Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What Kibaki And Moi Are Planning Against Kenyans


Recently President Kibaki had yet another meeting with former President Moi that sent jitters down the spines of those in the know. (As I was posting this, news came through that Moi has been appointed special envoy to the Sudan. Still I don’t believe that this is the only thing No2 and No3 were discussing).

Contrary to common belief, the two old men have not fallen out with each other and insiders say that the meeting was designed to put the final touches to their campaign strategy.

Apparently as we head towards the polls, meetings involving the two will dwindle and disappear altogether. The idea is that...

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  1. Fear of the unknown and a collective phobia sums it all. As we watch the political theatre, these two dinosaurs will continue holding the remote. We enjoy the actions oblivious of the fact that other intersting channels exist.

    Our national psyche is enslaved to the so-called tried and tested. We easily get intimidated with age. Some even shamelessly justify such shortcomings by quoting Wahenga who are just but waropokaji with cluster of words (sayings) to suit every situation often conflicting.

    The tokenism economic growth is schooled slavery to the past glory of 1970s as practiced by the present regime. Baba Gidi dreads anything abstract or revolutionary. And that provides the hip at which these expired politicians get joined.

    It will take collective revolutionary mind and heart to wean Kenyans out of tokenism and secterian patronage. Save for few exceptional CEOs, Kenya's economic glitterati owe all their ill-gotten wealth to politicians. That is why only politics and religion witnesses growth even in gloomy periods. The common thread in both practices is to make people's mind take leave of absence from the brain and engage full gear of emotions.

    You close your eyes, speak in foregn tongues and shout amen at the drop of a hat. In the process your rumbling stomach is accusing you of being irrational to give out your Sh. 100 to a gold-bedecked Muiru/Wanjiru. In the end you go back to the office full on airgurger, yawning and defrauding the govt/employer with your sub-optimal output.

    Swap the preacher with the politicians and get the true picture. We are in for nasty times and only we can save ourselves, but can we and are we ready for the long haul? You guess right. Meanwhile the flame continue to cnsume Kenya. Who will save Kenya from her own vultures like the goons they hire to cheat us here?

  2. i have always maintained in my opinion that the reason i would vote for Githongo or anyone else has little to do with ethnicity or political or professional experience, although those are of importance-it is honesty, integrity and character that i look out for in anyone who holds or wants to hold office
    Someone might argue and say "just because Githongo recorderd some people on tape now you want to vote for him?" that is the same dumb logic that dictates women wear dresses only because they are not men
    What he did, though important, is beside the point-its the effort he made that counts. such effort though little, if put in place would make the stinking halls of power in kenya become sterile as a maternity ward at Mater (not yet Nairobi Hospital but getting there)

    i don;t see any of these current employees of ours (yes MPs, ministers and civil servants are my servants) in the least bothered about fighting corruption-wasn;t my case in point proved by the return of David Mwiraria yesterday?
    i'm laughing at myself and all of Kenya (sadly though) because i now sadly realize when the president called us pumbavus he really knew what he was talking about-if you meet me in person my face will look more pumbavu than 6.1%GDP

    shouting all over the place that you have grown wealth in the capital while the holes through which the little you catch is being seived through faster than you can say ODM is of no use-no wonder we'll take 23 years just to become "middle-income"

    look, its simple for me-its NOT THE ECONOMY STUPID ITS INTEGRITY

    PS:- i just can't believe statistics concerning Kenya anymore, whether GDP or World Bank or UN or Steadman

  3. A nail in the head is excruciatingly painful but that’s exactly what you’ve hammered hapa leo. Here are some additional speculations. KANU is definitely independently in the race and its widespread tentacles are definitely a force to reckon with; however, from where I stand, I think their one disadvantage is the clear absence of a bona fide presidential candidate. UK cannot even imagine running this time around. Further, for his disruption of ODM-K, he will probably be rewarded with a plum cabinet post if Kibaki wins. With a deflated UK candidature, I have scratched my head all week trying to figure out who else in KANU can confidently rise to the occasion. Any ideas chaps?
    With much fanfare, in comes man like Kalosh from Machakos massive - who by his own admission intimates that he must be in the next cabinet come rain or shine. Alongside his cronies, including Mutula “Moi’s lawyer” Kalonzo, they now realize that ODM-K has its owners. As witnessed this past few weeks, the plan is to rock the ODM-K boat by issuing scathing remarks here and there in preparation for an exit in style. The only option is to leave in a huff creating the perception that Raila and his ilk have painted them to a corner…. thus sympathy and righteous votes to follow.
    What is likely to follow in the next few weeks is the grand unification of a splintered KANU. Not just the ‘A’, ‘B’ and Biwott factions but also inclusive of all manner of prodigal sons and daughters with those small lapel pins of lifetime commitments (I hear Kalonzo has a miniature tattoo of KANU and Moi’s burst on his bare chest).
    One thing that cannot be denied is that Moi is a forgiving old man. His upcoming welcoming warm embrace of Kalonzo will be a kiss of life to a man who has been vexed, shagged, mistreated and thrown out by Raila and company. It will also be an anointment and presentation of the reigns of power to man like Kalosh…. a handsome man of sizeable nationwide support, financial backing and KANU diehard in blood and deed. Remember, Kalosh has been in KANU leadership and privilege for ions and is extensively privy to who stole what, when where and how. The consummation of Kalonzo’s remarriage to KANU will include backdoor deals to seal and evade all the past atrocities of Moi’s (and now Kibaki’s) regime.
    Tired from being in the cold (read out of cabinet), Kalonzo will nyakua hiyo fimbo ya Nyayo and sprint to the finish line knowing too well he cannot win. His express instructions and goal is simply to split the opposition vote…… which if Raila snoozes, he will accomplish. For his prowess in consummating the remarriage (repeatedly) and in consideration of his pangs of power, Kalonzo will be awarded an expense paid honeymoon infused with a cabinet post and later on the VP slot.
    -Chris, I do not think that Musalia can even dream of abandoning Raila at this time. His wavering antics in the past will not augur well with constituents. His careless talk that Western Kenya was perplexed by Ruto’s breakfast meeting amid baskets of eggs, ham and creamy milk will be answered on Sunday when Raila lands in Bungoma. People want change and even though 10% of us know that Raila is by far not the personification of change, he is definitely the perception.

    So what to do? In short order, Raila must send a team of cronies to London in an effort to reach out to Githongo and present to him an offer he cannot refuse. Although it’s clear that this Anglo-Leasing whistle blower is a man of unblemished character and may be unwilling to appear in concert with chaps like Ntimama, I think he’s adult enough to understand that this is politics and he’d do much better for the country if he was anywhere within the administration…. as opposed to writing endless papers that regular Kenyans never get to read. This guy does not even have to be VP on the ticket. His mere presence at rallies and declarations that he will open corruption files touching on practically everybody is what Kenyans want to hear. Additionally, people like Ruto and Musalia will become submissive to Raila in the hope that their show of support will send their files to the bottom of the pile…. that’s politics.
    You are right that covert operations are underway to discredit Githongo. If he reads this blog, my advice to him is to take the bull by the horns….whenever you cannot reach out to squeeze the ballz. Negative advertising is synonymous with politics and must be countered. The goodwill Kenyans hold can easily be swayed with endless propaganda. This is your time to pledge your allegiance with those voting for ‘change’.

  4. Daniel Moi and Kenya are inseparable and Kibaki and Moi remain the best of friends for as long as each one of them lives. Has anyone heard of a day that Kibaki called Moi by name in bad taste? No. Then as they say, akufaaye kwa dhiki ndiye rafiki or a friend in deed is a friend indeed.

    For as long as Moi’s business interests will be in Kenya alongside his political, he will have a say in many things that happen and we should all prepare for a showdown when he decides on his next move. I just wonder what people who have all along dismissed Moi feel about the fact that his word is still respected in some sections of the political arena.

    Moi’s influence to Kenyans remains imprinted in their lives and only two administration changes will make a difference, but not with current lot of politicians, who have at one time or another had contact with him. Imagine, someone born in 1978, went to school, started working, got married and by the time Moi was retiring, had a 6 year old child, if he finished school at 19 years (Form 4). That is what the Moi influence in Kenya means. Indelible! To some sections of the younger Kenyans, this includes the daily news, church attendance and harambees held across the country.

    It will be uncouth that Moi can be using Kibaki to cover his tracks, but that is life. So far, I think he has done that perfectly. Pay back time? Moi is obligated to do anything for Kibaki. His son is not a frequent commentator of ODM matters. Just recently, when Kibaki’s administration was faced with a crisis over the Elgon clashes, Moi made his presence felt with a personal visit. Never criticised the government and never talked anything against anyone.

    In actual sense, the tribal clashes and the unfair distribution of land alongside the Goldenberg scandals were enough to land Moi in prison as Frederick Chiluba found out after he left office.

    Has he not said that ODM is a tribal-based formation? Yes to the government’s advantage. That is why Mutula Kilonzo, teamed with Kalonzo Musyoka and Kiema Kilonzo and a host of other ‘Kamba’ leaders to hit back after a proposal to name some leaders ruffled their feathers. Maanzo is also not giving in either!

    That is why Musalia Mudavadi has taken off with the liberal part of ODM that includes Ligale, Khaniri and other Western Kenya (they have influence to shape and election) and all of a sudden,

    Kibaki appointing Moi to an international post simply gives the grand old man the space and oxygen that he requires, to make a political underlining. For political reasons, Moi will be able to use any special envoy position to make his feelings known and this will work for the Kibaki administration, if that is the game-plan.

    Moi’s hand cannot be ignored in the current high-octane political situation in the country and his influence straddles the government and Kanu by extension. It is no secret that one of his most loyal sidekicks Nick Biwott is on record as thanking the government, whilst his business empire has grown stronger by the day.

    Thursday, Kanu will decide their abode and this will confirm to many where the campaigns for the next elections will be centred. If Kanu opt to go it alone, as they have always insisted, then the fight is a gargantuan one.

    If Kanu decide to go it alone, they have always insisted that their alignment to ODM starts and stop with the presidency, then the game-plan will scuttle efforts of the other parties in the coalition of the ‘unwilling’. Kanu has said that they will have a say on the civic and parliamentary polls.

    There is no love lost between ODM and Kanu, if statements by ODM leaders are something to write home about. The ODM brigade has over time dared Kanu to leave and Uhuru Kenyatta has quietly stayed away.

    Finally, Moi will be the factor at the elections. Come what may, he will have a say on what Kanu does, Uhuru does and even his community deciding at the elections.

    As for John Githongo, my misgivings on him remain as they have always been in the past. Cannot measure to the political abrasiveness of Raila Odinga or Moi.

  5. all you cunt eaters think people as as idle as you are to read loooooooooooooooooooooong boring comments.. just make your points in a paragraph

  6. Chris, you have to remember Kenya Government already has two existing ambassadors in Sudan, based in Khartoum and Juba respectively. Moi's appointment is a "peace envoy" under the auspices of IGAD, of which Kibaki is the current Chairman.

    Moi's work will primarily be focused on the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) between the main Islamist Government and the Government of Southern Sudan.

    The appointment gives Moi full diplomatic status as well direct access to the President. Unlike other ambassadors who report to Raphael Tuju as Minister for Foreign Affairs, Moi will report directly to the president. It also gives Moi access to other regional IGAD Heads of State.

    It gives him a perfect opportunity to manipulate local politics for as long as Kibaki remains as Head of State. This is an alliance of convenience between two individuals.

    I do not know why people in this blog cannot see that Moi's interest in Kibaki is protection and nothing else. If Kibaki were to loose in the forthcoming elections, Moi will not have any further interest in him. Moi is very desperate to get his son Gideon into a significant position of influence in Government. Uhuru is on record as having said KANU must be in government next year, but he has not expressly declared his interest to run for presidency himself. Kibaki is being taken for a ride - he cant be that dumb not to see that - purely for short term benefits. Moi ana mu-enjoy Kibaki.

    I wish Kibaki would take some time to recall events leading to his election in 2002. I wish he can pull out his inauguration speech from the archives and read it again. He will realise what a let down he has been and what a cock-up his government has been. He will also realise his chances for re-election are very slim, whichever candidate stands against him in December.

  7. If kanu wins a seat in Central Province (apart from UK's), I don't know Kenya.

  8. What if obaks runs under KANU

  9. Anon 1; As has always been my favorite hobby, I have come up with recipes laced with all types of sauces and creams. My best so far is BBQ sauce.


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