Tom Mboya and Jaramogi ginga Odinga were NOT friends. Yes, I know you saw him in the video clips that I placed in yesterday's Mboya post attending the funeral, but the truth is that the two were sworn enemies.
In fact in a way it is probably this bitter rivalry that cost Mboya his life in that this brilliant politician did not see the fact that immediately he eliminated Jaramogi Oginga Odinga from the political scene, it would put his own life in grave danger.
It was probably one of the few times when Mboya was so obsessed with a political enemy that he placed his better judgement aside.
Mboya's biographer David Goldsworthy puts it thus;
"Tom Mboya fought the arduous power struggle of 1964-66 with masterful technique and a quite chilling implacability...
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The link was placed first by MB, come on!