Thursday, June 28, 2007

Do We Do Something Or Just Sit Back And "Enjoy" The Show?


There is a long time reader of this blog whose name is Luke. I have always known him as the sort of person who hits the nail on the head and he did just that with this comment which was again left today;

Luke has left a new comment on your post "Why Hon Michuki And Police Commissioner Ali Must R...":

reminds me of a funny thing that happened to me back in early 2002 a friend and i were discussing the state of politics back home, and we were both emphatically nodding and agreeing as we waxed lyrical "corruption in Kenya is a BAD thing!"

that same week,my friend got the chance to travel back home and see his family&friends. when he came back, i was eager to hear his assement about the state of affairs to my surprise, he started off by saying "yes, corruption is a bad thing but what can we do?we're helpless against it"
i thought..."what happened? a few days ago it was "corruption is bad fullstop" now its "what can we do we're helpless"

that ability to normalise the abnormal is the time tested silver bullet that our politicians use and they try and make everyone get used to our problems,problems which anyone else looking at them would say "how can you possibly live even 1 sec longer with this?" case in point...24 years of Moi…

oh wait...the president's just appeared on tv...he's clearing his throat to speak...finally, an end to this maddness...sadly no, he just wanted to make sure i urgently remember who the members of his family are…

kweli mimi ni pumbavu sana...(sigh)it must be normal (i guess) for hired mercenaries to brandish weapons openly in an international airport and board the plane first class...
wait...the president's appeared on tv again...

It is quite clear from some of the comments that we have been receiving here that the pungent bad smell of violence and the continued deaths of innocent Kenyans has become "normal" in our country. To most of us seated comfortably in front of our computers and burping "nyama choma" and stale beer, it is a good life and there is no reason to "upset the apple cart" by calling for the resignation of Major Ali and John Michuki. After all, the death of a dozen or so slum dwellers is nothing. Right?


Even worse are the guys in the opposition whom we expect to keep the government on its' toes, our so-called future presidents, Kalonzo Musyoka and Raila Odinga. If any of them were really genuine, they would have started a hunger strike by now until the violence stops. If I were a public figure that is exactly what I would have done. In other words the truth is that these guys don't really care.

With all due respect to you my friends, the supporters of these presidential candidates, I believe it is time we united against the lot. We who say here we have no regard for tribe or clan. It is better we all boycott the general elections of no credible candidate comes up rather than speak the language that has gotten us into this mess of choosing the lesser evil.

I will not even discuss the President, who (as somebody has put it here so eloquently) took an oath to defend the people of Kenya without fear or favor. As it is now Mathare and Kibera are on fire while other Kenyans are comfortably watching the chaos, TV remote control in hand, somewhere in Muthaiga. They and their children feel safe because they have policemen and security guards guarding their gates.

So my fellow countrymen do we just sit back and write angry comments here and do nothing while defending our preferred presidential candidates?

Father and son seduced by the same woman called "death."

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