Thursday, August 23, 2007

Countdown Idea From Luke Was Good


As Paul Melly says; "Equal Acres Of Space Should Be Given To All Political Interests."

The idea from one of regulars here, that we should start a count down to the general elections was excellent. Indeed we are going to start one very soon. Actually I am just putting a few finishing touches in place and we launch. For those interested in knowing the idea was suggested by one Luke alias "Admiring the economic growth".

Talking of preparations, the deputy chairman of the Standard Group Paul Melly had a meeting with senior staff this morning and announced that the editorial policy of the groups' main media outlets going into the general elections, namely The Standard newspaper and KTN was to give "equal acres of space to all political interests."

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  1. Luka is right, we need to count down and by the time we are done so many will be down and out. The count down will also be the abartoir of ideas because swear words will flow freely and dead horses will be flogged.

    And aside. Can somebody tell me the difference between Jirongo and Karuri? Apart from trivial spelling and pronounciation plus their mother tongues of course. Only HONEST answers please as we count them down and out.

  2. Thank you Chris for considering my request. Although politics is a serious matter(way too serious to have been left in the hands of our now exposed inept and absurd dishonourables MPs), for me it is also a game (Bwana Kalamari has expressed similar sentiment here time and again) I'm sure you yourself as well as some (if not all) of the other bloggers of Kumekucha feel the same way

    A countdown to the massacre that will be the December 2007 elections (where short-term memory Kenyans will by their votes slide open the revolving door and send yet again the same tribal chieftains and proud non-perfomers back to the 10th parliament)...
    ...a countdown will also be an opportunity for potential 2012 candidates to read here first hand a different perspective on analyses of where each of our constituency contenders stand on the issues of the day, how hard they are campaigning to bribe voters and most importantly what number of these voters are taking their cash, turning right round and voting the opposite
    SIDENOTE:-join me in waiting for 2012 because you are in for the disappointment of your lives come January 2008 we still won't get the leaders we deserve that's for sure!


  3. Luke. Yap it’s all a game. This equal-press-space thing is derived, foolishly I must add, from the US…..a country with two main parties. It’s silly to say the least (even in the US)….unless of course the plan is to afford the govt. 50% while allowing the opposition an opportunity to scramble for remaining 50%. Now that’s a smelly rat, right?

  4. when are the election any how?


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