Wednesday, February 06, 2008

'Cut' And Skirts For All Kikuyu Women!!

A short open letter to Martha Karua.

Seriously Martha, where's the outrage. I seriously admire your courage in everything political. Yours is a beacon of hope to millions of women. While I understand you are currently embroiled in very serious talks, I would like to request that you use a bit of your clout to silence the uncouth male youths in Naivasha, Limuru and elsewhere. As you may have read in the newspapers, women are under siege from a notorious band of Mungiki folk. With all due respect to you, I will not divulge the 'adults only' details of the torment unleashed on women by these idiots, however, I will tell you that it is not a beautiful sight to witness; no matter how you look at it.

FIDA chairperson, Violet Awori has termed the unlawful acts as barbaric and of no place in modern society. The Limuru area Maendeleo Ya Wanawake chairperson, Ms Annsusah Wanjiku has also urged women to discard the habit of dressing indecently in public places. She has asked that they dress decently. As you know, none of these women leaders have the true wit and zeal to address this evil practice with the seriousness it deserves. In Kenya today, you are the only 'iron lady' who can change the thinking of these Mungiki folk in short order. You see, we have seen newspaper photos of you in tight pant suits. Many women would like to continue wearing such attire without fear or ridicule. As you well know, when it's cold and windy, the skirt just doesn’t cut it. Further, women feel more protected in trousers (if you know what I mean) especially when strolling in a town infested with idle snuff snorting citizens of the Satan's Abyss; who do not want Kikuyu women to enjoy the worlds favorite pastime.

You see, due to the great growth of the economy that did not really trickle down to the poor, the women in Limuru like elsewhere in Kenya, do not have the means to entertain lavish oversees trips, movies, bubble baths, chaffered limousines and the like; for entertainment they dwell on the acrobatics of the waist. Sasa wakiwa'cut', watajienjoy aje? In this age of bad diseases, you must also not ignore the serious health issues associated with the practices of jobless street surgeons. Think for one minute about the traumatizing experience this act must be to the affected women of Limuru. The anguish cannot be wished onto the devil himself.

I have also heard that this is happening in the full glare of the police. Please Martha, make some phone urgent calls. While I wholeheartedly encourage the women who demonstrated in Limuru town today, I wonder where their fellow non-Mungiki men were? Were they hiding in fear? I believe these are some of the evils that when perpetrated against the woman, the man cannot remain complacent….or impotent for that matter.

We fear that if these acts are not stopped in Limuru, they may spread like wildfire throughout the nation. Please dear madam Hon. Martha Wangari Karua, E.G.H., MP - Minister, come to the rescue of women.

In all sincerity,

Andy Capp


  1. Kalamari why are you being CHEEKY? Wangari Maritha is such a polished ex-magistrate so why would you reduce her to such low duties? She has more urgent matters like monitoring bugs and twisting lips to do. And the little time to cross over and collect SOME IMPORTANT docs from Fr. Dominic. Leave the iron lady alone kumbafu wewe, mavi ya kuku.

  2. Guys, I don't actually this is a joke. Can you imagine how windy and dusty Naivasha is and then my fellow sisters are forced to ware dresses? Ati when i decide to go camping hukos crayfish i have to go with a skirt ... what about when i go to hell's gate, ati i go with a skirt? ... and when am feeling like mountain climbing at Longonot, ati i go with a skirt? So the next time i will be going to Limuru, ati i go with a skirt?
    Seriously Hon Martha Karua, do somethings.
    There are some matha @#$%^&*! there who are taking people back to the days of stone age ... and if we ignore this now, soon the sickness will be all over the nation.

  3. Taabu, I'm afraid there's no choice better than Martha. If Kibaki himself cannot mention Mungiki by name, si lazima tu jaribu the women. This is a classic case of the chicken coming home to roost. You must remember that during the heydays of Mungiki, most Kikuyu folk did nothing to discourage their youth from joining the sect. In fact, many admired the call to return to Kikuyu traditions. Roots, they called it. The snuffing of tobacco may have been exciting lakini hi mambo ya FGM is bad news.
    What I want to see is the Kikuyu men challenge Mungiki…as opposed to their leader, Uhuru, pretending to talk sense to them.

    At the end of the day, we all suffer as a nation. I say this because, all the other tribal militia were formed in response to Mungiki. I mean how else can you protect yourselves from a gang that skins the heads of little boys in Kibera? Because, Kibaki allowed these chaps to roam free, hata watu wa RV just had to form a posse. Groups like kina Taliban are essentially ghetto watchmen. I do not condone violence against Kikuyu, Luo, Kalenjin etc, what I want to highlight is where the system broke and how to fix it. There's no reason why Waruinge receives funding from PNU. I mean, I believe in redemption but let's face it, even the devil has more chances to make it to heaven.

    In my estimation, when the presidents political outfit consorts with a Mungiki leader, only violence can ensue.

    Every action has a reaction.


  4. Why should Karua care? Once cut, you are cut. Sex doesnt mean anything. Money matters. In Central Province people dont care about the poor, women and the disadvantaged. Mungiki is a friend indeed. Everybody minds his business. Kazi iendelee.

    PNU activist

  5. I suggest that Mungiki should cut Karua and Lucy to see what "action and reaction" means to the PNU campers.

  6. Sayra
    rest assured that craziness won't spread all over the country, it is only for the mount Kenya republic. Personally, cutting a woman is just too barbaric.
    But, I have not heard any of the PNU bandits mouth a complaint! So I guess it is up to us to complain on behalf of our sisters. Halafu, how long is the skirt supposed to be. The akorino type? Folks, legs need some sunshine too! if not trousers then mini skirts for all.

  7. Hello wa mungiki! Keep up the job son. Just don’t kill. We need those Kikuyu girls to like our luo, luyha and kale brothers. Mr. Raila and ODM needs more kikuyu women. Scatter them so they can join ODM. Let them know that a skirt is for women and a trouser is for men. Just that we allowed them to put on a trouser doesn’t mean that they should wear tight and transparent trousers making men wet their pants all day long. Let them know why we men are still dressing decently. Let them know why we are not putting on skirts, why we are still keeping those respectable roots. If they can’t dress decently, do your work. If it means a jeans, let it be a decent jeans; not a tight one projecting all the goods that spoils the eyes and minds of even scariots like kalonzo and uhuru. Let them know mungiki but again, don’t kill.

  8. Mungiki has been allowed to flourish by years of poor governance.

    Kenyans deserve better. We have lived under 3 dictatorships but we know this is not the way life ought to be.

  9. Hey folks, US has banned 10 MPs from traveling there. Now you know it alls, tell me who they are. They are from both sides of the hate divide.

  10. If these Mungiki crooks feel they have such a burning desire to go on a 'cutting' spree, I suggest they go to luo nyanza. hundreds of thousands of men there need their services. Leave women alone and go cut those luo men who shiver at the sight of a sharp knife.

    You have a duty to cut, and i understand that well, but please cut those who have unjustifiably evaded the knife. Women were never supposed to be cut!

  11. Kenyanson
    what will Luo/Luhya/Kale do with mutilated Kikuyu women. Are you trying to insult other Kenyans.

  12. Anon 9.08
    I suppose Mungiki should go to Nyanza if they are man enough. It could be the last time they see their mothers. are they also checking whether their own mothers and sisters are cut and ensuring compliance?

    At the end of the day, Kikuyus will pay the price for using Mungiki gang to spread mayhem. Enforcing FGM and skirts is just a tip of the ice bag. Mungiki will grow into a monster consuming people from central. Next stop extortion of money from, yes you guessed right, the Kikuyu of course. The next beheadings and mutilations will be of Kikuyus standing in thier way.

  13. This is no laughing matter, but it's rumoured that if you are daring enough to wear a trouser in Naivasha and Limuru you have to walk around with a new razor blade in your hand bag so that incase Mungiki accost you , you ask them to use yr own razor..........

    The anon who claims Mungiki should go to Nyanza bcoz these Men have escaped the knife belongs to the group of retards who think cutting their foreskin turn boys into men.
    The Kikuyu Women are turning to Luo men more and more bcoz they are real men, and cutting will never a change a cow into a dog or vice versa.

  14. I thought you are only 'cut' if you want. What is the difference between a 'cut' and 'uncut' man? Kikuyu women are running to the so calle 'uncut' men, Luos and Muzungus for marriage. Just take a look at church bulletins, its a shame. Who make the best professionals in this country? does the cut determine that? Who are arrested daily for robbing banks? is the cut a symbol of moral maturity? because our brothers from central have not proven this. Please please, cut your people all you want, men, women even your dogs and cats, cut them. But let those who do not want to cut to stay. And by the way, when you are done with cutting down there, I belive thats when you will cut the heads and limbs. But only do it in central. They are fine with it.

  15. very interesting jaluo arguments. i was only kidding, so you need to stop running. we are not going to cut you. we understand your fears.

  16. Anon 10.55 the biggest cowards the whole of Kenya has even witnessed are the Mungiki. They hide behind the skirts of policemen and also the cover of darkness to attack.They were even driven from Kibera by the ''boys''

    Though I disagree with some of the things the Kales did, my these pple are no joke.....


  18. i think martha karua has better things to do with her time and stopping mungiki is not in her agenda-and anon 3.18 martha and lucy dont care they are already cut you can tell by the way they behave!!!

  19. Kibaki, Michuki, Uhuru, Karua, Kirauti, Kiviuti, Saitoti are affected by the US ban.

  20. Kalamari may they cut only in Central Republic of Kenya and those who are casting doubt on the ability of luo men.....Relax i am a lady and i know what i am talking abt...You can only complain if you are gay

  21. Well said anon 3.11. Tell them.

  22. To ease the tension the country is going through, please try to make love to some one from a different tribe and name the child KIRAKA.
    i.e.. Kibaki, Raila and Kalonzo

  23. nice one Wanjiku- Mombasa..ati still aching

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Wanjiku.... Let's you and I start!!!! Nice one

  26. you people! why do you want to scar children for life?

  27. Hey, did you see Karua's cute picture here

  28. Martha seems to have spent a lot of time on her knees.... I wonder if Kifaki was the one on the back side... Then again, could it have been Ruci giving her whipping?

  29. Where did you see her legs?

  30. ORKOIYET, try this link.... not legs, but 'KNEES'

  31. Laibon this is cyberspace. Wanjiku could be a man.

  32. Exactly the point... it is cyberspace... I could be either... Let's smile and chuckle a little. After all, we have no where else to go but 'KENYA'. The thing is, we can always rebuild minus the thieves.

  33. if martha knows you are looking at that picture and advocating for people to see it you will be declared persona non grata immediately!! that cameraman was just mean!! i can see her pararad thighs!! it may be explained by the fact that she is taking breakfast (read uji) in a public meeting, she must not have had time to oil herself well.

  34. Goodness, where was Martha taught etiquette? When i was growing up i was taught that there ways that a young girl could sit nicely and descently...Eg if your skirt is fish like, lik ethe one for Martha karua you gather it and pushed it behind so that the spaces can't be seen, or if you completely don't know how to sit, dont sit infront...Sit behind where people can't see you....Gosh Martha that is a disgrace....Where is FIDA to condone that kind of behavior.

  35. Since 1975 during Mzee Jomo Kenyatta`s one man regime when Mr. james Orengo used to be in University, his life used to be in danger. When The tyrant Moi took over for 24 years of dictatorship and running the country to the ground economically, Mr. james Orengoo`s life used to be in danger and now during ODM and the elections thief rule General Kiguoya`s regime Emilio Kibaki Mr.james Orengo`s life is in danger. Can`t someone dpo something. Orengo a scare crow who survives on the public mercy and he is a propagada man. How comes he does not leave the country like his brother Githongo for his safety and seek assylum in UK or other western countries?

    He should stop fooling Kenyans about being in danger and do something about it or someone will do something about it.Who is fooling who? kenyans now have matured and can not be fooled easily. All he wants is to be pocketing $13,000 dollars plus allowances as an MP per month for payukaring and doing nothing from Tax payers money.


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