves a former UN secretary-general, Kofi Annan, as the sole plausible mediator. He has made a little progress. At least Messrs Kibaki and Odinga now have two teams of negotiators grappling with each other under Mr Annan's gaze. But Mr Kibaki still seems loth to share power, let alone contemplate rerunning the election under international supervision.

    A rerun would have been the juster solution. But with Kenya burning, the world may have now to settle for second-best, a government of national unity. Mr Kibaki should also promise to reform the electoral commission, perhaps bringing in members from Commonwealth countries in Africa and Asia. Ideally, he should also agree in principle to long-mooted constitutional changes that would provide for a prime minister and a more devolved administration, thus softening the winner-takes-all attitude that is partly responsible for the current intransigence on both sides.

    Bringing the entire building down on himself

    There is no easily enforceable way for outsiders to impose such sensible conditions on Mr Kibaki. Certainly, the United States and the European Union, if not the African Union, should impose targeted sanctions—with asset freezes and travel bans—against a clutch of the most venal ministers, some of whom Mr Kibaki has even promoted since his fraudulent re-election; they should be named, too. Kenya should be suspended from the Commonwealth and aid reconsidered.

    But the most powerful pressure against Mr Kibaki is the sight of his country's economy threatening to implode. Many of his keenest Kikuyu supporters must realise that his refusal to budge is leading all Kenyans, whether supporters of himself or Mr Odinga, into a bloody and bankrupting dead end from which it may soon become impossible to retreat.

  71. @ Anon 11.26...are you for real??? Such shallow mindedness is appalling.
    What makes you think PNU guys are of no intellect.. Case in point Karua, Saitoti ,Tuju, Wekesa but to name a few cannot be compared to bigots like Ruto,Ngilu, Kosgey who btw neither of them hold a college degree to their name. So if you are trying to compare intellectual comparability you failed miserably. Check credentials before you yap away.
    Another point. Did you watch both Karua and Raila's interview on BBC??? Of the two, who sounds more illiterate?Swali Tu

  72. alot of double speak from many of us. we encourage peace n luv n unity and with the other corner of our mouths we spread hate

  73. Anon @ 11.59; you demonstrate exactly what Anon @ 11.26 is arguing.

    Erevuka!!!!!!!! Anon was referring to those who are being discussed above i.e. those who still do not understand that there is a vast difference between the Wako Constitution Draft and the Bomas Const. Draft.

    The Wako Draft was a dilute, pathetic version of the first draft that had addressed LAND, DEVOLUTION OF POWER, ECK amongst other issues.

  74. @11.59 have you stop to ask yourself why there many educated fools around.

    Please note that Tom Mboya never had a college degree neither do Bill Gates (for your information, I have three degrees from top schools in Europe). Karua to say the least is a village LLB graduate who thinks with God knows what. Tuju used to be a news anchor, after failing at Starehe.

  75. Many people dont know a wit or anything for that matter.
    WHY Cannot we all agree that the room in Koffi Anaun was not BAGGED?
    Rumors have gone around and around a legging that Koffi Anaun room was bagged, that is not the truth, that is not so.
    Even UN has said...the ROOM WAS NOT BAGGED!!!

  76. @Maandasi, did you say that many people dont know awiti? we agree, who is it again? Does Awiti also "a Leg"? Jinga hii!

  77. If Karua and Tuju are beacons of intellectuality (people who are too blinded by bitterness and hate to utter anything of value) then PNU is worse than just having gone to the dogs.

    I would say the most intellectual person in PANUA is Njoki Ndungu at least she uses her brain

  78. @ anon 12.20 Bill Gates and Tom Mboya make up for the 1% who didn't go to college and are exemplary. Nobody asked you about your three degrees from Europe if at all you have any,one would never guess by your feeble argument that you do. Karua is an intelligent woman, so you have a problem with her because she was born in the village?? Where do you think Mboya was born? Birmingham Palace?

  79. @ anon 12.20 Bill Gates and Tom Mboya make up for the 1% who didn't go to college and are exemplary. Nobody asked you about your three degrees from Europe if at all you have any,one would never guess by your feeble argument that you do. Karua is an intelligent woman, so you have a problem with her because she was born in the village?? Where do you think Mboya was born? Birmingham Palace?

  80. My question is this; WHERE ARE THE KAMBA IN ALL THIS? Word on the ground is that Kalonzo betrayed them.

  81. @12.30 Yes Njoki Ndungu is one of the most intelligent of the bunch. You say that karua and Tuju are blinded by bitterness and hate to utter anything of what would you say about Orengo and Ruto because it seems to me that you have just described them? Keep up the good work !

  82. @11.59 before you ....what was it you called it?....'yap away' read!!

    some people here got it, they must have been from the odm school of thought....some things you dont need to be told.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. @maandasi we all agree the room was not BAGGED, it was BUGGED! how many times do people have to say it? pnu wana shida ya kuelewa.

  85. It is ONLY Kibaki who refused to clear the field. It is ONLY Kibaki who discarded the IPPG '97. IT IS KIBAKI WHO is accountable for the chaos. He had his helpers OK, but he is responsible for the MURDER, RAPE, AND DISPLACEMENT OF KENYAN PEOPLE.

    He should face the consequences.

    Kenyans, even if you are blind, thick, a tribalist or doped YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS FACT.

  86. @1.00pm ....excellent!

  87. @ anon 1.00 ...Very naïve to put the blame on one individual. Kenya's downfall is the work of a group of power-hungry individuals that include but are not limited to Raila and the rest of his puppets.

  88. Just imagine this is party that claims claims to have won the election yet it couldn't secure a single councillor in Mombasa while ODM won 30 out of 32 (94%) in Kenya's second largest city. The remaining two were won by KADU-Asili. How do you win the Presidency in such a case?

  89. PANUA didn't win a single councillor in Mombasa. Just imagine this is party that claims claims to have won the election yet it couldn't secure a single councillor in Mombasa while ODM won 30 out of 32 (94%) in Kenya's second largest city. The remaining two were won by KADU-Asili. How do you win the Presidency in such a case?

  90. @ anti-kibaki..people voted for Kibaki as an individual based on his track record of free education, economic stability amongst other things and not his party affiliation. So your argument doesn't bear any fruit

  91. Is that why Kibaki can only attribute votes for him to his tribesmen:20% of the population.

    Free eductation......but the only fully funded schools are in Central.

    Econmic stability........for his kinsmen, achieved by neglecting or actively marginalising other Kenyans

    Now that things r thick we are apparently "all Kenyan".

    Were we all Kenyan in January when Kibaki gave all key ministries to his fellow GEMA?

  92. In the Friday Edition of the Standard says that "ODM may back down."
    Does that interpret to." We give Up"…...."We have no proof kibaki rigged" ..kazi iendele???
    If for sure they believe they were robbed, they is no need to back out now is there?

  93. Scientifical proof that the violence was not planned

    Many say that to every action there is a REACTION. Indeed this is what happened after Kibaki was falsely declared winner. The oppressed masses exploded. I would rather associate this to what happened in Nakuru and Naivasha and to an extentent in Nairobi. Reasons: A reaction is controllabe and thus plannable.

    Scientifically the violence phenomena on the D-Day can be modelled using another Newton's law: The rate of momentum creates a force.

    When the returning officers of Molo, Embu, Juja, etc went underground they slowed the momentum. After they woke up on the D-Day and submitted results boosting Kibaki, the momentum increased close to infinity, subsequently causing a spontaneous surge of Forces also tending to infinity.

    These forces made people ran amok. Any psychologist can prove this.

    The violence experienced in Western Kenya and the Coast could not be and was not planned. It was a non-planned bombshell which just exploded as the momentum function took a shape which could not be integrated or otherwise only piece wise.

    From the scientific point of view, only Kibaki could have transformed the forces to a shape of a Dirac function, which later could have changed to a SINUS-function, which can easily be handled mathematically, meaning can be handled easily by the police force. Kibaki could have simply rejected the results and asked the ECK to recount the votes. Nothing much could have happened.

    Our analysis reveal that KIBAKI is the culprit who should be barred from enterring any foreign COUNTRY and consequently be punished. If a driver of a Trailer misses a corner and lands in a pit, due to drunken driving,killing hundreds of people, he must be put to book, even if that is his 1st offence.

    Science at work

  94. In the Friday Edition of the Standard says that "ODM may back down."
    Does that interpret to." We give Up"…...."We have no proof kibaki rigged" ..kazi iendele???
    If for sure they believe they were robbed, there is no need to back out now at the last minute is there?

  95. @1.22
    It is the driver who is accountable for the damage the vehicle has done; not the conductor nor the passengers.

  96. Hi Bloggers at Kumekucha and Chris, Marianne Briner is posing here as me, Hellen Okello and using my name. I urge you Marianne to stop this stupidity.

  97. @ anon 1.52 ...not when the tout is inciting passengers to hack each other to death because the driver has refused to make a bathroom stop!

  98. @1:58
    The president is in charge of policies and democratic principles of a democratic Nation.

    If he is not protecting the rule of law (as in our cases) then he should not be protected by the law he has broken. He accepted the results of a flawed election. He broke the law!

  99. Hellen, please link the readers to other sites. That site has being diagnosed with bias and/or Mungiki spam.

  100. the economist has joined the stupid list, good luck to them as they get sued like no tomorrow! And its shameful for the economist to write such a baseless article, it shows journalists can get away with no research because hardly anyone knows kenya apart from its safaris. If they gave a damn about kenya, they could have addressed other issues, instead they took a side, therefore not contributing anything useful

  101. the economist has joined the stupid list, good luck to them as they get sued like no tomorrow! And its shameful for the economist to write such a baseless article, it shows journalists can get away with no research because hardly anyone knows kenya apart from its safaris. If they gave a damn about kenya, they could have addressed other issues, instead they took a side, therefore not contributing anything useful

  102. Anon @2:53 - exactly who's going to sue the Economist and for what? The Economist is not a Kenyan publication that has to dance to Kibaki's tune or else! I guess any outlet that does not endorse Kibaki as the "duly elected sob" has taken sides. May be the writer is just calling it as he/she sees it. Ever stop to think that not everyone has drank the same Kool Aid you did?

  103. We will rule folever , you rike it or not wacha waludishe watoto wata eda usiu.

  104. the economist has joined the stupid list, good luck to them as they get sued like no tomorrow! And its shameful for the economist to write such a baseless article, it shows journalists can get away with no research because hardly anyone knows kenya apart from its safaris. If they gave a damn about kenya, they could have addressed other issues, instead they took a side, therefore not contributing anything useful

  105. Anon @ 1.27; Kibaki and economic stability?

    Let us not forget that over 50% of Kenyans live below the poverty line. How can anyone be proud of our economic record.

  106. Kibaki has maintained a steady rate of Kenyans descending into poverty and a small elite accumulating our wealth.

  107. Who is Shahiddy?

  108. martha aka njamba you are shameless-is it really a wonder why this country descended into chaos?

  109. Good move by the international community, their accounts of stolen weath from tax payers should also be frozen and brought back home. Our economy will improve and billions of dollars stashed in forign banks will help in heath care for all, infrastructure, education and agriculture will improve.
    These guys are old KANU thieves and should not be allowed to ruin the lives of kenyans in the 21st century.

    That`s why kenyans are lagging behing with foreign AID while a few few flourish with stolen wealth. They are worst than pick pockets on the street of Nairobi.

  110. anom 3.01, kibaki will sue them, they have accused him without any proof! As a publisher you cannot do that without showing proof. And im pretty sure they have a weak position, because there is counterevidence too. If the economist can write in such a biased way then they shouldnt have written such a vague article. Its like they assume few will care.

  111. Confirmed: President Mwai Kibaki visited Uganda
    Last updated : 15 Jan 2008, Kampala
    Radio Katwe has done its cross checking and can now confirm to its readers that President Mwai Kibaki the Kenyan head of state (a title in hot dispute) paid a surprise visit to Uganda last Thursday.

    Rumours have been in Kampala that Kibaki visited his fellow dictator Yoweri Museveni but we could not confirm them at first. Now we have seen concrete evidence that Kibaki was in Uganda.

    Many Ugandans are worried by why Kibaki chose to come to Uganda at a time when Kenya is in big problems. They are worried that Kibaki might have got to Uganda to consult a man who besides other titles like elections stealer, and serial breaker of Agreements between conflicting parties, is most well known as veteran of genocide against civilians.

    Recently we saw pictures of youths in Kenya carrying machetes (pangas) and it brought back memories of the pangas used in the Rwandan Genocide. We earlier wrote about a truck full of new pangas that was taken from Uganda to Rwanda just before the terrible genocide there.

    We have not got any news about what they discussed but when the most powerful and corrupt men get together to strike deals, the people of East Africa should get worried.

    Foul play is being suspected between Museveni and Kibaki.

  112. Anon @5:08PM, I will hold my breath in anticipation of the lawsuit you say is coming. Quite frankly, Kibaki has waaaaay bigger problems on his plate than what an international publication thinks about him. I see Moi trained you well. Anyone who doesn't agree with your idol is against you.....totally funny!

  113. who said Ruto was denied a Visa
    check this link and many other links on his campaign trails he was preaching for kenyans to work together after elections?? as usual Martha Karua-clones spreading propaganda?? on here

  114. wow!
    it's hard to believe there are people out here who support Kibaki and PNU!and then why blame Ruto is it bcuz he got most votes as an elected MP?The violence in Rift Valley began simultaneously we all know there was no plan.Riots turned to mob justice!ODM could not have paid all those individuals to instigate chaos.The best way the 'govt'could handle the situation knowing they had stolen was let people die ' as collateral' then reappear.
    We need to feel as Kenyans again right now we are not.
    When PNU and supporters speak, our roots in ODM-hope for the poor and a better future only grow deeper.

  115. martha aka njamba: You have been banned from commenting . Shut up blonde . You can't even spell

  116. Some of the individuals posting replies here need to take a hard look at themselves. They sound so illiterate ,their grammar and spelling is appalling and to top it off have nothing of value to add.
    I wonder what the demographic here is.
    Rule of thumb. If you are nor familiar with basic English or Swahili ..STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN !


    Being led by a lame thief and his goons the fools like Karua n Michuki n this nonsensical kao, mutua who is drunk wit power.....and a sick woman as the first lady...tell me what do u expect of kenya. The best thing to do is try and get this silly bunch of arseholes and dicks outta statehouse....lets get them out...whoever does not agree with me falls in one of these categories...


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