Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Is The Weakest Link In The ODM Council Of Elders Fred Gumo?


I have said this before and I say it again—Kenyans have very short memories.

When I first received news that the chairman of the so-called ODM council of Elders was one Fred Fidelis Gumo, I was shocked. Shocked because I know the guy. Hope do I know him? The way you get to know a public figure. Which is by their actions and antics, especially away from the political platform.

What would you say about a guy who walks into some back street bar and drinks with aides and then on being presented the bill, slaps the waiter and leaves without paying. His side of the story; the bill was incorrect. My assumption is that the reason that he did not even pay what he considered to be the correct bill was because he wanted to punish the waiter. Incidentally the bar where this happen was not very far from another bar that was made famous in the late sixties when a full cabinet minister got so drunk that they left some confidential government documents in some dingy bar where they were drinking. That man was James Gichuru. But at least the late Gichuru remembered to pay his bill before he left.

Now my question is, would you trust a person who can’t pay his bills at some dingy bar to help decide the next president of Kenya?

Hon Gumo’s stories don’t end there. There was a time (in 1997) I believe when a lady returning officer announced the results for the Westlands parliamentary seat in which she said Gumo had lost. In full view of witnesses, including journalists, Hon Gumo slapped the woman. Shortly after that different results were announced in which Hon Gumo had won. His famous slap has achieved much for this guy.

So what can you tell about such a person’s character?

There is a view that is gaining increasing currency that the recent so called leaking of confidential presidential documents happened with the full knowledge of Hon. Fred Fidelis Gumo.

And even if it did not, the buck stops at his chair.

I believe we all need to keep our young friend Jonathan Mueke, standing in Westlands against this guy in our prayers. (Read the interview he gave Kumekucha HERE). Mueke has said that he has a strategy to deal with his well-known violent tactics but anything can happen when this burly politician is around.

Father and son seduced by the same woman called "death."

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  1. I tend to think alot about one Gumo, the man who allocated the parking behind KNA of Kenextel house to himself, when he was at the NCC.

    This man, from the famous Magero family that is endowed in wealth in Kitale and Budalangi, never ceases to amaze.

    at one time, they used to run a pub in River Road (so I have been told in the past) always had the ear of the former president Daniel Moi. It is said that he used to entertain with lots of stories that he could always be at State House every morning and maintianed that until Moi left.

    I have also followed a tiff he has had with Francis Atwoli, in one of the most uncivilised public tiffs ever witnessed, calling each other names in public and even in national tv and radio.

    In April, he made a statement that 'if one cannot raise 1 million shillings he had no reason for vying for the presidency on an odm ticket'. Last year, he can be remembered to have led thousands of Asians in demonstrating over the electronic cash registers. This was a low one for him, considering that it was a government/legislative requirement.

    And now, what some will not want to hear. Raila Odinga in 2002 announced that NARC had agreed that Westlands will have two 'MPs' after Gumo repeated his 1997 act of not accepting defeat to Betty Tett. I quote verbatim "It has been agreed that following the rift, and for the sake of unity in the party, Gumo will stand as MP and if Narc is elected, Betty Tett will be nominated as MP" Let anybody deny this.

    Mueke has a fight in his hands, ask Bablu Walji what Gumo told him one day and he has never spkoen since. "Amesema hivyo? Na ni Muhindi" Gumo said and Bablu has never threatened to storm the offices again.

    Mark you, he represents one city's upmarket constituencies. What a pity that he chairs a committee that will decide your next president.

  2. When the report leaked I am on record questioning the credibility of the council members starting with the chairman. I refused to identify with that committee from the minute it was formed. All my reservations were here for all to see.

    I agree with you that Gumo is better off chairing bull fighting sessions in Mulembe land but I must remind Chris and his political thought school mates that You are not attacking him as a matter of principle. You are attacking him coz he did not doctor the report. I am not doubting any of those misdeeds of his----In fact gumo can do anything in this world. What I am challenging is you is to deny or confirm whether you would have posted today's article if the 'leaked' report had put Odinga favourably. I repeat, my wish is to share absolutely nothing in this world with Gumo, not even thoughts or political leaning, but I have seen people castigated before here-Their mistake?---Refusing to play Odinga's trumpet. You do not need a microscope to see that.

    Having said that, let us all agree that the president of Kenya has to be chosen by the people of Kenya. The ODM presidential candidate should likewise be chosen by the people. Some few people like Gumo, musila and Omingo Magara have no business wasting time choosing a candidate for us. They have their votes and the furthest they can go as far as the process goes is to vote for their prefered candidate come december.

  3. Vikii, it is pear-shaped at the moment. There is no way Gumo in his own intelligence could allow a candidate who is going to stand against Musalia Mudavadi.

    I have argued that a generation of me and you and Phil and Taabu and Chris will make the change in our country. A generation where we talk as Kenyans, as brothers, as friends, who dont know a tribe. A generation that goes to the Carnivore in one cab, drawn from six different tribes, with girls/spouses from six different tribes and in one sitting, we have twelve Kenyan tribes sharing a table.

    At the moment, Gumo is thinking of the Westlands electorate and who is he to push for the interest of a different tribe? For your information he is of the old school. I think from that point you know his imagined target, the hegemonic tribe in Kangemi and parts of Kawangware.

    Yes, the leakage was intended to serve a political purpose, but it backfired big time, and now you can see what is going on in ODM. The leakage in its own design. pushed Andrew Ligale to a different spot, cut through Mutula Kilonzo and David Musila, and even shook Justice Kwach. At the end of it, it just drew the demographic representation and creditted Daniel Arap Moi's long crusade that it was a tribal amalgamation.

    On the other hand, you might not know the foreign hand in the whole deal, was it from Kanu, a party Gumo refused to relinquish it Nairobi branch chairmanship or Moi, the political guru. Another thing, has Moi the political genius spoken a word of politics since that? and today, Musalia has supported the consensus deal, one thing that his best friend Raila has all along refused to accept.

    Anyway, I would love to hear the football commentary now, and who is going to score.

  4. Click the following.Ji enjoy:


  5. Aother good link. Jienjoy:


  6. Okay guys, let's go back a bit. I hope you don't have short memories like Chris says. It was Raila who first came up with the idea of consensus. I stand to be corrected. At that time, Kalonzo was "the king of opinion polls" and would hear none of it (consensus). Then Raila said, well, let's go the delegates' way. At that point, Kalonzo's popularity was on a downward trend and so he changed tune; he now wants consensus. Personally, if you ask me, I'd go for consensus. But consensus is not about holding a gun at your opponent, or blackmailing him. It's all about understanding one another. Guys, I still repeat, I don't want to be quoted as one of those supporting the fights in ODM. But if anyone of you, or anyone in ODM thinks that by confronting Raila, he (Raila) will back down, then you are terribly wrong. Just read this guy's (Raila's) history and you will know what I am saying. He fights fire with fire. He cut his political teeth during those days when KANU was our oxygen, our food, our houses and our everything. As for Gumo, I can't understand why you keep on criticising him. He's just being a politician, the Kenyan politicians we know. Okay, Chris, tell me why (the late) Karisa Maitha did not go ahead with his threat to prosecute Gumo over the land he allegedly grabbed in town? Do you have the answer? I do! And I'll post it in the next post.

    Thanks anyway guys for your comments. They are fun to read.

    Always, Dan.

  7. Chris, I think you are being an unfair critic of Hon Gumo, his Council of Elders and by extension the Orange Democratic Movement. I wonder why you hardly bother to highlight the problems in NARC-K (ruling party?) and the fact that six months to an election, the incumbent has not openly declared his party of choice or if indeed he is in the race.

    I wish to point out to you that Gumo and his council of elders have a mandate. This mandate does not include ranking of ODM presidential candidates against the incumbent. In case you didnt know, the Council of Elder's main mandate is to facilitate the party to nominate a single presidential candidate for the forthcoming General election while maintaining party unity and building new alliances. Key word is FACILITATE. Besides, we all know that the leaked report happened at the sub-committee level, before the main committee itself had received the report they are now being accused of having leaked. In other words, Gumo and his team learnt of the report from the press. That aside, Chris, I put it to you that it is a well known NARK-K / Kibaki insider who 'sold' this doctored story to the NMG. In all honesty Chris, do you think William S. Ruto can emerge 2nd in the ODM luminaries who can beat Kibaki in a fair electoral process? I doubt it. What I know is that there are people who have been tasked to ensure that ODM unity does not see the light of day - and they are making some headway having thawed the likes of Uhuru and now Ruto (him of the KANU breakfast and Githeri eating dinner sessions in State House fame). How come, hardly a month after paying his 1million bob nomination fee to ODM, and asserting how much he is committed to the race, Ruto is now talking about 'sacrificing his ambitions' for the sake of ODM unity? A lot of money, +Shs. 5b am told, has been invested in the venture to especially isolate some ODM candidates and in the process break the party, and I leave it to you to investigate and inform your readers. Even state intelligence has been deployed to research information on ODM sources of funding. Just ask yourself Chris, in the last few weeks and especially after Raila/Mudavadi vision launches, only ODM has suffered defections from its ranks, mostly (only?) from the Mt. Kenya region. Those of NARK-K when they occur, individuals are still pledging loyalty to Kibaki from different parties. I do not think Gumo is the weak link in ODM unity efforts. Let those presidential candidates themselves decide who they will back, or better still let them square of in a nomination method that will involve party masses democratically voting for their preferred candidate.

    In attacking Fred Gumo and his late father (Mzee Pius Magero Gumo), we are showing just how much we like to conveniently avoid issues at hand and instead dwell on personality and tribal vitriol. Unfortunately, like Derek says, you cannot change history. Mzee Magero Gumo was a pioneer African large scale farmer as well as a successful entreprenuer. His exploits during the colonial days ensured that he raised a large immediate and extended family, including one Fredrick Fidelis Gumo.

    As Westlands MP, Fred Gumo may have in the past used strong language in addressing his opponents during the electioneering period, but that does not mean he has been violent or has assaulted any of them. I can only congratulate him for being elected as MP (on KANU and NARC tickets) on three occassions in a cosmopolitan and tribally divided constituency. He was at one time the only KANU MP in Nairobi Province, not an easy task if you ask the likes of Kibaki. I am tempted to dismiss Jonathan Mueke for his failure to address our concerns are Westlands residents. If you know how to get him, ask him to come and answer those issues we raised in that interview you published.

    Politics is about ambition and competition. Unfortunately, unorthodox methods may be used to cut down opponents to size. It is upon voters to see and judge for themselves which party / candidate is offering the best for the future.

  8. Dont u a;so think the government is backing Raila Odinga for the ODM nomination? They sure are looking for someone beatabl. What are government officers doing ar Raila Odinga's rallies?Why are Buruburu women petitioning the govt to Raila. In my opinion he is unknowingly being used as a puppet on the string. What do u think Kalonzo meant when he said atakuwa mshenzi hadi mwisho? Kuwa mshenzi ni kufrustrate your colleague coz ameamua kula sahani moja na opponent. It may also involve paying The press to publish "GHOST" meetings at state house. Dan calls fighting fire with fire. Well stay tuned to the political scene

  9. I think it’s meaningful to judge our politicians in the context of their modus operandi. These chaps wake up in the morning with only one main concern; maintaining or making inroads to wealth and status in the least amount of time. Keep in mind that the days of selfless service to constituents have never been with us. Without failure or disappointment, ALL our leaders are simply tribal chiefs presiding over a self hating electorate. Yes hatujipendi. We repeatedly allow these chaps to visit upon us all manner of injustices and then turn around to ‘understand’ them. In my opinion, Gumo is a product of our propagation. We have fought his wars and lined his pockets at the expense of our livelihoods. We have tolerated such chaps without any remorse for ourselves. This crop of ‘leaders’ retire each night legitimately convinced that they are the bona fide saviors of their constituents (really vice versa).

    It’s clear to me that the aspiration of any Kenyan candidate running for any public office (including that of rabid dog catcher i.e. counselor) is to become the successful personification of the violence of Gumo, cowardice of Kalonzo, indecisiveness of Kibaki, thievery of Ruto, illegitimacy of Uhuru, confusion of Balala, incompetence of Mudavadi, inconsequence of Ojiambo, unreality of Nyagah and finally the godsend passion of Raila. Mimi ni Mkenya.

  10. Kalamari,
    Thanks alot for your apt but very skeptical comments. However, they shall not go unchallenged. The most unfortunate aspect of your clinical assessment of our selfish leaders has failed to provide a single solution.

    I strongly disagree with you that every Kenyan who aspires to be elected is a personification of everything that has gone wrong with our leadership. Are you saying there are no serious individuals with records of integrity who can lead this country? Does it mean every Kenyan is born rabidly greedy, corrupt and a pathological liar? I beg to differ...because I know countless individuals who are community leaders in their own right, right from our villages to our institutions. People who will never backstab their neighbours for material gain and are fine examples in their communities. Ask people in the village to point out reliable and trustworthy individuals among them and they'll show you without hesitation. I'm sure even the people who comment on this forum will attest to the fact that they know one or two Kenyans in their lives who have these qualities.

    Kalamari, just open your eyes a little more and you'll see such Kenyans live among us but they lack the guts or the money to go into politics.
    It will take tremendous provocation...a situation where Kenya is almost burning for them to finally see the need to "dirty" their hands in the game of politics. Kenyans also need to wake up to the fact that owning a mercedes and a pot-belly does not make one a leader.

    I feel sorry for you Kalamari...whining, bitching and complaining without offering any hope on this forum. Let me leave you with a thought-provoking question.....if you were to offer your candidacy in Kenya today for MP or whatever, does it automatically follow that you'll become what you detest most in our leadership...unless ofcourse you had those traits even as we write in this forum!

    This forum has sadly, also fallen neatly into the big lie that there are only two leadership options in this country, Narc-K and ODM-K. What a load of bullcrap! These two parties are the same. If we are to get out of the hopeless scenario painted by Kalamari, we need to look way beyond these two opportunistic outfits.

  11. David,
    With great respect to the bell curve theory, I admit that there are, at most, one or two elected village head boys blessed with the conscious of doing the right thing…. in one sub location… in the whole of Kenya. Bewildering statement?? ..I’m simply trying to make a point.
    You see Dave, although my earlier post lists the hapless dog catcher in concert with Kamanda and Mwenje, clearly my beef is with the conventional politician. Only in Kenya will you find an MP called Ndile whose complaint of the week, in the presences of his constituents, regards the low status of the tax-payer-funded vehicle allocated for his use and enjoyment. Endless list, nuff said.
    Dave, Dave, Dave…my brother Dave; on the contrary, my posts are exploding with solutions and hope…. if you can read between the lines. My lamentation on the abandonment of the electorate is clearly a call to re-examine our worth as voter-card-carrying citizens. Need I say more?

    As far as public office; not my forte but believe you me, I can come up with conjuring vision. Further, I believe I’m the only Kenya who’s never paid a bribe. I think your question is whether a principled leader of the community (like your village master) can be co-opted once in the executive chair. Of course. Every man has a price….


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