Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

DP Ruto: The Shocking Things His Foot Soldiers Are Saying

The clearest indicator yet, that there is a big danger of the UNTHINKABLE happening so that we end up with a JUBILEE without Ruto, came on Sunday afternoon.

A very curious highly political meeting took place at a small butchery in Dagoretti corner, Nairobi called Jojen that seems to confirm what we have been saying in Club595 that there is a BIG crisis brewing. (watch the video above to see a photograph taken inside the said butchery).

If you look at the photograph carefully you will note that some kind of negotiation is going on. I can give you the added tip that Johnson Sakaja who is seated right next to Ruto has been a close ally of the president for a long time. Right from the days Uhuru was Finance minister.

Folks this was no simple nyama choma session as those in the photograph may want us to believe.

But what was being discussed? Why didn't the meeting take place in the privacy of Ruto's Karen home? What impact will what was being discussed here have in the fortcoming general elections? What is William Ruto really up to? What is his game plan for the 2017 polls? One strategy to quickly read the mind of a politician is to carefully read between the lines of what their foot soldiers are saying. Well, a Ruto ally had an earth-shaking revelation to make at the Coast over the weekend. It was reported in a small corner of the daily press yesterday. BUT clearly we all missed its' significance and the game-changing revelation that small prouncement had.

Catch it all in a report I have just published in Club595 and Club895 just a short while ago.