Friday, June 29, 2007

Kenyans Are Not Suffering Because There Is No Money


There is this reader who has painstakingly gone through almost all the posts in Kumekucha. I have tracked him using his name and the sometimes critical but always useful comments he has been leaving.

I know that many of you must have missed the following comment from his which he left in an old post about Bunge la mwananchi. I wouldn’t have said it better about the crux of our problem in Kenya which is certainly not lack of money.

Edwin Gachinga Warima has left a new comment on your post "BUNGE LA MWANANCHI - FREEDOM FROM HUNGER":

Wiser words have never been spoken. Our government has the money, it just misuses it. How can an MP earn Ksh.887,500 (includes benefits & allowances), while Form 4 leavers, stay home because we don't have enough state/public universities? How do we pay our president Kshs. 2,000,000 when the ordinary mwananchi can't even feed his family? Why?

I'll give you the answer. Because our government is full of hypocrites and thieves, whose only concern is to enrich their pockets. These fools couldn't care less about helping Kenyans or what's in the best interest of our country.

They eat, get re-elected, and eat some more. Corruption is still rampant in Kenyan government...look at the Anglo Leasing Scandal. Despite Githongo's evidenciary tape, the Mwirarias, Murungis and Murungarus are still walking around free. By the way, wasn't Kiraitu Murungi re-appointed by Kibaki to a ministerial post? That shows us where Kibaki's heart was all along.

How about The Goldenberg scandal that bilked our country out of 70 billion shillings? Where is Kamlesh Pattni today? You guessed it, free as a bird. How about the Kanyotus,Saitotis and Gideon Mois associated with that particular scandal...where are they today? Again free, free, enjoy their stolen wealth. Mean while Aaron Ringera is still pocketing 2.5 million per month as the head of --- commision of inquiry that has been inquiring forever with absolutely no results.

You say, what about the free primary & Secondary education brought about by Kibaki's government? Sure,Kibaki has made some improvements to the economy...and Bravo to him for that. But if he is trully serious on improving the economy, he should first & foremost refuse to accept that 2,000,000/= monthly salary, (and have it cut down to no more than 400,000/=)...then establish an independent arm of the government to cut MP's and Minister's salaries to no more than 200,000/= per month. (Currently, MP's...through parliament vote to give themselves pay raises.) How can you vote to yourself a pay raise? Is this ridiculous or what!!!!!!!

According to my calculations based on the above presidential, Ministerial and MP salary reductions, our country would save 176,000,000 per month. That's 176 million each & every month!!

That would build alot of classrooms!! How about using this money to improve our roads? The list of projects to do is endless. Would this get Kenya started on the road to financial recovery? You bet.

But like I said earlier, this would only be initiated by a trully serious president. I don't think we have that yet.

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