Saturday, August 25, 2007

Kamukunji Is No Man's land For Norman


Rowdy Kamukunji constituents do not want to hear a single word from their current MP Norman Nyagah. They loudly jeered and shouted him down during the Narc celebration rally at the historic Kamukunji grounds last weekend. Several times, he tried in vain to speak and even bravely attempted to shout above the din, however it proved impossible and he had no alternative but to sit down dejected.

It is now very clear that Kamukunji constituency is no man's land for Norman. One wonders how the poor guy will campaign against a very crowded field of eager candidates that is still growing by the day. One option would be for him to relocate elsewhere in Nairobi (but where?) or alternatively head back to Gacoka (where the situation will be much worse because apart from his big brother seeking re-election, inside information has confirmed to this blogger that long-serving and respected former NCCK chair, Mutava Musyimi is also eyeing that parliamentary seat and what's more, he has the full blessings and backing of State House. That will surely make the little matter of a Narc nomination extremely complex for Norman.

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  1. This is a nice post. The very first of its kind in this blog. Norman Nyaga needs to looby hard for a good handshake. He also needs to sweet-talk Kamanda and Michuki for a possible nomination to parliament in january.

    That said Kamukunji is lacking credible candidates. Patrick Lumumba and Wanyiri kihoro are the only ones who pass the credibility test in my own assesment. Amina Abdallah and Nazlin Umar come third and fourth but do they have what it takes? In my opinion they dont.

    People like Tony gachoka cannot even win the chairmanship of a village cattle dip. They are just wasting their time. Pius muiru is another one who would have been better continuing to do what he knows best--preaching the gospel.

  2. How can Norman lobby Kamanda, if Kamanda himself will be fighting for survival in his own constituency against an ODM onslaught in Nairobi?

    Narc-K spoke of taking all the seats in Nairobi. As far as I can see, all that is hot air. Narc Kenya officials outside GEMA commuties voting block are in for a battle. The Chairman (TUJU)and some his four Vice Chairmen (SAITOTI and the likes) including the Secretary General (KITUYI) are facing a severe test in their own constituencies and there are real fears that they probably will not be voted back, just like Norman Nyagah. Kibaki is in a fix because he cannot constitutionally promise nominate more than a dozen individuals back to parliament.

    Other than Raila in Langata, all Nairobi MPs (and I believe most of the other MPs countrwide) will be voted in on the basis of which political party or coalition they align themselves. Thats why you see parties like Shirikisho suddenly getting a voice. Thats the angle FORD-K relies on, regional/tribal political party. And this is where the likes of Wanyiri and PLO that Vikii talks highly of (sic) might be left out.

    And by the way - I like what Luke said about MPs not being 100% what all voters want them to be. And that includes Wanyiri and PLO who both have skeletons in their closets that Vikii doesnt seem aware of.

  3. I have said they have passed the cerdibility test in my own assesment. Tell me any skeleton in Wanyiri Kihoro's cabinet and I will show you a dreamer.

    It looks like you think every member of parliament who doesnt support Raila Odinga will lose the elections. Next time you will be telling us Mwai Kibaki will lose in Othaya and Kalonzo Musyoka in Mwingi North for refusing to support the ker-annointed Raila Odinga. Dude you have a serious complex that needs urgent attention.

  4. Definitely PLO is going to lose. He has alraedy been told that by his Luo tribesmen. 'How can you start a party and go against Raila' he was asked. For sure, he will have a trying launch into politics and his main advisers Joe Kwaka are equally worried about the same. They admit it.

  5. To Phil, Kamanda is going to win. Tell me the ODM candidate in the constituency. Anybody standing on a NARCH ticket will win. This is the CBD, with its population (Muranga) sorry to say and Ngara, parts of Pangani and the likes, they will vote in a NARC man. Even if it is not Kamanda, be sure that your ODM man will lose in that one.

    Again Phil, all those people yopu are talkinmg about are those said to be against ODM or in the 'other' party. Kajiado residents dont need to be told about demnocracy. They have voted in Saitoti for more than one thing. Democracy to them comes second. Ask one Ole Muyaa the results of the last elections.

    If PLO has skeletons, which I can say here are connected to YK92 funds and he has come out to substantiate that, then others we know are worse. Apart from being a student leader and having run away to Tanzania, what wrong has the mon done. Going against a tribal tidal-wave? that is not a skeleton in the drawer. Tito Adungosi? It has been rumoured. Not him, I know where you are targeting.

    Talk of the good things Wanyiri and Lumumba have done. Constitution Review Commission, fought for democracy in kenya and even 'suffered for Kenya' if that is a criteria to be followed, at all!


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