Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yet Another Tremor And SMS Messages Cause Panic In Nairobi


The Nairobi earth tremors recorded their first damage to the Kenyan economy when the entire city of Nairobi virtually came to a stand still this morning with hundreds of thousands of man hours lost because Nairobians were too scared to go up to their offices in high rise buildings to work.

It all happened shortly after yet another tremor ocurred in the early hours of this morning followed by a flurry of SMS messages

Read more.


  1. chris- this 'new kumekucha site thing' is not cutting it. It's actually cumbersome. Me thinks most readers want to see all you have on one page, then choose what to read or comment based on the excitement created.
    You may want to consider reverting to the old way of doing things. This mambo of going forward and back all the time is tiresome. Si unaona comments zime-reduce.
    If space is an issue, I suggest that you simply archive old articles. Kama ni security, those can easily be fixed by simply deleting unwanted items.
    Otherwise, keep up the good fight.

  2. Kalamari I couldnt agree more.

    Chris you have ignored various requests in the past. One guy had asked you to publish articles early (as in before 5pm Kenya time) as most people here only access internet in their work places. It makes sense to me that your timing and dating system should be same as local time in Kenya.. While appreciating you are a busy man, I also hope that you care for you readers and commentators. Please, let us have the old system where everything is at one site. I remember sometime last year, one IT guy actually offered to help you set up your archive files for free, I wonder whether you took up the offer? The next six months are going to be very exciting times politically, so its important to prepare this political blog early - we do not want to rely on Nation, Standard or Citizien - with this media bill hanging on their heads! Asante ndugu.

  3. Excuse me. My names are DEREK and I have never posted the stuff that is appearing on this site. PLEASE, whoever the miscreant purporting to impersonate me for FOOLISH DEEDS SHOULD STOP IT

    IF you feel that you have anything rubbish that you can Post here, please use another name and not mine. I don’t write Gibberish stuff and I will never stoop to the level of a deranged SON of A WHORE who publishes PUKE using my name.

    I have not commented on anything since the James Mwangi thing and I purposely avoided replying to some comments with a strong reason to concentrate on my exams. I have just got a message from a friend of mine that I posted a silly thing. Whoever is doing that should stop it. I cannot stoop that low and I cannot for once drag my reputation to the level of writing CRAP posts.

    I have very few people that I comment on their posts. They are Chris, Vikii, Taabu, Kalamari and Phil. I don’t comment on any other post and this one is the lowest that it gets.

    To whomever, wrote that post, I choose my words and use them appropriately. I have not posted that comment. It MURKS. Numbskull, Bastard, Hoodlum, Dunderhead, any name!

    Please be smart.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.