Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Monday, January 19, 2009

Tears For Obama And The Other Guy Who Didn’t Make It

Above Tom Mboya next to President John F. Kennedy and left No 44 tomorrow.

I can’t remember the last post I wrote on this blog with tears freely streaming down my cheeks, but it has been a long time. I am a man who gets moved and the tears flow freely. That’s me. But in recent times circumstances of life have been such that I have been greatly hardened and that soft part of me has been in hibernation it seems.

So why the tears when writing this post?

The tears are for an unsung Kenyan hero 6 feet under and forgotten. A man that younger Kenyans these days try to compare to politicians of today like Raila Odinga. Something that makes me want to be sick. But that is a story for a different day.

The man I am talking about is the real inspiration behind this blog. The reason why I became interested in politics in the first place. The inspiration behind my launching Kumekucha. An ordinary man no doubt, but the greatest political son of mother Kenya who ever lived. I challenge you to study his life and see if you can contest that statement. Sorry guys, half baked ignorant tribal comments won’t wash here and I will not give them even the benefit of a glance.
Have you seen the latest brand new Nairobi Budget Wi Fi Hotel?
That man is the reason why the world will stand still tomorrow as a black man with Kenyan blood flowing through his veins is inaugurated in Washington.

I am of course talking about Thomas Joseph Odiambo Mboya whom most Kenyans came to know as simply Tom Mboya or TJ to his friends.

On the eve of the inauguration of one Barrack Obama, TJ must be turning in his grave and if it were possible to chuckle 6 feet under, he is no doubt doing just that. Why? Because once again it has been proven that you can kill a man but you can never kill his ideas, his good works and legacy. Gosh!!! TJ still seems to have his hand shaping major world events almost 40 years after an assassins bullet cut short his brilliant political career on the streets of Nairobi.

Tomorrow when President Barack Obama emerges from the swearing in as the 44th president of the United States, TJ will have been vindicated many times over although his killers still roam Kenya free and unafraid.

The airlifts that saw Obama senior land in the United States were the brain child of Tom Mboya (see this Wikipedia post for details).

But what is really amazing are the similarities that Obama and Mboya share. Mostly how the two men were able to make use of so little to do the unthinkable. That is how I will always remember both.

I am not one to brag, but it is of course not lost on me that it was on the pages of this very blog that the “ridiculous” idea of having an upstart like Obama in the White House was first put into words. That fact humbles me more than anything else and also inspires me to believe that nothing is impossible.

It has disgusted me that maize thieves and looters of the Kenyan economy have used the Obama slogan liberally in recent times. It has been greatly defiled…

But as I toast to the two men on my mind today I just have to say….

Yes we can.

TJ, it is not over yet. No way!!!

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  1. Chris,

    Are you telling us, "No Tom Mboya, No Kumekucha"?

  2. What makes you believe this man was great (Tom Mboya)? You see chris, your greatest weakness and is there for all of us to see is the inability to know who is who. You seem to trust people who should not be trusted that is until you're bitten and ignore those who should be trusted.
    I don't know much about this man Tom Mboya whom you claim to be your hero, I've heard about him but i don't think he was any expectation to all other left wingers. All I know is he was a red politician like JM Kariuki and as such he would be a hero to social democrats and gullible Kenyans who do not understand these things.

    Kenya is a poor country and as such does not need a socialist government. We just need a young visionary leader who is neither right nor left!

  3. I dont often agree with Chris but on Thomas Joseph Mboya we are in total agreement.

    TJ was a politicians' politician. My mama who is nearing 80 now knew Mboya at Juja before he became a big shot and she talk fondly of the smartly dressed man who was speaking her language as fluently as he was speaking his. (That should tell you the other language)

    I was of course not born when he was assasinated but I was reading about Mboya and asked my mama about him and she was suddenly very alive. In her words- she told me 'huyo hakuwa kama hii kasia tuko nayo sasa'(she was referring to President then, late 80's).

    Many people benefited from Mboyas visionary leadership and some like Saitoti are jostling to lead this country.

    My question for most of todays leadership would be, what can we remember them with 40 years on? maize thefts? Oil thefts?

  4. "chriso"
    i agree with you that there's never any harm in revelling sweet nostalgia-although "we" killed TJ (and other notable great sons and daughters of Kenya over the decades) we didn't and can never kill the impact they made

    in the course of living the life of greatness they led, those of us left behind after they suffer such unfortunate fates benefit from the mark they leave behind that forever changed our world and nation for the better

    the question i have today is are we perhaps overlooking gift horses in our midst disguised as ordinary&afraid kenyans who have the potential to but are afraid of changing the status quo?

    don't we have anyone anymore in our midst we can count worthy of walking in the footsteps and leaving a legacy worthy of the memories of Mboya, JM et al?

  5. What people don't understand is socialist in Africa especially during post independence era meant traditional African way. Socialism in those days was popular among African leaders because it represented a break from the imperial ruling tradition. In other words, the newly formed African regimes in those days assumed they could not easily claim a great victory over the Europeans if they continued to use the same system that those oppressors had designed, namely capitalism, since all imperial
    regimes had been mainly capitalist.

    Take for example Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, he believed that Africans were already socialists and that all that they needed to do was return to their traditional mode of life and they would recapture it. This would be a true repudiation of capitalism, since his society would not rely on capitalism to exist. This ujamaa system boosted agricultural output and by 1978 Tanzania had a positive balance of foreign exchange payments. Subsequently, the country fell on hard economic times which was exacerbated by a six year drought.

    And his socialist "ujamaa" collectives proved disastrous for Tanzania's economy.
    And that's exactly what would have happened to Kenya if Tom Mboya or JM Kariuki took power then.

  6. Kwale,

    I have always considered your posts to be thoughtful and sober but you are displaying an incredible level of ignorance by suggesting that Mboya was a socialist.

    A quick google search should have informed you that Mboya leaned capitalist and in fact was considered a C.I.A stooge by the likes of Oginga Odinga. The whole reason why he was able to organize the famed air lifts was because he was in extraordinarily good terms with America and specifically JFK.

    You can fault Mboya for other things but he never claimed or acted in sympathy towards socialism.

    But I can say this: in my opinion, Mboya was only a good politician. He did die young and perhaps one could argue that he was denied a chance to prove if he could have evolved into a statesman.

    Very upsetting to the legacy of this man is the little known fact that he refused to sign a petition that was demanding justice for Kamamwe Musunge, a Kenyan who had been shot to death by a white man, Peter Poole. (read KK's post on this incident here: Mboya, in my opinion was too much of a panderer to the white man. Up there with Sir Charles Njonjo.

  7. Kwale, absolute capitalism is not desirable in Africa. Only one thing needs to be done which every leader is either naive or simply has no idea.

    We need to shape Africa on histroy. You see ancient KMT (Kemet) was sustainable and people used to come from all over the world to see how good things were. Even Greece, the darling of Europeans got almost all its pre-civilization ideas from KMT.

    Why am I bringing KMT in my comment? Because our fore-fathers got it right then, why can't we simply go back to history (I know most has been distorted but if truth be sought it will be found) and see how they did it.

    Thats the trick..wacha hii socialism, capitalism etc....infact if we are to trace these governance models, you will be surprised that they are a corrupt version of how our GREAT and MIGHTY fore-fathers did it.

    Long live KMT!

    Yesterday, Philip Ochieng mentioned ancient Egypt, Imhotep in his article, I dare you read it.

  8. To all Tom Mboya fans, some nice footage can be found on YouTube:

  9. Cicerio,

    I always stand to be corrected and like I said in the beginning, I don't know much about this man-Tom Mboya. But from what I heard, Mr Mboya was a socialist, and to this accusation of ignorance I am as guilty as charged. Hands up.

  10. Kwale said:
    ...I don't know much about this man Tom Mboya ...........

    And please respect your ignorance but shutting up if don't know. BTW if you can google about TJ you will be disabused of your pedestrian lectures on socialism. One cannot fail to see the thread connecting your thoughts.

    Please Bw Kwale silence is often golden and learn to clip the lips and fingers when empty, will you? Doing so may reward you with assumed intelligence until you ope the mouth and close the mind. Pole but I had to remind you of some basic home truths. Welcoming you tirades is my pleasure but being hot under the collar is your own funeral.

  11. Chris,
    You are spot on with this post and as you predicted you can already see a litany of trivia in response. There is a very distictive connect between BO and TJ. They both had visions and stayed the course of their message.

    Trust smart Kenyans want piece of the action at whatever cost. All the accolades to Obama are but our cheap gimmicks of wanting to own a great idea/ideal we don't intent to live.

    Once the wind is gone soem smart alec will come with a new clarion call like new blood while the intention and focus lies elsewhere. The gullible fall line hook and sinker for these monikers but they cannot fool everybody. It appears an average Kenyan is genetically programmed to deception. Sad but true.

  12. Hey
    doesn't history tell us Tom Mboya derailed democracy by selling out to Kenyatta and the same Kenyatta turned round and Killed him??

    Chris are you for real?? I don't accept the way he was killed but didn't he make a pact with the devil??

  13. Chris,
    Come to think of it there is also a very wide gulf between TJ and BO when it comes to handling political opposition. TJ was shrewd and reaady to sup with the devil who claimed his scalp.

    His dieing young earned him posthumous fame too. All else about what he would have done are nothing but counterfactuals (WHAT IFS) Given his tiffs with OO the guys may have been another Bob Gabriel, who knows?

    Jomo saw it and promptly extingushed the flame. Effects are still reverberating just like Moi's ruins have been outdone in the last five years. In by the sword out by the very blade.

  14. Kwale said:

    And his socialist "ujamaa" collectives proved disastrous for Tanzania's economy.
    And that's exactly what would have happened to Kenya if Tom Mboya or JM Kariuki took power then.

    He also said:

    Kwale said...

    I always stand to be corrected and like I said in the beginning, I don't know much about this man-Tom Mboya. But from what I heard, Mr Mboya was a socialist, and to this accusation of ignorance I am as guilty as charged. Hands up.

    Our comment:

    As far as we are aware, ignorance has never been a book of reference.

    Thus, if you are not aware of who TM was, refer to relevant books and not the book of ignorance.

  15. no surprises here

  16. Mwarange'the, I said that's what I heard. Are you trying to say what you hear is not always right? If that's the case then oral history is meaningless. Do you know according to oral history I learnt my ancestors came from Niger Congo modern day Cameroon during great Bantu migration? They made a long trek Eastwards, and finally settled in Northern Tanzania while few others moved further into Kenya. There were no books to record these events and still I believe them.

    And from what I heard and in fact I checked it out couple of hours ago, TM was the secretary general for the Labour party between 1953-1963. And with that it can be interpreted he was a socialist by some as any labour party is seen as left.

  17. Barack Obama is such an inspiration. I just love listening to people talk about him. I chocked up yesterday as I watched Donna Brazille tell CNN viewers on John King's "State of the Union" that Barack's 'grandmother is travelling all the way from Kenya for the inauguration'. You see for the first time, I imagined what's been going on in the mind and heart of that old lady. I am sure she pinches herself to make sure she ain't dreaming.

    But here lies the problem though; Our rush to try and relate to Obama when our ways are the exact opposite of everything he stands for. Some of us actually like to own him and question everybody else's fealty to and love for him. But you cannot own him, you just can't. To me, he is a source of inspiration, more like the bible.

    Look here, Barack is a "black" dude. Of course that is not true, but the connection with the black community comes from the fact that his dad was black, he's lived in Chicago for decades and his wife and kids are black. By extension the only connection with Africa/Kenya/Luo is the fact that his father belonged in all these three groups. But he is much more than that.

    White mother and the upbringing in a white homestead and the exact equal connection with the whites.

    He lived in Indonesia as a kid and there lies the connection with Asians.

    So, let us not just take pride in how Obama looks or where his parents came from. Let us not see Barack as just another negro, Kenyan or Luo. Look at the life story. You know, a kid left by his father at a young age who works hard in the absence of the mother,attends Columbia, starts a flirtation with a little Cocaine but beats the temptation to become hardcore, goes to Harvard, nurtures a dream and eventually realizes the dream to be the most powerful person on earth. To me that should be our focus and not the little obsessions with who is in the kenyan delegation to the inauguration. People have even gone to extents of alleging to be his cousins. I mean, saying "Obama is my hero" is far much more honourable than lying "he is my cousin". What nonsense.

    As for Tom Mboya, I have had a stand on this subject for the last two years on this blog and that stand remains. Someone should tell me how Tom Mboya was different from the other Kenyan politicians. It is an insult to the likes of JM Kariuki and Pio Gama Pinto when people liken Mboya to them. These were people who were killed for standing against Kenyatta's dictatorship. They were opposing Kenyatta's evil ways. Tom Mboya was a Kenyatta stooge. He was not just a senior government minister but also one who endorsed everything kenyatta stood for. I know how unpalatable this is to some of you, but the truth is Mboya's death was a classical case of an evil ruling elite turning against and killing one of their own. You can spin it if you want.

    If it's about the airlifts, then what is the difference between him and Oginga Odinga or Njoroge Mungai. Didn't these two facilitate their own? Tell me what it was Tom Mboya did differently that the average kenyan politician and you will start making sense to me.

    Otherwise jienjoini.

  18. @ Vikii, can we say CASE CLOSED?

  19. The great expectations around the world have ensured BHO will disappoint. I hear they are already shouting "death to obama" in Iran. So let us wait and see what "the magic negro" will do.

    On mboya ofcourse vikii is right. Chris you need to drop your luo (i know you are luo) worshipping of people.

  20. Kwale said:

    "And Nyerere's socialist "ujamaa" collectives proved disastrous for Tanzania's economy. And that's exactly what would have happened to Kenya if Tom Mboya or JM Kariuki took power then."

    Tell me Kwale: looking at Kenyans scavenging food from garbage dumps, eating wild leaves like animals and looting from the poor, can you seriously say that Kenya is better off than Tanzania? Have you heard these kind of things happening in TZ?

  21. wololo yaye

  22. Vikii says,

    As for Tom Mboya, I have had a stand on this subject for the last two years on this blog and that stand remains. Someone should tell me how Tom Mboya was different from the other Kenyan politicians. It is an insult to the likes of JM Kariuki and Pio Gama Pinto when people liken Mboya to them. These were people who were killed for standing against Kenyatta's dictatorship. They were opposing Kenyatta's evil ways. Tom Mboya was a Kenyatta stooge

    So, pray, why do you seem to be a stooge of Kalonzo and, sometimes, Jomo's son?

  23. Godfrey,

    You know I don't waste my time answering those sought of questions. You either undersatnd these things or you don't. And its not up to me to explain something you can find out for yourself.
    This is why Kenyans are easily gullible because they believe what they are told and if it sound good, they go halleluia hallluia messiah has come!

    It is very sad and indeed for a person who can afford internet access to put that question in that manner.

    Do you know as rich as America is 25% of them live below poverty line? At least if you did know that Huriccane Katrina in New Oreleans revealed some shocking truth about America, the only world Super Power. Some parts of America are no better that Africa the only difference in Africa we don't get snow.

  24. Kwale says,

    This is why Kenyans are easily gullible because they believe what they are told and if it sound good, they go halleluia hallluia messiah has come!

    It is very sad and indeed for a person who can afford internet access to put that question in that manner

    So, what is the excuse for your ignorance?

  25. Kwale,

    Please stop spending lots of energy on these Luo worshippers...a trumpet blowsa the same tune regardless of who is blowing it so these morons led by their choir master chris; a professed molasses worshipper. others are taabu, phil and the dimwit 'uncut' okello

    Taabu's Mistress

  26. Taabu's Mistress,

    One of my new year's resolution is not to respond to people who are below my standards - people who cannot even wipe their bottoms properly after using the toilet. And I normally keep to my words. You may have noticed I've not been responding to Taabu's comment.

    And now here comes Joe, the prominent stone thrower. Last year he spent much time hurling stones at me. Now that I have given them a word "ignorance" to throw stone at me, they feel like their in heaven.
    These people are just pure primitive, PRIMITIVE PRIMITIVE no better than monkeys in the forest. I hate to imagine I come from the same country with them! Just because they speak and write English they think their intellectuals. How awful!

  27. "And Nyerere's socialist "ujamaa" collectives proved disastrous for Tanzania's economy. And that's exactly what would have happened to Kenya if Tom Mboya or JM Kariuki took power then."

    Tell me Kwale: looking at Kenyans scavenging food from garbage dumps, eating wild leaves like animals and looting from the poor, can you seriously say that Kenya is better off than Tanzania? Have you heard these kind of things happening in TZ?

    Kwale, instead of losing your cool, ANSWER THAT QUESTION.

  28. Kwale said:

    "One of my new year's resolution is not to respond to people who are below my standards - people who cannot even wipe their bottoms properly after using the toilet."

    Kwale has it ever occured to you that it is your "standards," as you call them, that could be low/substandard. You seriously need to engage in a bit of soul searching to find out the real truth about yourself.

    I'd like to give you the same advice Taabu gave you at 11:24 AM:

    "Please Bw Kwale silence is often golden and LEARN TO CLIP THE LIPS AND FINGERS WHEN EMPTY." That way you will save yourself from the embarrassment of displaying your PRIMITIVE IGNORANCE in broad daylight

  29. Kasi Iederee (they meant to say Kazi Iendlee) = Kenyans scavenging food from garbage dumps, eating wild leaves like animals and looting from the poor....,

  30. Kwale,

    It is better to throw stones than to be as intellectually challenged as you. What is the use of going to school and end up functionally illiterate?

    Oh, and by the way, i know how to wipe my bottom!

  31. Even if Taabu use anonymous to post attacks and reply to himself like what he done @ 1.54, I will not reply. I know taabus writing very well. Is it not a shame for Taabu to use anon because I said I will never respond to his comments?

    And to Anon 1:42, let me answer your question although I am aware you're one of them in fact you like to call yourself Msema Kweli.
    From what I read ODM caused food shortage, Maize price was hiked by none other than your god molasses. After forcing themselves into the goverment through violence it now their time to eat. I can't fault them for that! They were voted in.

    All stone throwers seems to have one thing in common, that is they are all pitch black and freakishly savagely ugly people who put fingers in thier nostrils!

  32. When Raila said kazi ianze he meant the people to start scavenging in garbage sites and in bushes for wild berries. Otherwise how would you explain the disappearance of grains after the ODM thugs joined the govt.

    If Moi was still the president, Thug Raila would be detained somewhere instead of roaming around coordinating stealing of our maize.

  33. The Luo Mafia (Raila, Kajuang', Orengo, Nyong'o and Dalmas Otieno) must explain why there is a sudden explosion of scandals since they joined the govt. These buggers only know how to harvest but not to plant. The Kenyans must stand up to these ravenous mafiosis before they suck the country dry!

  34. All stone throwers seems to have one thing in common, that is they are all pitch black and freakishly savagely ugly people who put fingers in thier nostrils!

    Very well.

    However, it is one thing to throw stones for a cause you believe in, and it is quite another to be hare brained to the extend of perceiving everything as either ODM or PNU inspired.

    The title of the post is "Tears For Obama And The Other Guy Who Didn’t Make It". But then, you have your head so high up your ass you most likely can't think of anything to say!

  35. Joe,

    Btw, How intellectually have you challenged me?!! Is this because i said I said am guilty of ignorance. This proves you people are very Very primitive. You don't even undersatnd when somebody says "Iam guilty as charged" means.

    You dirty savagely ugly Luo do not engage with me any further!!! Go inherite your brother's wife!! bastard!

  36. Btw, How intellectually have you challenged me?!! Is this because i said I said am guilty of ignorance. This proves you people are very Very primitive. You don't even undersatnd when somebody says "Iam guilty as charged" means

    Its all there in black and white dude. You call a fellow a socialist for organizing to educate his fellow countrymen irrespective of tribe. In your own backyard, socialism is back in vogue! What with all the nationalization of banks and all sorts of economic stimuli packages?

    Now, with all that information at your finger tips (you bragged earlier that you have an Internet link), you still want to narrow this down to TM's "Luoness"?. Can you then claim you are not intellectually challenged?

    You dirty savagely ugly Luo do not engage with me any further!!! Go inherite your brother's wife!! bastard!

    My point exactly. As Hare brained as they come!

  37. Kwale,
    are you a tribalist? just curious you know
    no answers necessary unless required

  38. Kwale,

    You still persist in displaying your PRIMITIVE IGNORANCE in broad daylight

    Sample this: "After forcing themselves (ODM) into the goverment through violence"

    On top displaying very loud primitive ignorance, you are blindly living a big lie. Get this thru your thick skull: RAILA WON THE ELECTION BUT KIBAKI - THE THIEF THAT HE IS - STOLE THE ELECTION. However much you try to deny this, that is the pure TRUTH. Otherwise, among other things, why do you think the ECK was sent packing? Because of doing a good job? No! Because of BUNGLING the presidential elections results - allowing the ELECTIONS TO BE STOLEN is a more accurate description of what the ECK did.

    So Kwale, and this is not Taabu or that msema Kweli you keep on referring to - you seem to see their ghosts everywhere! like I was saying, it would be advisable for you to stop displaying your PRIMITIVE IGNORANCE and tendancy to live a lie in broad daylight. That is not good manners. That is BAD MANNERS. Unfortunately, you are too ignorant, full of hate and living a lie to realise this. Pole sana - you need serious help. Come to think of it, why do you not consult your Dr Murinho .... bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha... this "Dr" will plunge you into more serious psychological and psychiatric quagmires. bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha...

    Otherwise Thanks for making my day. You are the kind of sick guys that give me comic relief during the short brakes that I take. Keep it up... bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha...

  39. Kweli huyu Kwale is as Hare brained as they come!! LOL!!

  40. The last time Chris posted an article of Tom Mboya on one of those Kumekucha weekend special, I commented soberly on TM extra ordinary spirit.
    This is what I said,

    "Chris, too right, you cannot compare Tom Mboya and Raila Odinga. Two different species with two completely different political ambitions.

    Just like you, I wasn’t born when Mboya was killed, but I have heard and read many different stories of this fearless and true champion of the poor. From what I have heard most people who mourned his death bitterly were Kikuyus. Could it be because he was born in Kikuyuland on what was known as white highlands and went to school in Kikyuland (Mangu) and later went on to represent the majority Kikuyus in Nairobi Constituency. I don’t know but I think he was a man who saw beyond tribes.

    When Mboya returned to Kenya he entered into politics straightaway forming a People's Congress Party which he later ditched to join KANU in an attempt to form a party that would transcend tribal politics. So you see this man was able to sacrifice his political ambitions for the sake of ethnic harmony which Mr Odinga cannot do.

    Raila Odinga interest is only for the Luos and the devolution of the country in order to alienate the Central Province with his stupid idea of Majimboism. You cannot say you want to lead the nation but yet you hate one particular group of people. Kenya is for all, good, bad and the ugly and it should take a person who is politically adept enough to unite all the 42+ tribes in Kenya.
    A man whose mentor is Fidel Castro, one of the worst dictators in the world, even he went on to name his son after him; you can call him a hero. Give me a break!"

  41. Kwale,

    Your DECEPTION will not work.

    Taabu said it a while ago @ 11:24 AM:
    "One cannot fail to see the thread connecting your thoughts."

    It has finally come out @ 3:24 AM and it is this: Raira, Raira, Raira, Raira .... one of these days you will claim That Raira (Raila) is jumping into and out of your ears, nostrill and mouth. You will even the extra nonsensical mile by taking this Raira that you "see" jumping into and out of your ears, nostrill and mouth to court. This is just Hilarious!! LOL!!

    Taabu is a very good guy. I'd like to quote him once again:

    "Please Bw Kwale silence is often golden and learn to clip the lips and fingers when empty, will you? Doing so may reward you with assumed intelligence."

  42. Kwale says,

    Raila Odinga interest is only for the Luos and the devolution of the country in order to alienate the Central Province with his stupid idea of Majimboism. You cannot say you want to lead the nation but yet you hate one particular group of people. Kenya is for all, good, bad and the ugly and it should take a person who is politically adept enough to unite all the 42+ tribes in Kenya.
    A man whose mentor is Fidel Castro, one of the worst dictators in the world, even he went on to name his son after him; you can call him a hero. Give me a break!"

    Where in this post did Chris mention Raila Odinga?

  43. Joe, it just show how stupid your are! Did you not read the begining of my comment? I said I was qouting an ealier comment i posted in July 2008 on Tom Mboya.

    Like I said before you are better off going back to your AIDS infested village and inherite your brother's wife.

  44. A man that younger Kenyans these days try to compare to politicians of today like Raila Odinga. Something that makes me want to be sick. But that is a story for a different day

    Very well. So he is mentioned.

    Like I said before you are better off going back to your AIDS infested village and inherite your brother's wife

    Well, what can i say? I will let you know how it goes with my brothers wife!

    But seriously, doesn't it hurt to be so trivial and tribal?

  45. In the post, you moron (Joe). I will quote him;

    "A man that younger Kenyans these days try to compare to politicians of today like Raila Odinga."

    Now tell me where in the post Chris mentioned Kalonzo or UK.

    I am not sure you are completely hare brained, but you are not very far away.

  46. "Chriso"
    no wonder we Kenyans have problems easily identifying people both living&dead who can leave behind legacies worthy of great memory in future

    we're products of our current rotten environment,broken down political system and skewered partisan support

    our view of life and all we know is seen from the warped perspectives of the bad and ugly in 1979-09 kenya

    we don't need anther Tom Mboya or a "Barry" we need an Augusto Pinochet/hezekia o....slap some sense into us stupid people

  47. I actually don't hate Luos. The one person I dislike with all my heart is Raila Odinga and slightly dislike (not hate) those who follow him blindly - only because I pity them.

    As for people like you Joe, I have to use the strongest possible language to show you are nothing but piece of thrash. People like you try to show others how better you are, how posh and "intellectuals" you are and with that you need no mercies. And this is what I hate about Kenyans, just because they went to school and learnt to write and speak English they think they are better than others. Oh how awful this is!!

  48. Kwale said:

    1...All stone throwers seems to have one thing in common, that is they are all pitch black and freakishly savagely ugly people who put fingers in thier nostrils!

    2...Like I said before you are better off going back to your AIDS infested village and inherite your brother's wife.

    Kwale I am not sure if that is you and because you have repeated the same I would want to assume so. Now tell me I have always engaged you but never knew you could fall to that level and the bigorty INEXCUSABLE. Wherever you are in EU you are a true villager in the city. No wonder your idea of self-importance starts and ends at your address. I won't reward your profanity with any more. You are a caveman waking the city streets.

  49. Joe the choma man,

    Kwale has obviously "lost his marbles." Resorting to insults just shows how much of a low life this cartoon is. Inspite of being young, highly educated and, as he like trumpeting, with an internet connection bla, bla, bla ... This guy's mindset is no different from wazees like John "the rattle snake" Michuki, Njenga Karume, Francis "Mischievous" Muthaura and the other expired and retarded wazee's

    Truly one does not have to be biologically old to be senile. Senility strikes even the young. Kwale is living proof of this.

  50. Matumbo kwale,

    I don't usually comment on your stupid rants but when you try to dilute an otherwise good post with your stupid rabid hatred for a tribe, you must be told off. why do you imagine that anyone that doesn't agreee with your views must be ODM and therefore LUO?
    Seriuosly, you piss many people off and keeping quiet may be the best advice. Ask the other perennial haters, they will tell you the same.
    By the way do you remember a case of some church goers in Kiambu throwing stones at each other over some church squabbles? They were mostly female who didn't exactly fit your description of stone throwers.
    Joe, keep 'em coming. Put him exactly where he belongs - nowhere.

  51. Kwale Says

    As for people like you Joe, I have to use the strongest possible language to show you are nothing but piece of thrash

    Say that again?

    And this is what I hate about Kenyans, just because they went to school and learnt to write and speak English they think they are better than others. Oh how awful this is!!

    People pay to go to school. It helps to learn something while one is there. Its called good value for money.

    Vikii says;

    In the post, you moron (Joe). I will quote him;

    "A man that younger Kenyans these days try to compare to politicians of today like Raila Odinga."

    Now tell me where in the post Chris mentioned Kalonzo or UK

    As a matter of fact he didn't.

    But you say......

    As for Tom Mboya, I have had a stand on this subject for the last two years on this blog and that stand remains. Someone should tell me how Tom Mboya was different from the other Kenyan politicians. It is an insult to the likes of JM Kariuki and Pio Gama Pinto when people liken Mboya to them. These were people who were killed for standing against Kenyatta's dictatorship. They were opposing Kenyatta's evil ways. Tom Mboya was a Kenyatta stooge

    And i say....

    Maybe he was a stooge. But he also organized those airlifts for his fellow countrymen irrespective of tribe. Now, with all due respect, Kalonzo Musyoka was Moi's stooge for a longer period than Mboya may have been for Kenyatta. The latter however has something to show for it. That is my reasoning. But then again, i might be a moron....

  52. Joe said,

    "People pay to go to school. It helps to learn something while one is there. Its called good value for money."

    What about if I can't afford to pay for school?

  53. kwale said,
    "You dirty savagely ugly Luo do not engage with me any further!!! Go inherite your brother's wife!! bastard!"
    "Raila Odinga interest is only for the Luos..."
    "I actually don't hate Luos. The one person I dislike with all my heart is Raila Odinga..."

    'nuff said.

  54. Kwale says;

    What about if I can't afford to pay for school?

    Well, in your case you have no excuse, especially since you do not come from an AIDS infested, wife inheriting village. You could also learn a thing or two through that shiny Internet link you got there.

    Now, if you will excuse me, i got to see a man about a wife to inherit. Adios.

  55. did someone here say mboya grew up in central prov.?i thought he grew up in kilimambogo which if am not wrong has always been kaoland-in some sisal plantation where his dad worked.he was fluent in kao.chris ama vipi?lets not confuse others

  56. Joe, If you want civil debate here, leave others alone no matter how uneducated they are, because if you attack expect the same. Believe me it is very wise to do that.
    We've been here before with another idiot calling himself "King Charles".

  57. Kwale,
    What is this obsession with beauty in your eyes? Just jog your memory and see what you have said here about these people
    -Michelle Obama
    -John Maina
    -Jepskokei and now

    Basic intelligence wil inform you that anytime want unwittingly reverts to cheap epithets like appearance in the delusion that they are prince charming the onbjeective is to mask the inherent hollowness.

    You may delude yourself that you are enjoying the show but as nyani haoni kundule the HOT HEAT ONLY USCCEEDS IN ROASTING THE INSIDE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE BOX ABOVE YOUR SHOULDERS-outside is freezing cold.

    Your bigotic rants today have exposed you for what you are despite all hitherto pretense. Even street pride would do with some modicum of intellect. I would rather a tribalist within Kenyan borders but an exported one, aii?

    You can take the villager out of the village but the village will remain loudly prominent and embarassing in the streets of Paris and London. The white man loathes you and you extend that in reverse racism and loathe fellow black. Kweli so many are learned but only a handful are educated.

    Kwale here take it or leave it: Please exhibit that trace of beauty you cherish in your posts/head. I know that is too much to ask but again you make the society complete, indulge.

  58. Kwale says;

    Joe, If you want civil debate here, leave others alone no matter how uneducated they are, because if you attack expect the same. Believe me it is very wise to do that


    Civil debate from you? Debate? Please!

    We've been here before with another idiot calling himself "King Charles".

    There are few idiots around. In all honesty, King Charles is not one of them. And, on that note, go stand somewhere at the corner of the street. You will be more useful that way. Remember to be very still lest you arouse someones curiosity.

  59. Kwale,

    Pay attention! This refers to you.

    You can take the villager called Kwale out of the village but the village will remain firmly lodged in Kwale's head.

  60. Like i said, i got to go see a man about a wife to inherit. I am out of here. Adios.

  61. Joe,

    Ok, you go look for a wife to inherit and let me go at the corner of the street like you suggested. No problems. I will let you know how it goes.

  62. Joe,
    Let me correct you. Before you came back this Kwale was having reasonable debate and comments.It is you who is unreasonable.

  63. Watch Obama inaguration live at

  64. Joe is gay! I know him.

  65. Eh,
    Kenyans! see how we "go at each other" hammer and tongs!
    wow....bravo (slow clap) bravo....

    well, with all these e-fireworks spiting vitriol barely contained within the virtual space we call Kumekucha online, no prizes for guessing Kenya is due for a repeat performance of Dec2007 PEV-coming soon to a next-door neighbour(DNA) near you

    bado ma....stupid

  66. Now that Kwale has given us a break, can you PNUists run and tell the illegitimate sloth at SH to watch the inauguration instead of doing what he loves best - sleeping. He needs to see how things should have been done and what he denied us. I will never forget the tribal gathering without prayers or even the national anthem, in the guise of a swearing in ceremony.

  67. Kibaki is watching the inauguration from state house. From where is Molasses Raila watching or is he just hanging around waiting for his brother, Oburu, to die so that he can inherite his wife?

  68. Joe,

    Please don't report back how it goes with your brother's wife. For heavens sake keep it to yourself or pass it on to your son. Many on KK are not Luos and are not interested in knowing about wife-inheritance or any of the primitive traits of Luo culture.

  69. It is a blessing that Obama was not brought back to Kenya by his father to be raised as a Luo boy. Most likely the Luo culture would have taught him to limit his ambition to wife inheritance or at best to acquiring power through violence. Thanks Heavens, he was left to be raised by his mother and his maternal grandparents; today we have something historic to celebrate.

  70. yup

    "the fat lady just sang" BHO change is here

  71. Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States

  72. Chris,

    It is amazing how people use this blog to spew vitriol. Joe only reappeared back today ready to engage unnecessarily with Kwale. Throughout Christmas period and into new year, I enjoyed reading Kwales comments . If Joe have issues with Kwale he should settle them outside this blog.

    Joe, go back to your shithole don't drag this blog with you.


    You have given us a good example on how to get power without raping and murdering others. Your Ka-Chini, Molasses Raila, attempted to get power here in Kenya by urging his worshippers to rape and murder those who did not vote for him. If he is watching your inauguration I hope he has learned from you a thing or two about love, hope and inclusion. But again, can an old thug like Raila learn to live non-violently?


  74. 10:34 a.m
    You must be suffering from ear wax influx infection...or something like that.

    & I quote... "To those who cling to power through corruption and deceit and the silencing of dissent, know that you are on the wrong side of history; but that we will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist."

    Sorry to burst your bubble...Raila Odinga IS the legitimate president of the republic of Kenya. You know it, the world knows it & soon the man who killed to cling to power by all means, mr chief in thief mwai kibaki, will live to regret the day he stole our vote! WATCH THIS SPACE: )

  75. Joe, cannot inherite a wife he is gay.I know all his gay lifestyle.

  76. Let us praise Raila for once. At least today he behaved and did not go to US to gate-crash his Ka-Chini inauguration. Also, he did not whine that somebody around Obama undermined him not to be invited. That is a major improvement and he deserves our pat. Finally, there is hope that the big boy in him might become a man.

  77. Anon @9:02 AM said,
    "It is a blessing that Obama was not brought back to Kenya by his father to be raised as a Luo boy. Most likely the Luo culture would have taught him to limit his ambition to wife inheritance or at best to acquiring power through violence. Thanks Heavens, he was left to be raised by his mother and his maternal grandparents; today we have something historic to celebrate."

    Well said! Rarely are our problems in our genes but in our cultures. Blaming others for our weaknesses, and worshipping other humans beings is not genetic but cultural.

  78. wow what a thrill watching this historic moment, what elegance.

    the crowds and the air is simply electric ... just AWESOME

    way to go Barrack way to go

  79. Dear Kumekucha,

    I would like to apologise unreservedly for my tribal language earlier on, particularly I would like apologise to Sam Okello to whom I have come to like.
    Although my rants were directed to Joe, I realise others may have taken offence and to them I apologise. I am not a tribal person but sometimes I am very irrational especially when attacked by a person who I loathe. Joe like Ulxnc and Phil are people I have always wanted to settle scores with. I absolutely loathe these three idiots but today I have finally managed to rest these ghosts.

    It's my prayer that today's dream of Obama will inspire you to do great things in life.

  80. Kwale can apologise but truth is truth no matter how PC we want to be.

  81. Chris,

    You need to mention that Obama Snr's problems started after he testified in TJ's assasination trial. So there are many turns in their lives!


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