Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trouble Coming Soon... And With Big Cash

Brace yourself for an ugly recession. Maybe the ugliest Kenya has ever seen.

Over the last two days ominous signs have emerged to confirm this. Two days ago Zain announced a massive restructuring programme that would see a whole 20% of its work force laid off. Yesterday East African Breweries followed suit and announced that they are set to send a large chunk of their staff home. They declined to talk numbers but sources say it could be as many as 200. Then the World Bank has drastically adjusted its’ growth forecast for Kenya to a paltry 2.4%. Read the article about the World bank's adjustments HERE. Some experts think that even that may be just too ambitious.

The shilling has taken a major beating in recent times confirming that remittances from the diaspora were amongst the major factors responsible for it’s resilience which saw it unaffected as the country burnt in post election violence last year. Remittances from Kenyans abroad are set to continue on their course headed south. Which also means that the construction industry (another huge beneficiary of investments from Kenyans abroad) is bound to slow down to thus causing even more Kenyans to lose jobs.

Kenyans are Africans and Africans have huge extended families most of whom are dependants. This means that the trickle down effect of all these layoffs will be enormous to say the least.

Meanwhile we continue to sustain a huge grand coalition cabinet with big salaries and perks even as they embark on a feeding frenzy of public funds through corruption. In fact even as Kenyans face starvation we are still being treated to ridiculous big politician salary headlines.

On a positive note, many people do not realize is that another word for problems is opportunities. Huge fortunes are best made during hard times rather than boom times and myriad of economic-related difficulties in Kenya are already making some Kenyans a killing. Just to quote one example. Cows are selling for a paltry Kshs 300 in Kajiado as Masai herdsmen grapple with the ravaging drought that is killing off their herds like there was no tomorrow. However if you go to your butcher the price of meat remains the same. That means that some folks love this drought and have a bank account balance to prove it.

P.S. Those following the Akinyi/Chinedu soap should read this fascinating article about yesterday’s live episode

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  1. Molasses and Ruto created the artificial famine by selling Maize to middle men long before the recession started. Maize flour started costing more than wheat flour as Ruto and Fidel (raila's son) accounts swelled like River Nile during the rainy season. Now raila talks of his supervised corruption being 'small' and his usual Taabu and Phil chour clap in agreement. Kenyans are dying as raila talks of spending 1 billion KShs to build his palatial offices. comeone, even a silly person can see that the mapambano and haki yetu crusader has his SNOUT STUCK DEEP IN THE HONEY POT to care about the so called starvation.

    who will save us kenyans???

  2. Kibaki should set example in this hard economic times and slash his MONTHLY salary of KSh 3,500,000 by about seventy percent. Don't forget on top of this mind blowing salary, he also earns more millions from his big companies like Deacons,Silver Springs Hotel, Finance House, Gingli and many more proxies fronted by Kirubi, Merali and Joe Wanjui. Kibaki also has about 70 bodyguards, 60 outriders and a fleet of about 100 luxury cars at his disposal. It would not be too far-fetched to conclude the good president earns a montly salary of more than 50M. The First Lady also earns Sh 500,000 per month from the Govt, for doing absolutely nothing! All this madness while Kenyans starve!Oh my God, how do this people sleep at night?

  3. M-Pesa

    ask molasses and Ruto how they sleep at night after shagging kina passaris and stealing maize

  4. One Wife Man4/1/09, 3:24 AM

    Chris aka Chriso,
    You're right, trouble is coming soon if not its here already albeit disguised as a mole hill soon to be unveiled a mountain of problems

    A former opposition leader who holds an '07 guiness book of world records for absconding constitutional role is now a deputyPM and recently told us to tighten our belts as the GCG has run broke through
    1) sustaining itself (40)
    2)sustaining itself tax free

    why can't the finance minister think outside the box like the immigration minister?widen the tax bracket to include anyone called an adult just like IDs will now be for anyone over age 11. This way you will get more people with IDS which qualifies them as adults which qualifies them as tax payers problem solved

    The GCG can continue to have their cake and eat it-there's still a PM's office to build, there's still an expensive local tribunal to fund, there's still a constitutional referendum on the way, and of course lets not forget the 2009 census.

    Join the winning side Chris and think outside the box-for example have you considered opening a shop that sells that Kenyan national dress we designed in '05?

  5. Good news for Kenyans living in London! They have been invited to meet President Obama at Kenya High Commissions' residence tomorrow night.

  6. "IDs will now be for anyone over age 11":
    That's just Raila rolling out his plans for 2012, to ensure that all those AIDS orphans are recruited as voters to beef up their low numbers since Ruto, Balala and some substantial Maasai will be out of ODM. The next thing to happen will be the lowering of voting age to 13. Stay tuned.

    A snout. He must be a pig.

  7. Forget the economic recession for a while and ponder this:

    I can't believe it! SKY television glorifying savage Mungiki scum by giving them a platform to tell their evil ways of beheadings, extortion, rapes and drinking human blood. Just the free publicity these animals have always craved! Meanwhile, the government turns a blind eye on this sect since pot bellied politicians are too busy pocketing our cash. Shame on Raila for courting this gangsters!



  8. This goes out to all those who go into fits whenever Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka is called what he is, a MSALITI, there many reasons but here are a few:

    During the STOLEN general elections of December 2007, Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka allowed himself to be used by PNU to undermine ODM.

    The agreement to work with PNU was entered before the elections, which made it possible for PNU to fund Kalonzo’s campaign. Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka made mistakes right from the beginning and is now beginning to pay for them.

    "It is becoming increasingly very difficult for Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka to expect any more favors from PNU," Mr Charles Kilonzo, the MP for Yatta, said. He has been used kama toilet paper to wipe the PNU ass hole and now his "services" are no longer needed.

    Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka's quest for the presidency in 2007 was a complete sham and the less than 1 million (9%) presidential votes his candidature amassed mostly from his Kamba tribe may have as well been wasted votes.

    The situation is currently getting more and more desperate for the ODM-K leading light who now realises he was used as a Toilet paper which is only remembered when it is time to wipe the ass hole after "the job" is done.

    The central province vote he was hoping to inherit is under the firm grip of its Kikuyu "owners."

    Not only has he lost his "Leader of Government Business" duties to the Prime Minister, his utopia fantasy of "the President's principal assistant" has been put into serious question.

    The fact that huge sums of money exchanged hands is very telling as is the fact this pre-election deal reveals Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka and ODM-K had no intention to delivery anything of substance to the Kenyan people let alone the Kamba who had so much hope in him. I mean, can this traitor really implement the reform agenda he had consistently purported to champion? NO WAY!!

    I wonder what the Kamba peasants - currently reeling under severe hunger effects, eating boiled raw paw paws and boiled raw mangoes just to "chill" the excruciatingly painful hunger pangs - who religiously invested their votes in a fraudulent escapade that "their son" would make it to State House were thinking.

    This misadventure was only aimed at making Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka and a few of his Mukamba surrogates a couple of million shillings wealthier. Huo ni UPAMBVU.

  9. Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua, who was a leading voice in marketing Kalonzo in Central Province earlier on, cautioned Kalonzo not to be too ambitious. "He should not believe that he would be the automatic presidential candidate," Mbugua said.

    Kalonzo's attempted political forays into Central Province at the prompting of Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi are frequently countered by a Kikuyu proverb that questions the strength of Kalonzo’s political base. The proverb says, "It is a small river that joins the big one." The import of the adage is that Kalonzo can only play second fiddle to a presidential candidate backed by Central Province. And since the Central Kenya community only votes for a member of its tribe, this means the candidate that they will support has to be a Kikuyu.

    Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka ametumiwa kama karatasi ya choo. He deserves it.

  10. Dr. Kalonzo is ASSURED of the bulk of the Kikuyu vote. You are looking at Kenya's next president--get used to it.
    Unless of course hobo bumpkin pulls a fast (underhanded) one, which is not unlikely. Wont get into details about that, but dont forget the "accident" near the 2002 elections.
    Watch your back, Dr. Kalonzo!

  11. Anon 5:08 AM,

    You are clearly living in a false world. You are living a delusional lie.

    Ati Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka is ASSURED of the bulk of the Kikuyu vote? That's a big pile of bullshit. One thing that has never got into your thick skull is that Kikuyu's will never vote for anyone but a fellow Kikuyu. That is just the way they are....

    Take it from Kamukunji MP Simon Mbugua, he cautioned Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka not to be too ambitious. "He should not believe that he would be the automatic presidential candidate."

    That, Anon 5:08 AM, is the overwhelming Kikuyu thinking. Do not be fooled. Kalonzo ametumiwa kama karatasi ya choo. He will NEVER be president of Kenya.

    Kalonzo "Msaliti" Musyoka has made several "Msaliti" mistakes right from the beginning and is now beginning to pay for them; he will continue to pay for them. THE "FRUITS" of usaliti will be very painful for him.

  12. Charles.Nairobi.
    Whats up with VUKA...sasa imekuwa TOKA!
    The mzungu man on sky news worshipping Mungiki..is an idle reporter who gains fame by investigating murderous gangs!
    Id like you guys to read or google about a man called Thomas Sankara.He became president at 33 and for four years changed the Upper Volta..to Burkina Faso.he is being compared to Barack Obama.
    Chris and and all Kumekuchans read about this guy...

    August 21, 1983 press conference.
    Source: [6]

    "I would like to leave behind me the conviction that if we maintain a certain amount of caution and organization we deserve victory[....] You cannot carry out fundamental change without a certain amount of madness. In this case, it comes from nonconformity, the courage to turn your back on the old formulas, the courage to invent the future. It took the madmen of yesterday for us to be able to act with extreme clarity today. I want to be one of those madmen. [...] We must dare to invent the future."

  13. Chris said,

    "Trouble coming soon..."

    Heheheeee.....heheheehe.... Try re-read it again! Trouble cuming soon between the sheets (premature ejactulation). At least thats how I read it...:)!

  14. kweli kalonzo has been used by the PNU thugs to wipe their ass holes. Sasa msaliti atakiona. He will wish he never collaborated in the stealing of the elections of December 2007.

    bwa, bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,

  15. @5:30 am:
    Clearly you under estimate the extent to which Kikuyus understand their range of options in todays Kenya. I pity you.
    But more's the pity for Kenya. I hope, one day,soon, the conversation will be different.

  16. Anon 5:38 AM

    You are now being rather... OBTUSE!

  17. Chris I expected you to address the problem of Nairobi being used as a base for drug smugglers.I really think Kajwang should resign. Let's not lose sight of the real issue. What the hell is a convicted drug baron who entered kenya on a fake passport after being deported in 2007 still doing in the country?

    Kenya has become a major drug transit point because the likes of chinedu are being allowed to roam the streets and our youth are paying the price.



    Watch out, lest we be taken to the cleaners by ‘Qataris’
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    By Posted Tuesday, March 31 2009 at 18:41

    It is noteworthy that in the deal with the Qataris, evidence is now emerging that one of the key promoters of the airport hotel project is not a Qatari, at all, but a local businessman running a chain of forex bureaus in Nairobi.

    Indeed, several attempts by the press to trace the Qatari links to this project have been futile.

    Yet, in the Cabinet paper, which was the basis on which this deal was approved, it is explicitly stated that Afro-Asia Corporation is “associated with the Crown Prince of Qatar’’.

    All evidence so far points to the fact that what we are dealing with are Nairobi-based and politically-connected operatives posing as Qataris.

    I have received several telephone calls from local architects and valuers who claim to have worked on this project at one point or the other and who insist the project will be of great benefit to the country. That may very well be the case.

    But in this day and age, you must know your customer. Today, you cannot just walk into a bank with millions of shillings worth of bank notes and be allowed to open an account.

    Commercial banks will insist on taking you through a “Know Your Customer” scrutiny. In future, we must insist that all such large projects are subjected to international competitive bidding.

    The deal by the Qataris may be good. But who knows whether there isn’t another investor sitting somewhere in another oil-rich Arab state with an even better idea?

    The project should be cancelled and negotiated afresh.




    Watch out, lest we be taken to the cleaners by ‘Qataris’
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    By Posted Tuesday, March 31 2009 at 18:41

    It is noteworthy that in the deal with the Qataris, evidence is now emerging that one of the key promoters of the airport hotel project is not a Qatari, at all, but a local businessman running a chain of forex bureaus in Nairobi.

    Indeed, several attempts by the press to trace the Qatari links to this project have been futile.

    Yet, in the Cabinet paper, which was the basis on which this deal was approved, it is explicitly stated that Afro-Asia Corporation is “associated with the Crown Prince of Qatar’’.

    All evidence so far points to the fact that what we are dealing with are Nairobi-based and politically-connected operatives posing as Qataris.

    I have received several telephone calls from local architects and valuers who claim to have worked on this project at one point or the other and who insist the project will be of great benefit to the country. That may very well be the case.

    But in this day and age, you must know your customer. Today, you cannot just walk into a bank with millions of shillings worth of bank notes and be allowed to open an account.

    Commercial banks will insist on taking you through a “Know Your Customer” scrutiny. In future, we must insist that all such large projects are subjected to international competitive bidding.

    The deal by the Qataris may be good. But who knows whether there isn’t another investor sitting somewhere in another oil-rich Arab state with an even better idea?

    The project should be cancelled and negotiated afresh.


  20. anon 9:20 AM

    Thanks for posting this article

    I guess all the Ministers and MP's at the top are eating Ugali, nyoyo and getheri together what can poor ordinary kenyans do?? only option is go on the streets in mass action to stop Kenya being looted by the top officials?????????? what say you?

    Watch out, lest we be taken to the cleaners by ‘Qataris’
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    By Posted Tuesday, March 31 2009 at 18:41

    It is noteworthy that in the deal with the Qataris, evidence is now emerging that one of the key promoters of the airport hotel project is not a Qatari, at all, but a local businessman running a chain of forex bureaus in Nairobi.

    Indeed, several attempts by the press to trace the Qatari links to this project have been futile.

    Yet, in the Cabinet paper, which was the basis on which this deal was approved, it is explicitly stated that Afro-Asia Corporation is “associated with the Crown Prince of Qatar’’.

    All evidence so far points to the fact that what we are dealing with are Nairobi-based and politically-connected operatives posing as Qataris.

    I have received several telephone calls from local architects and valuers who claim to have worked on this project at one point or the other and who insist the project will be of great benefit to the country. That may very well be the case.

    But in this day and age, you must know your customer. Today, you cannot just walk into a bank with millions of shillings worth of bank notes and be allowed to open an account.

    Commercial banks will insist on taking you through a “Know Your Customer” scrutiny. In future, we must insist that all such large projects are subjected to international competitive bidding.

    The deal by the Qataris may be good. But who knows whether there isn’t another investor sitting somewhere in another oil-rich Arab state with an even better idea?

    The project should be cancelled and negotiated afresh.

    I believe we all so this coming Ugali for all at the top " see- eat- and keep quiet that is the slogan"

  21. bwa ha haha haha...


    while he himself was the highest paid prior to MPs awarding themselves the huge perks, not forgetting it will cost taxpayer several hundred million if he were dismissed.

  22. Chris,

    Unless Kalonzo does something very stupid between now and 2012, HE WILL BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT of the Republic of Kenya. Also, it will be during his presidency that Kenya will achieve a 15% growth rate.

    Let those who have ears hear and those with brains understand that rivers change courses, and the BIG one will join the SMALL one in 2012 in order to reach the ocean.

  23. Wamasai wanakataa metropolis wacha wakule ujinga wao.Where are those activists now who shout in news..eeeeh? wako wapiiii? maendeleo ndio itaokoa wamaasai sio ujinga ya ODM


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