Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, April 27, 2009

Selective Expectations from Speaker Marende

Thanks to selective amnesia, we can conveniently forget the cutthroat competition that saw Marende defeat Ole Kaparo for the Speaker post. The same people who fought him hardest are now shamelessly waxing legalistic in demanding impartiality when it suits them best.

Well, while stuck in that mode we can as well order Muthaura to stop attending PNU meetings reminding him that he is a civil servant who must be IMPARTIAL. So can Marende rise up to the occasion to solve a political impasse with pure parliamentary legalese?

Granted, Mr Marende is the Speaker and CEO of the National Assembly which is one of the three pillars of Government. But being a country populated almost exclusively by citizens drowning in national denial, we won’t bat an eyelid to mask the political posturing for all it is.

Slithering in between
All the present political heat are the cumulative cost of an ILLEGITIMATE REGIME which will do anything legal and otherwise to retain the status quo that nourishes all their grand schemes to milk Kenya dry. Leader of Government business is only an appendix in the thrilling sequel of grand deception. Whatever way Marende rules, the political embers will gather the nearest wind and soon graduate to the inevitable INFERNO.

No amount fine legal posturing can ever solve a politically engineered problem. But again this is Kenya where twisted beliefs are firmly founded on the twin vices of FRAUD and DECEPTION. Political errand boys galore and they have no qualms providing their backs for royal rides to oblivion. We haven’t seen anything yet, NA BADO.


  1. Mistakes and more mistakes are what will bring kibakis govt down. the greatest mistake he made was to steal the last elections.He lives by lies and the same lies will do him in.
    The HBC will come and pass and I think Marende will give a lashing to both principals and call for a political solution on who should be the leader of HBC. However he will plead to the house that the committe members be endorsed so that house bussiness proceeds. The main KABOOM is coming soon. That will be more interesting than todays.
    My friends the kenya we knew has its days numbered.

  2. Can we go beyond these daily whines and think about how we can forge ahead?

    I mean your keyboard must have already worn out these keys:


    Action is needed now!

  3. Mistakes and more mistakes are what will bring RAILAS political ambitions down. the greatest mistake he made was to steal the last elections, then SHOUT LOUDEST, then go on a KILLING SPREE of KABILA ADUI so as to get some powers...albeit EXECUTIVE TOILET. raila thrives by repeating the same lies and the same lies will do him in. they say you can tell the character of a man by the company he keeps. by seeing raila surrounding himself with the SCAM OF THE EARTH aka ruto, gumo, sally kosgey, mudavadi, kajwang, balala, ngilu of hiv funds, its not difficult to know what he is cut from.

    when his KIBERA constituents are droping like flies due to HUNGER, hunger that one of his right hand man together with his OLDEST SON engineered, the fellow saw it right to talk of an ELECTIONS. this was after the latest toilet outburst at the coast. surely the man who told his kinsmen to get circumcised to save them from the AIDS SCOURGE that is wiping them like fleas has clearly lost it. but as usual huis faithful servants in KK aka Taabu, Kalamari, Ivy and the rest will always harp about how suited their tribal chief!!!!

  4. te he he heeeeee

    good one cicero....

    sure his keyboard is worn out by typing FRAUD and DECEPTION every day...

    now that has made my afternoon

  5. While in Kumekucha there is always whinning from the likes of Okello, Chris and Taabu, this is what i have picked from Cicero's

    What I refuse to do is pretend to be a poltical "analyst." A self-styled diviner of the minds of these rogues we call our politicians...I refuse elevate their status by psychoanalyzing their moves and making tired predictions (like our erstwhile blogmates!)as if their actions make sense in the first place!

    What I would rather do though, is have an exchange of ideas on where to go from here, we are mad at the politicians, so what?. And I dare not approach this venture as a superior partner but as a person who equally values your input in this epoch matter facing us, namely THE FUTURE OF OUR COUNTRY.

    I am not a guru coming with a miracle prescription but an ordinary mwananchi who sees some truth in what Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King said in 1967, "A time comes when silence is betrayal." However, by not being silent I do not mean that we get up and burn buildings and uproot railroads or even just whine and whine on blogs. Gripping and grizzling, as pleasurable and oftentimes lucrative an exercise, will not move a brick. CHANGE will be brought about by honest men and women who will labor in abscurity and perhaps even never make into the margins of history books; not the false prophets who bask in the glamour of ostensibly prepresenting the poor while doing things that keep them poor.

    Before Barry was Obama, he was an underpaid Harvard grad slogging in the mire of Southside Chicago.

    I mean that we SERIOUSLY CONTEMPLATE ACTION(S) which will move the country forward. For starters, unless people sober up (and by people I mean the populous minus the politicians)...unless we sober up and realize that 2012 (or sooner) could well be the end of the road for Kenya as we know it, then 2012 (or sooner) might just be that; THE END OF THE ROAD FOR KENYA. The reason is simple: When the US was attacked on September 11, 2001, things changed in the way Americans conducted could tell that there was an aggressive effort to say "never again."

    Up until this day, you cannot travel through an airport without taking your shoes off (ironically echoing how Muslims enter their sanctuary). Yet 9/11, as tragic as it was in the loss of life, was never an existential threat to the US; the future of US as a country was not even remotely threatened by Al-Qaeda. Yet for Kenya, 2007 December was clearly a moment which we came very close to disintegration, to annihilation as a country. Have we said never again?

    What is to stop 2012 from presenting us with an even more cataclysmic conflict? How can politicians fervently crusade for positions in parliament, marshaling up their reliable constituencies into a frenzy of righteous indignation and yet remain blissfully blind to a rapidly approaching precipice? What about us, the people? How can we sit and just hope on the unlikely possibility that we can have the exact same scenario as 2007 in 2012 but be greeted with different results, somehow?

  6. anon 5:39

    That is eloquence!

  7. "erstwhile blogmates" lol. I ain't saying no names!

  8. I keep hearing that ODM can use their numbers in parliament to do this and that, to pass a vote of no confidence and to bring change. They can, the have never. If they can, they should have done it like yesterday. Or are they just whinners by nature? This excuse of falling to PNU tricks all the time is sickening. Kwani wao ni watoto? Or does it mean they are incapable of hard decisions and choices? They should bring action, not endless talk. We shall respect them for action, for if they got the numbers, it is their democratic right to use them. However, endless whining is childish.

  9. It is not up to Kenneth Marende to interprete the constitution. He should stop deluding himself. He is not the Artonney General. The constitution is clear and to the blind and the illiterate, the AG can read it aloud for them and explain!

  10. Taabu:
    The word IMPUNITY is missing! What happened? Dont to that next time.

  11. Can Marende perform a unconstitutional coup? He should be ware not to be charged with treason. If he calls a conference, let him proceed in explaining how he is limited by the constitution to assume head of governement/presidency powers to assume or delegate functions of head of government business. If he dares violate the constitutional order, he may as well be charged with treason, for parliamentary privelege is not absolute.

  12. In a true democracy any kenyan would be able to enter the public areas of parliament building and sit in the public gallery.

    In a new book on Stalin the author says the tsars would make themselves availble for any citizen to approach them on a holiday; it was only the coward lenin and insecure stalin who barricaded themselves behind the kremlin walls

    I understand in the 80s if an mp did not want to pay his loan on his car he would park his car in parliament buildings for a long time and the collection agency was prevented from entering the premises until they applied to the speaker.....

  13. I wonder what seat Raila will try and grab next, he won't be satisfied until he pulls a civilian coup will he? Obama should be careful of Agwambo, he might want the Presidency of the U.S after he's done with Kenya. Raila...always wants more,more,more!!! Toilets,carpets,Muthaura's seat,Kalonzo's seat. Raila supporters need to ask themselves honestly, even if Agwambo gets the HBC seat will that increase the ugali on their tables? Will that improve the lives of Kibera slum dwellers? Um no, Raila is in it for self, so you'll die for him but he could care less about your fate. He's now calling for elections, he doesn't care if wananchi dies just so he can get that top seat.

    It's unbelievable that some Kenyans still believe Raila is a man for change. If you mean more change in his pocket well then i guess yeah.

  14. Do you know that the military as we speak is secretly planning to take over government? Sources say that after takeover, they will hurredly constitute a kangaroo court and execute all prominent leaders. Watch this space in the coming few months; kenya is ripe for a military coup as the final solution

  15. Nyundo juuuuuuu. Oyeeeeee

  16. Taabu,

    I can't wait for this afternoon to reach!

  17. "If you make peaceful change impossible, then violent change is inevitable."

  18. put the boot on the other foot to evaluate fairness,

    if speaker was any of the following

    martha karua, kiraitu murungi mutula kilonzo, george saitoti, kalonzo musyoka, uhuru kenyatta, nyamweya, etc, there would be NO debate it would be a foregone conclusion, but because its marende of ODM all the "fairness" arguments come out

    marende does not need to be fair, he needs to be remain firm with the people that voted him up in the first place.

    unless he wants to con them and join the fraudsters and deceit.

  19. Raila and the Muhindi analogy;

    Those who have worked for a mhindi knows that a mhindi will promote you to supervise other jingas but give you very poor salary.

    Kibaki has been doing a mhindi on raila. he gave him only supervisory powers while he retained all the powers. to make it even worse, raila earns less than the VP.

    but this can be blamed on raila folly in selecting a legally impaired team to negotiate for ODM. what was raila thinking sending sally kosgey and ruto? it was not a gang leaders negotiation!!!

  20. Reality check4/27/09, 11:39 PM

    There has never been victory without struggle. Government propaganda is trying and to some extent succeeded to change the narative to maintain the ststus quo. It stated with Mutua , it spread to the MSM and the blogs.

    TRIBALISM - Our leaders are tribalists, watch the parties and see which party is tribalistic with a sprinkle from other tribes " gainfully employed " and not there to represent thier constituents.

    CORRUPTION - Which party has the levers of state and not doing anaything about it - The narative is that the other party is also corrupt. The corrupt party has been part of the system from the start there are even recordings on tapes in vernacular and nothing has been done about it

    INCOMPETENCE - How can you admit failure , appoint partisan commissions to investigate and correct those failures and then refuse to make finding public. What exactly is being hidden that even your " gainfully employed " cronnies could no hide. The country is not crmbling due to politics its crubling becouse politicians are running the civil service which has been turned it a weapon of sorts instead of serving the nation. watch the meetings I dont have to mention names you know WHO. Syncophants muscled in positions of power.

    DECEPTION AND FRAUD - Government employees should not engage in politics , what is the head of civil service doing in a political party meeting meetin at SH to plot thier next move.

    NEOCOLONIALISM by one of your own - Land being leased to dummy foreign companies in secret 99 year leases , Public property being sold to cronnie in secret deals. Political funds being raised by conning your own citizens - collapsed stockbrokers - with no action taken and no refunds

    Leadership cannot be bought. Of all the politicians in the arena today, the solution is staring you right in the eye , that way so much effort is spent to blind you.

    A MAN OF ALL SEASONS - From Kenyatta to Moi to Kibaki and back to Kenyatta the name is synonimous with defiance. The name has been in the forfront of the struggle - actors and I mean actors change and the struggle is still on.

    People call him a political genius - others say its DOING THE RIGHT THING - with dignity, principle and honesty.

    Propaganda takes many forms but the big QUESTION is who has been THERE, DONE IT AND IS STILL DOING IT since its is NO YET UHURU.

    46 years of independence, do you want to hand over your kids another 46 years of NON PERFORMANCE

    Son of the honcho home guard vs son of the people, a man of the soil. Make no mistake fruit does not fall far from the tree.

  21. Nyundo oye, Nyundo ayieeeeeeeee !

  22. Mistakes and more mistakes are what will bring RAILAS political ambitions down. the greatest mistake he made was to steal the last elections, then SHOUT LOUDEST, then go on a KILLING SPREE of KABILA ADUI so as to get some powers...albeit EXECUTIVE TOILET. raila thrives by repeating the same lies and the same lies will do him in. they say you can tell the character of a man by the company he keeps. by seeing raila surrounding himself with the SCAM OF THE EARTH aka ruto, gumo, sally kosgey, mudavadi, kajwang, balala, ngilu of hiv funds, its not difficult to know what he is cut from.

    when his KIBERA constituents are droping like flies due to HUNGER, hunger that one of his right hand man together with his OLDEST SON engineered, the fellow saw it right to talk of an ELECTIONS. this was after the latest toilet outburst at the coast. surely the man who told his kinsmen to get circumcised to save them from the AIDS SCOURGE that is wiping them like fleas has clearly lost it. but as usual huis faithful servants in KK aka Taabu, Kalamari, Ivy and the rest will always harp about how suited their tribal chief!!!!

  23. Nice one ! lol

  24. Nyundo oye, Nyundo ayieeeeeeeee !Nyundo oye, Nyundo ayieeeeeeeee !

  25. Mungiki leader free today . Vigilantes are regrouping / a bloodbath is on the cards.

  26. As Lumumba clearly put it, the kenyan pm or any other minister can be LGB BUT only on appointment by the president. ODM have commisioned Pheroze Nowrojee to write a piece in the Nation justfying why the pm should be LGB. But even Nowrejee while curiously appearing to say the law should be ignored is pleading with kibaki to appoint raila to foster national cohesion and help raila's chances in 2012. Am neither odm nor pnu but why would nowrejee and odm expect kibaki to help raila's chances in 2012, given their agenda's are poles apart? And if it is accepted that only the president can appoint LGB, why did odm not plead with the president to appoint their man in backroom meetings, like the last time they met and came out all smiles? How can you publicly force kibaki to appoint you to a post? There is really nothing to wait for in marende's ruling, having already stated that he is ill equiped to advise the government on how to conduct its affairs.

  27. Taabu,

    When will the Luos stop giving their backs to the Odinga royalty to ride them to oblivion?

  28. Again, in this post, the master of old woman's rants and wails continues to dialogue with his lunatic self ....

  29. When will stupid Kenyans wake up and realise our scumbag politicians don't really care about them at all?

    That we have only 2 tribes, the rich and the poor?

    That your next door neighbour is not the problem but poor leadership?

    When will dear Kenyans wake up from the deep slumber?

    I pray for that day!

    I really do!

  30. ODM fellas parade degrees to show they have been to school, but they should ask themselves whether they learned anything. Otherwise, how do you explain how easily their negotiators get screwed-up by PNU side, day and day out.

  31. Even "the madmen and children" in Kenya know that Raila is interested in HBC because its chairman's office has an executive toilet and a red carpet. That is all.

  32. Last night I had a revelation
    Somehow I have to make you pay
    It's all about manipulation
    And what it takes to get my way
    I don't believe in soft solutions
    No one makes a fool of me
    Without receiving retribution
    No one hurts me and goes free

    I'll play on your fears, I'll leave you in tears
    You'll never be the same, my friend
    You're walking a line, it's a matter of time
    You'll never rest easy again

    I've got the power to bring you down

    I've heard it said, to err is human
    It's forgiveness that's divine
    I thought about forgiving you, but
    I want revenge, I want what's mine
    I think it's time to settle scores now
    It's time to set the record straight
    You'll know it's coming, you won't know how
    Or when, you'll have to watch and wait

    I'll play on your fears, I'll leave you in tears
    You'll never be the same, my friend
    You're walking a line, it's a matter of time
    You'll never rest easy again

    I've got the power to bring you down

    You know, it feels intoxicating
    To be intimidating
    It's invigorating
    To see you shaking

    I've got the power to bring you down

    You know something, you see it coming,
    You know I will stop at nothing.”

  33. I have been reading comments for this post and am sorry to say that I have not seen any offering the way forward. The so called political analysts are quite waiting for today's ruling then they start offering their skewed opinions, come on guys lets wake and learn to offer practical solutions but not to wait and start reacting!

  34. Andrew said...

    I have been reading comments for this post and am sorry to say that I have not seen any offering the way forward. The so called political analysts are quite waiting for today's ruling then they start offering their skewed opinions, come on guys lets wake and learn to offer practical solutions but not to wait and start reacting!

    4/28/09 1:15 AM


  35. All the present political heat is the cumulative cost of an ILLEGITIMATE REGIME - a regime that STOLE its way to power, you cant get more power hungry than that - which will do anything legal and otherwise to retain the status quo that nourishes all their grand schemes to milk Kenya dry and supported by the likes of Vikii, the Anon called Kwale and other panua mongrels.

  36. Below is an extract of an article Chris published a few months ago........ ODM/Raila thugs, wake up to reality!

    On paper, Kibaki and Raila are “equal” partners. But in reality, Kibaki calls the shots. If they are “equal” partners, why did Raila swear an oath to Kibaki and accept a letter of appointment written and signed by Kibaki? Why didn’t Kibaki swear to Raila? Kibaki’s letter says: “I have no doubt that you will do your best to discharge your duties diligently and wholeheartedly for the benefit of the people of Kenya.” Why not other way round where Kibaki’s letter being drafted and signed by Raila or both having their letters signed by a neutral authority?

    Apart from RECOMMENDING ODM ministers to cabinet, how comes all ministers swore to Kibaki as President and no mention of Raila or his PM post? How comes all ministers received letters of appointment signed by Kibaki and not Raila and no mention of PM in their letters? Raila’s role is JUST WATCHING as ministers swear to the dinosaur that is Kibaki. If they are “equal” partners, how comes Raila is only one who RECOMMENDS to Kibaki and not other way round? Why is it only one partner (Kibaki) who can call, chair or dissolve the cabinet?

    In his protocol tussle with the VP, how comes Raila waits alongside Kalonzo and other dignitaries for Kibaki to arrive at every public functions? Why not other way round Kibaki waiting for Raila to arrive in other functions or arriving same time?

    Who between Kibaki and Raila holds key to real power? Can Raila dissolve Cabinet or even sack a minister? What if Raila RECOMMENDS sacking of his own ODM minister and Kibaki rejects it? What if Kibaki fires an ODM minister and use state machinery under his firm control to enforce his move? What can Raila do? Can Raila sack an ODM (leave alone PNU) minister. He can only recommend in respect to ODM only! Can Raila appoint a Chief Justice and judges?

    Can Raila sign any law passed by Parliament? Wasn’t he humiliated by Kibaki the other day when he received a memorandum from media owners protesting about a new law that had been passed in Parliament? Raila was gleaning on TVs assuring them the “Government” would look into their grievances and that he would present their memo to Kibaki for consideration. In an open show of contempt, Kibaki signed the law three days later! It had not dawned on Raila that the law on signing of laws passed by parliament was not amended and the president did not need to consult the PM.

    If Kibaki and Raila are “equal” partners, how comes Kibaki’s salary is clearly set out in the constitution and Raila cannot use his own executive powers to determine his own salary and all he can do is whine in secret leaks to the media and in public that he wants a salary at par with his “equal” partner? How comes we have not heard Kibaki demanding to be paid the PM’s “higher” salary?

    How comes it is only one partner who has the key of the vehicle (Kenya as a country and overall executive powers) and the other “equal” partner cannot drive it and the only thing he can keep doing is to keep RECOMMENDING to the other, “please drive we go”? Kibaki’s letter says: “Neither are you at liberty to announce major policy decisions without having to put the matter in question before the Cabinet.” But Kibaki can make all manner of roadside declarations, like Moi perfected, including making a village a province, if he likes, without consulting PM, Cabinet or PM. Maybe, he can consult Lucy Kibaki to make Othaya Kenya’s ninth province.

    How comes Raila depends on Kibaki to provide him with security and not vice versa? We all see it. Whenever Kibaki is in same function with Raila, Kibaki’s guards are fully in charge and Raila is reduced to level of other dignitaries. Why do the bodyguards of Raila coil their tails and fight for space with the crowd?

    If Kibaki drops dead today, what does the constitution say? Does it even mention the PM in any role after death of President? It says the current VP takes over. Raila’s and Kalonzo’s public gimmicks to be next to Kibaki are a result of bloated ego and signs of inferiority complex. It’s only Raila (not his “equal” partner Kibaki) who struggles to be next to Kibaki. Why that if both “equal”? Shouldn’t we be seeing a drama of Kalonzo jostling with Kibaki to be next to Raila and to invite Raila to speak last?

    If Kibaki dies today, Kalonzo would automatically take charge as a caretaker president for three months before fresh polls are held. Kibaki’s death would bring an automatic death to the Accord he signed with Raila. Hence, Raila needs Kibaki alive to keep his job! But VP who would be in office then would be the sole beneficiary of Kibaki’s death as he would assume power and there would be no deal with a PM. Raila would then find himself jobless and he would most likely stay in the cold for three months trying to endear himself to his disillusioned supporters (if at all he still has their grip today) before a General Election is called by the interim president.

    Bearing in mind Kibaki would not be a candidate, the political landscape we saw in 2007 (which favoured Raila and I believe he deserved it) would shift and Raila would have an uphill task marshalling the frenzied support he got in 2007. In fact, a big majority who voted for Raila were doing so in protest against Kibaki but not their love for Raila. Raila was the only strong DUME capable of flooring Kibaki and that is why we saw all sorts of characters of divergent political (criminals included) and ethnic backgrounds gang up in ODM to defeat Kibaki and his PNU.

    On the other way round, a big majority who voted for Kibaki did not do so because they loved him. They did so due to the Raila Odinga presidency fear phobia that Moi put in Kenyan minds. Raila is regarded by some Kenyans, GEMA in particular, as a big threat to their survival. We saw all sorts of thieves and tribal political chiefs gang up behind Kibaki to secure the unfinished culture of eating and guarantee their seats in Parliament (and possible plum cabinet posts).

    Kibaki out of the way, even in 2012, Raila will have the biggest test of his political career. Unless Kibaki openly backs him in 2012. Can Kibaki for once shelve his selfishness? I doubt.

    But if Raila dies today, Kibaki would hold a state funeral for him and shed crocodile tears of how he had lost a brother! Afterwards, he would appoint a new PM from Raila’s ODM and he remains in office till his term ends in 2012. None of the other ODM heavyweight as Raila’s political muscle and Kibaki would have even an easier ride. If mighty Raila failed to shake Kibaki (apart from “sharing power to save Kenya”, the Mudavadis, Rutos, Henry Kosgeys, Balalas of this world would dance to Kibaki’s tune while wiping Kibaki’s shoes with their tongues.

    The “executive powers” Raila “shared” with Kibaki are just an illusion and Raila was so hungry for power to see the con trap Kibaki had placed on him. In fact, the PM should thank his stars Kibaki wants to have title of president and cares little about running Kenya. If Kibaki and Moi were to swap places in the current arrangement, Raila would find himself dancing to a different tune. Moi would frustrate him and make his work a nightmare. This thing works because Kibaki wants it to work. Raila is Kibaki’s hostage.

    It is, therefore, too late and pointless for Raila and his aides to keep whining over spilt milk. Raila has two choices – move out of Govt to force it collapse and or stay inside, shut up and fly in the same smelly oil with his “equal” partner.


  38. Ugandans in Kenya attacked over Migingo

    Emojong Osere & Risdel Kasasira


    Kenyan youth reportedly angered over the Migingo island dispute have reportedly turned their anger on Ugandans living in Nairobi’s Kibera slum.
    Uganda Media Center Fred Opolot told Daily Monitor yesterday that two Ugandan businessmen from Kibera had been attacked.

    “I have been talking to our Under Secretary at the embassy in Nairobi and I was told that two Ugandans reported to the embassy after they had been attacked and their property confiscated,” he said, “there is general fear in Kenya, but the Kenyan government has promised to protect Ugandans in Nairobi”

    A source from Nairobi said leaflets warning Ugandan residents to leave were dropped in Kibera over the weekend.
    The warning came a day before the area MP and Prime Minister (PM) Raila Odinga visited the area and called for calm.
    Both Kenya and Uganda are claiming the ownership of the disputed Island in a row that is threatening the diplomatic ties of the two countries.

    Fred Emoit, a Ugandan resident in Kibera, told Daily Monitor on phone on April 27 that Kenya police were reluctant to ensure their safety.
    “We have reported cases and nothing has been done,” he said on phone.
    In a separate incident, three Ugandan businessmen were attacked and their merchandise taken away by a group of Kenyan youths in Kisumu.
    The Kampala City Traders Association Publicist, Isa Ssekito said, “The situation is tense because our traders now fear to cross the border,” he said.

    However Mr. Opolot said the standoff over Migingo will be solved peacefully.
    Recently, violent youths in Kenya uprooted part of the railway line from Nairobi to Kampala.
    Last week, the angry youths stopped attempts by Rift Valley Railways workers from repairing the damaged railway line in Kibera slums
    They vowed that they would not allow any activities on the railway line until Kenya assumes full control of the disputed Migingo Island, which Uganda is claiming.

    Led by former area councillor Opete Opete, the residents blamed the Grand Coalition Government for what they termed laxity in dealing with the issue.
    They dismissed the ongoing demarcation survey led by senior Lands officials from the two East African countries.

  39. Anon 4/28/09 1:36 AM
    what I meant is that all of us in this blog site we should stop preaching water and drinking wine. We are very quick to point accusing figures, jump into a fray when it suits us but when the situation calls for sobriety we do what? we bury our heads in the sand. The current crisis is not a constitutional one it is a political one and that explains why all the legal experts in the country are quiet after shouting themselves hoarse when they discovered they have been not advancing anything in their discourse. A fool will tell you there will a government even after Marende's/Hon Kibaki's/Hon.Raila's action. But the question will be whose govt? Every right thinking Kenyan should be wary about our future should we be living in these kinds of uncertainty? It is only in Kenya where staying without governance structures does not seem to worry anybody. Are you familiar with days when there was no VP, no HBC leave alone LGB, no ECK in place and the register. Friends we need to wake up and push for what is right for this great nation or else...


    It may seem strange to suggest that the study of propaganda has relevance to contemporary politics. After all, when most people think about propaganda, they think of the enormous campaigns that were waged by Hitler and Stalin in the 1930s. Since nothing comparable is being disseminated in our society today, many believe that propaganda is no longer an issue.

    But propaganda can be as blatant as a swastika or as subtle as a joke. Its persuasive techniques are regularly applied by politicians, advertisers, journalists, radio personalities, and others who are interested in influencing human behavior. Propagandistic messages can be used to accomplish positive social ends, as in campaigns to reduce drunk driving, but they are also used to win elections and to sell malt liquor.

    As Anthony Pratkanis and Elliot Aronson point out, "every day we are bombarded with one persuasive communication after another. These appeals persuade not through the give-and-take of argument and debate, but through the manipulation of symbols and of our most basic human emotions. For better or worse, ours is an age of propaganda." (Pratkanis and Aronson, 1991)

    With the growth of communication tools like the Internet, the flow of persuasive messages has been dramatically accelerated. For the first time ever, citizens around the world are participating in uncensored conversations about their collective future. This is a wonderful development, but there is a cost.

    The information revolution has led to information overload, and people are confronted with hundreds of messages each day. Although few studies have looked at this topic, it seems fair to suggest that many people respond to this pressure by processing messages more quickly and, when possible, by taking mental short-cuts.

    Propagandists love short-cuts -- particularly those which short-circuit rational thought. They encourage this by agitating emotions, by exploiting insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending the rules of logic. As history shows, they can be quite successful.

    Propaganda analysis exposes the tricks that propagandists use and suggests ways of resisting the short-cuts that they promote. We will expose these and provide mental self-defense - Popaganda Analysis

    This is an antidote to Dr Mutua et al.



    "We believe in, fight for, live by virtue words about which we have deep-set ideas. Such words include DEMOCRACY, PATRIOTISM, CONSTITUTION

    For our purposes in propaganda analysis, we call these virtue words "Glittering Generalities" in order to focus attention upon this dangerous characteristic that they have: They mean different things to different people; they can be used in different ways.

    This is not a criticism of these words as we understand them. Quite the contrary. It is a criticism of the uses to which propagandists put the cherished words and beliefs of unsuspecting people.

    When someone talks to us about democracy, we immediately think of our own definite ideas about democracy, the ideas we learned at home, at school, and in church. Our first and natural reaction is to assume that the speaker is using the word in our sense, that he believes as we do on this important subject. This lowers our 'sales resistance' and makes us far less suspicious than we ought to be when the speaker begins telling us the things like " DULY ELECTED " " CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS " ETC ETC ETC

    Glittering Generality device seeks to make us approve and accept without examining the evidence. - MAJORITY RULE as reflected in Parliamentary numbers is the evidence, " constitutonal right " seeks to reject this fact on the ground.

    People should ask themselves when confronted with this technique:
    What does the virtue word really mean?

    Does the idea in question have a legitimate connection with the real meaning of the word:

    Is an idea that does not serve my best interests being "sold" to me merely through its being given a name that I like?

    Leaving the virtue word out of consideration, what are the merits of the idea itself?

    A good word being brandished around is " CIVILIAN COUP " how can the majority organise a coup against itself - defies logic and there lies the essence of propaganda - against the interest of the people.

  42. Taabu is gay

  43. Cicero's;
    Are you suggesting your approach to the problems facing Kenya is the best one out there? I thought the problems are multifaceted and deeply entrenched hence requiring a holistic approach to address them, i.e. yours, mine, kumekucha etc

    Kenyaluv; grow up don't be another vikii.

    Reality check; as the name suggest points to the issues that will cause Kenya to fail and it makes me wonder why some pple here are readily defending the indefensible

    Again I ask does any sane person belief that a senile, illegitimate man who has been in politics for the past 50 yrs will rescue Kenya.

    Also who amongst kibaki, uhuru, ruto, raila, kalonzo, saitoti has been more associated or linked to progress and change in kenya, if, though a scarce virtual with kenyans, pple can really be honest with themselves and each other.

  44. Most of the people complaining have no clues as to how many other presidents co-operate with their PMs in handling the countless issues ever arising and staying in-touch with reality.

  45. KenyaLuv, well said.

    Thats the kind of thinking we're talking about.

    This Raira they keep pushing into our throats, what has he done? The only tangible thing that can be credited to his name is his call (which went on deaf ears) for mandatory 'cut' for his fellow tribesmen.

    Phil's mistress

  46. John Maina,

    Who gave you the role of KK moderator? i thot so..

    so you are the blogists who still delieve raila is pro-change? smell the coffee coz the reality will strike you like a thunder bolt. Raila takes the award of the politicians who has been in over 10 political parties in a decade. that tells you what kind of an opportunist he is. it does not escape us that he even sold NDP like the way joseph of the bible was sold to pharaoh but in his case to moi. for what? you guessed it right, molasses plant for a song, a ministerial position and a military chopper to use it when taking his celebrations to luo nyanza.

    1) which liberator ever cries of lack of a toilet and a torn carpet while his kibera constituents he has been representing for over a decade have been dying of hunger?
    2) which liberator joins hands with the corrupt, killers, and public coffer looters just to get elected in office. which liberator would go ahead and entrust such a scam with big public offices?
    3) which liberator watches as his son and his minister sell maize while his followers die of hunger?
    4) which liberator ever complains that his salary should be bigger than for all the others?
    5) which liberator ever rode to power riding dead victims backs just because they belong to the wrong tribe?a tribe he labels 'kabila adui'
    6) which liberator with a parliamentary majority fails to initiate 1 single reform bill in over a year and a half?

    answer that maina or shut the f--- up!!

  47. Marende should not intervene and let them sort out this politically, for it is not legal, but a political issue. Hope he will be wise like Farah and refuse to be dragged into it.

  48. Anon 1.44
    You have actually told them the truth that the issue of power sharing and equal partners only exist in the imagination of the dumb people.Your comment is detailed and it hits the nail on the head

  49. Politician Wanguhu Nganga has filed a suit seeking the interpretation of the national accord. I think this is what ODM ought to have done


    Common techniques : False connections.

    "Transfer is a device by which the propagandist carries over the authority, sanction, and prestige of something we respect and revere to something he would have us accept .

    In the Transfer device, symbols are constantly used. The cross represents the Christian Church. The flag represents the nation. Those symbols stir emotions . At their very sight, with the speed of light, is aroused the whole complex of feelings we have with respect to church or nation.

    In a similar fashion, propagandists attempt and have succeeded to transfer the reputation of particular customs to particular projects and set of beliefs.

    These techniques can also take a more ominous turn. "even the most flagrantly anti-scientific tribalists dress up their arguments at times with terms and carefully selected illustrations presented out of all context." The propaganda of Jomo Kenyatta and company with thier signature " we cannot be lead by a kihii " rationalized tribal policies by appealing to customs.

    The point is that an idea should not be accepted simply because it has been linked to a symbol or a practice. This is a classic case that has propagated conflict and hate since independence in kenya.
    Its a source of some of the most amazing Government decisions to date in our Nation. We reap the fruits of this particular propaganda device today in Kenya 46 years after independence. A classic case that is unleashed in every election or during trying times to rally the " troops ".

    When confronted with the transfer device, we should ask ourselves the following questions:

    1. In the most simple and concrete terms, what is the proposal of the speaker?

    2. What is the meaning of the the thing from which the propagandist is seeking to transfer authority, sanction, and prestige?

    3. Is there any legitimate connection between the proposal of the propagandist and the revered thing, person or institution?

    4. Leaving the propagandistic trick out of the picture, what are the merits of the proposal viewed alone?

    The money quote :

    A " kihii " who is evil and cannot lead transforms overnight to be a " Jamba " once he gives up his leadership ambition by saying " Tosha " Puleeeeeeeeeese !

  51. John Maina wrote:Cicero's;
    Are you suggesting your approach to the problems facing Kenya is the best one out there? I

    My responseGo back and read what I wrote...this time don't pay attention to the voices in your head. Here is some of it:

    "I am not a guru coming with a miracle prescription but an ordinary mwananchi who sees some truth in what Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King said in 1967, "A time comes when silence is betrayal." "

  52. 4th estate.

    Now that you have finished, give us the other side of the story. Which propaganda techniques are used against kabila adui?

    Also it is dishonest to copy and paste without acknowledging the source. Its called plagiarism you know.

  53. scare who? can someone update me on what Marende is saying? Has he given it to Baby jimmy or ODM?

  54. Anon 5.19 pm, I dont know why you and many other people believe that it is only Kibaki's government creating the mess.

    Sick and tired of people ignoring the fact that ODM supporters and the party are always the one's who have violent protests. Number two, the national accord is a contract, ODM signed it, the terms are that either they follow it or they dissolve which is a disaster.

    These are the same guys who have been making noise and letting guys like Ruto go scott free over disasters in their dockets. On top of supporting mad PNU initiatives.

    Now im not a supporter of PNU or ODM, I am only a supporter of a better KEnya. None of these guys is serious with life. ODM seems to think that they can throw a constitution in a dustbin because it doesnt fully cater to their needs. And PNU thinks it can be arrogant and bully its way because constitutionally the president is to appoint the leader of government business.

    All of them fail to accept that they dont want reforms, they want the same rotten constitution and legal framework to remain so they can continue to lead us with impunity and total disregard for Kenyans needs.

    No one can even prove that both of them did not play games in the elections, so quit saying all this nonsense about how only Kibaki did it. We know that there were issues across the board.

    As for Marende, definetly the decision he makes will have a profound impact on how politics functions in Kenya. Of course the Kenya we know has its days numbered, because we are going to progress from here.

    The first thing we need to do is actually start having more constructive conversations as Kenyans. Everything is complaining and nothing about what we can do. If thats how people think things will change they are sadly mistaken.

    We need to get over the hurdle of the election, it happened badly but we will rectify what went wrong. And its not about Kibaki and Raila, its about the thousands of people who lost loved ones, and lost their homes and livelihoods.

    So many of us want to come back home and actually be a part of a new Kenya, but when we read some of the things said on blogs, we dont even think people want the change they say they need. If we talk the talk we should walk the walk.

  55. marembe obeys the law and gives kalono the LGB seat. Raila was seen crying inside the bunge loo..

  56. Mungiki boss released from jail.

    Thease are worrying and Hard times ahead for this nation.
    Is this intimidation that fresh elections will be violent?

    Breaking news-DN:
    Outlawed Mungiki sect leader Maina Njenga freed after his successful appeal on a five-year jail sentence.

  57. Cicero,

    Don't pay attention to that dimwit called John Maina. He is the most replusive person on this site. yeye ni kama itina ria mai!

  58. Mungiki leader rearrested immediately after his release -source Standard

  59. Marende will head HBC in the interim

  60. One Wife Man4/28/09, 6:18 AM

    Taabu aka Taabu,
    selective expectations? more like grandiose imaginations! if no one else can do the job why not Marende will do it HIMSELF-na hiyo ni maendelo

  61. I have been shocked to discover that our parliament is not exclusively made up of FOOLS.

    Speaker Kenneth Marende is CLEVER!!

    He has just ruled that the Speaker will be interim head of the HBC until the two chief fools - Kibaki and Raila - get their act together.

    Kudos to him for thinking and putting this country first!

    Perhaps,just perhaps we are not totally fucked as a country and they are a few good men.

    God Bless Kenya!

  62. warothe

    i would not celebrate just yet

    we need to read the full text of the decision, but one thing not clear to me right now is how he went over the hurdle that the HBC chair has to be a minister.

    i do not think this is over just yet i can see a lot of people getting ruled out of order in that house very soon

    the good news however and i agree with you is that if this stands then its definitely a lot more promising but lets see what happens after the dust settles down. i can see a furious PNU reacting to a "presidential decree" being thrown out of the door, ODM on the other hand may be content with this ruling but lets wait and see what next

  63. Marende has observed the principle of power separation where the parliament in this case cannot interfere with decision made by the Executive arm of government.He knows it is not his duty to decide who is be LGB but a government decision

  64. Marende is wise

    Extra ordinary times require extra ordinary solutions Marende said.

    interpretation of what is the government in Kenya today was the basis of his deccion.
    It is a Coalition Government and the spirit of consultation must be upheld
    He was right since he had received two appointees from the same government!

  65. This typically Kenyan making half baked decision Marend has just post pond the problem. Kenyans want decisions making leader this story of fence sitting, have baked policy and decision is not good for the country.


    Logical fallacies : Bad logic or propaganda?

    Logic is the process of drawing a conclusion from one or more premises. A statement of fact, by itself, is neither logical or illogical (although it can be true or false).

    As an example of how logic can be abused, consider the following argument which has been widely propagated

    Premise 1: We are hardworking.
    Premise 2: We have wealth.
    Premise 3: All kikuyus are rich becouse they are hardworking.
    Premise 4: All kikuyu wealth is due to hard work.

    Premise 1: Kibera is in Langata.
    Premise 2: Raila is the MP for Langata.
    Premise 3: Kibera is a slum.
    premise 4: Rails is lazy becouse kibera is a slum.

    This is a rather extreme example of how logic can be abused.

    It should be noted that a message can be illogical without being propagandistic -- we all make logical mistakes. The difference is that propagandists deliberately manipulate logic in order to promote their cause. IMPUNITY in a nutshell !

    WAKE UP !!!!!!!! - Any sane person knows that both premises are false and they are
    still brandished around as if they are statements of fact. We know why Kibera is a slum and we know
    where the wealth has come from read " ITS OUR TURN TO EAT " by Githongo the insider.

    Fraud and Deception

    Lead people with propaganda to fight your political battles and they'll forget there was ever such a thing as truth justice and reconciliation , To Govern by force means you must be brutal and ruthless. The spirit of ruthless brutality eventually enters into the very fibre of national life, infecting the parliament, the courts, the police and eventually the man in the street.

    SUE ME !!!

  67. The president can resign if he still feels that his powers have been unsurped by the Speaker / Parliament - Where is Muthaura ?

  68. Anon 6:55 AM,

    You asked: Where is Muthaura?

    He must be burning the midnight oil plotting how to undermine Raila.....

  69. Anon 6:51 AM,

    Very excellently put - how some mongrels use fraudulent "logic" to perpetuate falsehoods.

    Some people regard themselves as hardworking, enterprising and industrious. No! We know
    where the wealth has come from. Read "ITS OUR TURN TO EAT" by John Githongo the insider who should know everything about how wealth was "made" - fraud, deception, theft, looting and grabbing.

  70. John Maina,
    Take heart and propagate your ideas for those with no box hoisted above the shoulders to decipher. You must have seen the flies craving for a back to perch no, don't offer them any. The cheap advertizing gimmicks can only sell to small minds weaned on vices, take no heed and do what you know best. Just note that when you are tagged most repulsive (e-rage, see the spelling) there lies the potent fear albeit disguised.

  71. Ati Bantu, Bantu, Bantu.....If you are wasted, you are wasted. The rule is never get killed for being a loud mouth, but if you do; shit happens and people just forget. Infact Bantu has been already forgotten in record time! RIP

  72. HBC was just a passing cloud read anon 5.19pm I wonder why everybody was making so much noise over the non affair.
    For those who still think they have a country to save forget it. kenya is nolonger that naive. Kibaki raped it and continues to rape it without any remorse.Those who try to defend her are called all the names, some have lost their lives too.This has extremely exposed her and hardened her determination to continue her fight for self dignity.
    And alone she will fight, not for her own survival but for the survival of her offsprings. The kaboom is coming soon. It will hit so hard it pains even to imagine. If you really love kenya this is the time to be present.

  73. "4th Estate said...


    Logical fallacies : Bad logic or propaganda?

    Logic is the process of drawing a conclusion from one or more premises. A statement of fact, by itself, is neither logical or illogical (although it can be true or false).

    As an example of how logic can be abused, consider the following argument which has been widely propagated

    Premise 1: We are hardworking.
    Premise 2: We have wealth.
    Premise 3: All kikuyus are rich becouse they are hardworking.
    Premise 4: All kikuyu wealth is due to hard work.

    Premise 1: Kibera is in Langata.
    Premise 2: Raila is the MP for Langata.
    Premise 3: Kibera is a slum.
    premise 4: Rails is lazy becouse kibera is a slum.

    This is a rather extreme example of how logic can be abused.

    It should be noted that a message can be illogical without being propagandistic -- we all make logical mistakes. The difference is that propagandists deliberately manipulate logic in order to promote their cause. IMPUNITY in a nutshell !

    WAKE UP !!!!!!!! - Any sane person knows that both premises are false and they are
    still brandished around as if they are statements of fact. We know why Kibera is a slum and we know
    where the wealth has come from read " ITS OUR TURN TO EAT " by Githongo the insider.

    Fraud and Deception

    Lead people with propaganda to fight your political battles and they'll forget there was ever such a thing as truth justice and reconciliation , To Govern by force means you must be brutal and ruthless. The spirit of ruthless brutality eventually enters into the very fibre of national life, infecting the parliament, the courts, the police and eventually the man in the street.

    SUE ME !!!

    4/28/09 6:51 AM"

    huh??? Ok what point are you trying to make? Or are you feeding us words into our mouths?

  74. The Speaker's ruling is stinging slap in the face for Kibaki and PNU hawks. Kibaki has so far behaved as if the National Accord changed nothing. PNU premised the choice of Leader of Government Business on the notion that Constitution gave Kibaki the right to appoint the LGB on a whim.

    Marende says things have changed. His message to Kibaki is clear and unequivocal: It's consensual or nothing

  75. Can Kwekwe/ eagle please discharge their duly & legally given licence-to-kill by the constiution n blow the brains out of maina ( translated as four feaces in Kikuyu) fucking njenga? What are they waiting for wasting our time with the drama of arresting the guy. Just dispose the fool fast and dump him in ngong for the hyenas. We will demonstrate but forget...Just like we forgot Mbai, Mugabe were, Oscar twins, and just recently Bantu. WE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS like Kibaki and Raila to deal with. We are growing impatient with these side shows

  76. Message to Kibaki from Marende:
    Usione afisi imeandikwa PM ukadhani ni Pima Motura!!

  77. Marende to chair HBC

    What a brilliant decision!
    Well done, Mr. Speaker.

  78. What Marende’s ruling means is that the next LGB and Chair of the HBC has to be nominated after consultation between Raila and Kibaki. I am sure that is all that Raila wanted and he can go ahead and co-nominate (read “appoint”) Kalooser with no qualms. The biggest loser today was....Kalooser

  79. Why is it so hard to dispose Maina? Bigger, more impt people have been rid of and history is there to show... The worst Mungiki will do is what they are already doing. Just put the guy to rest; you did it to his wife, didnt you? and people + mungiki have forgotten since abt this poor victim of circumstance. Just do your dirty job......

  80. Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki has so far been behaving as if the National Accord changed nothing. PNU premised the choice of Leader of Government Business on the notion that Constitution gave Kibaki the right to appoint the leader of government business. What outdated nonsense!

    Marende says things have changed. His message to Mwai "pumbavu" Kibaki is very loud and clear: YOU MUST CONSULT RAILA. PERIOD. That or nothing at all!

    You can not STEAL an election and get away with it scotfree.

  81. The road downhill is always steep and fast - hang on to your seatbelts folks , you have just reached the peak and we are beginning our final decent - The myth of " authority " and the " cover " of constitutionality have been busted wide open.

    Turbulent times ahead with the birth bungs of a true kenya representing all. Watu wakae ngumu hivyo hivyo ... I have heard rumours that " the Court of Apeal is covered " Can somebody enlighten us on that one.

    keep your eyes wide " the cookie crumbles " very fast and it will be furious.


    The constitution has been suspended - Marende appoints himself. Hiyo ni maendeleo forget business as usual.

  83. Anon 7:51 AM

    I concur, Kalonzo "msaliti" Musyoka has ALWAYS been a looser, is a looser and will always be a looser.

  84. Friends what is the political implication of today's ruling by Hon Ken Otiato Marende, and kindly note am asking about political and not constitutional! this is because as I had said earlier today it was not a constitutional issue alone

  85. There shall be no negotiation over who should be Leader of Government Business, the PNU side of the Grand Coalition Government has said.

    Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka said President Kibaki had read the riot Act to Speaker Kenneth Marende and Prime Minister Raila Odinga saying it would not be subject to negotiation. - The Standard

    Hiyo ni jana ! how times change , today is a new day - its about time.

    " Tunajenge taifa " - ama turudi kwa debe ;-)

    BIG BIG BIG BIG WIN and kuddos to ODM and whichever way you try to spin this - Over to you Dr Mutua and Ambasadero Mathaura , lol [ btw u r next ] - we are waiting for the propaganda. The silence is defening .........

  86. Marende has done good for Kenya. We are proud of him. He should retain HBC until 20012.

    The thief has no right to appoint anyone. He should take care of his mad slaping dog and his second concubine.

    Premise 3: All kikuyus are rich=YES, ITS TRUE. EVEN ALL MUNGIKIS ARE MILLIONARES becouse they are hardworking AND CORRUPT.
    Premise 4: All kikuyu wealth is due to hard work, YES AT NIGHT.

    Premise 1: Kibera is in Langata=YES.
    Premise 2: Raila is the MP for Langata=YES.
    premise 4: Rails is lazy becouse kibera is a slum=NO, THERE IS NO LOGIC TO THIS. RAILA IS AN MP WHO IS A LAW MAKER and NOT A KIKUYU PS AT THE TREASURY.

  88. The political implication is that the " gainfully employed non representatives of the people " in the PNU faction will start fleeing in droves as they finally realise the centre of power has shifted dramatically - things will crumble very fast.

    Power is an illision - you are either as perceived to have it or NOT. Thats why Muthaura is scheming and screeming that parliament is unsurping the president. Marenda had news for him today - ITS A NEW KENYAN ORDER.

    The peoples agenda will be front, right and centre in the house - a syncophant cannot control what comes onto the floor of the house.

    Its still early days troops are being marshalled , night meetings are being organised, a lot of people are not going to sleep.

    What you can feel in the air is the shock in some quaters , the usual defenders of the status quo are still shell shocked and hoping the " lame " leader will rescue the situation by remote control from Tanzania.

    I have a suggestion of what should be a priority apart from Agenda 4. How about releasing all the commission reports - we need to restore trust in Gava.


  89. Eric@10.47

    Wise chilling words you make.

  90. KenyaLuv,

    So it is okay for Kibaki to grab in your eyes then, and he puts food on your table.

  91. Lack of government in Kenya

    All the borders of kenya are threatened,yet the DULY elected president is only worried about LBC in Parliament.
    Somalia side,uganda side,Sudan side. Where is the DULY elected commander in Thief?

    The chickens are coming home to roost at last!

    By MACHARIA GAITHO, Posted Monday, April 27 2009 at 16:00

    AS THE THIRD SESSION OF the 10th Parliament was formally inaugurated last week, the Kenyan leadership received a rude reminder of the challenges this country faces. Yet the murderous rampage in which nearly 30 people in one village were slain in one night was merely a distraction as our leaders focused on what, to them, are clearly more urgent things.

    Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Internal Security minister George Saitoti parachuted into the area for a quick photo-op before rushing back for the fisticuffs over the control of Parliament. President Kibaki made some perfunctory comment but otherwise seemed distracted by more important issues. Ministers and MPs, particularly from the affected areas, largely retained an extremely loud silence.

    Perhaps what our leadership, and we as a nation, do not want to confront is that brutal cycle of killing and revenge killings reveals the deep social and economic schisms in society that the Kenyan leadership has neglected to address, since independence. The massacre in Gathaithi village in revenge attacks following a fortnight of murderous attacks by vigilante squads upped the ante considerably in what has been an ongoing battle in the wider central Kenya and diaspora.

    While Mungiki is the most dramatic exemplification of the rise of criminal gangs in Kenya, there are many other parts of the country where lawlessness has taken root, and citizens have resorted to ‘‘mob justice’’ in the face of an impotent law and order system.

    Mungiki, however, is not just about a criminal quasi-religious cult that has entrenched itself deeply in all the major urban and peri-urban areas of central Kenya. It is also about hopelessly disaffected youth abandoned by society, the gap between the haves and the have-nots, and a leadership elite that cares little about addressing the issues of poverty and unemployment.

    It is also about cynical leaders who will exploit jobless youths as foot-soldiers in their political wars, but abandon them once they are no longer useful. Mungiki, in particular, has always had very strong links to the country’s political dynamic.

    During the violence that nearly destroyed the country in the wake of the disputed 2007 elections, key politicians recruited and armed Mungiki groups in central Kenya, Nairobi and parts of the Rift Valley diaspora to execute “self-defence” efforts and revenge attacks against rival communities.

    THAT WAS NOT THE FIRST TIME THE Mungiki and assorted youth brigades – the so-called Kalenjin warriors in the Rift Valley, the Taliban in the Nairobi slums and the Baghdad Boys in Kisumu – have been used by leaders in society, some in the heart of government, as political shock troops.

    From the time of President Moi to the present, Mungiki has adeptly wormed its way into the body-politic, putting itself at the service of whatever political cause it needed to support at any one time. Hence, the sense of betrayal that the same leaders who call the shots in the present government prefer not just to turn their backs on a movement they helped nurture, but are seen as driving the brutal police assaults on the movements that have taken the character of a deliberate policy of extrajudicial executions and disappearances.

    But even as human rights groups cry foul and the UN Special Rapporteur threatens to indict Attorney-General Amos Wako and Police Commissioner Hussein Ali, the phenomenon has arisen in affected areas where citizens are themselves up in arms against Mungiki. The vigilante gangs seem to be encouraged by the police and the provincial administration, happy to suggest that security agencies cannot act directly lest they be accused of extrajudicial killings.

    Another phenomenon is that almost every criminal activity is now attributed to Mungiki, yet there is little evidence of a single organised gang operating under a centralised command. In the region - the richest in the country but where poverty is also endemic - tens of thousand of jobless youths, many with modest education and aspiration to a better life, mill around aimlessly, watching the flashy cars of the rich politicians shower them with dust.

    They are hungry, angry, resentful, alienated and cut-off from society and so-called leaders who only use them and dump them. They turn to crime and terrorise society until society fights back. Eventually what exposes itself is not just the blood and mayhem, but the lack of government.

  92. Hongera to marende for stopping the PNU thugs right on track as they keep calling on everyone except themselves to obey/respect the useless constitution and a senile illegitimate lunatic.

    He has also clipped some of ODM wings.

    However the big challenges are ahead and we shall see how he plays the balancing act as he has created as many friends as foes which will be realised come the discussion on creating a local tribunal.

  93. Vikii said...

    It is not up to Kenneth Marende to interprete the constitution. He should stop deluding himself. He is not the Artonney General. The constitution is clear and to the blind and the illiterate, the AG can read it aloud for them and explain!

    Our response:

    Blind and illiterate v. Those not blind and literate, today, the scores were: 10:0.

    On a more serious note, we think that the best route out of this nonsense is for the Parliament to provide the way forward via the following:

    Chapter 15A (3) provides that:

    Parliament may, by an Act of Parliament and notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, provide for -

    (b) the functions and powers of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers;

    Using this section, it is possible to give the PM the leadership of the HBC. It can even go further than this and give him any other powers that it may deem fit.

    We are aware that, there are those who mislead themselves that this cannot be done. Firstly, the above sections does provide notwithstanding any other section of the contitution.

    Secondly, Section 23 provides that:

    23. (1) The executive authority of the Government of Kenya shall vest in the President and, subject to this Constitution, may be exercised by him either directly or through officers subordinate to him.

    (2) Nothing in this section shall prevent Parliament from conferring functions on persons or authorities other than the President.

  94. Daily Nation

    Later, Mr Musyoka called the ruling “an assault on the presidency” while his rival, the Prime Minister, emerged from another room to say he had accepted the ruling.

    Musyoka should stop pretending to be protecting or fronting for Kibaki when in reality its his own selfish agenda and ego that he is massaging, yeah you got that right, FRAUD and DECEPTION runs deep in the PNU veins

  95. Wooohooo!! Marende rocks!! Even if he's not a philanthropic and charitable Kenyan.

  96. Reacting to Tuesday’s ruling, Mr Musyoka said the PNU Coalition would seek interpretation of the dispute by the Constitutional court.

    Our views:

    We would assume that, Kalonzo, and the PNU guys are aware of the provisions of Section 15A of the Kenyan Constitution.

    In full it provides that:

    15A. (1) There shall be a Prime Minister of the Government of Kenya.

    (2) There shall be two Deputy Prime Ministers of the Government of Kenya.

    (3) Parliament may, by an Act of Parliament and notwithstanding any other provision of this Constitution, provide for -

    (a) the appointment and termination of office of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers and Ministers;

    (b) the functions and powers of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Ministers;

    (c) the establishment of a coalition Government;

    (d) any other matter incidental to or connected with the foregoing.

    (4) Subject to the provisions of any Act made under subsection (3), the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Ministers shall be Ministers of the Government of Kenya.

    (5) >The Act made pursuant to subsection (3) immediately following the commencement of this section shall, while in force, be read as part of this Constitution.

    (6) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of an Act of Parliament made pursuant to subsection (3) immediately following the commencement of this section shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of any provision of this Constitution.

    For our purposes at this moment, the most significant parts are in our views, subsections 5 and 6.

    It seems to us that, the question of relationship between the National Accord and the Constitution is nonsense because as a matter of fact, that Accord is part of the Constitution.

    To the extent that, the Constitution was followed in these amendements, we do not see the merit of any interpretation.

  97. Kalonzo "judas" Musyoka is sulking. He says the Marende has made him laughing stock in Ukambani. He says will not eat his muthokoi unless Marende makes him his assistant.


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