Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Monday, February 26, 2007

The Crazy Twist In A Possible ODM-Kenya Fallout

Raila Odinga is a sitting duck for major catastrophe should Kalonzo Musyoka fail to win the party's nomination. It is now clear that the power of attorney in the party rests with Kalonzo's henchmen, including one Daniel Maanzo whose name appears at the registrar's of societies as the chairman of the party.

So Maanzo and Kalonzo will simply pull the rag from under Raila's feet by "running off with the registration certificate" should Kalonzo not be the one. This will leave Raila and company with no "national vehicle" for which to seek the presidency. They will then be forced to fall back on their political parties most of which are seen as nothing more than tribal organizations with no national outlook.

Because of this, it is advisable that ODM-Kenya goes ahead with the presidential nominations immediately so that if such a scenario plays out, they will have ample time to register and popularize another umbrella political party. On the other hand if they do this, they will have lost their most deadly secret weapon that keeps Kibaki's handlers guessing and anxious because they cannot finalize on a strategy for their candidate when they do not know whom they will face in ODM-Kenya.

This blogger still maintains that former Kibaki kingpin, Dr. Murungaru got it right when he suggested that constituent parties should campaign on their own and coalitions should only be discussed at the 11th hour.

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1 comment:

  1. An honest opinion will leave many people thinking that there is life after the ODM nominations. To say the least, Kalonzo, as it has been written by Chris, holds the key to success of the ODM/Raila/Kalonzo bid. It shall come to pass that if Raila fails, he has done so before, losing to James Orengo and Wamalwa Kijana, then the final nail will be drilled in the bid. Godspeed


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