Friday, July 27, 2007

Missing Oil Contracts And The Swiss Connection: Why Raila Needs To Come Clean


There have been accusations in parliament leveled against ODM presidential hopeful Raila Odinga in connection to some oil contracts that have "vanished."

I made a few enquiries a few hours ago about the Swiss companies involved. The reason why I am getting a little jittery about this oil business is because both Goldenberg and Anglo Leasing had critical "connections" to Switzerland. I pray that I am wrong this time and that everything is above board concerning this oil contract business, although all my instincts and the information so far tell me otherwise.

I found out the following scanty information about one of the companies mentioned, Vitol (SA) Geneva...

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  1. I tell you what…this is a parody.

    Long time ago, there was a man who was being chased. As the crowd drew nearer baying for his blood, he started shouting thief, thief, thief, and the story continues.

    ‘Cast you the first stone he who has not sinned and the poor slut was set free’. Now, Molasses has a sister or brother or a twin. At the same time that Anglo Leasing was being signed by the mandarins at Treasury, across the road at Nyayo House, another ministry was designing a recipe for its own Anglo Leasing and the sad thing about it is that documents are not there and might never be found. At least the Finance ministry ones were found.

    Raila Amolo Odinga has a case to answer. Utajitetea ukiwa upande gani? This man should simply tell us what was happening at a ministry that he had interest in more than one way. First he supplies gas cylinders (energy ministry), then he conducts a ballad for Daniel arap Moi in the name of copulation or cooperation and buys the molasses plant with funds collected from poor wananchi and turns it into a family thing with his brother as director. dr Any mention about molasses hauls decibels among the MPs from the region to unprecedented levels.

    Honestly, Raila has a case to answer. I rest my case. Files missing? Oh Yes.

  2. Chris, I have respect for MPs, Raila Odinga included.

    Apart from top ministers Tom Joseph Mboya and Robert John Ouko Seda, and for their stance of trying to be clean, and honest in their delegation of national duty, they were killed and subsequently have little property to show of.

    All they have left for Kenyans is legacy. Legacy to remain steadfast, legacy to love our motherland and legacy to do the right thing.

    Does it show why TJ, JM Kariuki and Robert Ouko met their deaths via a human being’s hands? Brings me to the point that I say everyday that MP/Ministers/politicians are scoundrels.

    Why should a former school teacher or a bank clear turn into a millionaire within one year of his ministerial term in parliament?

  3. Raila must come clean….. just like Kibaki should on this unfinished Kenren Chemicals business, ‘instigated’ when he was Finance minister in the seventies. Isn’t that a long time to wait to close a book of accounting? Most governments would escheat such issues. KIBAKI ASEME UKWELI !!!

    Back to Odish, if there’s impropriety and complicity in this issue, the man must disclose to the public, parliament and lastly to the dreaded Ringera; the man who up to date has been unable to prosecute one case - this may be his chance.
    If there’s a scandal we want to know how much? Yes. and if the hummer is part of a money laundering scheme, we also want to know?
    My dear friends, truthful answers to these questions are not forthcoming. What will follow is a tit for tat accusation game that will be with us until December.

    The “oil contract’ thing is most probably a preemptive strike against those pointing fingers at the ‘Kenren Chemicals’ thing…. or vice versa. It’s politics na mambo imechacha!! Knowing that Raila maintains some form of counter intelligence team, the next few weeks will be a return to embarrassing remarks by foreign diplomats.

    That said, Raila has been MIA from that docket for quite some time now. Usually when a mischievous character like Odish is hounded out of office, the vexed administration literally tear down the walls, rip the carpet and bring down the ceiling looking for damaging stuff? Yaani it’s taken that long to discover his shady deals on the side? If you agree then you also agree that it is a timing issue with huge writings on the wall: Shut up or else.

  4. Hahahaha! Kweli Derek and Kibaki are desperate. Hata hivyo hamtaweza. As usually Kibaki and his team will end up being embarassed with this amateurish stance while Raila rides on the back of this publicity and more to State house.

  5. Now this is what I call cheap loyalty mr. Anonymous. You seem to have already drawn a conclusion that this is government propaganda. Where does Kibaki come in in Derek's article?

    The reason most of u are outside the country is because of a weak economy. What weakened the economy? Stealing by cabinet ministers and permanent secretaries. The government of course should have come out long time ago about the disappearance of the documents but that changes nothing. People will very quickily run to their tribes (They have already started doing it--today)and will start to link this with the election.

    My concern still holds.Are u people telling us to vote for someone associated with two scandals and still counting and yet he was in the cabinet for only a few months. People like Kibaki have been in the cabinet for more than 40 years and they are as spotless as cotton.

    These tendencies of corruption and abuse of power is what people should be wary of. Whoever loves the nation knows exactly what to do in december------Reject anybody with those tendencies.

  6. What a load of crap!

    What is the role of Auditor General in government and how come he has never highlighted this in his annual reports?

    Why is Ringera (highest paid public servant) and his toothless Anti-Corruption Commission not summoned Raila or Ayako to record statements?

    Who is the principal accounting officer in any given ministry? and who signs documents of this nature on behalf of Government? Is it not the Permanent Secretary?

    How come Kiunjuri is taking advantage of parliamentary immunity to 'implicate' Raila and Ayako when both of these individuals are not int he house?

    Kiunjuri's background and conduct from his days as a tout in Nyeri bus park is well known, and I have followed his career up to the time he was spotted openly 'hunting' with his official GK vehicle along Koinange Street. I dismiss this with the contempt it deserves.

    In my opinion, Kiunjuri does not even qualify to be a member of a primary school commitee, let alone a member of that idiotic arrangement known as Government of National Unity.

    Raila will be in parliament on Monday and he will respond accordingly.

    Who doesnt know who the thieves in this government are? Who doesnt know who is pulling deals in cabinet at the expense of the tax payer?

    Chris I guess you have enough experience to distinguish politics from real issues. I rest my case.

  7. PS

    While we still try to 'understand' what Kiunjuri is up to; perhaps we should also question why two parlimentary watchdog committee,ie Public Accounts Committee and Public Investments Committee (PAC & PIC) have not found it necessary to pay any attention to what Mwangi 'koinange stree' Kiunjuri is talking about?

    Give us a break. You cannot corrupt the incorruptible.

  8. I hereby reply, first to anon; me and Kibaki are not desperate. Kibaki never mentioned a word about the same and it was said in parliament.

    If you have read my posts and follow Kenyan politics, I have insisted that all ODM presidential candidates are pulling different directions. The atom will soon disintegrate and that is when desperation will engage a higher gear.

    Publicity, then go to Time or Newsweek Magazines and read about one Ross Perrot and the publicity he had in the run-up to the American elections that he has lost. Or, jump into Uganda and read about Dr Besigye, also using the 'hammer' slogan and know what it means to be in a presidential race on imaginary terms.

    When I said two weeks ago that ODM was at the mercy of a tout and a tea-girl, I was told that it was not relevant and anyone cane be a party leader. Now, a tout will decide the fate of ODM. Kiunjuri being a tout does not hold water and there is no good tout, according to me. They are in a class that i cannot associate. They do the same things from Kisumu to Mombasa.

    On the Koinange issue, my own rural MP, who happens to be Raila Odinga's cousin was also caught in the act.

    Did I say, ukiona mwenzako ywanyolewa, maji yako, yako motoni.

  9. Jakoyo Midiwo introduced Mwangi Kiunjuri and Chirau Ali Makuro to K street. Ha ha ha


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