Thursday, August 02, 2007

Obscure Political Party Is Suddenly Famous For The Wrong Reasons


ODM presidential hopeful Julia Ojiambo is also the chairperson of LPK (Labor Party of Kenya) a constituent party of the opposition alliance (it is not a coalition kwani you guys did not attend the Uhuru Kenyatta lecture?).

Little was known about this obscure party until the defection of one Kalonzo Musyoka earlier in the week from Raila Odinga's LDP to Ms Ojiambo's LPK.

Raila Odinga says quite rightly that there was an ad in the Daily Nation by LPK asking interested presidential candidates to present themselves for election. On those grounds Raila says that Kalonzo's defection is...


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  1. First thank you for this particular one, and secondly, I wish to register my regrets at one Raila Amolo Odinga.

    When Raila took over (he has never started a party of his own) the running of National Democratic Party (NDP) from a nondescript called Oludhe, many people saw it as a broad step. In his own ways, he made sure that he went on and won an election convincingly. He is capable of doing that. I agree and will never doubt that for a moment.

    When Kalonzo Musyoka, a man who grew called feet in ODM presidential race decided to jump ship and join a fringe party as LPK is (to me), Raila was the first person to say that one had gone for a walk and he did not belong to ODM anymore. What did you, Chris and the reader make of it. DICTATORSHIP. Raila has even sacked Kalonzo from ODM. Is Kalonzo not allowed to make a decision of his own? Raila has now decided for Kalonzo that he defected. Strange world!

    Yes, LPK might be a small party by LDP (original, with Kamotho as secretary, Saitoti, and the Kanu tearaways), Kanu and even DP standards, but they have a right, and that is my reference to the Oludhe party. Whichever way, they have a right to exist, Kalonzo has a right to belong and further a right to contest and be president of Kenya. Sadly though, the ODM amorphous (I have used the word more times before) was denied its only hope of beating Kibaki in December.

    In any case, LDP was an amalgam of ODM and were equal partners and they have a choice and the choice to stay away from intimidation and hammer flinging theatrics of ‘wenye ODM’ was to link with Kiema Kilonzo, David Musila and the rest of his supporters to make LPK a party of their choice. If Musila could part with Raila, then politics has no friends at all.

    I said the other day that the ODM branch of LDP is a tribal one and it will soon emerge that it is led by one drProf Nyongo, Raila is already sacking people there or declaring that they have defected, and the Kajwangs, Sungus, Omambas, Midiwos and Oburus will remain in the party until election time (how sad that my grandmother will vote for one of them – LDP candidate).

    Advertisement, that is not wrong. For any corporation or institution to get a cross section of thoroughbred candidates, they have to advertise in the media and Prof Julia Ojiambo was not wrong in making sure that she got the best. Now, in wave, she has Kalonzo and team and here, they can get into another chapter of bargaining within ODM and Kalonzo now has a better chance of bargaining for the presidency. I am sure he will get votes from Mlolongo, Athi River, Muchanga, Katheka-Kai, right into Machakos, T-Ten, Kangundo, Mwala, Sengani, deep into Mwingi and even parts of Isiolo and the larger Eastern Province. He has a base. Sasa, Ojiambo anaweza kujitetea, Kanu, NARC, or even ODM. She has a price tag.

    My heart goes out for my NARC. Now Ngilu Charity and her escapades is trying to make life difficult and threatening the party.

    I expect as much murk from this as have had before, but I would ask a question, which party is not tribal? Kamotho has joined the Kibaki team as a youth winger, Muite will be campaigning for him very soon, Tony Gachoka has not standing, and might be the only one remaining with LDP (but not for long) and somebody please tell me what happened to Sir Charles, after he was said to be in the forefront of the Raila campaign. I quote ‘You don’t know what you are talking about. Njonjo (Charles in supporting Raila, Muite is, what are you telling us? You don’t know politics on the ground’ someone told me three months ago after the Raila launch. Then tell me who from the house of Mumbi will be in the Raila team. What did Kenyatta tell Kagia when he supported Odinga in 1966? Someone please reply that.

    What about the Western bloc?

  2. Why are people crying foul when Kalonzo defects from LDP to LPK? For Kumekucha to brand Kalonzo's defection to LPK 'a move driven by the wrong reason' is the height of intolerance. LDP had four presidential candidates within ODm while LPK had one. Why were people not attacking Dr.Ojiambo for belonging to the wrong party? U guys have to admit it u would like it when Kalonzo is taking orders from little known persons like Larry Gumbe and Mumbi Ng'aru. These two parties are now equal and in my opinion we should be happy that the two leading candidates are now playing on an even field. There is no need to get scared, absolutuley none.

    It was right for Omondi oludhe to welcome Raila to the Nyanza Development Party and completely unacceptable for Kalonzo to join LPK. Since Kalonzo's crime as one of the Raila apologists said today is to join a party as little known as LPK, was it a crime for the rainbow alliance featuring the country's longest serving VP and presidential front runner George Saitoti in 2002 to join the LDp. Those criminalising the move were holding demonstrations in 1996 to show how politically mighty they were by joining the NDP, which as u guys want us to believe was better known than LPK today is.

    LPK is part of ODM, a founder party. Kalonzo Musyoka and Julia Ojiambo are founder members of coalition ODM and those assigning themselves the role of party prefects by announcing the supposed defections of people they have no control over from ODM would certainly do with some prayers. The only people they need to talk on behalf of are themselves. They should disqualify themselves if they feel that someone has to quit. The gate is open, let them go ahead and take a walk.

    I was in Kenya for the better part of 2004 and the whole of 2005. I happened to be a very active member of the LDP at the time. I reported to RAinbow house atleast once every fortnight because there was a general feeling (especially in 2004 when the president was clearly not in control of the country) within the party that elections could be held anytime . I can tell u here today that Raila Odinga is a dictator. That party was being run like a cattle dip in Bondo. U wouldnt believe it was the biggest political party in the country at the time. I fully endorse Kalonzo's divorce with that party.

    About advertisements, I dont know who gave Raila the right to go poking his nose in other people's parties. I have not seen the said paper but I can say that like so many other lies before from these people, there was no invitations for presidential candidates to send in applications. I am sure the ad was targeting parliamentary and civic candidates but again does it really matter?


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