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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Terrible Truth About The Referendum

Now that the so-called referendum is over and temperatures have died down an anlaysis of the real situation – what everybody missed is in order.

Some spectacular sums of money were spent by both sides on the referendum. Where did the money come from? Nobody seems to be asking and yet this is so important that it is even more important than the referendum itself.

Why? Because sources of money reveal a lot and the source of huge sums of money that went to fund these campaigns will shock Kenyans.

The truth is that we Kenyans were used as mere pawns by politicians who had their own agenda. Mostly they were all thinking about 2007.

The reason why the orange campaign was so well funded was because of the following;

The proposed constitution was going to force investigations into past human rights abuses and political assassinations. In short all that grabbed land that has made some well know families so rich and all those people who died when they dared to try and say anything.

Have you asked yourself why the Orange team had such strong Kanu backing. Really, don’t buy what politicians say. Just ask yourself that question.

Again ask yourself the question who really rules Kenya? Why did Kibaki meet Moi. Forget the official reasons given.

Keep monitoring this blog over the next few days as we reveal to you the terrible truth. The truth which many Kenyans cannot handle.

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