Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Kenya's Protests Against Misrule Goes Regional

A Ugandan opposition MP Betty Kamya is facing sedition charges after imploring Ugandans to take after Kenyans in demanding their country back from the teeth of dictatorship. Writing in the Monitor newspaper of January 28, 2008, Ms Kamya reminded her fellow country men that only the zeal and ultimate price paid by Kenyans can rid Africa of her dinosaur authoritarian regimes.

MP Kamya eloquently urged Ugandans that "like Kenyans, we are going to have to fight to extricate ourselves from Museveni's paws". Well, predictably Museveni came forcefully with all guns blazing. Kaguta M7 ‘penned’ a 17-page (yes twenty less three) reprimand to madam Kamya warning her of coming sedition. As they say in African rulership parlance the rest is history because the MP was promptly arrested with the very offence there after.

Kenyans’ protests against stolen election are having rapid and immediate political effect. Museveni must have seen it coming. No wonder the haste in the only congratulatory message to Kibaki. Speak of common interest collectively served by birds of a feather.

Back home the mediation talks are tottering in the brinks of collapse with PNU suffering acute bouts of fear of the KNOWN. It is finally hitting home that their bravado and brinkmanship are not sustainable under global spotlight.

Martha Karua’s riot act to Annan has effectively dispensed full dose of poison to the mediation. Knowing the devils Kenyans have for leaders, we haven't seen anything yet. Kibaki’s sense of shamelessness and insensitivity is regionally and globally unparalleled.

Well, optimists would wish their virtue floods the hearts of all Kenyans. But I fear the devastating truth of impeding ARMAGEDDON EXTRAORDINARRE is nigh. How I wish I was JUST dreaming but unfortunately this is no dream.


  1. Taabu, I still support your earlier opinion that the talks are doomed. When Martha Karua and all PNU MPs came out lashing at Annan and calling him a liar, it's pretty obvious that something just ain't right. Why the hell would Annan lie about the progress made from the talks? What does he have to gain? And if Karua was that distressed about it, why didn't she wait until the talks resumed before she came out with guns blazing?

    And what's with that Kabando (Kabondo? or whatever) guy? It seems to me like he was on the list of "banned from the US". He even went so far as to say that he hasn't gone looking for a US visa. I hope his kids haven't either, or else they're toast.

    And yes, Ugandans have to fight for their rights or else they'll end up having Museveni rule for another 20 years before he drops dead. It's good Kamya recognizes that they have to fight. Freedom ain't cheap, but I wish them the best. That's why it's important that justice is served at the end of our negotiations. Other countries are watching and they need to have hope that they too can get rid of this ancient dictators. It's about time democracy took root in Africa.

  2. It seems that the enemies of Kumekucha will not rest and now, if a Kenyan couple living in the United States have their way, Kumekucha your beloved blog could soon be no more.

    [name withheld} and his wife, [name withheld] have already successfully shut down 3 blogs belonging to Marianne Briner. Now they have filed a serious legal complaint against Kumekucha whom they accuse of carrying copyrighted material in the Kenya Betrayed serialization that we have been posting here. The couple is claiming that the Kenya Betrayed script was penned by them and has filed a complaint under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, leaving Google with no alternative but to disable the affected pages. If the complaints from the Okellos persist, there is a high chance that Kumekucha could be shut down for good....

    Let me say at this juncture that I did not start Kumekucha with my personal needs in mind, rather this blog is a labour of love for the millions of voiceless downtrodden Kenyans who continue to be short-changed by the political class. I continue to make great sacrifices (financial and even on my personal security) to keep this blog going. If it was for personal gain then I would have already been a very wealthy man. Hundreds of thousands of Kenyans scattered all over the world have sensed this motivation in the posts they read here and it is the reason why they have given this infant blog so much support, so suddenly.

    And that’s why I will fight this latest threat with everything that I have.

    I beg for your support fellow Kumekuchans.

  3. Just for the record:

    The copyright of the Shining Star is in both names: Marianne Briner (author) and Sam Okello (author) - it is not the property of Hellen and Sam Okello only .........

    Inspite of this, they (Sahel Books and Sahel Publisher's) distribute and sell the Shining Star under their label like it was their property only - as I said before, they never respected the law before when the book was published via XLibris.

    Considering the fact that they have never signed any agreement with me for the book published under their Sahel label and never respected the one we signed when it was published by XLibris, I do not see why and how they could now claim to have the right to shut down this blog .....

    Please keep in mind that the Shining Star as Kenya Betrayed tells the story of my life in Kenya and not the life of one Sam Okello ..... even if he has put some words to it, he is not the one whose story is told .....

    As a friend of mine rightly said "who is this Sam Okello anyway?" -

    But let me clarifiy the following: I am not interested to create problems for Chris and Kumekucha .... I think that this blog is too important especially at this moment. If the Okellos continue their strategy of blackmailing and cheating the public, then it is for their own personal greedy reasons only. Maybe even with Sam Okello's own political 'future' in mind to become Kenya's President in 2012.

    I have given up to understand their sick mind structure .... they are just two fools (I am talking about Sam and his wife Hellen) who are about to sign their own 'death sentence' .....

    There is nothing more to add ....

    Marianne Briner

  4. We all know that the govt is not sincere in the negotiations. Their aim wa to drag the process long enough while Kibaki solidifies the illegitimate govt's hold on power. Wapi sasa! I can say that the PNU and Kibaki side grossly underestimated the the resolve and the ability of the soft spoken diplomat - Kofi Annan. Sasa they are finding themselves in a tight spot. Why did they rig the elections?
    Kenyans now know what they want and nothing will stop them from getting a new all inclusive constitution, end of tribalism, corruption, impunity, Mt Kenya Mafia control etc.
    The people and the truth will always win and ODM happens to be with the people this time.
    Either Kibaki leaves honorably or he will be chased away dishonorably. Atafukuzwa vibaya kushinda Moi. Kibaki has radicalized everyone and the Kenyans we have today are not cowards and will demand justice, freedom, peace, dignity and equality! Everytime I write something like this, PNU people start attacking me not knowing that this is the mood in about 70% of the country!!


  5. New Dawn
    I suggest you start thinking positively because Kenyans know that the Koffi Annan team will make it happen!! you really have to be in Kenya on the ground to read the mood of the Kenyan people! don't take them for weaklings and somewhat fools- Kenyans stopped demonstrations to give Annan's Peace initiative a chance because they believe in Kofi Annan to stir this through- if Kenyans didn't believe in Koffi Annan and the international bodies backing him- then they would have shown it out right!! stop being an alarmist and start reading the moods of Kenyans- after all it is not Kibaki or Raila who has most to lose but the ordinary mwanainchi- and if Kenyans decide not to be governed !!trust me you can use all the guns and mungiki's in the world it won't stop them paralyzing the country-
    you talk as if you are abroad somewhere looking at Kenya over your shoulders- please read the moods of Kenyans & the governments that are backing Kenyans (not Kibaki and Raila!!) but Kenyans - if those two do not agree to work together - trust be they will be both out! and an interim government will be in place so swiftly governed by the house speaker and a choice of individuals that Kenyans will be asked to put forward-
    There won't be any bloodshed this time!! Haiti's president was packed up and was sent out of the country- that simple!!

  6. People! at this point Martha Karua and PNU (I should point out - an act of a dying horses last kick- remember one has to just get out of the way- it can't hurt anyone-
    They rigged!! they killed innocent Kenyans with the use of the police force- they assassinated two MP's to bring the ODM numbers in parliament down- send thugs to try and eliminate orengo !! Mungiki army send all over Kenya to kill innocent Kenyans - what else haven't they done!!! Do you really believe this generation of Kenyans will let them Rule Kenya?? Not on their Watch!! not when the life’s of their children and grandchildren depend on it- they rather die than let this thugs and Hooligans rule Kenya..
    After so many deaths the mood of Kenyans is that they rather go that extra mile- and stop this group of criminals in check!! Not on this watch Kenyans have said!!it will not happen! never- Kenyans Have international support - they know that and they will use it to their advantage- Kenya has many young brilliant leaders in place waiting on the side line- Look at what MAINA Kiai one of our brilliant Kenyans working hand in hand with American government, Britain, EU and governments that matter on behalf of Kenyans!! Kenya will be fine Kenyans gave Koffi Annan the mandate- when they stopped demonstrations to get a solution to the problem and he will!!

  7. Before Annan could say Accra, some dishonorable lady was saying you are lying. Guess that is the price for freedom, but surely we need decorum and truthfullness. So is Annan lying or the messenger?
    Concession from Kibaki's side should not be construed to mean a weakness but rather concern for the whole nation in the spirit of give and take.
    ODM should be ready to also face hostile supporters who have had to risk their lives in a hail of live bullets from the undisciplined forces.They should fear their supporters too.
    In an environment of open and frank talks can Kenya be a nation again, otherwise we are facing a big abyss. People should learn tolerance and practice positive ethnicity, this is only possible with fair justice system and very harsh laws for warmongers.
    The mantle goes to parliament but are our MPs shocked enough to realize the weight of the task ahead of them or will they be thinking as has been the case of their schemes to make millions.
    A lasting solution can only be found in equity in resource distribution, employment and opportunities which our first two leaders [Kenyatta and Moi] never did. They misused their offices to entrench themselves in power. The common man is just a pawn in power games. Once in a while one may be forced to lose a knight or a rookie in form of political assasinations. This trend should be stopped.
    Fellow citizens, well wishers and all lets involve ourselves in sincere dialogue aimed at healing our divided nation.
    Shalom people...

  8. Why should Koffi Annan Lie?? why are you ready to believe Martha Karua??
    1:She is the power behind rigged elections
    2.she is the power behind police order to kill innocent kenyans-(I understand he comment was let them die like flies- no one I know From Central has died) end quote!!

    3: she is the power behind funding Mungiki Plan
    4; she is the power in the decision to reduce ODM membership in Parliament

    5- She is the power behind singing loudly on BBC and any media house that could listen to her accuse ODM on ethnic Cleansing yet we have very reliable sources and proof that she unleashed the Mungiki's on all the other tribes who were in central and told them to use the heads as road blocks (will will never know the numbers of Kenyans slaughtered in Central Province but the details are now flowing slowly- ( you think Eldoret 30 burned was bad!!) wait until you hear how the none Kikuyu's in central were massacred ( many skulled dismembered bodies are in Central as we speak!!- it will make you sick to the stomach!! yes bloggers you have yet to see- Kiai had a few of the facts before he left!!kabondo wa Kabondo knows more!! ask him what Mungiki did to Kenyans - non kikuyu's in Central??

    No Kenyan – that is non Kikuyu’s and the Kikuyu’s are not blind to what is happening in Kenya can ever trust Karua Martha or Kibaki!! never ever- they have many kenyans innocent blood on thier hands - kenyans know this!

  9. Quotes to Kalooser of ODM-Kamba and John Njue, Chief Crusader of the Mungiki.

    To Kalooser: [i][b]"Fie, fie, you counterfeit. You puppet, you!"[/i][/b]
    ~ William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream

    To John Njue, the Mungiki Crusader: [i][b]"A`modern-day Uriah Heep; a veritable cathedral of hypocrisy."[/i][/b] Norman Mailer to Richard Nixon

  10. I never chose to be a kikuyu, I was born into it.

    I refuse to apologize for being one. MAny days ago, I believed ODm’s message of non tribalism. Today, the only thing that keeps me alive is Kibaki, the man they had convinced me was a tribalist.

    Today, that tribalist is what stands between me and genocide. Between me and mobs who hate me and want to kill me for no other reason other than that I am kikuyu.

    I refuse to consent to these murderers being given any form of power. They belong in jail or at the hague not in statehouse.

    I guess that makes me a hardline PNU but is thats what will keep my childern alive, then so be it.

    Those people in RV were innocent. Why were they killed?

  11. Taabu,

    Dream on, brother! Keep on dreaming about impending ARMAGEDDON EXTRAORDINARRE. Deep inside you you wish it could come to pass so that you would feel vindicated. But why?

    There is a limit as to how much you can intellectualise wishful thinking. You look at your fantasy and call it fact; you look at your vanity and call it realism; you conclude that any Kenyan doing better than you materially must be a deceiver. What a way to live a life!

    For a change, stop smelling for a day the coffee of doom. Try the power of positive thinking. Remember it is not a betrayal to see something positive in people who do not share with you your mental prison.

  12. Taabu,

    I say again, Kudos to you!


    Two held over Were's killing freed

    Story by NATION Reporter
    Publication Date: 2/13/2008
    Two people who were being held by police in connection with the killing of Embakasi MP Mugabe Were have been set free.

    They were released from police custody on Monday, just hours before the 14 days elapsed, as dictated by the law. The law restricts the police investigating capital offences from holding any person beyond the period unless with the authority of the court.

    The two, a man and a woman, have not been arraigned in court since they were arrested on January 29, hours after Mr Were was shot dead outside his home in Nairobi’s Woodley estate.

    Detectives were unable to take the two to court since they established they were not part of the killer gang.

    I ask Kibaki, Maartha Karua, Uhuru the drunkard, Michuki and Saitoti add Karume and Kabondo Wa Kabondo??? where is the Mungiki Killing Gang- Since you have released the Mungiki messengers?? you did it to confuse Kenyans and get them to Keep quiet - but that was your big mistake- you played your cards right into the Kenyans hands- They Know you ordered the two MP's to be Killed (reliable Mungiki snitched) You will pay for it - you will not get any immunity no way!! it is a wait and see game now! you murderer's.............Justice will be served- he who shouts loudest is always hiding something- Kenyans message to you is " we have been watching you very closely since December- you will be in shock for what we know!! of your actions- we are still watch ..............

  14. morning guys why dont you try the chat room, i spent the whole day there yesterday and it was fun. I only left when there was nobody to chat with. it was wanjiku, kumekucha and me. It would be more fun if we are many!

  15. I think PNU will not be conned by Domos who want to grab power through the back door. Karua will definately whip them into shape and push sense in their narrow minds. Let's all pray for peace and be positive of the outcome. Evil predictions of armageddon should be treated with the contempt hey deserve. Thanks guys and good day!

  16. Off topic but I could no resist.

    Kenya is undergoing painful metamorphosis and the some in the West are concerned about the supply Valentine's flowers. Pathetic.

  17. I never chose to be a kikuyu, I was born into it.

    I refuse to apologize for being one. MAny days ago, I believed ODm’s message of non tribalism. Today, the only thing that keeps me alive is Kibaki, the man they had convinced me was a tribalist.

    Today, that tribalist is what stands between me and genocide. Between me and mobs who hate me and want to kill me for no other reason other than that I am kikuyu.

    I refuse to consent to these murderers being given any form of power. They belong in jail or at the hague not in statehouse.

    I guess that makes me a hardline PNU but is thats what will keep my childern alive, then so be it.

    """You fool Who asked you for your apology??

    A heartfelt apology should come naturally from all Kenyans to all the people who lost their life’s during this unrest-

    it is not about ODM and PNU anymore it is making it right for the innocent Kenyans who lost their Life’s in Nairobi-Eldoret-Kisumu-Naivasha-Nakuru-Kakamega-Mumias-Bungoma-Kericho and the Non-Kikuyu's murdered in Central Province-

    it is asking for God’s forgiveness for the innocent blood spilled because of Kenyans searching for true democracy-

    it is for all Kenyans from all tribes to find common ground and if it leads to power sharing equally to stop more Bloodshed-then that will be the path Kenya will take as a nation with the approval of all Kenyans......!

    Again I repeat nobody asked you for an apology? If you are a true Kenyan then it should come automatically to the innocent Kenyans who died.

  18. anon 10:19 is it PNU conning ODM or vise versa. just as your initials suggest, you are just People of No Understanding (PNU). I wonder what you PNUers are without that Karua? All those old wazees leaning on one woman, he! No wonder they say in kiuks, it is women who rule households, Martha is a good example.

  19. odmdamu Hi! Yeah that was a good chat in the chat room yesterday. I'm logging on now. Connection is a bit slow but I'll soon be in.


  20. Taabu, the other day when you wrote "Talks Collapsing as Diaspora Exports Bigotry " some guys called you all sorts of names and one was that you are a pessimist. Now i wonder where they are? The signs were all there that Party of No Use were not going on the table to mediate but they were going to dialogue.......Anyway what would benefit Annan to lie to Kenyans...Karau should know that Annan enjoys the goodwill of all loving kenyans and he is not here coz of Kibaki and Raila. Can Kofi give us names of all those people who are playing hard to get....And we kenyans will deal with firmly but ruthlessly..........And as we wait for the outcome of the talks...Can someone just start a campaign just like the donors are refusing to give Kenya aid, that we kenyans who have felt shortchanged by this govt that we too may refuse to pay our taxes to an illegitimate govt coz i mean we oay money to private companies to collect garbage, roads are not even there, i dont go to public hospitals and even if people go from areas that are anti-govt there are no medicines, no doctors, most people still pay school fees. Our money was used to transport people from Eldoret to Nairobi and yet our money was not enough to transport people from Central to Nyanza/Western....Where is justice in this country? Can we continue supporting this govt blindly by paying our hard earned money to be used in killing our brothers just because they are not from the "right" tribe, will i continue fundind an illegitimate army? will i continue raising money to rebuild homes for people whereas my own brothers in other parts of this country don't have even water to drink in camps in Naivasha and Tigoni...... will i continue paying salaries to people who only work for a day and yet teachers haven't been paid!!! Come on Taabu don't just stare i am an angry person and i need answers


  21. Well, at least Kiss 100 has decided to take the bull by the horns and put focus on Martha Karua and Mutala Kilonzo, and the traitor in chief Kalonzo.
    The action by the breakfast team today clearly shows that it our responsibility to pin point those people that are messing up the country.
    How I wish the good Lord would open the eyes of the Kikuyus and see that that the people pushing this country to the dogs are just taking advantage of their blind loyalty to tribe.
    Even a small kid knows that Karua, Kibaki and Kalonzo are hanging on, and would not care even if 1,000,000 Kenyans die.
    The problem comes when some average Kikuyu feels that the three terrible Ks represent their interests.
    If Kibaki Kenyatta and Co really cared about the Kikuyus, they should have donated part of the land they grabbed in the 60s and 70s to the landless Kikuyus suffering.
    It is time to isolate the problem and deal with it. Kudos Kiss 100

  22. Taabu I don’t believe we’re headed for Armageddon as we know it. Armageddon is an all destroying war. Whether the Anan talks succeed or fail, we’re headed for some disquiet; the degree of which will depend on how the population will interpret the deal if there’s any. If there’s no deal then yes, we may be in trouble.

    Anon 10.19 while Karua is whipping them into shape and pushing sense into their narrow minds as you put it, Kenya continues to sink further and further and that peace we’re praying for may be a distant dream. By sinking further and further I don’t mean butchering one another some more but deepening the hate and cynicism among the people.


  23. Taabu I've said here before that some good things will come out of this mess we're in. The loss of life is very unfortunate but you see we're already beginning to lead other African Nations in rejecting unwanted regimes. Presidents and opposition leaders all over Africa (and indeed the world) must be following the Kenyan case out of something more than just simple curiosity. They’re comparing and contrasting. I’m sure each of them in their dark thoughts have tried to put themselves into Kibaki’s or Raila’s shoes depending.

    And by the way Kibaki has also been congratulated by the likes of Somalia, Kuwait and Swaziland in addition to Uganda. Museveni may have had his own sinister reasons for congratulating Kibaki but the rest probably just wanted to tick the unpleasant task off their dairies and move on with life.

  24. I know you can't say it, but I always make sure I go to one of your interesting commercial links on the page - I've actually found some of them very useful! Every little helps,


  25. The good Lord has already opened the eyes of the average Kikuyu. There’s no denying there was a lot of tribal support for all the candidates. But everyone would have preferred sweet victory and a chance to celebrate their candidate's win. Including Kikuyus who cant possible have celebrated in the midst of the anarchy that followed. And speaking of blind loyalty to tribe, have you ever tried to reverse this situation in your mind? What if Raila was the incumbent and he stole the vote? Do you think we could have witnessed a case of blind loyalty ? Just a thought.

  26. This is pretty interesting given the "Karua Syndrome" now in evidence:

    In many countries, people who want to make money go into business. In Africa, people who want to make money go into politics. It is very unhealthy. It's very profitable.


  27. wanjiku am missing u from the chat room. where are you today?

  28. If u guys hate Kikuyus soooo much, then why do you find any single opportunity to marry from nyumba ya mumbi. I know dozen of Luos, kambas, maasais, kaleos etc who are happily married to Okuyos. Even most hypocrite politicians have okuyo wives! lol

  29. Anon 2:27 ...No one hates kuyos....But the guys who marry wives...Marry the bright ones like Wanjiku of Mombasa, and not Karua...Have you seen Wacu Fidel Odinga a very humble lady.....Betty Muriungi ...Orengo's wife doesn't think like Kiraitu' sister...But as a Kenyan....There are still some remnants sober guys who know that though Kibaki won..He stole the elections like Wangari, Kiai, Githongo, Wanyeki etc and the list is endless..We hate your tabia mbaya...arrogance, chest thumping and stealing including robbery without violence like the one acted by Kemilio and his ilk


  30. anonymous 2.27 i am looking at it from this point of view even though kikuyus hate other tribes so much...they are married all over the country.

    am sure even in the ogiek community living in the forest some kikuyu took herself to be married there....that's how they get 25% in 5 provinces....hehehe!

  31. Kofi Anan's words::In Kenya, you have 42 ethnic groups. One needs to be very careful to let the people feel that the cloth of government is stretched to cover everybody, that nobody is left out or discriminated against in terms of economic well-being and resources, access to money and power. [Here] you have a constitutional structure that doesn't distribute power evenly. You have a very powerful presidency in an environment like this, where each group watches for what the other group is getting and what they are not getting.

    This is true, and for the time being ..It is not about Raila/Kibaki anymore ..If we go on with the status quo...Then the struggle will contine

  32. Anon 2:27, Kwani si those ladies have a choice....why do they agree to get married to this men....Especially luo men who by the way are not circumcised....Marriages and who to marry is a choice.....No one forces them to get married to this men and i am sure if you have a sister ...you are really waiting with bated breath for that luo man....Umtoanishe....I hear to you people get married is same as carrying out some business transactions

  33. focus on the main issue here..a stolen election...who cares what tribe you are....the kikuyus on the blog are really chest thumping for nothing really..the killings in eldoret were just as unjustified as elsewhere in this country.the govt was quite compromised especially against protesters...Kofi Annan is here to correct this and again as usual the govt is already compromised...they are not really interested.....when people go on this blog yelling and screaming their tribal affiliations we all clearly see why Kenya was on the brink of going the somalia way!
    Avoid this 'am a Kikuyu' so what!NO ONE REALLY CARES!this aloofness will not take this country anywhere!
    the 48 hrs are almost up...wait and see!Charles.Nairobi!

  34. kwani are those okuyo wives 2.27 married against their will?

  35. I have unashamedly called for the dismembering of the country. The current PNU stance has reinforced my view that as long as we have certain ingredients in the national mix, we will always have friction.
    Sometimes separation is the best way to end a flawed relationship. We are beyond counseling, beyond redemption. Annan is wasting his time as long as some people in Keny a think they are better than others, as long as some people in Kenya feel they are oppressed as long as ethnic jingoism is prevalent nothing good is going to come to Kenya. We are hurtling towards banana-republic universe so fast that we have broken the sound barrier and we are not at full throttle yet.
    Kenya does not need saving, it needs to be closed down. We really should be talking about how we should close shop and nothing more.

  36. Who are these people trying to close down Kumekucha? We shall deal with you!. Chris, we are behind you 100%

  37. If at all elections were stolen, they were stolen for a very good reason.To keep the dirty uncircumcised idi amin type from state house.Kenyans were hypnotised with this kikuyuphobia perpetrated by these guys.

  38. Anon 4:52.....LOL

  39. The mediation process in Kenya needed the clout and mien of a motherly Graca Machel in order for Karua to mellow. Mama Machel had this to tell Karua.

    "Listen to me young lady. You have not seen life. I fought as a guerilla and I have been married to two heads of state. Please don't be a nuisance and understand that we need a political solution not a legal one. We have the goodwill of the Kenyan people and the international community, if we can't make progress with you we might have to kick you out and the process will continue without you!"

    The iron lady from Kirinyaga cannot understand any other language. We congratulate Mama Machel for driving sense into Karua's impervious head.

  40. light of God surrounds us.

    The love of God enfolds us.

    The power of God protects us.

    The presence of God watches over us.

    Wherever we are God is and all is well.'

  41. odm damu why do people keep posting this? who heard mama machel saying it?

  42. Wanjiku @ 12:57am, the answer I think would be a resounding NO! Raila even pledged that were he defeated fair and square, he would concede defeat. Remember this is a guy that has fought for democracy, spent 9 years (imagine what you have done and accopmlished in that time frame)in detention. If it was not for him to say "Kibaki tosha" , Kibs would never have been head of state at that time. How I wish we could retract that statement, I guess too little, too late. Hind sight is always 20/20. Going forward, we will be astute as to whom we choose to shepherd that Kenyan nation, if there will be one at the going rate.

  43. By the way odmdamu, if you have evidence of mama Mandela telling Karua the statement above. Kindly post it here.
    We need evidence.
    I just wish someone from Central kenya, can go tell Martha, in her mother tongue, to stop her camapaign to destroy Kenya. Only the Kikuyus can explain to her, since apparently she just listens to them.
    As for those chest thumping Kikuyus,hebu wake up from your slumber, and stop this thieves using you. Otherwise you will wake up and find yourselves isolated from the rest of the world. Already, you are isolated from the rest of Kenya. Mkicheza, you will be isolated from the rest of the world

  44. Martha Karua made a valid point albeit in the wrong manner. Annan specifically said that there was to be no mention of what is secretely discussed on the negotiating table, and that is because Kenyans are the biggest rumuor mongers in this planet. Im telling you Kenyans, we look foolish every single time we argue, soon we will kill each other out of frustration. Ignorance is bliss with Martha Karua, you should just ignore her and focus on the result of peace esp because all of you are sitting by your computers in relative safety. Focus on those who dont have that luxury, they need this, not finger wagging

  45. Anon 6.20 I hear you.

  46. for those who think Raila was in dentition because he was trying to fight for democracy

    I would assume either ;-
    You were in a coma from 1982-1993
    You were born after Rail's release- that makes you somewhere between the ages of 15-27
    You are just as ignorant and as stupid as your "messiah" Raila

    Raila was in detention for an attempted coup that backfired straight in his ugly face. Get your facts right .
    There was no democracy he was trying to fight for. This character has always been an inciter for violence and bigot greedy for power. Nothing has changed and MARK MY WORDS ..RAILA will see the presidency in his WET DREAMS!

  47. ODMers, it is time to focus on another leader to take your dreams to state house. As you saw in the last elections Raila is un acceptable to the majority of the Kenyans. Plus, his future presidential dreams went up in smoke in the Eldoret church where Kikuyu women and children were burnt alive. If you must choose a Luo go ahead but don't choose Raila. He is violent and bigoted. He is basically a party thug who is permanently imprisoned by delusion.

  48. Anon@9:17

    OK, let us choose another leader - Orengo, Ruto, Balala etc

    Raila is the most conservative of all our ODM leaders - mwingine will not mince words. Another ODM leader would just declare independence/secession. That is ukweli - face it.

  49. KU KLUX KLAN - KKK - KIBAKI , KALONZO , KIRUA - these people realy hate African , Kibaki is one of the longest serving people in Government and he has not even botherered to learn swahili , His level of swahili is equivalent to an illetrates ( Livondos ) english.

  50. Anon@9:17
    I think thats bull shit - these are the same people who were saying Raila is unelectable , nobody can force you to choose your leaders but to suggest that Raila should be dropped from tha list becouse events took the turn they did becouse kibaki rigged is just preposerous , am flabbergasted with that suggestion. keep up of shut up

  51. anon @9:17am, you mean majority=Kikuyu, why then did he carry 6 out of 8 provnces? why are we in this impasse? Do some people really ponder before trying to articulate. Unintelligible Kikuyu men who always talk about men genitalia got a rude shock when they realized that he truly is "electable." Kenya politics should be about ideologies. By the way, why are those circumcised men riding Martha Karuas coat tails. The brains behind the mumbi following, bure Kabisa. Mark these words, the presidency will never go back to GEMA, not in my, your, your children, your children's childrens lifetime, unless there will be a Mt. Kenya Republic.

  52. anon@10:47
    Amen to that and it will come to pass , thats why they will do everything in hier power to avoid a re-run

  53. stupidity is the fool at the top who compares Kibaki to KKK, you are the biggest insult to Kenya, shallowness

  54. anon@9:17am, We long to live in a country/society that produces men and women of integrity. Men that can lay down their lives for a cause they believe in. Show me that man or woman that believes and upholds the above tenets regardless or ethnic affiliation, I will give him/her my vote. GEMA has produced Waangari Mathai, one woman I truly respect for her beliefs and clinging onto the truth despite the risk of losing her life or being a pariah. By the way while we are it, I take it you are Kyuk, your women far outsmart the men hands down, no wonder they run to the others to get their rite of passage of marriage fulfilled. Wake up, I think you are in a deep slumber.

  55. please let us talk about Okello and Marianne Brina

  56. ati another leader? raila is our president!!

    kikuyu waliimba kihii for a whole year and he still won in 6 out of 8 provinces your 'man' won in 1 province and split eastern with kalooser by only getting the meru-embu votes there. hehehe

    the rest of us have no problem or interest with raila's genitalia....we are not planning to sleep with him!

  57. i dont know why kihii is such a big deal. all asians running around in nairobi town are kihii's. moreover kikuyu women are notorious for leaving their children (fathered by non-kihii's) in kenya with their ailing grandmothers to go to america and europe to marry kihii's.

    for your information if we ever had the choice of sleeping with either kihii raila or zombie i guarantee you even kikuyus despising kihii will line up for him.

    at least kihii would bring some action with his raila na mpira humour and he has the energy to perform the job properly.

    zombie the non-kihii, yawa hata sijui huyo mnaeza do nini. mtaanzia wapi? na mtaongea nini? too disgusting to even think about.

    its not a wonder then, that lucifer is slapping people left, right and center. we see the frustration.



    """"Anonymous Anonymous said...""""""

    for those who think Raila was in dentition because he was trying to fight for democracy

    I would assume either ;-
    You were in a coma from 1982-1993
    You were born after Rail's release- that makes you somewhere between the ages of 15-27
    You are just as ignorant and as stupid as your "messiah" Raila

    Raila was in detention for an attempted coup that backfired straight in his ugly face. Get your facts right .
    There was no democracy he was trying to fight for. This character has always been an inciter for violence and bigot greedy for power. Nothing has changed and MARK MY WORDS ..RAILA will see the presidency in his WET-DREAMS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------kIBAKI IS THE ONE WHO HAS WET DREAMS AND PEES WHILE DRUNK AT MUTHAIGA CLUB WE ARE TOLD!!

  59. you PNU -Kikuyu's can do your Raila bashing all you want - you know Kenyans Love him to death - oops except for central province!! people do you know why!!!!THEY ARE THIEVES- THEY STOLE ELECTIONS AND ARE BUSY TRYING TO JUSTIFY WHY THEY Stole - YES YES CATCH A THIEF AND THE THIEF WILL TRY CONVINCING YOU HOW HE DIDN'T STEAL- LOOK AT THE UGLY FACED MARTHA KARUA ABUSING KOFFI ANNAN-who born her? where exactly did she put her brains?? on her butt I presume-go tell her even if she went back to Harvard she will not get to the caliber of Annan- some one must really have mis- informed her- just because she is shagging Kibaki -does not give her the right to show disrespect to Koffi Annan- she can disrespect Kibaki all she wants after all she shares the same bed as Lucy we are told!! dirty ugly lady- she will pay for all the innocent Kenyans blood she spilled!!ata ona!! Kenyans will never forgive her and her Kibaki boyfriends(credible source) cleaners see lots!!

    I request them to block all PNU members who are obstructing the Koffi Annan proceedings- I also request them to freeze all their accounts- I second Kiai Maina on this - they should also investigate and deny all the people in the private sector who were at the meeting help by Michuki, Karua, Karume, Uhuru, Saitoti to bank roll the mungiki gang med January we know about that- all the accounts should be frozen too-
    I heard some have already rushed to close their accounts in England & the states - but the problem is they can't move big junks of money around without it being noticed because all eyes are watching- so relatives and friends are being used to withdrew money !! we know!!

  61. Mungiki sponsored MPs to parliament.

  62. anon @ 8:43am, you are the one that must have been in a deep, deep slumber or coma, if I may. In the oppressive years in the 80s and 90s, that brave generation of Kenyans were fighting for democracy, where was "duly elected?" Probably in Cameo or Muthaiga boozing and playing golf. What cause has he ever championed. The man has no convictions at all. He was handed the presidency in 2002, what a sorry mistake the Kenyans made. He cannot even control that thing he has for a wife, how the hell would he expect him to lead a nation like Kenya. First and foremost, from your postulation, I can tell you are from the house of Mumbi, so we know who the boss is in those "households." Wonder why they are now tithered to Martha Karua's frills?

  63. Contimue reading- how proud are the \kikuyu's do they accept this from this person called \kibaki that they Follow blindly- next it will be their own brothers , sisters, husbands who dare cross Kibaki and Lucy plus Martha Karua-

    OCTOBER 2007

    10. Almost all the deceased are young Kikuyu male adults. Records of the bodies that
    have already been identified by relatives indicate that the deceased are mainly
    from Kiambu, Muranga, Nyeri and Nairobi slums such as Mathare, Korogocho,
    Huruma, Dandora and Kariobangi. Majority of the deceased died from gunshot
    wounds most of which are concentrated on the head which is corroborated by a
    number of post mortem reports by the Pathologist Dr. Peter M. Ndegwa an expert
    in Diagnostic Medicine who is categorical that the cause of death in many of the
    cases has been execution on account of gun shot wounds at close range.
    11. Further, KNCHR found that there were some months when the entries in the
    register shot skywards. In the months of June and July after the Minister for
    Internal Security Hon. John Michuki announced a crack down on the proscribed
    Mungiki sect, the police register at the mortuary indicated that the number of
    bodies brought in by police rose sharply to 223. This is compared to a figure of
    189 recorded in the register for the 5 months from January to May 2007 before
    the crackdown. For instance on 7th June 2007 following the infamous Kosovo
    Raid in Mathare, a total of 8 bodies were booked that evening in the city mortuary
    register all of whom were of young Kikuyu males while on 22nd June 2007, the
    police register recorded a total of 13 bodies booked by police as having been shot
    around Nairobi area.
    12. Further analysis of this register shows that from August 2007, the rate of bookings
    in the register considerably declined. This coincided with the period when
    residents of Suswa and Kiserian reported the dumping of bodies in nearby forests
    when these bodies were discovered as they had not been taken to the mortuary as
    had been the practice before.
    13. KNCHR is also disturbed by the large number of bodies categorized as having
    been collected by police after alleged shoot-outs. Can it be mere coincidence that
    11 bodies reportedly collected from Yatta; Machakos between 5th August 2007
    and 30th September 2007 were all established to be of Kikuyu origin? Clearly,
    there is more than meets the eye and KNCHR has been informed by some of the
    family members that the deceased persons were arrested in various locations by
    Police in Nairobi before inexplicably surfacing up dead miles away in Yatta.
    Indeed all the witnesses of the Yatta incident concur that none of the deceased
    was from the area and that deaths by drowning in this area are very rare.
    14. There is a striking similarity in the pattern between these incidents; they coincide
    with the period after the month of June 2007 when the government declared the
    war on Mungiki and on wanted criminals. It is also noteworthy that this is the
    same period when a large number of people have disappeared without trace. The
    fact that no official action has been taken in response, notwithstanding the
    numerous reports made to the authorities, raises a lot of suspicion. Those who
    spoke to KNCHR regarding the dumping of bodies in Ngong stated that they
    reported the matter to the area chief who promised them that he would report the
    same to the police for action.
    15. From the KNCHR visits to 3 mortuaries in the country, a pattern is discernible
    where bodies have been booked in by police all of which exhibit a regular degree
    of methodical and meticulous consistency as to the cause of death-shots from the
    back of their heads at close range- which is attested to by postmortem reports

    No body deserves to die like this- for heavens sake - put them in jail for life- Kibaki that is what jails are for!!! you murderer!!!

  64. shit- I wish I never voted for this kibaki murderer-you mean all this people were killed -oh my god.............i'm sick to my stomach


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