Thursday, February 07, 2008

Mungiki Wants All Kikuyu Women (Cut) Circumcised: The Damage This Old Practice Does To Women

Even as the political crisis in Kenya continues, many are unaware of the activities of the Mungiki terror gang in places like Naivasha. Even as Mwai Kibaki tells the world that the violence is under control and that “there is no problem in Kenya.”.

Apart from forcing all women to wear skirts, the Mungiki terror gangs are also insisting that all women intending to live in Naivasha should be circumcised. Many communities in Kenya, including the Kikuyu have circumcised their women for years. It is still unclear how the Mungiki aim to enforce this.

This barbaric and savage practice has numerous disadvantages some of which you may not have known about.

To start with, later in life women who have been circumcised have little control of urine, meaning that many times they will end up passing urine on themselves long before they can reach a place where they are able to relive themselves. In some cases this may cause a woman to constantly smell of urine. You can imagine what that can do to a marriage.

The whole idea of circumcision in many communities was to considerably dull and possibly destroy sexual pleasure so that chances of a wife straying are drastically reduced. What this does is to make certain sexual positions impossible with a woman who has been “cut.” Many times those positions will cause pain. This has nudged some “cut” women into drugs in a desperate bid to experience their God-given right.

Then there are some serious problems that could occur during child-birth for circumcised women.

Even more interesting is what spiritual experts have to say about the effects of circumcising women on a marriage. Some of them have assured Kumekucha that the practice makes women overly aggressive and determined to dominate their men. Many divorces have been linked to the circumcision of women by these spiritual experts.


  1. All women's rights/human rights groups should be up in arms by now, denouncing such barbaric acts. I'm still waiting for someone to speak up.

  2. And the men/women are okey with frigid women and limited sexual positions?

  3. 5-10 years from now these Kikuyu women(who have been cut) will start dying from HIV as a consequence of Mungiki's insane actions. Mungiki may actually be carrying out genocide against Kikuyus, albeit in a slow and painful way. What the Kalenjins didnt do in Rift Valley, Mungiki will achieve. Remember the women will also spread the damn thing to other women, children and men. The die is cast.
    After killing all the women, they(Mungiki) can then behead the men who refuse to pay them tax or join them.

    And all this time the Kikuyus belived Mungiki is protecting them. How sad!

  4. Chris

    "Even more interesting is what spiritual experts have to say about the effects of circumcising women on a marriage. Some of them have assured Kumekucha that the practice makes women overly aggressive and determined to dominate their men".

    Aaaaaah! This makes me understand why the women from ethnic groups that circumcise (genital mutilation is a more apt word) them (GEMA, Kuria and Kisii) are very aggressive, quarrelsome, irritable, nagging....and not good in bed!

  5. Martha Karua is "cut".

    I am sure.

    She has said it openly during many of he campaign meetings in Kirinyaga.

    Patriot Damu

  6. Some of the individuals posting replies here need to take a hard look at themselves. They sound so illiterate ,their grammar and spelling is appalling and to top it off have nothing of value to add.
    I wonder what the demographic here is.
    Rule of thumb. If you are nor familiar with basic English or Swahili ..STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN !

  7. Anon @ 6.24 practice what you preach. If you have no comment on the subject then stay silent. This is a blog not a classroom. In addition you have not been appointed a teacher by nobody.

  8. Mungiki `s must be copying the somalians and arab`s activities of cutting women.

    It`s a pity.

    The government should arrest them and deport them to Arab countries to persue their cutting women adventure.

  9. i have neva heard of dis till america next top model, i cant imagine the pain sum wommen hav gone though it jus so cruel mungiki is a sick fuck

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