Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Thursday, May 12, 2005

My encounter with Lucy Kibaki

All her life, those who have known Lucy are fully aware of her true character. She thrives on causing scenes and she does not care who is there and who it is she is standing up to.

In the mid 1980s while working at a building called Waumini Anexe, we were all disturbed by a commotion coming from a shop downstairs. There was a woman screaming at the top of her voice.

We all rushed down into this small Asian man’s shop situated within Westlands Arcade, to see a small shoddily dressed woman screaming at the top of her voice. Yes, the first lady improved her dressing only after we elected her husband into office. If you don’t believe it, check out pictures of her in newspapers in late December 2002.

It turned out that the lady was Lucy Kibaki and she had been upset because the watchman employed to look out for shop lifters was following her around too closely. She was upset at being mistaken for a shop lifter, or so she claimed.

The first lady’s character is a national issue because she should set a good example. Do you want your small daughter to grow up knowing that it is okay to cause a scene when she feels like it?

We did not elect Lucy. We elected her husband as our President and the big question on all our minds now is this...

Can a man who is not able to bring order to his own household, bring order in Kenya and solve the many pressing problems facing Kenyans?

1 comment:

  1. As much as a man would like to bring order in the family. As a woman i can decide to act so that the public can know i exists. Sorry for i would still give my vote if elections were to be repeated. What would you have written if tis was not happening


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