Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, October 06, 2023

Raila's Strangest KTN Interview And The Astonishing Thing He Revealed | ...

Raila's Strangest KTN Interview And The Astonishing Thing He Revealed | Kenya. During the recent KTN TV interview with Ken Mijungu, Raila Odinga portrayed a remarkable level of guardedness. He was determined not to provide his political opponents with an opportunity to decipher his strategic moves and future plans. However, despite his cautious approach, Raila still managed to unleash a bombshell that most may have missed but for anybody who caught it, it was mind-boggling. Knowing the importance of keeping his political mind under wraps, Raila skillfully dodged Mijungu's probing questions, revealing only limited insights into his real intentions. It was evident that he aimed to maintain a tight grip on his next political steps, ensuring that his adversaries remained in the dark. Yet, despite the shroud of secrecy, Raila masterfully dropped the surprise bombshell during the interview. Raila Odinga's strategic maneuvering during the KTN TV interview showcased his political acumen and the determination to keep his opponents guessing. The bombshell he unleashed, incase you missed it, is revealed in this video.

Learn how elections can be rigged by having multiple servers. Explore the process of hiding the real election and generating fake results to manipulate the outcome. Expert insights revealed!

 Watch the YouTube short; IEBC's evil 8 servers trick to rig Raila out every time

Ruto now accepts to open the servers but Raila is suspicious | Kenya

Welcome to the latest Kenya news analyzed by Kumekucha for the real inside story in Kenya politics and more; Suddenly, ever so suddenly IEBC says they will open the servers. After all these months of William Ruto putting his foot down o open the servers and sometimes saying that the servers have been opened (meaning one server out of 8 and the wrong one at that) why the sudden change of heart?

Ruto finally accepts to open servers: Will Raila be shocked at the "results"? Welcome to the latest Kenya news analyzed by Kumekucha for the real inside story in Kenya politics and more; Suddenly, ever so suddenly IEBC says they will open the servers. After all these months of William Ruto putting his foot down o open the servers and sometimes saying that the servers have been opened (meaning one server out of 8 and the wrong one at that) why the sudden change of heart? What is the IEBC and the Ruto regime really up to? What kind of drama should long suffering Kenyans expect?
Deep inside UDA this is how it is ALL falling apart: Scary secrets
Some very clear tell tale signs are emerging of big trouble in paradise. The William Ruto administration appears to be plagued by infighting even as related dramatic political events unfold. For instance Ezra Chiloba, the blue-eyed boy of the Ruto administration is suddenly sent packing and when the reason why emerges, it raises eyebrows. Mostly because untouchables in Kenya do not have never gone that way. But everything is linked and in linking all the recent political headlines, this Kumekucha video comes to astonishing conclusion that even predicts precisely what will happen next.

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