Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Sunday, August 05, 2018

Magana 1890s Prediction On Uhuru Came 100% True What Next? Will Uhuru still be a key player in future Kenyan politics?

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Some amazing prophecies when founding father Jomo Kenyatta was barely 7 years old from a seer called Kungu wa Magana have come to pass against some daunting odds. What next, according to the prophecies?
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Azimio supporters are very anxious about recent calls by their leader, Raila Odinga calling for a mediator rather than direct talks with Ruto. This is because to some analysts this suggests that we are rapidly heading towards a handshake between Ruto and Raila. However this would contradict a lot of information in this video about what is really happening behind the scenes and in the backroom of Kenyan politics. And then when one also considers the Raila Odinga politics of many years of always keeping his opponent guessing, and guessing wrongly before finally springing them a totally unexpected nasty surprise that ends the "game" in his favour. All this would compels a keen political observer to conclude that Raila in fact has a hidden card that he is about to play with devastatingly powerful results. That even as some Kenyans eagerly await a handshake. Learn more in this detailed, captivating and entertaining Kumekucha video analyzing the true political situation in the country based on information, some of which may not be in the public domain. Even as former president Uhuru Kenyatta made a surprise appearance at the Azimio mass, earlier today, to pray for the victims of police brutality. Indeed cameras captured former President Uhuru Kenyatta shed tears in Karen while mourning victims of police brutality. Get more details on this story


Snippet quoted from the Weekly Intelligence Briefings No 112...

The executive decision to retire the old Kshs 1,000 note resulted in a loss of billions of shillings from the personal kitty election war chest of the then DP Ruto.


The Day Ruto security was changed from GSU to Administration Police (is this one of the reasons he is can't stop vengeful towards Uhuru?)


Most Kenyans were not aware of it, but the appointment of the new director of public prosecutions Noordin Haji to be Ruto's first National Intelligence Services Director General was very significant for anybody following up on clues to answer many disturbing questions concerning what exactly happened last August during the mysterious Presidential elections. Read the captivating Kumekucha story



John Jomo succeeded in his prayers to the court and Justice Jairus Ngaah issued an injunction prohibiting the agency from requiring Jomo Kenyatta junior to surrender his pistol without first going through the laid down legal process. But how will the Ruto government respond? Here are a few possible "crazy" scenarios.

Those who saw Hussein Mohamed during his distinguished career as a Citizen TV journalist may be excused for feeling pity for him watching his body language a few hours ago as he fielded a question about Raila's claim that President Ruto invited the Tanzanian president to Kenya to mediate talks between him and Raila Odinga, only to snub her. President Samia Suluhu Hassan then left the country after two nights at a Nairobi hotel waiting in vain. 

Mohamed started off laughing nervously when the question was posed. He then followed it up with his shifty answer which hardly made sense.

In just a handful of days, what happened in Nyalenda, Kisumu recently has moved from being highly sensitive to the Ruto government to something being discussed openly. And surprisingly, the international media and community are suddenly leading the discussions and showing great concern.

Raila Odinga in a press conference with the international press in Nairobi yesterday even went on to use the phrase “ethnic cleansing” and made comparisons with similar happenings from the past from all over the world. 

Read Chris Kumekucha full article

How could she…?? That girl was yours, or so you thought. How could she fall for a player and a man who is NOT nice to women like that guy I can't stand?? What happened?

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