Ruto jitters: Is Raila really back? | Kenya news

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Smiling Wako: Face and Lips of Retarded Kenya

He is the wearer of that poisonous smile. Wait a minute, his must be a case of mistaking short lips and long teeth for a permanent grin. Amos Wako is one lawyer who epitomizes everything rotten about Kenya. Perfecting typical Kenyan deception, Wako crafted an impressive CV abroad in the UN circles as a champion of human rights. Well back home, the less said about the longest serving Kenya’s AG the better.

Now Wako has granted fraudulent MPs a lifeline to wax sensitive and patriotic by refusing pay hike for so-called constitutional office bearers. The whole charade leaves you wondering whether anybody holding office unconstitutionally should not be arrested. But again this is Kenya where anything goes.

All that facade about generous pay for constitutional office holders to stop them from corruption temptation is one kite that cannot take flight no matter the intensity of the wind. Look no further, just ask one Aaron Ringera to justify his pay check besides the penchant to serially quote Shakespearean.

In seeking obscene pay rise for judicial officials, Wako has unwittingly handed the scoundrels masquerading as leaders the plastic moral torch which they have seized with glee as a convenient cover for their hitherto selfishness.

Wako is the singular face that captures everything wrong with Kenya. He waxes lyrical and legalistic all loaded with no sensitivity nor relevance to the Kenyan people. And the gatekeepers know him better in partnering with him to defraud us more drawing from his vast expertise in LEGAL FLEECING.

No enemy can be ever as devastating as him who operates from within armed with all the experience to cheat any right cause. It must be the curse of a fake smile.