Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why Posting Your Original Articles In Blogs Will Get You Loads Of Traffic

Article Directory Special

You need to understand why blogs are generally so much more effective in generating traffic than websites. Why blogs always tend to rank higher than web sites in search engines results for popular keywords and why blogs have made many more millionaires much more quickly than websites ever did.

Grasping and understanding the blog advantage will mean much more traffic for you and all the sites you ever promote using articles;

1. Linking comes naturally in the blogosphere and these links rapidly accumulate to a high number and directs colossal chunks of traffic from one blog to another. There are blogs out there that have never featured significantly in any search engine but enjoy daily six-figure traffic, all coming in through links from other blogs. Your article posted at the right blog has a decent chance of rapidly attracting links and traffic.

2. However it is also true that the high number of links inevitably takes blogs right to the top of search engine results for popular keywords, which causes even more traffic to pour in for a long time to come. Articles that you post in blogs that get liked and thus attract lots of links will be pushed right to the top with very little or no further effort from you.

3. The giant Google-owned, which is by far the largest host of blogs on the web usually lists recently posted article and interesting new blogs in its' home page. This sites home page receives millions of visitors daily and this gives any article posted in a blog extra publicity and visibility and a chance of getting noticed.

4. Google also have a blog search engine called Google blog search that is getting more and more popular by the day. In fact traffic to this blog search tool is exploding. And it is not too difficult to figure out why. Searching for most information is a lot easier at the blog search engine than it is at the conventional search engine. You're usually looking for as much content as possible and the content is in blogs. When your article is posted at some blog, you dramatically increase the chances of somebody finding you using the blog search tool.

5. Remember that even when a blog that does not link to your article gets traffic, chances are high that the traffic will end up at your blog site. How many times have you followed links three or four times across several blogs? That's how the blogosphere operates and you'd be crazy not to look for a way to cash in on this as soon as possible.