Thursday, June 14, 2007

Online Conference Calls And How You Can Make A Fortune

Special Opportunity Feature From Kumekucha

Now, why in the world should online conference calls interest you? Good question. My suggestion is that you stick around and hear me out. This article based on this ordinary sounding topic could change your life forever in the next few minutes.

Conference calls have been around for a long time but now online conference calls have opened up brand new opportunities that are already turning the world, as we know it upside down.

A conference call is simply a call where more than two people can converse with each other on the same connection. Conventional conference calls have always had a number of disadvantages. High on the list has been the cost. Now the Internet has not only brought that crashing down but has also made a number of other brand new features available. Like Video and IM (instant messaging) capabilities amongst many others.

There are a number of websites and online companies that provide Internet conference call services, but let us for a moment consider the exciting new opportunities that this technological development has opened up.

Firstly many businesses that were previously unviable have suddenly become very hot. For instance many types of consulting services have always been a very difficult business to turn a good profit from. The great distances that separate potential clients around the world limited options. The best most experts could do was to try and write and publish a book. Now suddenly you can organize regular conference calls on the Internet with dozens of potential clients scattered all over the world and the options you have are now so numerous that you'll get dizzy just thinking about them. They range from charging a small fee for people across continents and scattered all over the world to participate in the conference, to using a free conference to sell one-on-one consulting or to promote books and even special reports that you can easily sell online.

But even old traditional businesses have been made easier and much more profitable by conference calling on the web. A real estate agent can get on a conference call online with video capability from the beautiful garden of the house they are selling and take his audience through a tour of the house while fielding questions. The session can end with bids and offers being placed for the property. So instead of taking the time to show 50 different people around the property, an innovative real estate agent can now do it once and reach all 50 while they are in the comfort of their offices and at the same time. WOW!!

Motivational speakers no longer have to wait for the big event to rake in their money. A daily web conference call with 200 paying clients can have quite an impact on the profits of the companies those clients represent and on the motivational speakers' bank account as well. Dare I add that they don't need to stop at 200 and can easily accommodate 2,000 or more in a few hours every morning.

Dating services are already cashing in on conference calls online, which they now use to hold virtual meetings online where people can meet and explore the possibilities of a more serious liaison while still in the safety and comfort of their homes.

Those who make their money from holding specialized conferences and charging participants can now reduce their rates substantially while increasing their profits in leaps and bounds. Gone is the intricate planning and hundreds of small details involved in booking hotels and flights and then confirming and re-confirming them. Not to mention juggling the most convenient dates for all those who need to attend. Now the conferences can be held more frequently and those interested can enjoy it from the comfort of their offices or homes.

These are just four examples but the truth is that virtually every business you can think of can find a very profitable application of online conference calls. One just needs to be a little creative to open the floodgates of opportunity and profit using this wonderful new feature that has been made possible by technology.

In fact the whole world is truly your marketplace now and you certainly don't have to be a Fortune 500 business, thanks to cheap conference calls now possible on the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Check out our conference call rate calculator


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