Thursday, July 19, 2007

Do You Know The Political Party To Beat In Elections 2007?


Here's a quick quiz for you.

Which is the party to beat in 2007?

My good friend Phil will say that the answer is obvious. It is ODM-Kenya.


There are those who see Narc-Kenya as the party to beat. What with all the resources of the provincial administration that reaches every little tiny village in the republic fully behind it. Surely this is the political party that will easily grab the vast majority of seats in parliament.


Both political parties are missing a vital ingredient for winning at anything and not just elections. Unity and in this case, party unity.

The party to beat in 2007, it is now clearly emerging, will be...

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  1. Excuse me. My name is DEREK and thats the one I use here. I have never posted the stupid stuff that is appearing on this site. PLEASE, whoever the miscreant purporting to impersonate me for FOOLISH DEEDS SHOULD STOP IT

    Taabu and all I engage in commentaries, I am miffed, I am petrified and livid about the whole thing. I have purposely been away for some reasons associated to 8-4-4 and have not commented on many posts, though I have been reading them. The QUAKE stories, have even passed me in the national press, and I really avoid reading them.

    Another thing Taabu, that FOOL in his own small brains has just copied and pasted the stuff. Look at the misspellings in the intro and the second para. It shows that the man, cannot construct a sentence and he, who God, felt that he does not qualify for any blogger brain, went, and copied and pasted something including the authors’ names. I have checked the thing, it is word-for-word copy appearing in an adult magazine/website.

    Further on, check through it and you will find no spelling mistakes or grammar misplacement. A foolish brain plagiarising. I do belittle the twit. He is not clever, he who is not sharp and such a load of BULL in his head. It is brain fit to think of murk.

    To the impostor, if you feel that you have anything of rubbish content that you can post here, please use another name and not mine. I don’t write Gibberish stuff and I will never stoop to the level of a deranged SON of A WHORE who publishes PUKE using my name.

    I have not commented on anything since the James Mwangi thing and I purposely avoided replying to some comments with a strong reason to concentrate on my exams. I have just got a message from a friend of mine that I posted a silly thing. Whoever is doing that should stop it. I cannot stoop that low and I cannot for once drag my reputation to the level of writing CRAP posts.

    I have very few people that I comment on their posts. They are Chris, Vikii, Taabu, Kalamari and Phil. I don’t comment on any other post and this one is the lowest that it gets.

    To whomever, wrote that post, I choose my words and use them appropriately. I have not posted that comment. It MURKS. Numbskull, Bastard, Hoodlum, Dunderhead, any name!

    Please be smart. I just regret the precedent a foolish man will set. Not to recommend for regulation, but its is a poor choice of stupid ways

  2. Derek,

    Don't allow people to waste your time. Simply add a rare initial to your name and we will all know the real Derek.

    To be honest I was puzzled with posts as I am sure many who know you here were.


  3. Just to make it clear. You don't need to change your account name. Add the initial or name within the post.

    You see how my posts appear here. My account name reads "Chris" but I sign "Kumekucha".

  4. Now the REAL Derek has not only stood up by running and kicking too. Air cleared Bw Derek and you have given the dimwit a deserved mouthful which I fear he won't be able to chew leave alone swallow. Any rational mind can smell folly miles away and we all know fools when we see one. As pests they sap all your useful energy.

    Now move on to more useful things and post your views as before. You have (understandably) been missing in action and I wish you success in your exams, albeit in arrears. Pole sana for the emotional and intellectual war the fool engaged you in.

    In my book you don't even need to add anything to your name. That would be akin to playing into the numskull's hands. He doesn't deserve the benefit from such an action, ama, what do you think? Let the crook continue impersonating and we will obviously sieve his garbage. We know the REAL Derek from his wit in letters.

    But oh! Come to think of it. That is the beauty of life in providing us with fools so that we can marvel at our smartness. We all reason best by contrast and without the thin-layered head we won't appreciate the quality of our grey matter. You only know you are tall on meeting a dwarf or that you are chocolate skinned (never black) on encountering a pink pigmentation (nobody is white). So there we have the one engaging reasoning from the lower faculties that only make apes envious of their advanced IQ.

    Enough scalding and the chap must be rotting in hell, good riddance to disposable rubbish. It only proves Kumekucha's popularity and fame and high affinity to a multitude of enemies are exponentially directly proportional, just ask Vikii. Well back Derek, na mjinga ashindwe, pepo mbaya huyo.

  5. This is a kind request to Chris to revert to the old Kumekucha design. Man, I am having a hard time figuring this out. Where are we supposed to post our comments? IS it on this page or the next one? In my opinion for the sake of coherent debate we better get back to the more user-friendly old one.

    That will undoubtedly ensure the high traffic kumekucha enjoys. I hope I am not asking for too much.

  6. My dear brothers in the struggle,

    I am here for you. However it is with a heavy heart that I turn down your request to revert to the old system.

    I agree with you that the next 6 months are going to be very exciting politically, but surely you do not want a situation where you cannot access this blog because of some security breach.

    Redirecting traffic is part of my very elaborate security measures put in place. I can't say much because even hackers can read English. But trust me on this, please, this is the best way forward.

    I like to prepare myself for every eventuallity and I take this opportunity to advice all readers to take one more precaution. Subscribe to Kumekucha Confidential my weekly email publication as an extra precaution. It is FREE. Just send an email to and then reply to the request you will receive via email for confirmation.

    That way, whatever happens, we can all quickly re-group and continue as if nothing happened.

    About the comments. To make it easy why don't you all just continue making your comments here? Actually it does not matter where you post the comments, because both Kumekucha sites are receiving very high traffic.

    The second request about posting times, I will work on immeditaly and let me promise that beginning Monday, posts will be made much earlier and according to Kenyan time (at least before 5 pm).

    As always, I want to continue to welcome your constructive criticism because that is the only way anybody gets to improve. Many of you will only realize many months from today how valuable this service you are giving to the motherland is.

    Let me also take this opportunity to emphasize that my campaign for change in Kenya is not some hobby or "second-thought thing" but something I have dedicated myself to wholly. Keeping readers of this blog happy and engaged is a critical part of my strategy to help promote and market genuine change for all Kenyans.

    For the love of the motherland. Kenya shall have the positive change we crave for.



Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.