Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ODM Presidential Candidate being Wooed By Kanu


Wewe unajua Kanu, wewe?

We all witnessed with fascination that Kanu delegates’ conference at Kasarani at the beginning of this week on Monday, although the impact was lost to the bombing incident in the city.

Kanu finally showed us their cards and dropped them on the table. However what we really have to be careful about (as the late VP Wamalwa Kijana used to say) are the cards that are still hidden under the table because they are the really dangerous ones.

My brief investigations has unearthed something that is so unbelievable that if I did not have the track record I have, you would have all dismissed it and walked out. But that is the way Baba Gidi practices his politics. He thrives on big surprises. Let me take you back briefly to 2002. A few months before he announced that Uhuru would be his preferred successor, I read the signs and told some colleagues exactly what was going to happen. They kept a straight face but behind my back laughed me off as some crazed guy. Uhuru Kenyatta the Kanu presidential candidate? That has to be the joke of the year.

Well we all know what happened.

But now the Kanu high command has already secretly arrived at a presidential candidate and it is not Uhuru. Interestingly this man was having a lot of problems raising funds for his ongoing presidential campaign just the other day, but then suddenly he now has cash coming out of his ears and is aggressively campaigning countrywide (currently seeking an ODM ticket for the presidency). However he knows and Baba Gidi knows that he is going to stand on a Kanu ticket. There is no proof where the cash has suddenly come from for this guy, but I am sure you are betting like I am on the same horse. Baba Gidi of course, the man whose hold on Kanu politics continues to be firm. The man who is believed to be one of the richest men in Africa.

In other words the third force I have been talking about here for so long has finally started taking shape. It will be Kanu.

Already we know that the oldest party in these shores will field parliamentary and civic candidates (that is the card that was played above the table). But mark my words, the party will also field a presidential candidate. This man who is currently in ODM (that is the dangerous card still hidden under the table).

I give you up to tomorrow to do your own research and figure out things, tomorrow I will reveal his identity. I will also do an analysis of his chances of winning on a Kanu ticket. You will be shocked because I will prove that they are pretty good.

Term life insurance and one-man-show online enterprises that make $500,000 monthly.


  1. You couldn't be more right. Baba Gidi will never rest till he mets his version of revenge. And come to think of it folks! Who would rest after seeing his SIFA of being a 'professor' dragged in murk at the 11th hour? By the way 24 years is what it literallly takes in vertical learning to be a real FULL professor. You can't afford to a earn 'permanent head damage' (or is it personal head destruction) only to see it being shredded by neophytes.

    So even if it means supping with the deveil trust Baba Gidi to demand his pound of flesh. As for the guess on who the ODM chap is am sorry we will all lack the degrees of freedom to think differently. But will he make it or is he ready being another project or is it a foundation? Trust Kenya to wield the club at the slightest smell that somebody is trying to undermine their political intelligence.

    Eventually all that goes around comes around. It is PAYBACK time to many na wembe ni ule ule. In by the sword out by the same blade. In the process the Kenyan grass soaks in blood.

  2. If this has anything to do with baba Gidi crossing the street with Kalonzo, scolding and rewarding the chap on their way home (KANU) then I demand financial restitution. That was copyrighted. No infringements please.

  3. This excites me vibaya sana, it is the third force that will help split Anti-Kibaki votes and guarantee that MK is back in statehouse in 08. And yes I am a Kibaki Supporter.

  4. A few months ago, I wrote on this blog to a reply by a very interesting observation by Chris. I said wait and see what Moi has to offer before aybody thinks of a new president in 2008. One blogger replied to my mail that Moi is inconsequential in Kenya politics.
    Chris was dead right. Until its done, dont rule out Moi at any time. At that time, one of the pro-Raila supporters said that I was still in an old age.
    Again I say, if Raila makes it to State House at the expense of the Kanu Rift Valley votes, Chris will remind you at the end of December.
    Kanu is a party that has ruled Kenya before. It would be a shame as some of the hawks say "Why should Kanu fold to join ODM. ODM should fold to join Kanu and form a strong formidable force". Now, it is apparent that it will happen.
    Still, dont rule Moi out of Kenya politics. He has the magic to decide the destiny. The same way his poor planning handed power to Kibaki in 2002.
    Go back and review the two past weeks that he has been up and about. Then analyse Kanu, Rutto and Uhuru Kenyatta, then view the larger Kenya political landscape. His might is seen, if not felt. His neutralising ODM, might have him haul Kalonzo to Kanu and then the mathematical puzzle will confuse even more.
    Watch the man. 'Siasa ni Maisha' he used to say

  5. I predicted here yesterday that soon people will start linking Kalonzo to the Moi-Uhuru axis. What i didnt know is that u guys will start it so soon even before it begins.

    Well, politics is about forming a winning combination and guys mark my words. KAlonzo will be ODM candidate. He will be suported by Ruto and possibly Moi/Uhuru. He will however lose to Kibaki and I am sure he together with these other blokes know it. Kibaki will get very few parliamentary seats otside his central Kenya backyard and that is where the gameplan lies---Post election coalition which is arrived at after structured negotiations.

    About who is the smartest politician in Kenya, I have no idea how you arrive at such conclusions. Moi never used any political wit in his entire 24 years, not any that i know. He used brute force. Raila Odinga is another one I will never understand why people think he is a political genius and yet he has been at the centre of so many political goofs. Raila has lost more than half the political contests he's been involved in. The events of 2002 should not get people into thinking otherwise. Even below average political minds like ours would have done exactly what Raila did in 2002, resist a political green horn(read Uhuru) loke he is a bad habit.

  6. Kanu, LDP and others make up ODM. So what Chris is saying is that Kanu may also be wooing from within itself or LDP, unless of course you mean to say KANU is already out of ODM.

    Personally, I dont see any outsider coming to join KANU and being given the party's presidential ticket. Perhaps it could be Kalonzo or maybe Mudavadi you could be referring to, but I will wait and for you reveal his identity.

    What is the definition of smartest in reference to our politicians? Popularity? Best looking? Youngest? Oldest?

    Just sample this; Number of web pages on Google search. Does it mean anything?

    Musalia Mudavadi 19,400
    George Saitoti 35,200
    Kalonzo Musyoka 41,100
    Raila Odinga 66,000
    Uhuru kenyatta 92,800
    Mwai Kibaki 310,000
    Daniel Arap Moi 336,000

    "Kenyatta" is also linked to the many institutions named after the late Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

    Among the above, only one of them
    - has been detained without trial,
    - was in the fight for the second liberation of Kenya,
    - has a cosmopolitan and national constituency,
    - has been receiving prestigeous international democracy awards,
    - is known to be a social democrat,
    - is an acclaimed team player
    - encourages unity, intermarriage and amalgamation of Kenya's 42 tribes
    - is a liberator of oppressed africans.

    Take a guess Vikii.

  7. On the same search "You missed this Kumekucha" web pages gives you only 1,350 web pages.

  8. Chris Post the below for all to see and read...!


    Kamau wa Njoroge, (not his real name) who happens to own five acres of
    land somewhere in the Rift valley - tuseme Laikipia - will
    this year sell his maize, yes! Maize for kshs. 1,300 a bag. He sells his
    produce at the local cereal board (NCPB). Right across the street from
    the NCPB, Mr. Kiptoo is doing a roaring business akisiaga posho. He even
    mills the sifted unga and hence no need for rural folks to buy Hostess
    from Unga limited.

    Five years ago, he got about shs. 400 for the same if he even dared plant
    it in the first place.

    His five cows give him an average of 25 kilos/litres of milk per day. He
    reserves 5 litres for subsistence and sells 20 everyday at a price of
    Kshs. 18 per litre. That is kshs. 360 daily and since cows give milk even
    on Christmas day, it is kshs. 10,800 every month.

    He has three kids in primary school. He is a reasonably young man and
    since he is not paying school fees, he is busy saving money for their
    secondary education.

    Across the road from Kamas's shamba, his neighbor James Koske has 10
    acres. He has put 5 acres under wheat cultivation, 2 under maize, 2 under
    other cash crop like potatoes, oranges and other types of vegetables.

    HE will be selling his wheat for about kshs. 1,500 a bag. That is about
    700 more than what he'd have received 5 years ago.

    Wheat yield is about 15 bags per acre. That will give him about kshs.
    108,000 per year.

    He has 7 cows. That gives him over 12,000 shillings monthly. He sells
    oranges and other vegetables. He is smiling because he is getting
    for his efforts.

    That is the same case for Simiyu in Mumias and his sugarcane farm. Chacha
    and his tobacco is getting the same.

    Otieno the Jua kali artisan and panel beater has just taken up a small
    loan from Equity bank to expand his business. He has actually hired three
    more guys, two panel beaters and a painter man.

    Mama mboga is doing roaring business at the soko and so is Joseph, the
    owner of Hilton hotel across the market.

    Mwalimu ameongezewa mshahara and so is the civil servant. He now has more
    disposable income and some of it is being left at mama mboga's and
    joseph's kiosk.

    Dr. Ogeto, a vet. Doctor is doing roaring business at Nyahururu town
    selling Adamycin, anti bloat medicine and Nilzan dewormer to farmers.
    Wakulima wameongeza mifugo coz KMC is doing roaring business and so is

    All these are common dudes. They are the small guys, the small trader.

    ODM, tafadhali acheni fitina. You look bad. Try something else. The
    economy is our strength; it is Kibaki's strength.

    The economy is not doing well for two kinds of people;
    1. Those who wait for free things, for manna to fall from above.
    2. The lazy idlers.

    For everyone who has a body temperature and willingness as well as the
    initiative to take a risk, something is happening.

    There are so many University graduates who are unemployed in Kenya today.
    They are still waiting for those six figure income jobs.

    They should go get a life. Start farming. its the easiest way to make
    money. Some of them have land lying idle (their parents) but can't even
    educate their parents on what should be done.

    Hang on Matatus as manambas and save some money and do something.

    For anyone who had saved kshs. 12,000 last year, that was enough money to
    buy 1,000 shares of KENGEN. (@Kshs. 12.00). He would have made a cool
    8,000 shillings any day after the shares were floated in the market for
    doing nothing. Reinvest the same money in something else and the money
    would have given 50% yield (shs. 4,000) giving him kshs. 12,000 or double
    what he had saved.

    He now has 24,000 shillings in less than six months. That is enough to
    secure him a loan at the bank or something else.

    Remember the woman who borrowed kshs. 100,000, bought 6400 KENGEN shares
    for approximately 77,000, sold the shares at kshs. 40 each making 28
    shillings per share or 180,000 shares, repaid her 100,000 loan and made
    kshs. 80,000 ALL THAT IN A WEEK????

    Why wouldn't a university graduate do that?

    Remember the Chokora who saved kshs. 50,000 and bought the same leaving
    Kimunya impressed?

    Watu! Stop whining. It only makes you look bad.

    Finally, everyone has a story of a small trader be it mitumba, bike
    repairer, shopkeeper e.t.c. who has made it in the last 4 years in a way
    he could only have dreamt of.

    Remember, there are no two economies in Kenya. There is just one economy.

    You don't have to be a genius to realize that if all sectors of the
    economy are growing including major employing sectors such as
    agriculture and tourism then automatically jobs are being created.

    E.g. 5 new KTB employees go to Europe to promote tourism = Mr. shah gets
    10000 tourist through his hotel this year= Mr. shah needs to hire cooks,
    watchmen waiters entertainers, drivers etc =Mr. shah also needs support
    services a company to do his laundry and provide supplies.

    Mr. shah also needs to feed the tourist =enter Mr. kamau. Mr. kamau needs
    to supply the fruits eggs milk for Mr. shah he also needs people to go
    the stuff from the farms clean package and deliver them to Mr. shah.
    Mr. mwachofi he knows all the right people to do this job.

    While the tourist are in Mombassa salim the local has a tour guide
    that guides tourist around the coast, he also has a small kikoi shop and
    curving he employs mutiso kilonzo and mwangumi. Later mahanga and his
    friends the local beach boys troop in to go sell the carvings

    Meanwhile Mr. shah, kamau and mwachofi need to operate offices to deal
    with billing, payment, taxation to deal with KRA etc by DEC 2007 600,000

    Meanwhile Onyango is still living in kibera and attending endless ODM
    rallies. While Mr. shah, kamau, koske, mwachifi, kiptoo, salim, mutiso
    mahanga and nyongesa make some money and vote for Kibaki in 2007 and dont
    forget the women Mrs. shah, Kiptoo, kamau, salim and nyongesa.

    CDF projects have also created jobs especially in the construction
    sector, but in some areas MPs resorted to buying lab items from there
    own companies and also spend all the money in giving bursary to private
    students attending there private owned schools. People in such areas
    will never feel or see the impact of the money.
    President Kibaki promised that he would steer the economy to
    create 500,000 jobs annually.

    Kenya has 210 constituencies.

    Each constituency receives approximately Kshs. 20 million annually in

    On average, each constituency needs to create 2380 jobs to attain the
    desired goal.

    Granted, some constituencies will definitely create more jobs than others
    for example, Nairobi. This is the hub of commerce and industry as well as
    the service sector be it tourism, banking, hotel etc.

    Some areas like the Rift Valley and Central Province are also very
    in terms of the economy and will see a disproportionate job growth than
    other areas.

    I believe that we are very close to the said target and in two or three
    years, if the status quo holds, we will definitely surpass it.

    ODM is so discomfited by the good economic news that they are groping in
    the dark looking for answers.

    Why not just give credit where it is due.

    If you think about the ODM big 6 (or seven if you add Dr. Julia Ojiambo),
    you'd be forgiven for making the assumption that they are not in the

    When there is good news, they are absent and notably very quiet.

    Some days ago, Equity bank announced its profits and the story is the
    same. This is how the bank CEO summarized the rosy picture. I lifted it
    directly from the Kenya times.

    "Equity Bank's snowballing profit for the third quarter has spiraled by
    120 per cent to Sh774 million from Sh351 million recorded for the same
    period last year.

    The soaring profitability, attributed mainly to a surge in volume of
    business, is certain to boost investor confidence among the bank's
    shareholders following its listing at the Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE)."

    He said that it was due to a surge in volume of business.

    It wasn't EABL, KENGEN, SafariCom, Mumias and other blue chip companies
    that borrowed all this money; it was you and I, the small guy.

    It is good to be objective. It is by being
    objective that we can be proud of being Kenyans.
    Subjectivity has turned people into pessimists who
    cannot see light at the end of the tunnel. This
    pessimism has been spread to many ignorant Kenyans
    who have fallen prey of selfish politicians. For example
    Hon. Musa Sirma was sarcastic in his criticism of the NARC government.
    today he has seen what KANU was saying was impossible e.g. free primary
    education is now possible. We are no longer kneeling down to donors yet
    every constituency including his Eldama
    Ravine is getting something. However there are some who still cannot
    appreciate any of these goodies yet you cannot trace any performance
    record when they had a chance.
    For Instance:

    (1) Hon. Kamotho was minister for education,
    transport, local government, trade, and environment
    What legacy has he left in all these ministries? What can you remember?
    Coups in local authorities, chaos in transport, and Oh! What about
    Karura forest? Hon Michuki was in transport for only two years and he
    has made history although Hon. Kajwang calls him - Muchuki.

    (2) Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has been in parliament since 1988. When
    expressing himself he has always referred to himself as a lawyer.... As a
    lawyer he advised Kibaki to dissolve parliament and call fresh elections.
    As lawyer he predicted that 2006 would be a year of elections. Kenyans
    need to see his legal competence in parliament. Dont forget Njoki Ndungu
    joined Parliament recently yet she will go into history books because of
    her contribution in parliament. Kalonzo needs to understand that Kenyans
    need more of actions and less of empty talk. Again he was minister for
    foreign affairs, education, environment etc. Tell me something unique we
    can remember him for.

    (3)Hon. Raila Odinga was made minister for energy during the Moi regime.
    As a minister during that time do you remember him beyond landing in
    Kisumu in a helicopter? Later he was appointed minister for public works.
    Do you remember him beyond brining down buildings on road reserves? Give
    performance a chance mheshimiwa.

    (4) Hon. Balala was made minister for sports and national heritage. As
    minister he could not bring order to KFF. Hon. Maina Kamanda was recently
    appointed minister for sports and we can see what is happening to sports
    in this country.

    (5) Hon. Ruto can be best remembered in 1992 as a Kanu activist. You
    remember the economy came to its knees as millions of shillings were
    looted for campaigns and for years Kenyans have paid for this economic
    crime. Anything you can remember him for as minister? However within a
    very short time as minister, Hon. Kirwa has brought sanity in the
    agricultural sector.

    (6)Hon. William Ole Ntimama became minister in 1988. However I tend to
    remember him more issuing threats and insults than working as a minister.
    During the Narc era he was minister for public service. Do recall him
    beyond threatening public servants. In the short period Moses Akaranga
    been Minister do you see what he has done?
    Actions speak louder than words. We have seen the likes of Munyes,
    Obwocha, Tuju, Karua, Ngilu, Kagwe, Soita...their actions are louder
    than their words.
    Does the ODM have an agenda for Kenya or these people have an agenda
    for themselves?
    We can differentiate between competence and incompetence, selfishisness
    and selflessness. Can these people be trusted in their incompetence and
    You and other Kenyans should advice me. Send this to them and ask them
    to advise a Kenyan who wants to be proud of being a Kenyan. A sample of
    ten is reasonable.
    President Kibaki is going to be re-elected with a landslide,
    Wait and see...
    That is the story

    My philosophy remains ''WACHA KIBAKI ABAKI!!!!!!''

  9. Narc-K activist or may be Kibaki activist (hes not decided which party he will stand on)

    Very few Otieno's are Juakali aritisans most languish in poverty because of floods in Kano and Budalangi where the govt would have promoted quality rice farming. Why havent we heard about govts achievements in such areas? What about the hyacinth affecting fishing how come your friends have not promoted this? May be they have and you forgot to mention, please shed a light on this.

    Why should a Graduate in Law, medicine, commerce etc.. spend 4 - 5 years in campus and end up doing farming just because govt is offering better prices on produce and there are no jobs?

    What about lost job opportunities in ghost projects like forensic labs, passport printing system, oceanographic vessel etc.. which some "very hardworking" govt officials worked so hard to put up and managed to save themselves from overdrafts? What is your friend doing about this?

    How did the chokora get 50k to buy shares, glue proceeds or what. May be he planted some maize on round abouts and sold to NCPB?

    Why cant the many teachers employed get half the students from teachers with 70 students in a class,or their appointment letters are yet to reach them?

    How come its only people of your friends region who have qualifications to head top govt offices? or may be people from other regions went to do farming instead?

    I just like the "humble words" from your friend, Pumbavu and Mavi ya kuku and his ministers "jokes" like being beaten when rattling a snake compared threats and insults of Ole Ntimama when he was a minister!

    What about the "wonderfull" infrustracture and "best" fuels prices since independence such that the common man is "smilling" all the way to petrol stations and no more walking to work because there is cheaper transport and commodities! (did you forget to mention these).

    Please shade some light so that I can also see the end of the tannel because it looks dark to me.

  10. Well said Mr. Nathan W, but I cannot just resist responding to your long NARC-K campaign narrative. Sadly you fail to realise that for a country like Kenya to even start eliminating poverty, we have to first achieve a 7% growth as a minimum. This is defined as the level required to achieve the international community's target for reducing poverty, also known as the United Nations Millennium Development Goal. You may say we are only 0.9% to this target, which is actually based on economic activity for the financial year 2006, but then again, I am reminding you that this is an election year. The following are already on-going........Unregulated sugar imports, printing of currency, land / tribal clashes, wanton deaforestation etc, etc and these normally impact negatively on an economy. On top of this, the NARC government is finishing its 5 year term without the KACC successfully prosecuting the big fish of corruption in past and present government. Corruption elimination was a major highlight of President Kibaki's inaguration in speech at Uhuru Park atop a wheel chair in early 2003 and it is a pity the Anglo Leasing scam exploded during his first term and sadly he has done absolutely nothing to prosecute the well known perpetrators, including his 2nd in command.

    The rising cost of food and energy has cast a long shadow on alleged economic growth, wiping out gains made, especially by the low-income earners - that Mr Nathan proudly describes above. Blamed on a severe shortage of rainfall in 2005 and the first quarter of 2006, as well as rising world crude oil prices, the cost of living went up to hit an all-time high of 19.1 per cent by March 2006, in terms of month-on-month inflation. The overall annual inflation rate increased from 10.3 per cent in 2005 to 14.5 per cent in 2006. According to the Government data, the rate of inflation on the two remained the highest through out the year.Central to this debate has been the price of sugar, which almost tripled in December, and is the most quoted as the clearest sign of the failure of the economic recovery to address inequalities. Another is the doubling of consumer prices for fuel and maize for the period 2002 - 2007, and high maintenance costs due to very poor infrustructure! So, amids all this, tell us Mr. Nathan, how can your average Kenyan enjoy life, educate his children, save some money or invest in the stock market?

  11. Nathan,
    In simple English, what phil is saying is, at 1,300 shillings for bag o maize, Kamau is getting less that what he was getting during the Moi regime!. I wish you luck in farming.

  12. Nathan from Nirvana, I know you don’t believe a word you wrote/posted. However, the ‘feel good’ propaganda document was actually a great read and very effective… It left me entertaining the thought of rushing back to the farm alongside eight grade cows and Napier grass paddocks. The nostalgia of fresh creamy milk, golden wheat fields and general happy-go-lucky farm life crowded my mind.

    I think your propaganda campaign strategy is absolutely brilliant. My advice to you: Edit/refine the story, translate it in several languages and distribute it all over Kenya with a vengeance. You could even do short TV/ Radio excerpts. Lets all face the ‘facts’; misinformation/half truths is mostly what comes out of every politician (including Raila). The challenge is how to peddle the lies and touch the souls of those retarded enough to believe, now that’s politics. If ODM-K (or whatever is left of it) is to win this election, they too need to print millions of volumes of Nathan-like material.

  13. I remember 2002 like it was yesterday. Kenyans didn't need propaganda like Nathan's to "vote out Kanu" - which was the main opposition goal in 2002.

    Nathan, I come from sugar country i.e. western Kenya. It is not as rosy as you paint it to be. It is very bleak!

    Kalamari - On the contrary Kenyans hate propaganda and that's why the uhuru project was soundly rejected back in 02.

    Kenyans also have a good memory, we voted "tosha" in 02 believing that we'll get zero tolerance on corruption.

    My mind is already made up to vote "toka", it doesn't matter who is on the other side opposing him, Kibaki has failed me on the corruption issue, big time..Let's not even mention augmentation of tribalism, increased insecurity and perfecting the art of giving handouts!

  14. Each of these articles contains both hard facts and interpretations that are very well thought out and presented AND also some blatant propaganda. I will start with Narvans':

    First of all welcome aboard. Two, it is common knowledge (Some people just hate the truth) that the economy has grown. If it hadnt then 96% of government projects (both recurrent and one-off heavy capital investments) would not be funded from local sources. Those darling farmers of yours have trully seen better value for their inputs (Although the 'good feel' as they call it, is very selective). Multinationals are obviously making better kills but i want to hope that trickles down to the fellows who work for them and eventually have the so much needed multiply effect.
    Lemmie get to your desperate propaganda to win Kibaki votes:
    Although no money is gomnna get into your pocket if you spend all your time attending meaningless political rallies,it is important to note that some of these dudes are not really idlers in the true sense of the word. Your president,mr/mrs/ms Narvan promised 500,000 jobs a year and that was about the contract ruinning from 2003-2007. When you tell us that "very soo" we are going to hit the target, then u r defending the raw deal that we are getting. The term is almost over now and people like you should be apologozing on behalf of your president coz none of these five years has come close to a quarter of that target.About Kamotho and coups, tell me who the mayor of Mombasa is today and how he never staged a coup. I am not sure you quite understand the meaning of the word. You need to quote how many times Kenya was bamnned from FIFA tournaments under Balala's watch vis-a-vis under Kamanda. You got it all wrong here my little fren.
    Hon Ruto is a thief but he was minister for two months against Kipruto Kirwa's 'very short time'--which is five years.

    I am running short of time and so i will not respond to the rest


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