Monday, July 23, 2007

August 1st 1982 Coup Attempt: Unanswered Questions Linger


The nation will mark the 25th anniversary of the failed Kenyan coup attempt of 1982 this August in the face of a number of unresolved

Amongst this is the fate of the dramatic broadcast by the de facto head of the coup attempt and Chairman of the self-styled Peoples’ Redemption
Council (PRC), Senior Private Hezekiah Ochuka. The said broadcast was made at 6.00 a.m., Sunday morning, 1st August 1982 on the General Service of the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (then Voice of Kenya – VOK).

It is unclear how many people across Kenya heard...

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  1. Good piece but recycled from elsewhere. I have no problem with the issue raisd but Bw. Mundia next time you publish with Kumekucha, please give it priority instead of dusting, cutting and pasting from your previous post elsewhere. In this e-age it is offensive and you owe Kumekuchans an apology Mundi Mungi Jr. Chris must protect us from such schooled abuse. Over to you and Chris,

  2. Kumekucha must be one sick joint to support violent coupz in Kenya... You have lost direction becoz the direction this blog is heading to amounts to inciting violence in the name of change...I thot Kumekucha was a blog to give us news that is not well covered in the local papers NOT push its own agenda on peace loving Kenyans. You are losing it! and more so losing readers!

  3. No Bw Anon, please read the post and see the author before you crucify Chris for an offense he never committed. The article is by one Mundia Mundia Jr and has been on a site for more than 2 weks before he chose to cut and alk Chris to paste it at Kumekucha.

    It is a free world and Chris is only offering Kenyans forum to SAY ANYTHING. And by the way Mundi asks for a very pertinent question and unless English language has mutated there is nothing in his post to suggest promoting coups. Read in retrospect, one can't fail to see through your agenda. I hope I am wrog but my fear informs me otherwise YOU ARE THE ONE ON A GRAND MISSION. Just be clear and straight man, bring it on, ama? No offense intended nor implied man.

  4. These r da guys Kume must be harpin on about all the time.

    Imagine a meeting at NSIS HQs discussing the possibilities of this blog advocating violence coz it talks so much about the common man. Next thing that happens is that this NSIS chap reads a headline and then they jump into all sorts of conslusions like this ridiculous one that Kume supportd 82 coup.

    Guy probably doesn't have the reading skills to read through the whole post.

    Anajua kusoma headlines pekeyake.

    Maybe its really true, that this place is creeping with NSIS. No wonder guys fear to leave comments and yet the readership is so high.

    Me not scared. My naem is Nguva and I'm posting from Kenya.


  5. i wonder how anon knows Kumekucha is losing readers? is he measuring them from somewhere?
    maybe the statistics he's using are similar to AIG Kenya forecasting on our economic growth? i am sure they both anon and AIG Kenya will revise whatever estimates of readership and GDP respectively
    The WWW is a free resource where one can start their own blog and attract more readers if you feel you can do so give us your link

  6. To Mumbi… and any one else terrified at the thought of a high caliber bullet whizzing three inches above their heads; relax my dears, I will be your gallant knight and shinning amour when the time comes ……you know the price..wink wink.
    Revolutionary violence in itself is not altogether a bad thing. There comes a time when the king’s head must be served to his queen on his own silver platter. It is every good citizen’s responsibility, for love of country, to bear arms against a rogue government. Any legitimate government must protect the rights of citizens to vote it out, absence of which, forceful removal must be encouraged.
    When a government purposely awards itself the sole duty of harassing tax paying chaps, it automatically looses innocence and must face the barrel of an AK-47. To accept bloodletting as a path to liberty, one must loathe the evils of a mischievous regime. Such include thievery (anglo-leasing), impotence on security matters (mungiki), attack on press freedom (Lucy at newspaper company at night), disabling the opposition (cooption of KANU), silencing dissent (Mbai), abuse…literally (mapumbavu nyinyi)… the list is long.


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.