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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Love Triangle "Executions" On The Increase In Kenya

The Nation sex scandal illustrates one fact for sure. And that is Kenyans have gone out of control sexually in the work place. This immorality can be directly linked to the rising number of unexplained hits on ordinary Kenyans.

Apparently the increase in illegal firearms in the country makes it very easy for an aggrieved party to hire hit men to settle the score. Sometimes it is the husband tired of his wife's affair with another, usually wealthier person. It could even be the boss in the office. Nothing is more hurting to a man than being left by a woman because he does not have the money or at least not in enough quantities.

On other occasions it could even be a crime of passion. A wife is upset because a certain woman gold digger is after her husband and so she decides to act before it is too late. There is also increasing evidence of women who fall in love outside their marriages and see their husbands as an obstacle or hindrance to their happiness with the new found lover.

Whatever the motive is, you can always be sure that in cases of murder the murderer is almost always a person who is very close to the deceased.

On a lighter note, times have really changed because not too long ago, Kenyans had a less deadly, although deeply embarrassing way of dealing with illicit lovers enjoying the favors of their wives in their absence. Did you hear of this case of a Kamba man that set a trap and took a long trip to Mombasa or some distant place. He was sure that if anything happened he would find the man still in the act. And sure enough the minute the man penetrated his wife, he was trapped because after the act, he could not disengage, try as he did. The story goes that the couple stayed like that (locked in their love-making) which even a doctor who was summoned to the scene could not deal with. The husband was called and took his time getting to his house. On arrival he took in the scene in great detail, from different angles as his eyes burned with emotion. It is said that he then picked up a small knife and removed the dagger from it's sheath and immediately the couple were disengaged.

Very embarrassing bcause the whole nighborhood got to hear of what happened, but al least both parties lived to learn their lesson.

Incidentally infidelity in marriage is an increasing problem worldwide. Read Kumekucha's expert analysis on why modern life is causing more cheating amongst spouses.

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The surprising real reason why more and more Kenyans are having steamy extra-marital affairs

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1 comment:

  1. Here lies our problems as a nation. We are simply pretenders who create the impression that all is good in our houses and even when we are hitting the floor of the emotional pit.

    Now this is acidic and I am sure to stir the hornet's nest. Emotions change with time and as the epidemiologist and statistician will tell you its one variable that is heterogenous. So to stick to your old flame when you have definitely ouutgrown it is to get stuck in a time warp.

    Solution? Be creative and as a software update your emotions and invest in your love life. If all fails, why not divorce officially. Hold your horse with tirades and save me the obtuse pretence. Marriage the singular cause of divorce so once married, divorce graces the other side of the coin.

    That is not western brainwashing. And by the way, don't we live like them shamelessly borrowing their 'civilized' traits and only selectively trashing them when it serves our bloated egos? This is not playing the devils advocates and my brothers must see marriage for the instituton that it is and not a factory for kids who end up being the necessary devils cropping out as bilogical accidents from our acts of being athletic arround the waist.

    Invest in your love life and earn the dividend or perish emotionally as you cling to the elussive wonders of yore. Marriage and love life must be treated as dynamics otherwise you only reap the barbs and bitterness that will only drive you prematurely into your grave.


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