Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What Kenyans are saying

Email received by the writer of this blog from a Kenyan based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Jaha, Trust you to embark on yet another exciting venture. You never cease to amaze me and it will be my pleasure to be of any help. I will publicize it for you, amongst my friends.

Meanwhile for your launch I suggest you include something about a new Consciousness emerging among Kenyans who have become fed up with their nation being relegated to the status of a banana republic due to an
ethos of tribal politics of survival as opposed to politics of development, leadership that manipulates the masses for their individual selfish gain as opposed to serve the masses for the welfare of all and the capitalistic ethic that embraces and praises the accumulation of wealth without considering the means.

In Kenya's case it seems we have set an enviable precedent that encourages accumulation of wealth through political leadership positions.

Otherwise why would a parliamentary candidate spend 33 million Kenya shillings to fight for a parliamentary seat where he will only earn shs 0.5 million per month???

Watch this space.......

1 comment:

  1. I've actually done some calculation the total salary comes to about 30 million in the five years in parliament. Considering inflatyion, a huge loss. So ill Kenyan MPs tell us what is goin on?


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