Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Kofi Annan Bugged Kenya Style

Bugging Kofi Annan’s hotel room is the height of both political naivety. Vices come in doubles and are infectious too. After STEALING ELECTIONS Kibaki’s itchy fingers have acquired a higher affinity to shamelessness. Welcome to leadership in Kenya by DECEPTION EXTRAORDINAIRE.

You can fool a nation sometimes but not the world all the time. Now the bubble filled with DECEPTION is finally busted in the world stage. Extrapolating the amateurish and incompetent rigging antics to Annan was to engage in destructive ego trips. Kofi

Anan is no Raila. Come on your serial thieves, you have to know the calibre of the person you are dealing with before you employ your misguided sense of deceptive industry. Siku za mwizi kweli ni arobaini. Annan is not naïve to the magnitude of pettiness practiced by the like of dinosaurs like Kibaki. His staff and security are not polished Mungiki paid in dollars.

What a national shame to replicate Lucy-like denials. Police spokesman Eric Kiraithe’s denial sounded so familiar and rehearshed just like the clone called Alfred Mutua. It cannot get any worse with these imbeciles embarrassing themselves and Kenya on the global map.

Guity and afraid
The guilty are eternally afraid of the truth otherwise why the uneasiness with Annan? Maybe the good Ghanaian refused to be bought and threatened to be disrobed of the the Kenyan medal Kibaki gave him last year before retiring from UN. You cannot rule out anything in Kenya however ridiculous – everybody here has a price, you know.

This obtuse goof may be a blessing in disguise. At least Kenyans will vindicated in their cry for justice and fairness after the thieves overstepped their target territories. Expect Kibaki’s apologists to shamelessly and promptly deflect the flack hoping that the nasty smelly fart will vanish. Intoxicating power blinds you from warning signs. They continue digging the deep pit to hell.

With this type and amount of bad faith polluting the mediation, the outcome of the process is so predictable that it is not worth name it was given. Kibaki and his cronies are one bunch of fraudsters that will stop at nothing to keep power. But not for long and not forever. NEVER, not in this time and age.


  1. Kibaki government is also controlling all the cell phone providers in Kenya all MP's cell phones are bugged even their own PNU MP-just to keep control over them- "insider" but MP's have been very smart- they keep using different phones from people around them - in fact anytime you call a previous number you find it doesn't work anymore=(the game of cat and mouse) as for Gideon Moi- if I were him - I disappear underground- the word out is that he sold PNU and you can guess who those smart gentlemen looking for him at his house were (remember the style of the Atur brothers) I here Uganda Elite force(Museveni's) are doing the assassination jobs- The plan is to blame ODM for anything that happens to Gideon- so as to start divide and rule in the Rift Valley(nandi's vs Tugens e.t.c) So Kenyans watch out for the next staged show. I was not surprised on Kofi Annan's bugged hotel suite! Kibaki and Martha are truly becoming more innovative!!
    What is next for KENYA??

  2. 'bugged hotel room" are we in the spy movies or what? The USA and BRITIAN must have been shocked or should I say dismayed- Emilio Kibaki spying on their chosen guy? Kofi Annan! what a blast they must be scratching their heads wondering what else did the Kibaki Government tape?? maybe all the conversations played with all the world leaders that had a chat with Kibaki- can you imagine maybe some of them were praising him on phone and supporting him behind the scenes and now they are on tape- to be released by the kibaki cronies some time down the road when "shit hits the fan" I bet that is why Kibaki and his cronies are very arrogant because they have a hold over the world leaders- ha!!ha!! from George W.Bush to condoles Rice, followed by PM Brown, e.t. c alls recorded I hear- so they must be very worried if any of them encouraged Kibaki to be a hardliner no matter all the bloodshed in Kenya and ati to wait Kenyan’s will get tired of being killed and it will pass!! I guess some of them were wrong!! Imagine Kibaki in State house now deciding!!Oh well ,I got away with taping all the other calls now Kofi Annan’s turn......All this is insane- God save Kenya

  3. As usual Mr.Denial Kiraithe doing what he know best, lie, lie and lie. Come the day when the trugh will come out of his mouth, no one will believe him.

  4. Kiraithe, the truth shall set you free. You are such a dumb lier, do you by any chance have kids? You are such a bad influence to those poor kids. I hope you visit Cardinal Njue alot for Kitubio sessions.

  5. Kiraithe, the truth shall set you free. You are such a dumb lier, do you by any chance have kids? You are such a bad influence to those poor kids. I hope you visit Cardinal Njue alot for Kitubio sessions.

  6. Kiraithe, the truth shall set you free. You are such a dumb lier, do you by any chance have kids? You are such a bad influence to those poor kids. I hope you visit Cardinal Njue alot for Kitubio sessions.

  7. Not very strange folks. I guess Kibaki and the lot around him took lessong from one JG aleit for both the wrong reasons and on the wrong person. They must be such poor students even what Toro could do so flawlessly they bangled it up and now see the mayhem. Poor unpolished thieves!

  8. HEY PEOPLE- there is no way kibaki and cronies just woke up and decided mmm!let's tape Kofi Annan's hotel room!!Without having tried it first elsewhere and got good information!! To protect him in future!!I bet you anyone Kibaki received at State house or talked to by phone all that was taped- do you really think kibaki is a fool not to protect himself on claims or be mis- quoted??? no!!no!!no!! he had everyone and everybody that has talked to him after Dec 27th 2007 taped or bugged- mark my words- watch and wait.......

  9. How come the UN is denying the bugging claims. Its so ridiculous that Kenyans believe every carp they read on foreign media....cant we sometimes wait for word from the horses mouth...let Annan himself say that his room was bugged not some South African gutter press.

  10. " Lisemwalo lipo na kama halipo, laja!" Only in Kenya do rumors turn to be true.

  11. Why are you on the defence here?? when there was claim that Lucy slapped G.imanyara? Weren’t you the same people claiming it was just a rumour! that it never happened?? then like magic the guy himself is on the way to Sue Madam Lucy(and by the way how many people has she slapped in front of the press but yet she has denied) I'm sure you will also help her deny that she slapped anyone even the journalist! get real!!This isn’t a movie clip -
    Get it right again Kofi's room was bugged by government! I believe this is being dealt with through diplomatic corridors-Kofi does not want to derail the talks- though the government by bugging his room was hoping for just that effect- to get Kofi Annan angry so that he can leave Kenya- so that they can continue killing innocent Kenyans and anyone else that says they rigged- Tough Luck Kofi Saw through their ploy and he is staying put!!! What more can you add!!
    Where there is smoke there is fire- take a good Luck at madam Lucy and Imanyara- Kenya media is censored- what little that they get to Kenyans is so watered, we all depend on foreign press to get the truth out of Kenya- Forget the Government Nation Newspaper- I hope nobody ever reads it again after KENYA gets back to normal!!

  12. Odm should just count their losses for the sake of peace , after all the whole world with exception of a few know that they won , 2012 sio mbali and this time we will make sure everyone with a card votes , that is the most practical anti rigging mechanism.

  13. Our government tapping on a foreign dignitary here to mediate a peace process...

    Now is there anybody out there who is still finding it difficult to say that we are being governed by a DICATORSHIP?

  14. Hey! stop the chorus for once guys. Let me pose a humble question; why is everyone here concluding that only Kibaki had the means to bug Anann's room? And why, after Annan had rebuked Anyang' Nyong'o for saying that ODM will call for mass action regarding the Igadd meeting, has ONLY the device been FOUND? Hehehe that's pulling a fast one!

  15. Like someone above said, only in Kenya do rumors turn out to be true. Watch this space.,2933,329071,00.html

  16. petition against ruto now stands at over 100,000. reference:

  17. Guys.Kibaki has been a student of two regimes that has gotten Kenya to where we are.In these two regimes,rigging,assasinations,lack of respect for human rights,favoritism etc have been practised by the state.So,bugging of Annans room is but one of the options he is now using to be on top of the game.Am not suprised by this allegation

  18. The bugger is used to impunity!
    As for anon 7.17, thank you for your obssession with Samoei Ruto you see this is future leader of this xtry na mta do?
    FYI the guy has nothing to do with the RV clashes you are just grasping at straws.

  19. what are the names of the 10 wo were banned from US?

  20. what are the names of the 10 wo were banned from US?

  21. Uhuru, Wetangula, michuki, kimunya, saitoti jimna mbaru. the list is not complete.

  22. Uhuru, Wetangula top US visa ban list
    The US and Canada have made good their threat to ban warlords from taking their warmongering to America. In an embarrassing turn of events, it can now be revealed that Moses Wetangula was to have accompanied Kalonzo to the Us on a PR blitz. His visa application was turned down. In a face saving effort, a meeting was arranged (at the invitation of Kibaki) to have foreign ministers in Nairobi for a meeting to asses the Kenyan situation against the backdrop of post poll theft violence. To complicate matters for the badits at SH, it can now be confirmed just like we broke the news yesterday that top on the list of those to be denied visas include Michuki, Kimunya and Saitoti. Uhuru and a number of senior business executives including Jimnah Mbaru and the people associated with Kibakis PNU campaign and who are involved in business are also banned from US soil. Also included in the role of banned people are their family members who are already in the US. Wetangula recently stepped on the toes of the UK by summoning the High Commissioner to protest about their former colonial master's reluctance to legalise Kibaki's theft of the Presidency.

    This is a reversal of the coup that Kibaki had waged in diplomatic circles in Addis. This comes as music to the ears of many reform campaigners. While this is happening, the sticking points in the ODM-PNU arguments were leading to a drawn out hardline stances with the PNU group insisting on legal technicalities. Annan is said to be realising the weight of the PNU thugs and this was worsened yesterday when his room was reported bugged. PNU has been keeping taps on Annan's private and public engagements. PNU cannot stop at stealing votes.

    Wetangula's visa slap is a diplomatic waterloo for Kenya's top diplomat. By virtue of being the man in charge of marketing Kibaki, Wetangula was to have attended the Washington meeting with the people who fund Kenya. Kibaki's camp must be turning green with envy because the fearless human rights campaigner and head of the state funded Kenya National Commission Human Rights , Maina Kiai is basking in international limelight including being given a slot at a Senate hearing in Washington. At the Senate hearing earlier today, Kiai asked the world to freeze direct aid to Kibaki and instead fund NGOs.

  23. Uhuru, Wetangula top US visa ban list
    The US and Canada have made good their threat to ban warlords from taking their warmongering to America. In an embarrassing turn of events, it can now be revealed that Moses Wetangula was to have accompanied Kalonzo to the Us on a PR blitz. His visa application was turned down. In a face saving effort, a meeting was arranged (at the invitation of Kibaki) to have foreign ministers in Nairobi for a meeting to asses the Kenyan situation against the backdrop of post poll theft violence. To complicate matters for the badits at SH, it can now be confirmed just like we broke the news yesterday that top on the list of those to be denied visas include Michuki, Kimunya and Saitoti. Uhuru and a number of senior business executives including Jimnah Mbaru and the people associated with Kibakis PNU campaign and who are involved in business are also banned from US soil. Also included in the role of banned people are their family members who are already in the US. Wetangula recently stepped on the toes of the UK by summoning the High Commissioner to protest about their former colonial master's reluctance to legalise Kibaki's theft of the Presidency.

    This is a reversal of the coup that Kibaki had waged in diplomatic circles in Addis. This comes as music to the ears of many reform campaigners. While this is happening, the sticking points in the ODM-PNU arguments were leading to a drawn out hardline stances with the PNU group insisting on legal technicalities. Annan is said to be realising the weight of the PNU thugs and this was worsened yesterday when his room was reported bugged. PNU has been keeping taps on Annan's private and public engagements. PNU cannot stop at stealing votes.

    Wetangula's visa slap is a diplomatic waterloo for Kenya's top diplomat. By virtue of being the man in charge of marketing Kibaki, Wetangula was to have attended the Washington meeting with the people who fund Kenya. Kibaki's camp must be turning green with envy because the fearless human rights campaigner and head of the state funded Kenya National Commission Human Rights , Maina Kiai is basking in international limelight including being given a slot at a Senate hearing in Washington. At the Senate hearing earlier today, Kiai asked the world to freeze direct aid to Kibaki and instead fund NGOs.

  24. ..well done by USA but this can only be the FIRST step...many others have to follow

  25. Kalonzo snabbed by Foreign British Minister

    In the never ending embarrassments to bedevil Kibaki, Kalonzo Musyoka was snubbed by the foreign affairs minister of GB and could only meet with a junior departmental head with whom they had met in Nairobi a week earlier. Diplomatic protocol is full of symbolism. As Kenya's deputy to the thief-in-chief, Kalonzo should have been received at the airport by the chief of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Foreign Secretary Hon. David Miliband. To those of us who are not familiar with the ranking, Lord Malloch-Brown is in charge of the Africa desk which is equivalent to a desk in Kenya's foreign affairs ministry. Besides, Malloch-Brown was in Nairobi earlier, during which time he must have had discussions with Kalonzo. Usually a snab by senior diplomatic reps is a stinging indictment on the visitor's reputation. Wetangula was a desk diplomat in charge of Africa while serving under Raphael Tuju.

    Meanwhile, it can now be confirmed that Anna's room was indeed bugged but the UN and Nairobi have decided to issue a dunno riposte to save the talks after the pnu hardliners agreed to trade the gaffe for a concession. Details will be availed at close of business today but our readers are advised to note the soft stance adopted by PNU in today's negotiations.

    Kenya's reputation has sunk further in the human rights ladder after influential scribe Paul Ilado sought refuge in a foreign country to flee pests who were baying for his blood. Meanwhile senior editors including Nation Media Group managing editor Joseph Odindo, Robert Nagila, Macharia Gaitho and Muchemi Wachira have received threats to their lives and property. Linus Kaikai and Kipkoech Tanui of Standard group have also been targeted in PNUs never-ending war to tame the voices of reason. The agenda is now being pursued to browbeat the journalists to promote the PNU agenda and buy into KBCs discredited journalist slight. One real sponsor of this is the Gema Renaissance, a thinly-veiled public, political and fundraising wing of mungiki.

  26. Githongo taught them to bug everything so am not surprised.


    Annan: UN denies room bugging claims

    Story by NATION Reporter
    Publication Date: 2/7/2008
    The United Nations has denied reports that a hotel room belonging to its former chief, Mr Kofi Annan, in Nairobi had been bugged.

    An official at the UN said the reports appearing in a South African media outlet were false.

    The official said there was a mechanism which was being used on a daily basis to detect whether the room was bugged or not.

    Efforts to get comments from Mr Annan himself were futile as he was held up in mediation talks between PNU and ODM for the better part of Wednesday. His usual press briefings after the talks did not take place.

    South Africa’s Independent Newspapers had reported Wednesday that Kenyan peace talks were in tatters after it was discovered that Mr Annan’s hotel room had been bugged.

    The paper said it had learnt from “multiple, reliable and impartial sources” — both in Kenya and abroad — that the former UN secretary-general’s business and personal conversations were being intercepted after a thorough search was carried out on his Serena Hotel room on Tuesday evening.

    “Kofi’s security aides found the device yesterday,” one source explained.

    Mr Annan is said to be “livid”, but it is not yet known how he will react to the Tuesday night revelations.

  28. When President Jomo Kenyatta rejected Museveni in 1976

    In senior security circles, it is highly thought by some close associates of Museveni that he may have had a hand in the assassination of Bruce Mckenzie as a revenge for his comments by feeding Amin's intelligence with false stories about Mckenzie which sometime he perfected during Amin's days and continued to use against his friends and prominent people during the days of UNLA.

    Some of Mckenzie's boys got to know and planned to hit back if ever Museveni set foot in Kenya. A chance came when one of his boys called Robert Shaw cornered Museveni in a Nairobi restaurant but by the grace of God, Museveni escaped never to set foot in Nairobi again.

    Museveni never forgave Kenyatta for that humiliation. So young Uhuru, you now know why Museveni has always been cold towards your gestures.

    Well Amana may confirm or deny this story if he ever reads Radio Katwe which all senior Army Officers do anyway. People like Major General Kahinda Otafire, Jim Muhwezi, the late Akanga Byaruhanga, Henry Tumukunde, David Tinyefuza have all heard this story before since it is not new.

    Capt Vincent

  29. Ugandan security forces were in Kenya after the rigged election
    Last updated : 15 Jan 2008, Kampala
    We are able to confirm to you after checking the facts on the ground in Kisumu that Museveni and President Kibaki were in cahoots in the chaos that engulfed our neighbours after the rigged Kenyan election. We cannot yet tell when or from which source in Kenya the initiative originated, but somehow Museveni summoned General David Tinyefuza his intelligence supremo and gave him the task of planning the mission.

    Tinyefuza assembled some spies of the ESO and ISO and they moved in. Military Police were also involved and when they reached the border crossing at Busia, they removed their red toupees and donned the uniform of Kenya's GSU security force.

    The Kenya High Commission in Nakasero a suburb of Kampala, coordinated the part of giving diplomatic cover to the Ugandan hooligans. Tinyefuza set up a command and control centre at Tororo and there was also a post at Busia. The official cover was to monitor the security situation.

    We shall be giving you more details when our sources who also went into Kenya under secret cover to investigate Museveni's bloody hand in the Kenya election, have put together their reports.

    It was a real risk. One of our informers almost got caught but God was on his side and our last contact with him says he is okay. Lets give him some time to write a report of what he saw there, then we shall put it on Radio Katwe.

    There are senior politicians in Kenya who have vowed to punish Museveni for what he did. We hope they will see the difference between ordinary Ugandans and the evil mafia government of M7

  30. Museveni's track record of betraying African leaders
    Last updated : 28 Jan 2008, Kampala

    This man, had he not gone to school, he would be a simple chicken thief or if the Okellos had not been fools, he would be either in hell where he belongs since he is so evil, or a bandit robbing andshooting people on high ways.

    I am writing in response to a one Tamale Mirundi, M7's press secretary. This small chap is disgusting to say the least and a fine specimen of typical poor up bringing like M7 his boss. No wonder he has fallen into bed to betray his fellow Ugandans.

    Museveni has never and will never be a revolutionary (for what its worth). This man is just a simple stooge of anyone who has power and money to buy him off. He has zero principles, the only things which guide him are greed, cunning and cowardice.

    Having worked with him closely for years, I can give a number of high profile Museveni betrayals as below:

    Fidel Castro Ruz: you all remember when NRM had just come to power in 1986, M7 supported the so called barter trade in time of need when our so called new friends the Americans wanted Museveni out of power.

    In 1987, the Americans went as far as sending a delegation headed by an assistant Secretary of State to tell Museveni to back off from Libya and Cuba.

    In the outside tent, you could see Museveni denying that he had any dealings with Libya till this African-American showed Museveni satellite evidence and warned Museveni in a diplomatic way that he risks losing the support of and being thrown out by Americans.

    This was the turning point and first betrayal of Castro and Gaddafi by the so-called revolutionaries in Kampala. His true colors came out in that meeting and we could not believe it. Museveni almost knelt down before this Afro- American man and begged him to spare him promising that in future he will be a servant to the Americans and do whatever they ask.

    Now, do not ask were the so-called friendship with America came from. This was in 1987, in an outside tent at Entebbe State House.

    A Uganda delegation visited Cuba in 1987, and Castro told a pan-African official and former rally driver Jimmy Dean (RIP) that he could see that Uganda was heading for big problems never seen before during Amin and Obote time.

    Castro said this was because he sensed Museveni was not a revolutionary as he pretends to be but a simple stooge capable of bring Uganda to its knees should he ever be allowed to rule for more than five years. He told Jimmy Dean, if he was wrong, he would ask to be forgiven later but he as Castro was so sure Museveni would betray Ugandans and end up just stealing the little they had and do what Americans wanted.

    Had Jimmy lived long enough, he would now be haunted since he dismissed what Castro was selling. M7 is a very good liar and had successfully deceived most Ugandans in those early days of NRM rule.

    Most African so-called "revolutionary leaders" who received help from Castro in their struggles for power have been visiting the sick leader now thought to be on his death bed, but Museveni is pretending not to be aware the Castro needs support at this time more than any other. You can see the evil in the man.

    General Sani Abacha: You all remember this General who locked up Abiola (RIP) and Olusegun Obasanjo for treason. The betrayal by Museveni this time was on Moshood Abiola, a supporter of the NRM/NRA during the bush war. Abiola gave NRA lots of money and connected NRM to many European and African friends.

    As always, our boss M7 promised him that as soon as he become President, he would pay back in terms of business investments in Uganda.

    When Abiola heard that Uganda had a potential for oil, he rung up his so called friend to remind him of a promise he made in 1984. He wanted shares in the oil and also some investment in the telecommunication sector.

    Museveni hates sharing anything. He was not willing to pay back his debt. He just flew to Nigeria and advised his fellow General to spare Obasanjo but do away with Abiola. You can see the evil in the man.

    Mobutu Sese Seko: This Mobuto you see helped Museveni so much to the extent of issuing him a passport. Yes Museveni had a diplomatic passport issued to him by Mobutu. Difficult to believe but it is true. These two were good friends and for all we care, Museveni still sends our tax money to the Mobutu family.

    Laurent-Desire Kabila: you know the story of the man and how he was killed by his mentor. The son, Joseph fears Museveni so much that he can never set foot in Uganda where he grew up. The distrust is so deep that any serious meeting between Uganda and DRC always takes place in a third country. Joseph Kabila knows how treacherous Museveni is.

    Paul Kagame: you know the fights between these two, both are evil men but at least one has some principles and the other is just a stooge.

    Samuel Daniel Nujoma: Museveni loves pomp and used to hop around with Nujoma a true African revolutionary before 1990.

    You remember, once Museveni offered Nujoma a free ride in his Presidential Jet from Addis Ababa to Uganda showing off how he was a good friend to Nujoma and the people of Namibia.

    But he betrayed Nujoma when he became President and wanted to bring the COMESA meeting to his capital city Windhoek. All fellow COMESA Presidents were in favour of the meeting being held in Namibia but Museveni who was then chairman wanted it in Eritrea. The two have never met again and we all know what happened to COMESA.

    Melchior Ndadaye became Burundi's first Hutu President, but a few months later he was assassinated 1993 by a group of Tutsi army officers. The killers of Ndadeya are still living off your tax money given by the state of Uganda. In fact after they fled Burundi they were staying at Sheraton Hotel Kampala at your expense.

    Juvenal Habyarimana: This man though evil himself helped Museveni so much during his war with Obote. Museveni had or still has a diplomatic passport first issued to him by Habyarimana and may have been renewed but recalled later on by Paul Kagame. He betrayed his fellow thug.

    John Garang de Mabior: May God rest his soul in peace. We are not saying he was a good man, that is for our brothers in Sudan to judge. But he came to see his what he thought was a fellow revolutionary, and ended up in hell.

    Questions should be asked: where did Museveni get a 'new' Presidential helicopter within a week, which he now uses without the public getting to know that so much money has been lost within a week?

    What I am bring to your attention is that Garang did not die in the Presidential helicopter. Ugandans should not be fooled that Museveni who fears to be betrayed and killed so much that he carries his own tea around, would use a UPDF helicopter knowing that his people do not have enough funds to maintain them.

    He just painted the Presidential helicopter in army colors.

    Jonas Malheiro Savimbi: You may find it hard to believe that with black diamonds, Savimbi bought the heart of the Ugandan "revolutionary" and betrayed the people of Angola. Savimbi was a frequent visitor of Museveni staying either at Entebbe or his farm in Mbarara. He used to bring a small bag of diamonds on each visit. These are your "revolutionaries". Shameful but true.

    The old airport was his entry point and he would take a chopper to one of the safe houses or farm.

    Isaias Afewerki: Was betrayed by Museveni the stooge after instructions given by the Americans

    Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi: was betrayed recently at the African Union meeting in Ghana. Thanks to M7 again acting as an American stooge. Things are agreed on in private but when it comes to the open meeing the man sells you without any warning! The good or is it bad Colonel must be regretting his words "revolutionarist do not retire".

    If he was also a little wiser, the Colonel would know he is dealing with a simple "chicken thief", to borrow his(M7s) own words. Anyway, M7 will sooner than later learn that you do not betray that Colonel and get away with it. It is now just a matter of time before you see Gaddafi sponsoring another rebel group. For sure with the sputtering CPA-GOSS in Sudan, he must have started to smile.

    Fellow Ugandans, as you spend time debating whether Museveni is a revolutionary or not, those are some of the facts. These are foreign interests but I can make an even longer list of incidents of high betrayal of "fellow Ugandans".

    He says he is not a "chicken thief", but just ask the former and present commissioners of URA, Bank Governers, Army Chiefs and you will hear stories of raw theft.

  31. I thought Kofi rubbished these reports coming in the wake of the rejection of Ramaphosa as a mediator in the Kenyan peace talks...Is it a case of South Africa feeling hurt by our actions?

    Another thing, why the hell should a paper in S.A, have such a story that even our own established local dailies cannot sniff?


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