Thursday, February 07, 2008

Kibaki Under Intense Global Heat

A time comes when you muat take responsibility for soiling your pants (nay name). Kibaki's time is now and here. Kibaki’s insensitivity to weighty issues is under ultimate test as the international community's spotlight is singularly directed at him. The world has grown more assertive in demanding an end to Kenya’s crisis as induced by Kibaki's belligerence.

The enormous price of STEALING ELECTIONS is being calibrated. But not just yet. The global community may not be aware of the bunch of scoundrels they are dealing with. No amount of fiddling will wash. Kibaki's time of reckoning is nigh. He must carry his heavy and ugly cross.

Bad intentions always walk ahead of us. Packing a negotiating teem with 75% lawyers is to engage in semantics and generate all heat with no light. These are people who thrive as legal scoundrels, erecting side shows with no main act. Smarter lawyers are often those who spin better gimmicks. Their domain is to mouth red herrings which is a sure recipe to failure in resolving any dispute.

PNU negotiators (I wonder what Mutula represents) have their hands tightly tied behind their backs. These cahps negotiate while heavily beholden to a prescribed roadmap. It was no surprise to see them shamelessly (partially) walk out of Annan-led negotiations in the name of consulting higher earthly beings. The unpleasant truth is they cannot fathom sharing leave alone sharing the fraudulent trophy.

Even wild cats only have nine lives. Kibaki will (and must) face the true cost of DECEPTION. You don’t negotiate with folded arms. You must be ready to give as much as you take. Granted, the global community are not bereft of serving sectarian interests. However, WHOLE world cannot be wrong and only you claim to be right. Kibaki must be made to understand (in OLD AGE) that THEFT is a crime anywhere and doesn't pay.

The heat is intense and Kibaki MUST be forced to give in and hand back our country. We owe it to ourselves and future generations. His apologists can rant and rave all the much they care. Unfortunately they will have to migrate to another planet if they intent to succeed. Kenya for all Kenyans. Not an exclusive supplier of backs to be ridden by supremacists.


  1. In the Friday Edition of the Standard says that "ODM may back down."
    Does that interpret to." We give Up"…...."We have no proof kibaki rigged" ..kazi iendele???
    If for sure they believe they were robbed, there is no need to back out now at the last minute is there?

  2. anon @1:47
    When ODM softens its stand, it is because kenyan demanded it. One time, Kikuyustan hordes cry saying Raila is not softening hi position, when he does, the same hoardes try to imagine they pushed for it. Typical of hyenas. Greedy, noisy makers but cowards.

  3. Simon seis,

    Fack them, fack kibaki, fack raila - for wanting to give up. We kenyans will not allow this thievery to still our hard fought democracy while kibaki plays golf during the original saba saba.

  4. Also fack you anti-theft

  5. We have reached a stage where we dont want peace with nothing to show for it.

    Too much blood has been spilt for it to amount to nothing.

  6. anon@1:47

    The same Standard has a warning to Kibaki that he will barred from UK if he engages in jokes as the whole world knows that he has rigged. I dare you to imagine Annan failing and you will see what it means.

    While Nation quotes CRYING Mutula Kilonzo (who is he anyway) and Martha Karua wa Mugunda: "Ms Karua urged UK and Canada to act within the Paris principles on diplomatic relations. “We are telling those countries that whereas you reserve the right to deny us visas, you cannot lord it over us,” she said.

    Mr Kilonzo said that the travel bans were intimidating members of the committee. He claimed ODM was working with some foreign countries to frustrate government activities through the ban."

  7. anon@1:47

    How will ODM imagine or any sane Kenyan imagine that Kibaki won while 20 parties couldn't even secure a SINGLE councillor in Kenya's second largest city: Mombasa, while ODM got 30 out of 32 which equals to 94%?

  8. ODM supporters should stop making noise. ODM will exercise executive power in the name of PM while Kibaki will be playing gold during the day and at night he will be thrashed by Lucy the lunatic. Make no mistake about it.

  9. Chris, I don't know why you allow Marianne Briner to pose at this site posting under anon, and all the other funny blogger names...I counted and she posted almost 89 times in response to Phil's post. And she's the same one using profane language at this site as well. She can character assasinate all she wants. But please delete her profanity.

  10. Video showing that in deed karua was denied visa ,

  11. If Raila and his puppets knew they were robbed off victory, they should have gone the peaceful route from DAY ONE but they choose to incite violence .Now a month later after kisumu looks like it was swept over by a tornado and 1,000+ lives lost., it has finally hit home and they back out a little too late . They are a pathetic bunch to say the least.
    Moving on

  12. People, please read the article. Raila did not say that ODM is backing down and that they accept Kibaki as president. He clearly said they have backed down from the demand that Kibaki step down right now and they be sworn in. See, unlike the kleptomaniac and his psychotic pimp occupying SH, he actually is trying to find ways to reach viable solutions. What demand has PNU given up? They are jumping up and down screaming "go to Court" and "genocide" yet they have intergrated Mungiki into the police force.

    Martha Karua should've implemented the Paris principles of diplomacy when she "kategorikare" told Sir Richard Clay that he would face a visa ban to Kenya. She and her fellow kleptomaniacs cannot play the victim coz the blow torch is now turned in their direction!

  13. If Raila and his puppets knew they were robbed off victory, they should have gone the peaceful route from DAY ONE but they choose to incite violence .Now a month later after kisumu looks like it was swept over by a tornado and 1,000+ lives lost., it has finally hit home and they back out a little too late . They are a pathetic bunch to say the least.
    Moving on

    2:13 PM

    What hapenned to your mama? How did she concieve you?

    For every 10 councillors in kenya Kibaki has 1 and Raila has 9. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Wezi hawa. The irony of it all is that you are shameless. Then again you wouldn't under stand that this has nothing to do with raila but raia. Will kibaki take all this? He has 5 years to take all these.

    Lets see if he is man enough. An old man behaving like a vagabond. Shame on him.

    By the way, we know you guys dont fear death, but all those 1000+ dead people will haunt the sloth to his grave. He's got blood in his hands. His descendants must be very afraid.

    Maybe he is still answering the deaths of Horace Ongili, or the course of his Dad's death. The guy plans Moi's death then chickens out of the plane ati his dad has passed away. Call it rumours.

    Another rumour is that Imanyara was beaten by Rucy.

  14. Personally, I don't think it is in vain that ODM is softening its stand. I got to the same thought (to retreat in this battle but still fight on for the war) about 2 weeks ago. As much as I hate what Kibaki did, which in turn has made me hate him as a person and those around him, especially those who still continue to support him on ALL counts even on blogs like this, I believe democracy is a process. And right now, if we can get some minimum legal reforms entrenched into law (which it seems even PaNUa agrees to because they accepted ECK needs to be reconstituted) to prevent future stealing, I am OK with it. 5 years is not long (it only looks like eternity to Kibaki), and very soon, they will be back dishing out title deeds, offerring pay hikes for civil servants, letting back hawkers into the CBD and all other forms of bribery which people will accept, but they won't give their votes. I know about that time they will all get jittery knowing what they did, knowing they did not reduce the President's power and it will as inevitably as an electric train appear to that that they are going to lose that one and that very power they defended to the death is headed to their nemesis.

    You can kill the body, but the spirit lives on. Long live Kenya.

  15. Mutula Kilonzo - should stick to what he does best i.e. collect checks from Moi for legal fees and token land gifts to the tune of 2000 acres near Kabarak! Why is at this table? Didn't his party win a paltry 14 seats? He picked the wrong chattel to propel himself to political stardom.

    Now ODM is responsible for the bans? I guess they're also responsible for weather patterns and stuffed ballot boxes that only govt agents have full and unilateral custody and control over. These folks thought they could fool the whole world and get away with it. They shouldn't get too pissed. They can always visit Entebbe or Mogadishu for their annual vacations.

  16. i mean these pnu's this thing that ODM is causing the Visa bans honestly with such comments ....."I have not received any letter and even if I received it, I would write back 'Heaven is not in your country, it is right here in my country," by Martha Karua definately lack diplomatic tact and basic PR 101.
    I watched Karua on Hardtalk BBC afew week ago when she daid Edward Clay was persona no grata in kenya. Now the western nationsare loading it on them.

    From my understanding the situation is they don't sort out then the will come coz kenya is to strategic to them guys. And from what you ODm appears to have move leverage from the comments on ...MK's resignation and ODm be sworn in....

    Its funny PNU always appears to be goofing around. An i tell the international pressure is hot with indefinately postponement of the IGADD heads of state meeting in Nairobi.

  17. ODMers; Raila is not giving up, he is being a true statesman (that our dictator is not).

    He says "we will give as much as we will take." (Standard)

    He also added that they are very intrested is solving issues that have been swept under the carpet for decades.

    My fellow Kenyans: there are big issues at stake; LAND, CONSTITUTION AND MAJIMBOISM.

  18. I am happy ODM has made its flexibility known even to the European.

    Yes Anon @ 3.34; Raila is a true statesman.

    Now that the UN has read the negotiating team the riot act, and ODM has ceded ground, the pressure is on PNU to cede some ground too...

  19. I will not be satisfied with anything less than the 2002 Constitution.

  20. i think softening a stand is not equivalent to giving up!!

    we are involved in a mediation process where compromises must be made.

    it is unreasonable for any one purporting to be involved in mediation to come with a hard stance and expect to achieve anything out of it without having to do a little give-and-take.

    the first demand odm gave was that they won the elections and that it was imperative that kibaki steps down from the presidency, they have now softened this stand-that doesn't mean they recognise him now they are simply saying that the foremost agenda for them is no longer to have kibaki step down and have Raila sworn-so in the spirit of 'true'(an alien concept to pnu's i know!!) mediation pnu is now expected to compromise on its hardline stands-after all isn't that what the international community has asked of everyone here?- and they're pretty damn serious about it too coz they have done some serious 'threatening'.

    lets wait and see what pnu will 'give'.

  21. I am very sorry that Raila has decided to give up. Why should RAO our rightly erected president to give up? I am proud to come to the office as a foot soldier during our ODM revoultin. I am proud of my associatin, I am proud of what we have done, let us now to rebuilt kenya, together with Raila, he has shown he is the man of the states or statesmen.

  22. i have no words for karua..........'i will write back and tell them heaven is not in your country it is in my country'.................eeeeish!!

    i understand heaven is not found in any of the so called western countries but i wonder why doesn't she take her children to school in heavenly kenya?

  23. Marianne Briner, stop using my name, Hellen. If you have a bone to pick with Hellen, you know my inbox. Jealousy is killing you about our success. Keep fighting a losing battle! You white RACIST!

  24. Why is Karua sounding so bitter. Is she one of the 10 affected by the proposed visa ban.

    Karua should grow up and stop talking like a Kanu youth-winger or like some uneducated politician such as infamous Mulu Mutisya & Kariuki Chotara.

    To imagine that she has ambition to be president in 2012. She should show some maturity and leave heckling to uncultured matatu manamba Mwangi Kiunjuri and Kabando wa Kabando

  25. ODM -Kenya is the spoiler...the waters are getting murkier and even more complex. The milk is spilt. Its impossible to return Kenya to status quo ante dief.

    I propose burn the whole house down, fleas bed bugs and all and move elsewea.

  26. If raila facks up, tutatia Ruto hapo, Simon seis

    Ruto has so much proved that he is man enough. How do you soften up with a thief and murderers ordering shoot to kill to armless civilians in kisumu.

    Ati both sides rigged, how I wish Saint Smith Hempstone was still alive.

    Clay, dont worry coz as soon as ODM takes back what is lawfully and rightfully their's, we will grab you that green lawn outside the fence of state ujenge simba yako hapo. Tulia tu baba.

  27. Kumekucha,

    I see you are still upto no good. Ohh well, not everyone can be a journalist. Nice try though.


    More behind the scenes on M7 role in Kenya chaos
    Last updated : 29 Jan 2008, Kampala

    By Captain Vincent

    This week, you may have noticed that President Museveni was at his usual games of hoodwinking the international community in general, and East Africans especially Ugandans in particular, that he still has "solutions" to the worlds problems.

    As always he wanted to reap success and recognition as a peace maker when he learnt that former UN chief Kofi Anan was also visiting Kenya and had a fair chance to succeed in the mission to knock sense into some peoples heads.

    As is the norm, a thief is always on the lookout and suspicious of even his own shadow. The "son of Amos Kaguta" (by the way the old man Amos is sick and keeps mentioning that as a herdsman, he was free to roam and talk to different people in Kinoni township. But now he is being held hostage and forced to stay in State House where he is not allowed to talk to any one apart from the immediate guards and not even to his "grand kids". Those who are aware of this old man's misery find his virtual house arrest strange and sympathize but what can you do when the president is the prison chief?). Let us return to our story, the ever nervous thief rushed to Dar es Salaam to borrow the presidential Jet of Tanzania with the excuse that he could not travel by "his jet" because Kenya was not safe and someone could target him there!

    We shall return to the visit later.

    During and after the election around the 29th to 30th December 2007, our sources who monitor the airwaves (you know how everything which goes in the air is free for whoever wants to pick up even if it is 'presidential' material), say Raila tried a number of times to talk directly with Yoweri Museveni requesting him to prevail on Kibaki to accept and concede defeat for the sake of the region and Kenya.

    Raila managed to get the elusive revolutionary around the 29th or 30th December and pleaded with him to offer support to him and the Kenyan people since he had rightly won the elections.

    According to our sources here is what Museveni said and I quote;

    "Raila (cynical laugh), this is Africa, elections are not won through the people and what makes you think Kenya is any different from the rest of Africa?"
    "How do you expect me to support you when you are associated with UPC? Politics is about interests and to be fair with you, let me deal with my fellow Mzee. I cannot afford to fight five young leaders ( he meant Tanzanian, Congo, Burundi, Rwandese and now Kenya), please leave me alone! Really.

    "Well wish you luck, but what you Luos did in Uganda for the last 20 years, Kenyans would be foolish to accept you"

    He hung up the phone without saying good bye and immediately called Kibaki, offering advice that he should find a way to be quickly sworn in as president to gain the upper hand in any negotiations, and that should the matter go to court, he can always bribe the judges.

    Ugandans should note that, had the elections gone according to the law (and will of the people), the swearing in ceremonies were scheduled to take place on the 30th of December 2007.

    Most of the neighbouring states (Tanzania, Southern Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, and Ethiopia) were busy sending advance security teams to Nairobi and booking hotels for their Presidents and other dignitaries.

    But in Kampala, the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) which is in charge of presidential security arrangements were asking Museveni and Amelia his private secretary (PPS) on what arrangements should be made but both did not care to give any response. Time was running out and people in the advance security team were getting desperate but despite many reminders and requests for guidance on this critical issue, all efforts came to nothing. These two key people were just not bothered. Well, we all now know what they already knew at that time.

    This episode was most surprising on two accounts. One is that Museveni is the most security conscious (read coward if you like) person you have ever seen. That is why these days he moves with a whole army brigade in his own country. How come he was not moving even a finger to give his security arrangements the go ahead if he was planning to visit a foreign country? Secondly, he spent a lot of time during those election days on the phone making calls to persons in Kenya. This was especially true on and throughout the night of 30th December 2007. Yet he was not showing any concern that he was due to travel for the swearing in ceremonies.

    The advance teams in Nairobi were stranded, not receiving any information from their boss, the PGB commander. Instead orders were coming from the dreaded Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) and General David Tinyefuza, prompting the PGB commanders to ask the presidents secretary Amelia, what the hell was going on?!

    On another note, we can now reveal to you that people in and close to State House like like Fox Odoi, Moses Byuruhanga, David Tinyefuza, Amama Mbabazi, Nyombi Thembo, have earned "consultancy" fees from the Kibaki presidential campaign as senior advisers on this rigged election. Given the way the whole affair went, you can judge what kind of advise they gave.

    Meanwhile, it is true over 5,000 UPDF soldiers have been stationed on both sides of the Kenya and Uganda boarder with Museveni advising Kibaki that he is doing it because "Acholi" and or LRA my cross over to help Raila, or the other way round, that Raila may send his people to LRA to set up rear bases in Uganda. (For our foreign readers who may not understand the significance, the people of northern Uganda, Acholi included, are of the same ethnic group as the Luo in Kenya, where Raila Odinga comes from. Museveni, as his deeds bear out, is a hard core racist and it seems he can only see and understand something after he puts on the sectarian spectacles of tribe and race)

    Kenyans, the earlier you realise you are dealing with a fully grown wolf in a sheep's skin (which is no longer fitting) the better for both Kenya and Uganda.

    Museveni will do whatever is possible to deny Raila his true place because he has calculated very well that with Raila as president, his own days will be further reduced and his desire to be president of the united East Africa will be derailed. On the other hand, Kibaki will be too glad to support this megalomaniac pursuit, in return for the support he is getting from Museveni at this time.

    Raila is a good match for Museveni and the people of both Kenya AND Uganda will benefit if he puts his foot down.

    God Bless our Kenyan brothers and sisters. Now you can see what is in store for all of us should - GOD FORBID, Yoweri Museveni ever become the East African President.


    More behind the scenes on M7 role in Kenya chaos
    Last updated : 29 Jan 2008, Kampala

    By Captain Vincent

    This week, you may have noticed that President Museveni was at his usual games of hoodwinking the international community in general, and East Africans especially Ugandans in particular, that he still has "solutions" to the worlds problems.

    As always he wanted to reap success and recognition as a peace maker when he learnt that former UN chief Kofi Anan was also visiting Kenya and had a fair chance to succeed in the mission to knock sense into some peoples heads.

    As is the norm, a thief is always on the lookout and suspicious of even his own shadow. The "son of Amos Kaguta" (by the way the old man Amos is sick and keeps mentioning that as a herdsman, he was free to roam and talk to different people in Kinoni township. But now he is being held hostage and forced to stay in State House where he is not allowed to talk to any one apart from the immediate guards and not even to his "grand kids". Those who are aware of this old man's misery find his virtual house arrest strange and sympathize but what can you do when the president is the prison chief?). Let us return to our story, the ever nervous thief rushed to Dar es Salaam to borrow the presidential Jet of Tanzania with the excuse that he could not travel by "his jet" because Kenya was not safe and someone could target him there!

    We shall return to the visit later.

    During and after the election around the 29th to 30th December 2007, our sources who monitor the airwaves (you know how everything which goes in the air is free for whoever wants to pick up even if it is 'presidential' material), say Raila tried a number of times to talk directly with Yoweri Museveni requesting him to prevail on Kibaki to accept and concede defeat for the sake of the region and Kenya.

    Raila managed to get the elusive revolutionary around the 29th or 30th December and pleaded with him to offer support to him and the Kenyan people since he had rightly won the elections.

    According to our sources here is what Museveni said and I quote;

    "Raila (cynical laugh), this is Africa, elections are not won through the people and what makes you think Kenya is any different from the rest of Africa?"
    "How do you expect me to support you when you are associated with UPC? Politics is about interests and to be fair with you, let me deal with my fellow Mzee. I cannot afford to fight five young leaders ( he meant Tanzanian, Congo, Burundi, Rwandese and now Kenya), please leave me alone! Really.

    "Well wish you luck, but what you Luos did in Uganda for the last 20 years, Kenyans would be foolish to accept you"

    He hung up the phone without saying good bye and immediately called Kibaki, offering advice that he should find a way to be quickly sworn in as president to gain the upper hand in any negotiations, and that should the matter go to court, he can always bribe the judges.

    Ugandans should note that, had the elections gone according to the law (and will of the people), the swearing in ceremonies were scheduled to take place on the 30th of December 2007.

    Most of the neighbouring states (Tanzania, Southern Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, and Ethiopia) were busy sending advance security teams to Nairobi and booking hotels for their Presidents and other dignitaries.

    But in Kampala, the Presidential Guard Brigade (PGB) which is in charge of presidential security arrangements were asking Museveni and Amelia his private secretary (PPS) on what arrangements should be made but both did not care to give any response. Time was running out and people in the advance security team were getting desperate but despite many reminders and requests for guidance on this critical issue, all efforts came to nothing. These two key people were just not bothered. Well, we all now know what they already knew at that time.

    This episode was most surprising on two accounts. One is that Museveni is the most security conscious (read coward if you like) person you have ever seen. That is why these days he moves with a whole army brigade in his own country. How come he was not moving even a finger to give his security arrangements the go ahead if he was planning to visit a foreign country? Secondly, he spent a lot of time during those election days on the phone making calls to persons in Kenya. This was especially true on and throughout the night of 30th December 2007. Yet he was not showing any concern that he was due to travel for the swearing in ceremonies.

    The advance teams in Nairobi were stranded, not receiving any information from their boss, the PGB commander. Instead orders were coming from the dreaded Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) and General David Tinyefuza, prompting the PGB commanders to ask the presidents secretary Amelia, what the hell was going on?!

    On another note, we can now reveal to you that people in and close to State House like like Fox Odoi, Moses Byuruhanga, David Tinyefuza, Amama Mbabazi, Nyombi Thembo, have earned "consultancy" fees from the Kibaki presidential campaign as senior advisers on this rigged election. Given the way the whole affair went, you can judge what kind of advise they gave.

    Meanwhile, it is true over 5,000 UPDF soldiers have been stationed on both sides of the Kenya and Uganda boarder with Museveni advising Kibaki that he is doing it because "Acholi" and or LRA my cross over to help Raila, or the other way round, that Raila may send his people to LRA to set up rear bases in Uganda. (For our foreign readers who may not understand the significance, the people of northern Uganda, Acholi included, are of the same ethnic group as the Luo in Kenya, where Raila Odinga comes from. Museveni, as his deeds bear out, is a hard core racist and it seems he can only see and understand something after he puts on the sectarian spectacles of tribe and race)

    Kenyans, the earlier you realise you are dealing with a fully grown wolf in a sheep's skin (which is no longer fitting) the better for both Kenya and Uganda.

    Museveni will do whatever is possible to deny Raila his true place because he has calculated very well that with Raila as president, his own days will be further reduced and his desire to be president of the united East Africa will be derailed. On the other hand, Kibaki will be too glad to support this megalomaniac pursuit, in return for the support he is getting from Museveni at this time.

    Raila is a good match for Museveni and the people of both Kenya AND Uganda will benefit if he puts his foot down.

    God Bless our Kenyan brothers and sisters. Now you can see what is in store for all of us should - GOD FORBID, Yoweri Museveni ever become the East African President.

  30. Confirmed: President Mwai Kibaki visited Uganda
    Last updated : 15 Jan 2008, Kampala
    Radio Katwe has done its cross checking and can now confirm to its readers that President Mwai Kibaki the Kenyan head of state (a title in hot dispute) paid a surprise visit to Uganda last Thursday.

    Rumours have been in Kampala that Kibaki visited his fellow dictator Yoweri Museveni but we could not confirm them at first. Now we have seen concrete evidence that Kibaki was in Uganda.

    Many Ugandans are worried by why Kibaki chose to come to Uganda at a time when Kenya is in big problems. They are worried that Kibaki might have got to Uganda to consult a man who besides other titles like elections stealer, and serial breaker of Agreements between conflicting parties, is most well known as veteran of genocide against civilians.

    Recently we saw pictures of youths in Kenya carrying machetes (pangas) and it brought back memories of the pangas used in the Rwandan Genocide. We earlier wrote about a truck full of new pangas that was taken from Uganda to Rwanda just before the terrible genocide there.

    We have not got any news about what they discussed but when the most powerful and corrupt men get together to strike deals, the people of East Africa should get worried.

    Foul play is being suspected between Museveni and Kibaki.

  31. Ugandan security forces were in Kenya after the rigged election
    Last updated : 15 Jan 2008, Kampala
    We are able to confirm to you after checking the facts on the ground in Kisumu that Museveni and President Kibaki were in cahoots in the chaos that engulfed our neighbours after the rigged Kenyan election. We cannot yet tell when or from which source in Kenya the initiative originated, but somehow Museveni summoned General David Tinyefuza his intelligence supremo and gave him the task of planning the mission.

    Tinyefuza assembled some spies of the ESO and ISO and they moved in. Military Police were also involved and when they reached the border crossing at Busia, they removed their red toupees and donned the uniform of Kenya's GSU security force.

    The Kenya High Commission in Nakasero a suburb of Kampala, coordinated the part of giving diplomatic cover to the Ugandan hooligans. Tinyefuza set up a command and control centre at Tororo and there was also a post at Busia. The official cover was to monitor the security situation.

    We shall be giving you more details when our sources who also went into Kenya under secret cover to investigate Museveni's bloody hand in the Kenya election, have put together their reports.

    It was a real risk. One of our informers almost got caught but God was on his side and our last contact with him says he is okay. Lets give him some time to write a report of what he saw there, then we shall put it on Radio Katwe.

    There are senior politicians in Kenya who have vowed to punish Museveni for what he did. We hope they will see the difference between ordinary Ugandans and the evil mafia government of M7


    Unlike PNUers, he understands the meaning of "negotiation" and "compromise." They have made their move and ceded some ground making it known to all including the European Union.

    THE BALL IS NOW ON PNU'S COURT and the world is watching. Are they too willing to make compromises...?

  33. Thanks to those who are clarifying Raila's position.

    The talks are all about nipa-nikupe.

  34. Museveni's track record of betraying African leaders
    Last updated : 28 Jan 2008, Kampala


    This man, had he not gone to school, he would be a simple chicken thief or if the Okellos had not been fools, he would be either in hell where he belongs since he is so evil, or a bandit robbing andshooting people on high ways.

    I am writing in response to a one Tamale Mirundi, M7's press secretary. This small chap is disgusting to say the least and a fine specimen of typical poor up bringing like M7 his boss. No wonder he has fallen into bed to betray his fellow Ugandans.

    Museveni has never and will never be a revolutionary (for what its worth). This man is just a simple stooge of anyone who has power and money to buy him off. He has zero principles, the only things which guide him are greed, cunning and cowardice.

    Having worked with him closely for years, I can give a number of high profile Museveni betrayals as below:

    Fidel Castro Ruz: you all remember when NRM had just come to power in 1986, M7 supported the so called barter trade in time of need when our so called new friends the Americans wanted Museveni out of power.

    In 1987, the Americans went as far as sending a delegation headed by an assistant Secretary of State to tell Museveni to back off from Libya and Cuba.

    In the outside tent, you could see Museveni denying that he had any dealings with Libya till this African-American showed Museveni satellite evidence and warned Museveni in a diplomatic way that he risks losing the support of and being thrown out by Americans.

    This was the turning point and first betrayal of Castro and Gaddafi by the so-called revolutionaries in Kampala. His true colors came out in that meeting and we could not believe it. Museveni almost knelt down before this Afro- American man and begged him to spare him promising that in future he will be a servant to the Americans and do whatever they ask.

    Now, do not ask were the so-called friendship with America came from. This was in 1987, in an outside tent at Entebbe State House.

    A Uganda delegation visited Cuba in 1987, and Castro told a pan-African official and former rally driver Jimmy Dean (RIP) that he could see that Uganda was heading for big problems never seen before during Amin and Obote time.

    Castro said this was because he sensed Museveni was not a revolutionary as he pretends to be but a simple stooge capable of bring Uganda to its knees should he ever be allowed to rule for more than five years. He told Jimmy Dean, if he was wrong, he would ask to be forgiven later but he as Castro was so sure Museveni would betray Ugandans and end up just stealing the little they had and do what Americans wanted.

    Had Jimmy lived long enough, he would now be haunted since he dismissed what Castro was selling. M7 is a very good liar and had successfully deceived most Ugandans in those early days of NRM rule.

    Most African so-called "revolutionary leaders" who received help from Castro in their struggles for power have been visiting the sick leader now thought to be on his death bed, but Museveni is pretending not to be aware the Castro needs support at this time more than any other. You can see the evil in the man.

    General Sani Abacha: You all remember this General who locked up Abiola (RIP) and Olusegun Obasanjo for treason. The betrayal by Museveni this time was on Moshood Abiola, a supporter of the NRM/NRA during the bush war. Abiola gave NRA lots of money and connected NRM to many European and African friends.

    As always, our boss M7 promised him that as soon as he become President, he would pay back in terms of business investments in Uganda.

    When Abiola heard that Uganda had a potential for oil, he rung up his so called friend to remind him of a promise he made in 1984. He wanted shares in the oil and also some investment in the telecommunication sector.

    Museveni hates sharing anything. He was not willing to pay back his debt. He just flew to Nigeria and advised his fellow General to spare Obasanjo but do away with Abiola. You can see the evil in the man.

    Mobutu Sese Seko: This Mobuto you see helped Museveni so much to the extent of issuing him a passport. Yes Museveni had a diplomatic passport issued to him by Mobutu. Difficult to believe but it is true. These two were good friends and for all we care, Museveni still sends our tax money to the Mobutu family.

    Laurent-Desire Kabila: you know the story of the man and how he was killed by his mentor. The son, Joseph fears Museveni so much that he can never set foot in Uganda where he grew up. The distrust is so deep that any serious meeting between Uganda and DRC always takes place in a third country. Joseph Kabila knows how treacherous Museveni is.

    Paul Kagame: you know the fights between these two, both are evil men but at least one has some principles and the other is just a stooge.

    Samuel Daniel Nujoma: Museveni loves pomp and used to hop around with Nujoma a true African revolutionary before 1990.

    You remember, once Museveni offered Nujoma a free ride in his Presidential Jet from Addis Ababa to Uganda showing off how he was a good friend to Nujoma and the people of Namibia.

    But he betrayed Nujoma when he became President and wanted to bring the COMESA meeting to his capital city Windhoek. All fellow COMESA Presidents were in favour of the meeting being held in Namibia but Museveni who was then chairman wanted it in Eritrea. The two have never met again and we all know what happened to COMESA.

    Melchior Ndadaye became Burundi's first Hutu President, but a few months later he was assassinated 1993 by a group of Tutsi army officers. The killers of Ndadeya are still living off your tax money given by the state of Uganda. In fact after they fled Burundi they were staying at Sheraton Hotel Kampala at your expense.

    Juvenal Habyarimana: This man though evil himself helped Museveni so much during his war with Obote. Museveni had or still has a diplomatic passport first issued to him by Habyarimana and may have been renewed but recalled later on by Paul Kagame. He betrayed his fellow thug.

    John Garang de Mabior: May God rest his soul in peace. We are not saying he was a good man, that is for our brothers in Sudan to judge. But he came to see his what he thought was a fellow revolutionary, and ended up in hell.

    Questions should be asked: where did Museveni get a 'new' Presidential helicopter within a week, which he now uses without the public getting to know that so much money has been lost within a week?

    What I am bring to your attention is that Garang did not die in the Presidential helicopter. Ugandans should not be fooled that Museveni who fears to be betrayed and killed so much that he carries his own tea around, would use a UPDF helicopter knowing that his people do not have enough funds to maintain them.

    He just painted the Presidential helicopter in army colors.

    Jonas Malheiro Savimbi: You may find it hard to believe that with black diamonds, Savimbi bought the heart of the Ugandan "revolutionary" and betrayed the people of Angola. Savimbi was a frequent visitor of Museveni staying either at Entebbe or his farm in Mbarara. He used to bring a small bag of diamonds on each visit. These are your "revolutionaries". Shameful but true.

    The old airport was his entry point and he would take a chopper to one of the safe houses or farm.

    Isaias Afewerki: Was betrayed by Museveni the stooge after instructions given by the Americans

    Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi: was betrayed recently at the African Union meeting in Ghana. Thanks to M7 again acting as an American stooge. Things are agreed on in private but when it comes to the open meeing the man sells you without any warning! The good or is it bad Colonel must be regretting his words "revolutionarist do not retire".

    If he was also a little wiser, the Colonel would know he is dealing with a simple "chicken thief", to borrow his(M7s) own words. Anyway, M7 will sooner than later learn that you do not betray that Colonel and get away with it. It is now just a matter of time before you see Gaddafi sponsoring another rebel group. For sure with the sputtering CPA-GOSS in Sudan, he must have started to smile.

    Fellow Ugandans, as you spend time debating whether Museveni is a revolutionary or not, those are some of the facts. These are foreign interests but I can make an even longer list of incidents of high betrayal of "fellow Ugandans".

    He says he is not a "chicken thief", but just ask the former and present commissioners of URA, Bank Governers, Army Chiefs and you will hear stories of raw theft.

  35. Oh Boy-Kibaki surely picked a friend- President Museveni will come back to bite him-
    PNU blind followers should read all this-it scares the shit out of me- Kibaki has sold Kenya to the Devil in disguise!!

    God Bless Kenyans

  36. is anyone somewhere keeping a tally of the concessions each team is making in these "negotiations" WRT the electoral question?

    so far, i see all the pressure being put on ODM to compromise away their points & bargaining strengths under int'l pressure.

    - ODM called off a protest
    - ODM ruled out a recount (PNU agreed, but that wasn't even one of their demands anyhow)
    - story today is that ODM may back off their call for kibaki to resign

    what has PNU conceded?
    - dropped the illegal ban on the media; not much of a concession since it had no legal legitimacy in the first place
    - cancelled/postponed the EAC summit that was suddenly announced yesterday

    has there been more?

    and is there any proof of these visa bans? that story reads like a psyop move purely designed to put pressure on the two parties to hammer out some kind of compromise.

  37. I just feel pity for all those who genuinely thought Kibaki was a decent man. We have consistently heard that Kibaki is a gentleman, this that and the other and that it is just the people around him. That is Kenyan diplomacy at its highest and in a sense it should be compliment to the good nature of most peace-loving Kenyans. The reality is that Mwai like one little boy named Kalonzo are cowards, greedy little cowards who have caused many Kenyans to leave this earth prematurely. Initially it was quite comical to hear and read Election-Theft, pardon me PNU supporters attack Raila claiming he was a dictator, but now it is sad. These sad people are akin to alcoholics who tell themselves "I can take this last drink" and be fine when in reality they are in denial. As the situation currently stands and as many readers have commented, it is ODM that has continued to make concessions (though they have not given up) While PNU continues to allow Martha,Mutula and co. to embarass themselves and Kenya as a whole. It forces one to ask how can these alleged intellectuals act so foolish. To all readers of this Blog I urge us all to promote peace as I feel confident in suggesting that we (those of Kenyans who enjoy peace, prosperity and pursuit of happiness for all) share my belief that if God brings you to it, he will bring you through it. Kenyans have been brought to the fire, which continues to burn from the north to the south, from east to west and to the very heart of Kenya, but we will get through it. As I await the condescending comments from simpletons, who enjoy the depreciation of the shilling, the death of innoncent and the general ruthlessness of an illegal government, I ask these people has Kibaki performed well enough in his legitimate term of 2002-2007 and now in his cout to warrant a second term if fresh elections were to be held? Do you think a little boy like Kalonzo who could only command 15 MPs! from his backyard to parliament would be able to bring a miracle to Kenya? That servant leadership he talked about when he was deceiving Kenyans (excuse me, campaigning for president)might be true unfortunately he chosen mwai as his God. Finally despite how you might feel about this man personally, has his Excellency Raila Amollo Odinga not shown that he is a TRUE STATESMAN leading a party with membership from across the country, consisting of people from numerous ethnic communites (and MPs from his party nearly double that of the 2 pretenders, mwai and kalonzo)? Has he not demonstrated that he is genuinely committed to peace for all Kenyans by making concessions to initial demands? Ask yourself these questions. While you ask yourself these questions consider how President Odinga campaigned for your guy when he was in a wheelchair, you loved him then didn't you, you were able to block your homosexual concerns about the possibilty of his foreskin then weren't you? Will you PNU supporters vote for Uhuru in the next election? for real? Finally is kalonzo still in LPK or was that part of the scam? I just remembered his concern for individual party membership before the split of ODM. I quietly wonder if in hindsight he thinks to himself "If I had just joined PNU from the onset, we would have won anyway and all these lives would not have been lost," but those are thoughts for a God-fearing human not a coward who makes deals with the devil maybe he can declare his wealth now!!

  38. Dear Kenyans does this sound familiar??????

    Museveni wanted security to shoot at anti-Mabira demonstrators

    Last updated : 19 Apr 2007, Kampala

    Reports reaching us from some of our sources are giving us a better picture of the riots against the Museveni driven Mehta grab of Mabira forest.

    One source says that the riots took the state by total surprise. The man in charge of security is the Minister of Security Amama Mbabazi. He did not know how to react and what steps to take next.

    The decision that was taken was to give the order to the Military Police to "shoot at the demonstrators, we shall explain later."

    That is why we at Radio Katwe still believe that the order to shoot the two Ugandans last week came from the state.

    Museveni took the same view of the situation. It was a surprise to him that the police deployed teargas and shot some rounds of bullets in the air.

    "You shoot them, what's the problem?" Museveni asked in one meeting. He wanted to use his usual method of shooting dead the demonstrators and then he blames it on the opposition.

    His statement on the riots aid they were "murders by the opposition". He thought that when he calls them murders, Ugandans will turn against the FDC and DP, but he failed.

    Those who know Museveni will not be surprised by this. To help our fellow Ugandans understand Musevenis utter contempt for them better, when Kampala residents came on the streets to demonstrate against the removal of Yusuf Lule as president on June 21 1979, Museveni was the Defence minister and he ordered his army men to shoot the demonstrators who were near the National Theatre in the legs.

  39. I am a lurker but wanted to saythat this Marianne Briner woman is a complete psycho, if it is indeed her posting under Hellen Okello.

  40. People went and died on the street for justice...for WHAT?????JUST FOR RAILA TO GIVE IT UP LIKE THIS???????I SWEAR I WILL NEVER SUPPORT RAILA AGAIN

  41. It is interesting how pple criticise Raila no matter what he does.

    If he says lets not let them get away with it every1 is up in arms that we should have "peace"

    Now that he is like okay since you all want peace let them have the bloody thing every1 is up in arms

    What do you all want?

    Peace with no change or struggle for change

  42. What with Raila giving up....The war we are fighting is no longer about Raila, it stopped being long time ago...You think people died just so that RAO can go to statehouse...You are wrong the fight is about our democratic right to vote and the vote to be counted...ODM was just a vehicle to take us there, if they refuse then we will just alight and get into the next matatu...As they say matatus are many if you miss one, wait for another for it will surely come... About Martha Karua comments yesterday, LOL she is behaving like a lover who has been pursuing a man, then when she is rejected, she starts saying that the man is ugly, not that she is beautiful herself....And if it is true that her kids are in the US may she bring them back ASAP..Coz duh how do you allow your kids to be brought up by your ugly lover?

  43. Our illegitimate president kibaki has a new hobby apart from Golf called selling out and ashaming Kenyans.
    When GSU storm town yelling and kicking everyone to 'GET OUT!'sealing off the parks and generally bullying ordinary Kenyans is typical of Kampalas Museveni.Kenyans will tell you they found the over excessive police show of might QUITE UNUSUAL....its our cops but they were under different instructions....there is alot of truth in what's been said we must be concerned.
    We hope and pray Annan will bring both sides to a solution.We are in this mess as a result of the biggest goon-joking SELL OUT called Samuel Kivuitu.and another now barricaded in state hse.How do these people gamble with lives of Kenyans for the sake of power.All this people must know 'what goes around comes round'.
    Innocent people who dont even know what a voters card looks like lie critically injured,maimed for life many more are dead in mortuaries,unable in death to get decent honourable burials.Our girls are being raped in IDP camps.Kenyans are starving,others are sick without medical attention.Thousands of Kenyans lives have been changed forever.
    Charles Nairobi.


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